The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 469 China Observation

Su Yi originally planned to go back to the shared house he and Ma Shang shared, but just as he walked out of the hospital gate and waited for the bus, a black car suddenly stopped in front of him, the window was lowered, the back seat door opened, and Wang Weiping sat in Inside, he smiled and said: "Su Yi, can we get in the car and have a chat?"

Su Yi was startled and smiled slightly: "Okay, Officer Wang."

Su Yi had already expected that the police would look for him.

In this era where surveillance is all over the streets and traces of everything are left, Su Yi doesn't think that he can hide it from the police if he has an extra eight million in his account and disappears for a few days or even more than ten days.

As long as the police notice Su Yi, the exposure of Su Yi's identity as an actor is inevitable and there won't be any surprises.

Wang Weiping had been dealing with crazy people before, as well as his previous questioning of Li Xiang, and his sudden transfer to the Sixth Criminal Investigation Department of the police headquarters, all of which made Su Yi have corresponding associations.

So Su Yi, who originally planned to deceive Li Xiang, chose to tell the truth.

According to human nature, Li Xiang would definitely reveal his previous conversation with Su Yi to the police, so that he could use the police's help to find out the truth about his father's death from Su Yi, an insider.

This is the only thing she can hold on to, and she will never let it go!

How will the police react if they find out about this?

If the police know about Alpha Entertainment, then they will analyze that Su Yi is an actor. The police represent the official, and Su Yi will soon know what the official's attitude is towards actors.

For Su Yi, this does not mean danger. He does not think that the authorities will take the actors to be sliced. On the contrary, he thinks that the authorities will try to grasp this abnormal situation and "recruit" the actors.

Su Yi had no objection to being recruited. On the contrary, it would make him feel more secure.

He is looking forward to talking openly and honestly with the officials about this matter, and he is looking forward to the official attitude and approach.

Of course, there is another very small possibility, that is, the officials do not know anything about Alpha Entertainment, and the police do not know anything about the actors.

If this is the case, then Su Yi will become a suspect in the murder of Li Qingzhou, and he has no idea how he knew Li Qingzhou's last words.

But so what?

Su Yi will only be regarded as a suspect at best, and he will not be recognized as the murderer at all.

There is no evidence or motive to accuse Su Yi of murder, and Su Yi will not be arrested at all.

Therefore, if Su Yi does this, he will basically not cause any loss to himself and will not be in any danger.

The vehicle started slowly. Wang Weiping looked at Su Yi with interest and asked, "What you and Li want to say are actually meant for us?"

Wang Weiping is an old criminal policeman with rich experience and good at grasping people's hearts, otherwise he would not have been transferred to this new department.

He was originally going to go on a mission with his colleagues, but he received a call from Li Xiang in the middle. In addition, he checked Su Yi before and found out some interesting things, so he turned back and had the current conversation.

Su Yi did not deny it, nodded and said: "I shouldn't have any secrets in your eyes."

"Why do you say that?" Wang Weiping asked with a smile.

Su Yi smiled: "I will neither underestimate our country nor you, so isn't this natural?"

Wang Weiping nodded appreciatively: "If you have such a candid and trusting attitude, 90% of what we are going to talk about next will be solved."

As he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, he said to Su Yi: "Before we talk about things formally, please answer the phone first."

After the call was connected, he said "hello" and said: "There is a new person coming for the employment review... Yes, he is in front of me now, should I give him the phone?"

He handed the phone to Su Yi, motioned for him to answer it, and said, "You don't need to state your name."

Su Yi's heart moved and he took the call.


"Are you an actor? Right?" The other end asked straight to the point, with a rich voice, "I am also an actor, a first-line actor, I won't tell you my stage name. What's your level?"

Su Yi looked at Wang Weiping on the side and hesitated slightly.

The other end of the phone seemed to understand Su Yi's concerns and said: "Actors are not bound by confidentiality agreements, so you can rest assured to tell me that knowing your actor level is for the convenience of rating you. This involves your status and treatment.”

