The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 427 Caught on the spot

What kind of person do conspirators fear the most?

There are two types.

One is life-threatening, and the other is prone to overturning tables.

Because no matter how good the plan is, it must follow the most basic rules and logic to form a system. People who overturn tables and risk their lives often ignore rules and logic.

When it comes to Tan Zongming's transfer of shares, it can be said that he has done both.

This move killed the master with random punches and made Lin Jing very passive.

The shareholders meeting fell into deathly silence.

Lin Jing bribed almost all the small shareholders present, and everyone was about to divide the spoils, but Tan Zongming directly took the salary from the bottom of the cauldron, leaving everyone to just stare.

This is very embarrassing.

No one can stop Tan Zongming and Andy from signing this agreement. Any obstruction at this time is meaningless, even if the agreement is torn up on the spot.

The only one who can refuse Tan Zongming is Andy.

And will Andy reject him?

At this moment, Andy was extremely shocked.

Unlike Tan Zongming, Lin Jing and others, in this world, they do not take money too seriously. But Andy is different. She is a native aboriginal. In her eyes, or even in the eyes of anyone in this world, it takes a lot of courage and courage to hand over such a large amount of wealth!

This is a share worth billions!

No one knows what kind of inner storm Andy went through.

After a long time, Andy took the pen from Tan Zongming's hand and signed his name on the agreement with a solemn expression.

Tan Zongming burst out laughing when he saw this!

"Okay! Now I feel at ease and comfortable." Tan Zongming clapped his hands and laughed, his laughter full of pride, like a child who had just successfully played a prank.

He looked around with contempt in his eyes: "Now, you can propose to fire me!"

"But, that must be without me being present!"

He put his hands behind his hands and walked toward the door.

"Look up to the sky and go out laughing. How can we be from Penghao?" He walked with his head held high, so cool and unrestrained.

However, at this moment, the door to the conference room suddenly opened wide!

Su Yi stood outside the door and happened to meet Tan Zongming face to face.

Behind Su Yi stood a man in a black suit and a group of heavily armed special police officers.

This scene made the smile on Tan Zongming's face freeze for an instant, as if the words on his lips were suddenly cut off, and his whole body froze in place.

He looked at Su Yi and then at the policeman behind Su Yi, and cold sweat broke out in an instant.

"Fuck..." he said tremblingly, "You don't have to be so cruel, do you?"

"Pfft..." Andy laughed all of a sudden.

No one noticed that there was something different in the way she looked at Tan Zongming.

Su Yi stared at Tan Zongming expressionlessly for a while and said, "You're blocking my way."

Tan Zongming was at a loss.

But now in the conference room, Lin Jing's expression had completely changed, and his heart was in turmoil!

How can it be!

How can it be!

His heart was roaring and he couldn't believe his eyes and ears!

"How could Bai Muyang survive?"

He used chlorine trifluoride to ensure that as long as Su Yi was in the underground garage and the "chlorine trifluoride" he prepared was detonated, Su Yi would have no chance of surviving!

And he watched Su Yi's car drive into the underground garage with his own eyes, and he also saw the explosion and fire in the underground garage.

But now, Su Yi was standing in front of him alive and unscathed!

How can this be?

"Who is this person?" At this moment, Wei Wei on the side realized something was wrong and hurriedly asked Lin Jing, "Why did he bring the police here!"

He didn't know Su Yi, but he sensed the danger.

Before Lin Jing could reply with a gloomy face, Su Yi, who was impatient over there, pointed to Lin Jing in the field from a distance and said, "He is Lin Jing."

A special police officer behind Su Yi immediately waved his hand: "Arrest him!"


Two special police officers swarmed forward, pushed Lin Jing down on the table as he was about to stand up, and put a mask on him.

This movement shocked everyone, and they looked at this scene in disbelief.

Everyone was stunned and couldn't react. Even Andy was a little dazed and looked at Su Yi in confusion.

Until now, Andy still doesn't know what happened to Su Yi.

Su Yi called her before she met Lin Jing and told her to let everything take its course and not to worry.

Su Yi also told Andy that her brother had been rescued.

This is the second thing Su Yi asked Yao Bin to do. Although Lin Jing was very cautious when doing this, it was not without loopholes.

