The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 397 Tan Zongming is tired

Everyone has a face.

People who have pursuits are even more shameless.

Is Wang Baichuan a pursuer?

He plays so much to express himself, obviously he is.

So he needs to be shameless, especially as an actor. For the sake of fan value, he can't kneel down and lick like crazy without any moral integrity or limits.

But he just did it.

What does this mean?

In fact, this is a very simple question. You can get the answer by comparing your feelings with yourselves.

Su Yi felt that if he knelt and licked someone crazily today - that person would definitely end badly.

I have to kill you to prove that I was just enduring humiliation by licking you before.

If you are still alive and well, doesn't it mean that I am just licking you?

This is not okay, I can’t even get over this in my own mind.

"It would be fine if this person just licked you to look at you, but after he licked yours, he came to lick mine." Su Yi sighed.

"Wait!" Tan Zongming's eyes widened and he called Su Yi to stop.

"What?" Su Yi was confused.

"Damn it, what you just said made a picture appear in my mind..." Tan Zongming said in a strange tone.


What's the excitement in your words?

Something's wrong with you!

Su Yi resisted the urge to hang up the phone and continued: "In short, this person is definitely plotting against you, and he is plotting against me. He plays too many tricks. Players who forcefully add drama to themselves usually have big plans."

"What does he want? What can he want?" Tan Zongming asked.

"If I could guess everything, then I would be a god." Su Yi said.

"Even if he wants us, what can he do to us?" Tan Zongming still can't figure it out, "We have such a huge advantage, and he has no chance at all."

"Have you forgotten how you were overturned last time?" Su Yi said lightly.

"...Hit someone without slapping someone in the face!" Tan Zongming yelled with some embarrassment, "Besides, this time is different from last time, and it's not an actor's book for confrontation."

"No confrontation does not mean there is no competition." Su Yi said, "As long as there is competition, there is danger. Even if we actors have no ill intentions towards each other, sometimes we will inevitably hurt each other."

After a pause, Su Yi gave an example: "I can guess now that Zhao Qiping's head will be buzzing when he sees Qu Xiaoxiao. He didn't do anything..."

"Haha, it's true!" Tan Zongming couldn't help laughing when he thought of that scene.

Qu Xiaoxiao's affection for Su Yi could not be hidden from the two veteran drivers.

So when Qu Xiaoxiao meets Zhao Qiping again, will she still fall in love at first sight?

I'm afraid it's not optimistic.

"Anyway, the man is now under your control." Su Yi said with a smile, "It's your business to deal with him. Whether it's peace or fight, it's up to you. But I want to remind you that this kind of condition that is humiliating the country and losing power is up to you. Everyone agrees, he may not have any trump cards."

"Okay, I get it." Tan Zongming sighed, "It's really troublesome."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi here briefly recalled the conversation just now, couldn't help but smile and shook his head, muttering to himself: "They should not be in the same group, it depends on how you choose."

On the other side, Tan Zongming couldn't figure it out for a long time, so he simply took out a pen and paper to write and draw.

When the three pieces of paper were filled to the brim, Tan Zongming bit the end of his pen, his eyes suddenly widened in horror, and he took a deep breath.


Then he hurriedly called Su Yi again.

The phone rang several times before the other side picked up.

"What's wrong? Boss Tan?" Su Yi's voice sounded dissatisfied.

But Tan Zongming doesn't care about that much at the moment.

"I'll give you a look and see if that's the case." He said straight to the point. "You just said that competition brings danger, so you won't completely trust me when we cooperate, right?"

Then he asked himself: "This is nonsense, for sure, and I don't dare to trust you completely."

"I suddenly added Wang Baichuan to the dinner party. With your caution, you will definitely suspect that I want to use him to do something, right?" Tan Zongming continued: "Oh, I am also out of my mind. , knowing that you are an old silver coin, yet still engaging in such extraneous things to misunderstand you."

Su Yi was very happy when he heard this: "Brother Tutu, I hear this, are you planning to be honest with me?"

"Honest! Absolutely honest!" Tan Zongming said, "I had no intention of playing tricks on you in the first place. I am selfless and generous in my heart!"

