The performance settlement for the second act was announced when Su Yi set off for Weihu Mountain.

Three major tasks, one outstanding and two stunning. Due to the doubling of rewards, Su Yi received a high score of 24 director points, the highest among all actors. An additional 2 points were awarded. This set accumulated a total of 30 director points.

There is only one performance task in the third act - to outwit Tiger Mountain.

The task evaluation will be rewarded five times.

In other words, if Su Yi gets another amazing review for this game, he will be able to get another 25 director points!

Not only that, according to the rules, there are additional rewards for three amazing reviews.

Therefore, Su Yi wants to complete the last task of this film, whether it is public or private.

Su Yi led the team members to the foot of Yingzui Cliff, found a large and inconspicuous cave, sorted it out a little, and used it as a temporary camp before settling down.

That night, Su Yi took Sun Dade and Ma Baojun to the foot of Yingzui Cliff.

The four of them all brought leather forks, quilts and wine, and were ready to fight the severe cold.

Yingzui Cliff is the back mountain of Weihu Mountain Village. The terrain here is dangerous, the cliff is hundreds of meters deep, and there are steep and smooth cliffs on both sides. It is difficult for apes to climb and it is difficult for eagles to climb.

Because it is a natural hazard, the mountain eagle has the weakest defense here.

Su Yi and Gao Bo made an appointment. As soon as Gao Bo knew that the team had arrived, he would pass on information to Su Yi from here.

What is the situation in Weihu Mountain now, and when is the best time to attack, we have to wait for Gao Bo's intelligence to serve as a reference or even guidance, so that everyone can take action. Otherwise, it will be easy to go into trouble.

"Although our plan to let the prisoners sneak in to confuse the public during the day failed, when Gao Bo knows about this, he will definitely understand that this is a signal I sent him." Su Yi said, "He will definitely find a way to contact me. According to I have discussed the contact method with him, and his information will be wrapped in stones or something heavy and thrown down from the Eagle Beak Cliff."

"Chief, you take a rest. The three of us work in shifts. I'll call you when I hear a noise." Sundade said immediately.

"No need." Su Yi shook his head and rejected his kindness, "It's cold, we change every four or two hours."

"Then I'll go first! I'll get familiar with the terrain first."

Ma Baojun said: "Actually, we can also follow the original plot and enter the village from Yingzui Cliff."

"Don't make metaphysical mistakes!" Su Yi said seriously, "How can you guarantee that there will be no changes on Eagle Beak Cliff as in the original plot?"

Ma Baojun stopped talking.

That night, four people took turns on duty, but unfortunately there was no movement until dawn.

"Did something happen to Gao Bo?" Sundade wondered, "Or maybe he didn't know we were coming?"

The uncertainty is too strong and anything is possible.

"Wait a minute!" Su Yi said after pondering for a moment. He was unsure, but he firmly believed that if there was information about Gao Bo, it would be absolutely crucial to the team.

After waiting until noon, Dong Zhongsong and others on the other side sent people to check twice, fearing that something might happen to Su Yi and the others.

It was not until noon that the four of them heard faint voices coming from the top of the cliff. The four of them suddenly became energetic and hid in a hurry, listening attentively.

I only heard a voice like an old bird saying: "Little four eyes, did you see it? There is a line of sky opposite! This is called an upside-down sky lantern. It's right here. Which bastard do you think can come up?"

Followed by Gao Bo's voice: "This is Jedi, Bage, it's just this place. What kind of mine formations and hidden whistles are the Third Master doing here? Isn't this unnecessary?"

As soon as these words came out, the four people hiding under the cliff were shocked, especially Ma Baojun.

He was still a little unconvinced when Su Yi refuted him before, but now he could only feel lucky that he followed a cautious leader.

"There's nothing we can do about it," said the old man. "Originally, the third master was afraid of the traitor trick, but as soon as the news about Naitoushan came, he couldn't sleep even more. I heard that the mine array here was It was set up overnight and accidentally killed three brothers..."

"Third master, being cautious is actually our blessing. If the joint dance really starts from here, then who should we cry to?" Gao Bo said with a smile.

"I think Third Master was scared out of his wits by dancing together!" Lao Ba said disdainfully, "Okay, little Siyan, these five mountains include nine bunkers, two arsenals and one air-raid shelter. From morning to now, I walked around with you! On our Weihu Mountain, I showed you everything you should see and what you shouldn’t see. Is it time to go back? You’re injured, so you can’t let too much wind blow."

