For nine days in the twelfth lunar month of winter, thousands of miles are covered with ice and thousands of miles of snow drifts.

The thirty-four-member bandit suppression team meandered over the rolling ice fields.

It is now 10:30 in the morning. After leaving the base area, the team has been marching for more than three hours.

Not only Su Yi, but everyone underestimated the severe cold in the northeastern sky during the twelfth lunar month.

The cold wind is as sharp as a knife, and the snow is as heavy as goose feathers. Now everyone knows that the adjectives used in previous articles are actually real feelings, so cruel.

He was obviously wearing thick cotton clothes, but it felt like he was standing naked in icy water.

The howling wind swept up large snowflakes and kept hitting people's faces and bodies. It was like a bone-piercing knife, and the blows were painful.

According to the original plan, the team would arrive at its first destination, Nangang Village, at 9:30.

But it's half past ten now.

In addition to the wind and snow that made the mountain road extremely difficult to walk, there was also a section in the middle of the mountain where I went astray in the deep mountains and old forests, resulting in an unnecessary walk of three miles.

This responsibility is not only the responsibility of the first team responsible for reconnaissance and pathfinding, but also the responsibility of Su Yi. After all, he is the first officer of the team.

"Chief, chief!"

Su Yi was immersed in moving forward with the team when Bai Ru caught up from behind and stopped him.

Su Yi turned around and saw Bai Ru pointing behind with a panicked face: "No, it's not good!"

Su Yi's heart suddenly sank.

He followed Bai Ru to the scene of the accident, pushed aside the onlookers, and saw a team member lying on the snow with a black face and no sound.

"It was severe hypothermia." A member of the onlookers said solemnly, "He suddenly collapsed just as he was walking. By the time the little white pigeon came over, he was already gone... It was too late to save him."

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault..." There were tears in Bai Ru's eyes, "When I asked him if he had anything wrong, I noticed something was wrong with his face, but I didn't take it seriously..."

"Don't cry!" Su Yi shouted sternly, "Crying will only accelerate the loss of heat in your body!"

Bai Ru took a big breath and forced to stop her sad emotions.

Su Yi stared at the frozen body, was silent for a moment, and said: "Ma Baojun, dig a hole in the snow first, bury him on the spot, and mark it. When we go back, we will take his body back to the base." .”

"Yes!" Ma Baojun took the order and called two people for help.

"Ma De, how did a group conduct reconnaissance? What did Sun Dade do for food?" Liu Xuncang scolded angrily, "If he hadn't led the wrong way before, we would have arrived at Nangang! It's better now. We walked in the wilderness for more than an hour. , killed a brother in vain!"

"That's right, if he had made the right move before, he wouldn't have died!" someone said sadly.

"Shut up!" Su Yi scolded.

Of course Sundade was at fault, but he cannot bear the blame alone.

This is the first time for everyone to march in such extremely bad weather, and it is also the first time for everyone to come to this place. If Sundade had been replaced, it is very likely that anyone would get lost.

Su Yi could not let Liu Xuncang direct his grievances towards Sun Dade. His subordinates could fight, but they could not maliciously slander or frame him. Otherwise, if the team's morale was damaged, the consequences would not be what Su Yi wanted to see.

"What do you think we are doing? We are marching and fighting!" Su Yi scolded, "From the moment we walked out of the base area, we entered a combat state! In a combat state, sacrifice is inevitable! Isn't it true that every time a comrade-in-arms is killed? Sacrifice, do we all have to find someone to take the blame and let him take responsibility?"

"Captain, I didn't mean that." Liu Xuncang explained hurriedly.

"When it comes to responsibility, I have the biggest responsibility." Su Yi said slightly calmer, "But now is not the time to hold people accountable, but to prevent such a tragedy from happening again."

He looked around and raised his voice: "Zhang Quanfu!"

"Here!" a team member shouted.

"You are responsible for giving everyone another drink!" Su Yi said, "From now on, no matter who you are, if you can't stand the cold, don't show off. Don't think that you can get through it if you persist. You must find Bai Ru. Notify her and ask her to confirm your physical condition. What happened just now must not happen again. Do you understand?"


"Chief! Chief!"

Just as he finished speaking, a team member from the front shouted anxiously and ran towards this side.

