The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 445 The troops are divided into two groups

Of the three team leaders, two had different opinions and one did not express his position, so the difficult decision was thrown back to Su Yi.

It seems that whether Su Yi chooses to follow his inner justice and pursue the bandits who slaughtered the village, or he stays to do the task with the overall situation in mind, some of the team members will be dissatisfied.

But Su Yi knows very well that he cannot satisfy everyone. The most important thing at this time is to follow his own ideas and interests, unite those who should be united, and distinguish those he cannot win over.

"First of all, this matter must be reported to the superiors." Su Yi looked around and slowly said, "Do you think the superiors will let us leave this group of bandits who have committed numerous blood debts alone? I dare say, If the superiors know the true situation, they will immediately order us to pursue these bandits and eliminate them!"

"Second, if we leave this group of bandits who massacre villagers alone, our mission score will definitely decrease." Su Yi continued, "Xu Damabang has always been on Naitou Mountain. He can't escape, but if this group of bandits we No matter, they really ran away! If we decide to abandon them, it will be equivalent to completely giving up the opportunity to destroy them."

"Third, we have been training for half a month, but we have never fought a real tough battle. Without a victory to test ourselves, we will never be considered a qualified combat team! Chase this group of people who massacred the villagers. Killing the blood-scarred bandits, I think we can completely fight them as our coming-out battle!"

"Finally, we now know that the people from Weihu Mountain came down to kill the villagers and clear the country. But why did they come so far to Nangang? How many villages did they massacre? How many people did they have? Did they have anything else? Mission? We don’t know anything!”

"Right next to us, an enemy is causing trouble and causing trouble everywhere, but we know nothing about them. I don't know if you can sleep, but I definitely can't sleep anyway!"

Having said this, Su Yi looked around at the thoughtful crowd and said in a sonorous tone: "To sum up, I think we must not let go of this enemy! Now we are in the dark and they are in the open. We must pursue them like they are Just like hunters who hunt their prey, catch them and kill them! Only after we kill them can we think about other things in peace!"

After a pause, Su Yi glanced sharply at the faces of the three team leaders: "Is there anyone who disagrees?"

"I support the chief!" Sundade was the first to express his stance.

"I support it too!" Ma Baojun expressed his second stance.

Liu Xuncang hesitated slightly and finally said: "I reserve my opinion."

"Since you have objections, let's divide the troops!" Su Yi cut through the mess quickly and made a decision directly, "Liu Xuncang, you stay here with the second group, settle the surviving villagers, and be responsible for contacting the superiors to explain our situation. Let them take these surviving villagers back to the base area as soon as possible."

Liu Xuncang's expression immediately changed and he said: "Chief, although I have my own ideas, I support your decision and I still want to work with you..."

Su Yi directly waved his hand to interrupt him: "It's a good thing to have your own ideas, and there's nothing wrong with sticking to your own ideas! After settling the villagers, you can completely consider Xu Damabang's matter. You don't want to provoke him and The conflict between the mountain eagles will make them fight each other? This is easy to say, but how to operate it requires careful planning! Liu Xuncang, if you can think of a way after we come back from chasing this group of bandits, I will remember your great contribution One piece!”

"No, chief..." Liu Xuncang was anxious and wanted to defend himself.

Su Yi didn't listen to his explanation at all, and glared: "Don't be nagging! This matter is settled! Remember, if we don't care about these villagers, there is only death waiting for them! So the task left for you is It’s very important, don’t be careless!”

"Old Liu, isn't the chief's decision just what you want? Why do you look like you're not happy about it?" Sun Dade said with some gloating, "You're such a pushover, don't you want to disobey the order?"

Liu Xuncang's intestines were about to turn green at this moment.

Yes, he really didn't want to chase those bandits, but he didn't want to be left behind to appease the people!

This mission has no sense of existence at first glance, and it doesn't have many scenes at first glance. Who the hell wants to stay!

As for how to provoke the conflict between Xu Da Ma Bang and Zuo Shandiao?

Come on, that's just a word! Just saying that, how do you figure this out? How to operate?

There's just no way around it, okay?

Xu Da Ma Bang and Zuo Shan Diao have always been estranged from each other and hate each other, so why do they need to instigate them?