If the ordinary police were to pursue the case, Lin Jing would have succeeded in his purpose and let the person go before he could find the person. In the end, the matter would have to go undisturbed.

But Su Yi's background meant that this matter couldn't become an ordinary criminal kidnapping case. As soon as Yao Bin reported it to the person behind the scenes, the matter was resolved in only seventeen hours.

Therefore, Lin Jing's plan to threaten Andy has already failed, but he doesn't know it yet.

Andy was confident in her heart, so she was naturally not afraid. She followed Su Yi's advice and planned to wait and see what happened, waiting for the critical moment before expressing her stance, and enjoyed Lin Jing's angry look.

But what Andy didn't expect was that Tan Zongming would actually transfer his shares!

It is no exaggeration to say that Tan Zongming today has subverted all her previous understanding of this person and caused huge ripples in her heart.

She could have not signed the transfer agreement. She could have told Tan Zongming on the spot that there was nothing to worry about and everything was under control.

But she signed it by mistake. She wanted to know what Tan Zongming would think of her and what he would do after knowing all the truth.

On the other side, Lin Jing, who was being held by the police, fell into complete despair.

He knew he was doomed.

He knew what he had done, and now that Su Yi was alive, he was completely done with it, and there was no chance of him turning around!

It's just that he doesn't understand, and he can't figure it out. Although his plan is not perfect, it is careful enough. Why? Why did he get such a result?

He guessed wrongly about people's hearts. He couldn't guess that Andy and Guan Ju'er chose to tell Su Yi the truth. Su Yi didn't say he was unintentional versus intentional, but had already responded.

One wrong step, one wrong step after another, but in fact he did not lose unjustly.

The man in the black suit who followed Su Yilai took a step forward, looked around, and said, "Except for Mr. Tan Zongming and Ms. Andy, take everyone else away."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked!

"Officer, can I ask why?" Wei Wei was the first to be anxious, "For what reason do you want to take us away? Are you arresting us or assisting in the investigation? We have the right to know!"

The man in the black suit glanced at him lightly and said, "It's not to assist in the investigation, it's to arrest!"

While talking, a group of special police officers swarmed in and handcuffed everyone.

"You have no right to do this! Why do you arrest people!"

"Let me go! Let me go! It's lawless, you are simply lawless!"

"I want to file a complaint against you! I know your chief, and I must file a complaint against you and take off your police uniform!"

There were constant shouts and curses at the scene, but the SWAT officers didn't care at all and quickly put handcuffs on everyone.

Tan Zongming looked at this scene with dull eyes, and he had begun to realize that something was wrong.

He swallowed hard, took two steps back calmly, and hid behind the door.

"Quiet!" The black suit shouted sharply.

After the scene returned to silence, he looked around and shouted coldly: "I am a special agent of the XX department. My work number and name are kept confidential. This is my work ID."

He showed an ID.

"According to the rights granted to me by our country's laws, I have the right to arrest the suspects I identify at any time and anywhere without threatening the safety of other people." said the black suit, "I now suspect that you are not the same as half an hour ago. It is related to a major terrorist attack of a particularly egregious nature that resulted in the deaths of twenty-three people. All of you have been arrested!"

"take away!"

With a wave of his hand in the black suit, the SWAT officers immediately escorted everyone out.

Some people were still struggling and yelling, but they were carried out like a chicken. The SWAT police didn't care at all.

After everyone went out, the black suit turned around and stretched out his hand to Su Yi and said seriously: "Mr. Bai, I hope you can handle the matter at hand as soon as possible and come as soon as possible to record a confession. According to the regulations, you should follow We left together, and it is an extraordinary exception for you to stay and deal with your own personal matters."

"Okay, I'll do it as soon as possible." Su Yi said.

"That's good." The black suit nodded to him, "I will leave a group of people to protect you. This is a necessary procedure."

"Okay." Su Yi nodded to express understanding.

The black suit hurried away quickly, leaving only Su Yi, Tan Zongming and Andy in the huge conference room.

It was a mess when you came on stage and I came out, but now it is completely white and completely clean.

Su Yi smiled at Andy, took a few steps forward and sat on a chair casually.