They are a group of team members responsible for reconnaissance at the front.

When the team member arrived, they first looked at the frozen man in shock, and then immediately said to Su Yi in a hurry: "Chief, when Hu Dashan was exploring the road, he accidentally fell into a trap, and he died on the spot. Sun The team leader took people to patrol the surrounding areas to investigate the situation, and he asked me to come over quickly and report the situation to you."

Another death...

Su Yi's heart was squeezed hard.

The team had just set off, and they didn't even see the enemy. They lost two team members due to combat!

This made everyone present feel worried and looked heavy and confused.

Su Yi truly felt that the morale of the team dropped to freezing point at this moment.

If bandits suddenly come out at this time, this small team will definitely collapse at the first touch.

He rubbed his face vigorously and said, "Take me to see it!"

When we reached the ravine ahead, we saw a narrow road with hillsides on both sides, and a large pit sunk deep into it.

The pit was about four meters deep and filled with sharpened sticks.

One team member had his body pierced by four or five wooden sticks at the same time. His body was twisted into a weird angle and he was lying in the trap.

The blood flowed down the sticks and turned into ice.

People cannot die anymore.

Bai Ru covered her mouth, tears about to burst out of her eyes again.

"This is a road for people to walk on. Are you digging traps here just to harm people?" one of the team members screamed angrily.

"We must find the person who dug the trap! Take revenge on Lao Hu!"

"That's right, people can't die in vain!"

Every team member felt sad that the rabbit was dead and the fox was dead.

"Get the people out first." Su Yi sighed, turned around and ordered, "Let Sun Dade come to see me."


Two team members died in succession, and the team could no longer move on.

In the wind and snow, everyone took a sip of wine to keep warm, found a windless place, gathered some dry firewood, and started a fire.

After a while, Sundade came.

"Chief, the trap should not be aimed at us." Sundade reported in a deep voice, "We looked everywhere and there was no one. This trap should have been dug by bandits in the nearby mountains to trap passers-by. According to my guess, they We should go down the mountain regularly to check, and if anyone is cheated, take away the property from the dead person.”

"Mader, you are worse than a beast!" Some team members heard this and their eyes were splitting.

This is too cruel. In the eyes of these bandits, human life is no different than that of animals.

"Chief, we must not let Hu Dashan die in vain!" Sun Dade said solemnly, "We must avenge this!"

"That's right! Team Leader Sun is right!"

"Chief, take revenge! We want revenge!"

The crowd was furious.

Except for Bai Ru, everyone is an actor. Everyone faces everything in this world with a detached attitude.

They could accept a heroic sacrifice in a frontal battle, but this cruel way of death made everyone feel unworthy and angry.

"Revenge? How?" Liu Xuncang threw cold water, "Where are we going to find the person who set the trap? Who knows who set the trap?"

"Those bastards have set this trap, they must come down to check," someone said, "We wait here, we will definitely wait for someone!"

"Do you know when he will come down to check?" Another person immediately retorted, "What if he doesn't come down in the past few days? Besides, how can we just wait and see in this ice and snow? We will freeze to death before anyone comes down. !”

"Then what should we do? Do we really want Old Hu to die in vain?"

"Stop arguing!" Su Yi scolded, looked around and said: "This is not far from Nangang. Based on the strength of the bandits, this can be regarded as the territory of Naitoushan Xu Damabang. Although I don't know the specifics of this trap. Some bandit set it up, but it must be someone from Xu Damabang!"

"Of course Hu Dashan's revenge must be avenged!" Su Yi's eyes turned stern, "Of course the blood debt must be paid with blood! Don't forget what we are here for! If Old Hu dies alone, we will kill everyone in Tooushan , they were all buried with him!"

As soon as these words came out, someone immediately raised their arms and shouted: "Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!"

Hatred and fear finally turned into blood, everyone raised their arms and shouted wildly, and morale finally rose again.

Su Yi looked at this scene with satisfaction.

Of course he knew that this was only temporary. Once he faced the bandits, many people would not remember the hatred at this time.

But the hatred at this moment was enough to support everyone to walk out of the ice field and arrive at Nangang.

that's enough.

"Sun Dade, if we can't reach Nangang within half an hour, you, the team leader, should stop working!" Su Yi gave Sun Dade an ultimatum.