Gao Bo said with a smile: "Bago is a righteous man. He knew that I was bored in the house recovering from my injuries and was panicking. As soon as I opened my mouth, he took me out for some fresh air. No one else would have the patience."

"You are so polite to me!" Lao Ba laughed and scolded, "We are brothers who have died. Do you know what it means to have a life? You want my life now, and I will give it to you without blinking an eye!" "

Gao Bo chuckled and said, "Bago, how deep is this cliff?"

"There must be one hundred meters away." Lao Ba said.


A stone was thrown down and landed not far from where the four people were hiding.

"It's really deep, at least more than a hundred meters!" Gao Bo said with a smile from the top of the cliff, "Let's go, let's go!"

After there was no movement above, Sundade immediately went forward and picked up the stone.

The stone was smooth and about the size of a palm. After wiping it clean, the handwriting carved by the knife was revealed.

"Overlord covers four points, Ji Dao." Su Yi read out the words above, "I am at No. 2, Dongsan Lane, Lao Ba has a dog. Secret sentry map..."

Then a simple floor plan was drawn below, with some locations marked with dots to symbolize hidden whistles.

This information is so important!

Su Yi couldn't hide his excitement. The long and painful wait in the severe cold, all night and half a day, was not in vain!

"The hilltop in the north is called Bawang Gaiding. What does the four o'clock position mean?"

"Four o'clock refers to the southeast direction." Su Yi explained, "Airport refers to the airstrip... I have long heard that there are airplanes on Weihu Mountain and a secret airstrip, but no one has seen it. Gao Bo is sure That’s confirmed.”

"Then this piece of information means that he asked us to enter from the airstrip?" Sundade asked, "That's right. Since it is a secret runway, ordinary people must not be allowed to enter there, and the defense must be lax!"

"You can't enter Eagle Beak Peak. That's our only chance to sneak in!" Ma Baojun said, "Gao Bo marked his position. This old man with a dog means..."

He glanced at Sun Dade and then at Su Yi.

"It's new. There are actually live dogs in the bandit's den? This bandit loves to eat dog meat pots. Now there are not even ten dogs in Mudanjiang. They have all been robbed and eaten by the bandits."

Su Yi knew what Ma Baojun meant. This dog was not a real dog, but a "human dog."

Laoba Xiaotiesuo kept two people at the door, tied their necks with chains, and built two kennels for them to eat and drink. The only requirement for them was to look after the house and the courtyard, and to imitate the barking of dogs when people came. .

This is the plot in the original plot. Now that Gao Bo has mentioned it, it is obvious that this plot has not changed. Gao Bo is reminding the team that once they sneak here, they should pay attention to these two "human dogs" and don't capsize in the ditch and let them know their whereabouts.

Without Gao Bo's warning, once you sneak in, you might actually get caught.

Who would have guessed that two people lived in two kennels?

The most important thing is this secret sentry map.

Gao Bo marked out the locations of all the hidden sentries in the cottage, as well as the two arsenals and the mountain eagle's residence. Once the team sneaks into the cottage, they can go straight to Huanglong and control these key locations, and even It is to directly capture a mountain eagle alive!

"Go back first!" Su Yi collected the information.

He couldn't wait any longer.

Returning to the cave where they were temporarily stationed, Su Yi convened a meeting with the team members and quickly decided on a course of action.

During the day, there were too many team members and the target was too big. In order to prevent their whereabouts from being exposed, only one team was sent out to conduct careful reconnaissance and find the exact location of the runway.

Wait until it gets dark before all the troops are dispatched.

There is nothing that can be done about it. The risk of exposure is too great if you move during the day, so even if it is cold and dark at night and the risk of climbing doubles, you can only choose to do it at night.

Another key issue is that one person must go up first, install the pulleys and cables, and then pull the others up one by one.

The person who goes up first must have rock climbing skills.

In the dark environment, braving the severe cold and biting wind, and climbing the cliff without any protective equipment, you can imagine how much risk this person has to take!

It can be said that if you are not careful, if you make a mistake, your life will be lost.

This is an extremely dangerous mission.