Andy seemed to be about to ask something. Su Yi shook his head at her and said with a smile: "I have to give Yingying a call. I didn't bother to contact her just now. She must be very anxious."

Andy was silent for a moment and said, "Okay, Lao Tan and I will go out first. After you finish making the call, you can ask us to come in."

Su Yi smiled and nodded. He glanced casually for a week and then was startled and said, "Where is Lao Tan?"

Andy glanced at it and was also stunned.

Yes, why is Lao Tan missing?

"I'll go out and look for him." Andy said, "You call first."

"Ahem, cough, no need to look for it." Tan Zongming walked out from behind the door while stroking his chin, his eyes wandering, "What about that, I'll go out first, Brother Yang, you talk to your sister-in-law first."

After that, he walked out dejectedly. How could he still have the half-hearted sense of "going out with a big smile on his face"?

A smile flashed in Andy's eyes, and he followed out and closed the door.

Su Yi dialed Qiu Yingying's number.

"Hello? Yingying, it's me."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and then a cry came from the phone: "Where have you gone! Do you know, I'm so anxious! Woohoo..."

Su Yi smiled and started chatting with Qiu Yingying in a gentle voice.

Outside the room, as soon as Andy went out, Tan Zongming immediately grabbed her and left.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Andy shuddered and subconsciously wanted to break free.

She dislikes physical contact the most, and Tan Zongming has always known this.

But now, Tan Zongming can't care about anything.

Andy struggled a few times to no avail, so he just endured the discomfort.

She was pulled by Tan Zongming to an empty office, and Tan Zongming let go of her.

After rubbing his face vigorously and taking a few deep breaths, Tan Zongming said with a serious face: "Come on! Hit me!"

Andy was confused: "Hit you? Why should I hit you?"

Tan Zongming sighed: "Let me ask you, do Lin Jing's group of people have nothing to do with Bai Muyang?"

"Yes." Andy nodded.

Tan Zongming covered his chest with exaggerated pain on his face: "This is a blow."

Andy looked a little funny and said, "Then you will have to go through too many blows."

"Come on, I'm ready." Tan Zongming said tragically, "Andy, throw the facts in my face and tell me how stupid and paranoid I am."

"You are paranoid, but you are far from stupid." Andy smiled, "Actually, thinking about it now, if I were in your shoes, maybe I would be the same as you."

"You don't need to comfort me." Tan Zongming sighed, "It turns out that you have always believed in him. Even if I told you how dangerous he is, you still insist on your own opinion. You have a better vision than me. A hundred times."

"I don't know why you are so prejudiced against Xiaobai." Andy said, "Maybe you are used to being aloof. When someone can control your life, you will be full of vigilance and discomfort."

Tan Zongming shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Forget it, let me ask you to answer." Tan Zongming looked at Andy, "Andy, can you tell me everything you know about everything that happened today?"

"I actually don't know much." Andy said, "And there are some things that I haven't decided whether to tell you yet. But about Xiaobai, what I can tell you is that I told you about my brother. He, he judged that the people who kidnapped my brother were Lin Jing and the others. Not long ago, before Lin Jing threatened me, he called me to tell me that my brother had been rescued by him and was in Jinzhou, and was now being transported to Jinzhou. Come back to the Demon City."

After a pause, Andy continued: "As for why the police arrested them, I don't know. What the police just said about a terrorist attack..."

At this point, Andy suddenly seemed to remember something, and hurriedly took out her phone to check. She soon saw the latest local news, and her eyes suddenly showed an extremely shocked look.

"I think I know the reason. Look at this!" Andy handed the phone to Tan Zongming to see, "This building is the office building where the company where Xiaoqiu and Xiaobai work is located!"

Tan Zongming took it and took a look. The news title was - "Breaking news: A fire broke out in an office building in this city, causing many casualties."

Tan Zongming was also shocked.

Compared to Andy, he immediately guessed that this must be Lin Jing's handiwork.

There was a deep chill and extreme fear in his heart.

This is a love drama, but Lin Jing and the others not only play it so dirty, but also play it so hard. Is this the case?

He couldn't figure it out, but he knew that if the target of this attack was him, would he be able to escape it?

He has absolutely no confidence in himself!

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