Sundade's face suddenly became stern and he solemnly said: "Chief, I promise to complete the mission!"

The two sacrificed team members were buried on the spot and marked, and the team continued on the road.

The pace of the march has increased, and everyone's spirits have improved a lot.

At eleven o'clock, the wind and snow subsided a little, and Nangang Village was already in sight.

However, what surprised everyone was that there were thick smoke billowing from several places in the village, as if there was a fire.

Of course it is impossible for several houses in a village to catch fire at the same time. The only possibility is that someone deliberately set the fire!

Who would set fire to a villager's house?


Only bandits!

At this moment, everyone became nervous.

Su Yi took a deep breath, with thoughts running through his mind. He first took out his telescope and observed for a while, but apart from the ruins of the walls and the corpses lying on the snow, he could not see any living people.

"Sundade, take your people in from the east road and stay hidden. The snipers will find the commanding heights in advance. Once they see the bandits, fire immediately!" Su Yi suddenly ordered decisively.


"Liu Xuncang, take your people down the hillside at the west end of the village. Once Sundade opens fire, speed up and enter the village, and attack with a group from the front and back to annihilate the enemy!"


"Ma Baojun, your people spread out and ambush in several nearby hills. Once any bandits escape, kill them immediately. Don't let anyone slip through the net!"



Su Yi clapped his hands: "Action!"

The three team leaders and their people immediately dispersed, leaving only Su Yi and Bai Ru.

At this time, Bai Ru had already taken out her gun and was standing beside Su Yi cautiously. Seeing Su Yi turn around, she immediately said: "Chief, don't worry, I will definitely protect you!"

"Just protect yourself." Su Yi said. He walked behind a tree and then used a telescope to observe the village burning with wildfire not far away. He said quietly, "Look at the fire, it looks like it has been burning for a while. If I If my guess is correct, the bandits should have left long ago."

Su Yi was indeed right.

After a while, Sun Dade, who was the first to enter the village, waved the red flag in this direction. Click it vertically three times and once horizontally to indicate it is safe and you can come over.

"The alert is lifted, let's go." Su Yi sighed and put away the binoculars and gun tunnel.

Soon, all thirty-three members of the bandit suppression team gathered at the east end of the village.

Bodies everywhere, blood everywhere!

Some were killed while running, some were executed while kneeling, some died on the way to the charge holding hoes or sticks, others were decapitated, and their headless corpses were planted upside down in the fire.

There was a woman whose naked body was red and in a mess. It was too miserable to look at.

This is definitely not the human world, this must be hell!

It's so tragic, this place has experienced an inhumane massacre!

Everyone's heart was filled with shock and anger. No one spoke. The team members spontaneously searched every house to see if there were any survivors.

However, from the east end of the village to the west end of the village, there was not even a single person.

Is it possible that there is no one left alive in the entire village?

"No!" Su Yi suddenly said, "There are no bodies of old people and children!"

He looked around and said in a deep voice: "With such a heavy snowstorm, they probably didn't leave and were hiding in the village."

"Over there!" Ma Baojun pointed sharply at a dilapidated brick kiln at the foot of the southern hillside.

"I just saw someone over there!" Ma Baojun said excitedly.

"Let's go over!" Su Yi said immediately, "Be careful, Sun Dade, and shout first to avoid misunderstanding."

The team members hurried over there, but just halfway there, they heard a loud "bang" and half of the brick kiln over there suddenly collapsed.

Everyone was stunned.

Su Yi's heart trembled, thinking of a cruel possibility.

"Save people! Go and save people!" He shouted in a hoarse voice and took the lead in running towards that direction.

All the team members ran over there.

When we arrived at the brick kiln, we could hear the cries inside.

A gray-haired old man suddenly rushed out from inside, holding a hoe and shouting, his face full of ferocity and determination.

"You damn beasts, I'll fight you!"

"We are the industrial army! Uncle! We are the industrial army!"

Sundade, who was at the front, dodged and avoided the old man's blow to the head, while shouting and hugging the old man.

"We are here to fight bandits, sir!"

The old man stood still for a while, then suddenly collapsed on the ground with tears streaming down his face, wailing loudly: "It's too late! You... are too late!"

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