As for the mountain eagle going to Xu Damabang's territory and slaughtering the villagers - that's none of Xu Damabang's business! He didn't kill anyone!

Liu Xuncang was reluctant, but now that Su Yi was forcing him into this position, he had no choice but to accept it.

Then Su Yi gave him another task.

"The bandit who dug traps on the road will probably go down the mountain to check in the next two days." Su Yi said, "Since you are staying, find a way to catch him! It can also be considered as revenge for our dead comrades."

"Yes." Liu Xuncang was filled with bitterness.

"Without further ado, let's take action." Su Yi pointed to a team member, "You, go and call Comrade Bai Ru over!"


After the team member ran away, Su Yi warned everyone: "The actor's identity must not be exposed to the NPC. From now on, everyone should try to act like the character when speaking and forget about their own actors' identities! To avoid others seeing the flaws and causing unnecessary misunderstandings and troubles." "

"Yes!" everyone said in unison.

Soon, Bai Ru followed the team member just now, panting.

"Comrade Bai Ru, we decided to divide our troops into two groups. I took Team Leader Sun and Team Leader Ma to pursue the bandits who massacred the village. Team Leader Liu and his people stayed behind to maintain stability and settle the surviving villagers. . In terms of team organization, you are a non-combatant, you can choose to stay and assist Team Leader Liu." Su Yi said.

Liu Xuncang's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ru had a serious face and said: "Chief, I am a medical soldier. The mission of a medical soldier should be on the battlefield! When you go to fight, what if someone is injured and no one handles it in time? And..."

Bai Ru had already prepared a long speech to persuade Su Yi, but she had just expressed her intention, and before she could say a word, Su Yi interrupted her with a wave of his hand.

"Okay, then you come with us! Pack your things, hand over the work to Team Leader Liu, and set off immediately!" Su Yi said.

Bai Ru was stunned for a while, then stood at attention and said loudly, "Yes, Chief!"

Liu Xuncang was dumbfounded.

Are you so poisonous? 203?

You are here with me, and you don’t listen to anything I say.

Why are your ears so soft when you get to Bai Ru's place?

Isn't this double standard play too obvious?

While Liu Xuncang was feeling depressed, Su Yi had already ordered the first and third groups to check their equipment and prepare to set off.

Bai Ru hurriedly came to Liu Xuncang and said: "Team Leader Liu, I used wooden boards to temporarily fix the legs of the injured little girl. Don't move around..."

Bai Ru explained a lot to Liu Xuncang very quickly. After speaking, he didn't care whether Liu Xuncang remembered it or not. He said "I'm leaving first" and hurriedly turned around and ran away.

Five minutes later, all the personnel were ready to go. Su Yi finally told Liu Xuncang on the side: "Go and contact your superiors now to explain the situation! In addition, the villagers must be settled well. Also, be careful and don't capsize the boat in the ditch. have you understood?"

"I understand, chief!" Liu Xuncang roared in a vented manner.

Su Yi nodded expressionlessly, turned around, looked around, and waved his hand: "Let's go!"

After Su Yi and everyone else left, Liu Xuncang's second group was left standing there blankly.

Someone finally couldn't help complaining: "Why should we stay here to do logistics? This is a thankless job, and there are no cameras. What's wrong?"

"That's right, they went to show off and left us here to drink from the northwest wind..."

"Team Leader Liu, you shouldn't have agreed to the chief just now..."

The team members discussed and complained. Although they did not directly blame Liu Xuncang, that was what they meant.

Liu Xuncang said with a sullen face: "The official level is overwhelming. People have objections to me. What can I do? I know that I have caused trouble for you, but you don't want to think about it. From the day we were grouped, you Just put my label on it, or else they would trick you all by the way, how come you don’t have any psychological burden at all?”

"Just wait, if we don't think of a way to resist, we will suffer from this kind of thing in the future." Liu Xuncang snorted coldly, "I don't know when a pair of small shoes will be thrown over me, and it won't work without wearing it..."

"Team leader, what do we do?" a team member asked.

"I'm not that easy to bully!" Liu Xuncang sneered, "As long as you trust me and tolerate his Shao Jianbo for a while, I have plenty of ways to deal with him!"