"I'll go on, don't interrupt me." He continued, "So this Wang Baichuan first persuaded you to drink, and then instigated Qu Xiaoxiao to drink with you. Your reaction was quite extreme. I'm still surprised, you This person's style of doing things has never been traceable, but when he persuaded you to drink, you refused too decisively; Qu Xiaoxiao wanted to have a drink with you, so you confessed your love to Qiu Yingying directly. This is not like you who moisturize things quietly. Old silver coin style…”

"Hey, hey, if you bite another old silver coin, I'll hang up!" Su Yi interrupted dissatisfied.

"Okay, old military advisor, can we call it the head office?" Tan Zongming said, "What did you say about me?"

"Speaking of it, I confessed to Qiu Yingying directly." Su Yi reminded with a smile. Tan Zongming's call surprised him, but he was happy to hear such candid disclosure.

"Yes, you are overreacting." Tan Zongming said, "If you don't drink when I try to persuade you, just explain a few more words; if I ask you to have a drink, you can find any excuse to excuse it. But you just... Change your low profile, you seem to be stimulated, you are so high profile!"

"I'm damn stupid. I only realized it now when I think about it. You thought that Wang Baichuan and I were on the same team at the time, so you must be decisive and straightforward in dealing with it, without any delay."

"Later I mentioned the investment in Wang Baichuan again. Good guy, you just wiped out Wang Baichuan's internal treasury and made him lose face." Tan Zongming continued, "I really can't figure it out, what are you doing? As for it?"

"Even if you don't cooperate, there's no reason to break up, right?"

"And you analyzed a lot with me, saying how dangerous Wang Baichuan is, which seems to explain your sudden attack. But I saw with my own eyes how you won the last book. No matter how dangerous Wang Baichuan is, I don't believe you will Does he take it seriously?"

"Even if he is Gou Jian, you are Qin Shihuang who is sweeping across the world, old military counselor! Are you afraid of him?"

"Strategically, you can despise the enemy, but tactically you must pay attention to your opponent." Su Yi said, "Also, don't talk like an old military advisor."

"Okay, old military advisor." Tan Zongming continued, "Yes, I believe that most of your analysis of Wang Baichuan is true. I also know that there is one thing that you are absolutely sure about Wang Baichuan. He is sure to go there." Drill in your condom."

"Why did you get into my condom?" Su Yi said, "I usually don't wear it."

"Stop driving!" Tan Zongming said, "You damaged him to the point of being worthless, and then suggested that he come to work in my company. You also led me to tell Wang Baichuan the same thing. Wang Baichuan is indeed harboring evil intentions as you thought. He directly agreed to become my subordinate, he is indeed able to bear the humiliation and bear the heavy burden."

"But because of your reminder to me, his humiliation and bearing the burden became a joke! At this time, you seemed to be standing aside and told me whether to beat him or live in peace with him, it is up to me to decide. Old military advisor, this is a trap Ah! You want to trap me and kill me!"

Speaking of this, Tan Zongming couldn't help but get excited.

"This Wang Baichuan is an ambitious man. You brought him under my control and told me to do whatever I want with him?"

"I really believe you! If I really cooperated with you, I wouldn't need to use Wang Baichuan at all. There is no place where I can use him. The two of us combined will be invincible."

"If I use him, it can only mean one thing, and that is that I actually want to join forces with Wang Baichuan to punish you behind your back!"

"On the contrary, if I don't use Wang Baichuan, it means that I haven't thought about cooperating with anyone other than you. It also means that I am still very honest with you. You can feel more at ease with me."

"You are not testing Wang Baichuan at all. Your ultimate goal is to test me! You are testing whether I am sincerely cooperating with you and whether I will harm you!"


"Just say it is right!"

Although Tan Zongming's expression could not be clearly seen through the phone, Su Yi could imagine that Tan Zongming's last question must have been shouted while waving his arms.

He couldn't help but laugh, but the child was very excited.

However, he likes this kind of communication.

At least this kind of communication is effective and sufficient to convey each other's true attitudes.

"Yes, I admit that I asked Wang Baichuan to go to your company just to test you." Su Yi said with a smile, "If you kill this person, I will continue to cooperate with you frankly. If you lead him as a Right-hand man, sorry, you are my enemy."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time before Tan Zongming murmured tremblingly: "I knew it, I knew it..."