"As for Wang Weiping, you don't need to worry about him. When ordinary people hear us talking about entertainment companies and actors, their vision and hearing will be distorted and they won't be able to hear what we are talking about. And unless you deliberately leak it Tell ordinary people about your confidential thoughts, otherwise you will not be punished by the confidentiality agreement."

Su Yi was shocked and said, "Is it so magical?"

The person on the other end of the phone laughed dumbly: "Is it magical? This is just what it should be, okay? Otherwise, how do you think the company will restrain and regulate your breach of contract? Rely on the police or lawyers?"

"I'm a professional actor." Su Yi said.

"Is that a C-level abnormal person?" said the other end of the phone.

"C-level abnormal person?" Su Yi repeated doubtfully.

This sentence caused a reaction from Wang Weiping, who looked at Su Yi in surprise.

"Actor is A-level, A-list is B-level, Professional is C-level, Special contract is D-level, Temporary is F-level." The other end of the phone explained, "As for abnormal people, it is the official name for our actors."

"Preliminary statistics show that there are currently about five to six million actors in the world. In China alone, there are more than 1.7 million people. These are only registered ones. There are also actors who have not been registered and we have not discovered them yet. .”

"With so many actors disappearing and reappearing mysteriously, so much money appearing in their accounts for no apparent reason, and actors going crazy or dying, it's certainly impossible for the country not to notice such anomalies."

"But even if the state catches the actor, no matter what method it uses, it will not be able to find out the truth of the matter, because once an actor wants to confess, the confidentiality regulations will be triggered and the person will die immediately, without exception!"

Su Yi's heart trembled.

"Whether it is written with a pen or recorded using electronic equipment, it is useless. As long as it is a subjective leak, the actor will be punished with death immediately; if it is an unintentional leak, it is like we are talking on the phone now and someone is listening, or someone is Monitor our calls, then he won’t be able to hear what we talked about at all.”

"There are also actors who fail to arrive at the company in time when it is time to perform. They will be regarded as breach of contract and will be punished more or less. Even if they simply spend some director points, they will be forcibly summoned to the set by the company. Some actors commit crimes. He suddenly disappeared in the cell and went to the set. When he reappeared, he was thousands of miles away. This happened many times."

"In short, even though the country knows that something abnormal has happened and that we actors have become very capable in all aspects, the country has no way of figuring out what happened to us and what we have experienced. matter."

"Of course, the country has various analyses, and there are even reports that are very close to the analysis. Unfortunately, they can't verify it with us at all. They can only rely on guesswork."

"So, they just called us actors outliers."

"Later, some public officials began to help the country organize and manage these abnormal people without revealing the secrets, and classified the abnormal people according to our actor level."

"Their ultimate goal is of course to study us and crack us."

"But for now, what the country is most eager to obtain is the knowledge and skills we learned on the set!"

"For example, martial arts, technology, or even magic! These things are not within the scope of the confidentiality agreement."

"We have definite information. A guy from the West has learned the single-soldier mecha technology in Iron Man, and another guy has learned some superficial witchcraft! Do you know what this means?"

"This means that the international environment will be fundamentally subverted! If China does not come up with anything revolutionary, it is likely to be swept into the garbage heap of history!"

"So, you don't have to worry about the country harming you. It's not too late for the country to protect you! The country will even train you well!"

"The state has also learned that there is vicious competition among actors, so the state tries to avoid contact between actors. For example, if you and I have something to do now, just talk on the phone, and don't meet unless necessary. If anything happens, you can also convey and handle it through ordinary people like Wang Weiping. They have strict discipline and will never talk to one actor about another actor."

"Okay, my mission is to inform you of these basic information. In short, in one sentence, believe in the country, never forget your original intention, love yourself and be disciplined, and strive for self-improvement."