When the team members asked again, Liu Xuncang said no more.

But at least the resentment of the team members was transferred, and the cohesion was improved again.

But soon, they faced a new problem——

"Team leader, the surviving villagers haven't eaten, what should I do?"

Liu Xuncang was dumbfounded.

They only carried seven days' worth of food with them.

But if divided among the villagers, it would be enough for two days at most!

"Quickly, set up the radio. I want to contact my superiors now!" Liu Xuncang couldn't sit still.

On the other side, coming out of Nangang Village, Su Yi led two teams straight to the nearest village.

This village is called Gupai, and if it’s sunny, it only takes more than 20 minutes to reach it.

But now that the mountains are blocked by heavy snow, the road is difficult to walk. The team members walked for nearly an hour before they saw the situation in Gupai Village.

At the first glance from a distance, everyone's hearts sank immediately.

Because the village is burning!

Raging flames soared into the sky, the fire was very strong, and there were faint sounds of crying.

"One group, enter from the east! Group two, enter from the west! Pay attention to concealment, and shoot and kill the bandits immediately if they find permission!" Su Yi decisively gave the order, "Dong Zhongsong, Li Hongyi, and Bai Ru, the three of you are following me. Come! Take action!”

The two groups immediately circled in from both ends of the village, and Su Yi led three people straight to Gupai Tun from the main road.

As they approached the village entrance, Su Yi already knew that they were late again.

By this time, the wind and snow had stopped, and he saw dense horse hoof prints on the road, which had obviously been left recently and were heading straight into the distance.

Sure enough, when Su Yi arrived in the village, he saw corpses everywhere, just like the previous tragedy in Nangang.

The difference is that the elderly and children are now gathered in front of the ancestral hall in the middle of the village, hugging each other and crying.

When Su Yi arrived with three people, it caused a commotion among the villagers.

"We are the industrial army!" Su Yi stepped forward and spoke loudly, "We are here to fight the bandits! Fellow villagers, don't be afraid, we will not hurt you!"

There was a commotion among the villagers, and an old lady stood up tremblingly, crying: "Master, the bandits said that they killed people just to prevent you from recruiting young men. Why do you have to involve us with your grudges and grudges with the bandits?" How hard is it to dig in the ground for food? Huh? What kind of natural justice is this?"

"Go away, Gupai Tun, you are not welcome!"



The villagers yelled at each other, and some even showed signs of wanting to rush over.

Obviously, they transferred their hatred for losing their loved ones and home to Su Yi and the four of them.

But soon, groups one and three came over from both sides with people, immediately extinguishing the villagers' eagerness to move.

They thought that Su Yi led troops to surround them and wanted to do something. The old lady who had spoken before immediately knelt down and begged for mercy: "Master, I am the one who offended you. Kill me. Please, let the child go." You guys, you can’t kill them all!”

Su Yi stepped forward and helped the old lady up, saying, "Madam, how long have the bandits been gone?"

"It's been half an hour," the old lady said.

Su Yi nodded and said, "Auntie, just wait here. I will arrange for someone to take you and the children to live in our base. Don't worry, we will definitely let you live well."

After saying that, he took a step back, looked around, and said, "Everyone, give us two days of rations and stay!"


The team members executed it immediately.

Soon, half a bag of whole grains was placed in front of the old lady.

"Mom, hold on for a few days and don't give up."

Su Yi took one last look at the faces showing fear or hatred, and waved his hand: "All of them are here, keep pursuing!"


Before Su Yi and his men reached the entrance of the village, the sound of wailing and crying could be heard again.

All the team members felt very heavy, and everyone was busy chasing after it.

This time there was no need to guess where the bandits were going. They followed the horse's hoof prints and chased them all the way.

The good news is that when passing Yangjiagou and Guyingtun, they discovered that the bandit's horse hoof prints did not turn into these two villages, but went straight along the official road, heading straight for Shanlan Station.

Shanlan Station was a train station set up when the Japs were still there. After the Japs withdrew, it was first taken over by the Guo army, and then the Guo army also withdrew, so the station was abandoned.

"Chief, I think they may have modified it like the original plot." Sundade took advantage of Bai Ru not paying attention and lowered his voice to Su Yi.

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