"Brother Tutu, I am a cautious person, and it is inevitable that I am not generous enough. Please bear with me on this point." Su Yi said with a smile, "But having said that, we were just about to start cooperation, and you turned around and pulled Wang Baichuan In the game, to break the balance we haven't established yet, you said I doubted you and tested you, isn't it because you caused this first, and I just reacted passively?"

"I'm such a fool!" Tan Zongming sighed, "You said, if I really have an ulterior motive and you expose me, forget it. But I really didn't think about it that much! Wang Baichuan called me and begged me to take him with me. , I told you because I wanted to unite most people, but you misunderstood me, how unjust I am?"

"Actually, it's not an injustice." Su Yi smiled, "Even if you are innocent now, when you find out that you and Wang Baichuan can join forces to bring down me, do you think you won't do this?"

"I speak of credibility and principles!" Tan Zongming immediately retorted, "You are trying to judge a gentleman with a villain's heart!"

"Haha..." Su Yi smiled, "As long as you are happy."

"..." Tan Zongming suddenly became frustrated, "Well, if that happens, I might really want to hurt you."

"Sometimes people change things in this world, but more often than not, things change people." Su Yi said, "As the saying goes, people are in the world and can't help themselves. If one day you stick your butt out in the right way, , I can’t guarantee that I won’t hold back from kicking you. So you don’t have to worry about it.”

"Alas..." Tan Zongming sighed, "Brother Bai - no, I call you Master Bai! Now that this matter has developed now, you don't still think that I have evil intentions towards you, right?"

"Even if you are sincere to me one second, you may not be able to do so the next second." Su Yi said, "You must not have the intention of harming others, and you must have the intention of guarding against others. Brother Tutu, be more careful between people. In fact, this is a healthy way to get along. Unreserved trust often leads to extreme results."

"You guard against this and that. Are you tired of living?" Tan Zongming said.

"What's so tiring about this?" Su Yi laughed dumbly, "It's just that I think a little more when something happens. I'm guarding against things, not people."

Tan Zongming suddenly became energetic: "So, you don't suspect that there is something wrong with me as a person? You just suspect that I may be disadvantageous to you under certain circumstances?"

"You can say that." Su Yi said, "But the communication just now has allowed me to know more about you, and my defense against you will definitely weaken."

"Then I'm really honored, thank you!" Tan Zongming said sarcastically.

"Wang Baichuan..." Tan Zongming couldn't help but sigh, "Master Bai, if this person were you, how would you deal with it?"

"Brother Tutu, if I give you advice and you follow it, how do you know if I am cheating you?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"You really don't want to trick me, do you?" Tan Zongming's head was about to explode.

"Haha, so follow your heart and do it. Deal with it how you want to deal with it, without any interference." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, I'm really afraid of you," Tan Zongming sighed, "But I don't dare to terminate cooperation with you. At least we can still be allies if we cooperate, but if we don't cooperate, we are nothing. Then I'm more dangerous."

"Hahaha..." Su Yi couldn't help laughing, "Brother Tutu, you think of me as a scourge, which is not good. If you are so afraid of me, you will inevitably be on guard. Over time, you will inevitably become distrustful, and finally become enemy."

"Fuck..." Tan Zongming wanted to curse, "No matter what I do, it's not right, is it?"

"Okay, okay, I won't tell you anymore. My mind is too messed up. I have to think carefully." Tan Zongming said, "Master Bai, let me ask one last question, do you think I am worth it now in this situation?" Do you trust me?"

"What do you think?" Su Yi laughed and hung up the phone.

He was looking forward to seeing how Tan Zongming dealt with Wang Baichuan.

On the other side, after Tan Zongming hung up the phone, he was in a daze for a while. He dialed a phone call with a long sigh and said in frustration: "Hey, don't worry about Lin Jing's affairs, and don't have any contact with this person. Clean up all traces. Take it all back. Don’t ask why, just do it!”

After hanging up the phone, Tan Zongming thought blankly for a while.

Finally, he slumped his shoulders, sighed and shook his head: "Forget it, forget it, I give in, I give in completely..."

While making another call.

"Hey, don't check Bai Muyang's background. Treat the money you spent as wasted. Everyone withdraws. Just pretend this never happened. And that Liu Ming, don't check him. No one wants him. Check it! That’s it, I’m tired..."



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