In the original plot, the person who was qualified for this task was Luan Chaojia, who was very good at climbing. But now Luan Chaojia, as an actor, has been bitten to death by Liu Xuncang before he died.

So, who goes?

Su Yi first confirmed that none of the actors could go.

In addition to not daring to go, I am also not confident in my climbing skills.

You must know that if you try to do it if you can't do it, you will only harm others and yourself, so Su Yi can't forcefully assign this task.

Finally, three NPC warriors signed up.

They knew that the risk was high, but they didn't have much confidence. However, they had more experience climbing mountains than others, so they directly volunteered and requested to carry out the order to climb the mountain at night.

There was no sensational or shocking performance of courage or fear of sacrifice. The three warriors were very calm, as if everything was taken for granted.

In fact, they did not have to stand up, but of course they stood up and requested to carry out this task.

It was night, the moonlight was hazy, and with the light of snow shining on it, Su Yi led the team to set off towards the direction that had been detected during the day.

Su Yi didn't dare to let anyone hold a torch, because holding a torch at the foot of Weihu Mountain would be tantamount to exposing his whereabouts.

The march was slow, and people fell down from time to time, but they were quickly picked up by their companions and continued walking.

The cold wind was biting, and no one on the team members spoke, they just moved forward in silence.

Soon, everyone came to an extremely narrow valley. The valley became narrower and narrower as they walked. In the end, the width between the cliffs on both sides was only four or five meters. The mountain wind whimpered in the mountain stream and it was pitch black.

In such an environment, there was no light, and the road could not be seen at all. There was no other way. Su Yi took out the flashlight, covered it with gauze, so that it would not be too bright, barely illuminated it, and continued to move forward.

After walking in the mountain stream for about five minutes, we finally arrived.

A team member came to report: "Chief, during the day I looked down here and on top of the cliff opposite. The airport runway is just to the east at a height of about 70 meters above our heads. Don't look at the narrow bottom. In fact, when we get to the top, the cliffs on both sides are at least a few hundred meters away. But from this mountain stream, there is a big slope. Once you get there, it is much easier to climb."

Su Yi used his flashlight to shine on the cliffs. The cliffs on both sides were very steep, almost vertical, and slippery.

He looked at it and felt that there was no way to climb up.

The three soldiers who had signed up before came over, and Su Yi asked: "You also saw it, are you sure you can go up?"

One of them said firmly: "Chief, leave it to me! I'll try crawling first!"

Su Yi looked at him deeply and said, "Okay, you come first!"

The warrior put the rope and pulley on his back, then fixed an iron hook to his left hand with a cloth strip, and began to climb.

Su Yi gave him the flashlight, but the soldier refused because he had nowhere to take it.

Su Yi had no choice but to shine a flashlight on him and let him crawl.

"Put down all the quilts!" Su Yi ordered.

When he came, Su Yi asked everyone to bring their quilts. At this time, he asked the team members to spread the quilts under the mountain climbers to act as air cushions.

In fact, this won't have much effect. If it does fall from above, it may not fall on the quilt. Secondly, it is so high that laying dozens of quilts will not help at all.

But there is finally a little more hope.

This warrior's movements were very quick, using his hands and feet together, and he reached a height of seven or eight meters in a few clicks, which made the team members excited.

Next, the soldier climbed higher and higher. Although it was a bit difficult and even dangerous in the end, he finally had no danger.

Su Yi kept shining his flashlight on him, firstly to illuminate him, and secondly to guide him in the direction to prevent him from crawling astray.

At the end of the climb, the soldier's movements became slower and slower, obviously trying to hold on.

When he was about to reach the top of the cliff, the warrior's foot suddenly slipped, and his whole body suddenly lost its focus and fell down!

Under the illumination of Su Yi's flashlight, everyone could see this scene clearly!

Everyone's hearts instantly rose to their throats, and many people even exclaimed in surprise!

But just then, the fallen warrior made a move.

He covered his mouth and let his body fall.


With a loud sound, the soldier landed heavily on the quilt.

Almost all the team members ran over.

When Su Yi separated from the crowd and squeezed in, he saw a large pool of blood under the soldier's body. His whole body was limp and twisted into a ball, and he had long since made no sound.

But one of his hands was covering his mouth from beginning to end!

"Chief!" Bai Ru burst into tears. "He was afraid that he would accidentally scream when he fell and alert the enemy..."

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