"You can also ask me a question. Of course, no question is the best. You can ask Wang Weiping. He will answer general questions for you. I am very busy."

Su Yi thought for a moment and said, "Will the grudges and hatreds between actors extend into reality? Is there any such precedent?"

This is a very important issue for Su Yi. He doesn't want the hatred forged on the set to be avenged by others in real life.

In reality, his family is his absolute weakness!

The voice on the other end of the phone became more solemn: "This is a good question, but I'm sorry that such a situation exists! There are several criminal actors who do illegal things just to retaliate for other actors' behavior on the set. .”

"The country has zero tolerance for this! If we find a case, we will definitely deal with it severely! As long as human life is involved, it will be the first one and we will never tolerate it!"

"But even so, this situation cannot be eliminated. After all, some people will have an unbalanced mentality and breed ambition and evil thoughts if they have more powerful power."

"So, you must protect your information and never reveal your real identity on the set. This is a very dangerous thing!"

Su Yi also looked solemn when he heard this, and asked: "To be honest, if I have an enemy on the set, if I want to know his identity in reality, I just need to grasp a few clues and put some effort into it, and it may not be impossible to find out and hide it. It’s easy to say your identity, but if the other party is serious about it, it will be difficult to keep it completely confidential.”

"That's right. After all, actors all have special abilities." The other end of the phone said, "That's why we have our organization. Although the organization cannot prevent this kind of thing, it can at least seek compensation for you after you are murdered. Get justice and revenge.”

"Okay, welcome to join, newbie, bye."

The other end of the phone hung up.

Su Yi handed the phone to Wang Weiping and asked doubtfully: "Did you hear what I just said?"

Wang Weiping seemed to have expected this. He took out a recording pen from his pocket and played it to Su Yi.

The recorder started recording when Su Yi first got in the car. As a result, when Su Yi was talking on the phone, he couldn't hear clearly.

Unless it's a topic that doesn't involve actors, you can't hear what's being said at all, as if it's a broken tape.

"Is that what you heard just now, Officer Wang?" Su Yi asked in surprise.

Su Yi nodded slowly and said: "What I heard is exactly the same as what was recorded on the recorder! When you abnormal people talk about confidential topics, it's like there is an automatic mute in your vocal cords, and I can't hear anything you say. talk!"

Su Yi nodded thoughtfully.

"I didn't expect you to be a C-level anomaly," Wang Weiping said in shock. "It seems that your anomaly disappearing happened more often than we know!"

"What do you think is going on with us abnormal people?" Su Yi asked.

Wang Weiping asked confused: "What? Did you say it was confidential? It was blocked."

"Is this also blocking?" Su Yi frowned.

Wang Weiping played the sentence Su Yi asked just now, and sure enough, he couldn't hear anything clearly.

"Tell me about your views on abnormalities." Su Yi asked in a different way.

"Blocked again." Wang Weiping spread his hands, "Don't discuss your abnormality, I can't hear anything you ask."

It seems that it is not okay to discuss any topic about actors with ordinary people, not even remotely.

"Let's get down to business." Wang Weiping said, "Your organization of abnormal people is called 'China Observation'. If you join, there will be a special APP for you to communicate and contact. In addition, you will have An ordinary person's liaison specialist is responsible for your contact and communication with the outside world and higher-ups."

"When you join an organization, you will naturally have corresponding obligations and responsibilities to perform, and accordingly, there will also be benefits and benefits. For example, if you are a C-level abnormal person, then your monthly subsidy will be one million yuan. In addition, as long as you become an organization As a formal member, you will be assigned a house in a prosperous area of ​​any first-tier city across the country, and will also be able to solve your household registration problem."

"Also, if you have made special contributions to the country, there will also be corresponding reward policies. Specific situations will be treated on a case-by-case basis. The country does not set an upper limit for this."

"In short, joining the 'China Observation' organization will be of great benefit to you without any harm."

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