The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 60 Cai Tianming’s Theory

"I think you can probably guess who gave me the video." Cai Tianming said, "Don't worry, I will take care of him."

"I'm afraid he won't let it go." Su Yi said.

"So what?" Cai Tianming said disdainfully, "I can crush him to death with one finger! As long as I want to, I won't even ask the police to do anything!"

"Is that okay?" Su Yi asked deliberately, "Lu Mingzhe keeps chasing me like a mad dog. I'm afraid he will keep causing trouble."

"Don't worry, he has no chance." Cai Tianming said with a smile, "The last time we took inventory of the old warehouse, he was delayed and was reported to have torn up the inventory receipts. I will transfer him to Tai O to look at the fish ponds."

"Why not just trample him to death?" Su Yi asked.

"Lu Mingzhe is a knife. I don't know when I will use it." Cai Tianming shook his head, "Pingzi, I just said you were smart, why have you become childish again? Sometimes, leaving the enemy a chance to survive is to do yourself a favor. It is a spur and an illusion released to the outside world, proving your kindness and generosity."

"I just think that I can do what he can do. Sir Cai, there is no need for you to keep him." Su Yi said lightly.

"No, no, no..." Cai Tianming smiled mysteriously and waved his hands, "Lu Mingzhe is still alive at the age of eighteen or nineteen, and his mind is full of unrealistic ideas such as ideals and justice. This kind of person Most of them will have perverted thoughts of self-sacrifice and enjoying suffering, keep him, he will sacrifice for me at the critical moment, Pingzi, can you do it?"

Su Yi looked at him: "I could do it before..."

"Haha..." Cai Tianming laughed and pointed at him, "I used to be able to do it myself! Who hasn't been young? Who hasn't been passionate? But people have to grow up!"

"Lv Mingzhe and I entered the police academy together and graduated together. Now I am the superintendent. What about him? If I hadn't needed him to do political work for me and kept promoting him, he wouldn't even be a supervisor!" Cai Tianming shook his head. , "This is the price of not knowing how to grow!"

"Pingzi, it's not easy for you to understand the nature of the world at such a young age." Cai Tianming sighed, "When I was as young as you, I was stupider than Lu Mingzhe. I wanted to change the world. Isn’t that ridiculous?”

He shook his head mockingly and sighed: "How can the world be changed? I can't even change Hong Kong Island!"

"When I first joined the police force, I was determined to change the atmosphere of the force, and even change Hong Kong Island, and make a career. I think what the public needs is real long-term peace and stability, not the proliferation of exclusive groups, rampant societies, and poverty. The wealth gap is too wide and class is solidified to create false prosperity!”

"I was full of enthusiasm at that time and felt that the world was at my feet. As long as I worked hard, I could achieve anything!"

"I have a very clear plan for my future. I want to use the platform of the police force to climb up step by step, climb to the center of power, get the authority I want, and lead Hong Kong Island to a new future!"

When Cai Tianming said this, he picked up the wine in his glass and drank it all.

He seemed to be talking about sex, a little emotional and a little excited.

"But Pingzi, do you know? Reality soon gave me a blow!"

"At that time, the seniority-based atmosphere in the police force was ten times more serious than it is now! Nepotism was everywhere. Without connections or qualifications, it was impossible to move forward at all. I could only act like a dog with my tail between my legs!"

There was a bit of cruelty in Cai Tianming's eyes: "Pingzi, tell me, if I can't even stand up or crawl, how can I change Hong Kong Island?"

"So we can only change ourselves first." Su Yi said.


Cai Tianming clapped his hands and immediately felt the resonance. He pointed at Su Yi and said, "That's it! That's what I told myself at the time! Now more than 20 years have passed, and I am more and more grateful. How timely and how timely my change was." correct."

"Do you know what is the biggest problem in Hong Kong Island? Ping Tsai?" Cai Tianming was very interested and suddenly asked such a big and general question.

Su Yi shook his head in cooperation.

"It's the solidification of classes and the rigidity of the legal system!" Cai Tianming knocked on the table and said, "This is a problem that Western things will inevitably encounter with the development of society! It sounds like that is the same thing. You would think that this is something only big people need to worry about, it is far away from us and it does not have much impact on us, but in fact it is not, this problem is already very serious."

"You will understand when I tell you a set of data, Ping Tsai." Cai Tianming said, "In the past forty years, after deducting price factors, the average income of the lower class people who account for 90% of Hong Kong Island has hardly changed, while The income of the rich 1% of the total population has been soaring, this is the truth behind the prosperity!”

Although Su Yi didn't actually care about this, he couldn't help but be moved by this cold fact.

"Isn't it unbelievable?" Cai Tianming said with a smile, "The development of science and technology and changes in lifestyles have made the lower class people feel that their living conditions have improved dramatically, but this is simply an illusion. This is just a change brought about by the upgrading of capital. From the other side of the country, this is called sugar-coated bullets."

"Ah, speaking of the other side, let me tell you another set of data." Cai Tianming raised a finger and continued, "In the past forty years, after deducting prices, the income level of the people on the other side has increased 23 times. The average annual growth rate is 8.5 %, is the fastest in the world! Isn’t it amazing?”

"That's amazing." Su Yi said sincerely.

"I talked to my friends on the other side of the Taiwan Strait about the contrast between the two sides. They couldn't believe it. How could it be possible?" Cai Tianming said. "I told them that in the West, especially in lighthouses, the situation is more serious. They think I am even more It’s a lie. But in fact, there is no conflict between the development of science and technology and the backwardness of the system.”

Cai Tianming sighed and said: "Because they are developed, they are confident, so they follow the steps. The interest class wants to maintain the status quo and refuses to change. The people are blinded by the illusion of prosperity and only want stability. In such a general environment, it is almost impossible to change. Just going against the whole world, how easy is it?"

"If you want to change everything, you must reform from the root, but reform requires amending the constitution. You also know how special Hong Kong Island is. The threshold for amending the constitution is too high. If there is any movement, it will cause waves all over the world. Who dares to act rashly? And? The rigidity of the system is a big problem, and reform is about changing the system from its roots, which cannot be pushed away at all."

"The general environment is like this, and so is the police force. Pingzi, I know a hundred times better than you about the shortcomings of the police force! Don't we know that it is wrong to pursue the crime detection rate excessively? We don't know that associations are cancer and must be dug out Is it true? We don’t understand how harmful the unique product is. Is it worth spending more money to guard against it? "

Cai Tianming asked questions one after another.

"However, the higher-ups don't care about these things. What the people care more about is that nothing happens! From top to bottom, everyone in the entire society is pursuing the economy and wealth, so prosperity and stability must be achieved. Otherwise, the people will lose confidence in investment. There will also be turmoil above, which is something no one wants to see!”

"If the police force dares to do something that no one wants to see, it will be the sinner of the entire Hong Kong Island, so it must be stable! Therefore, many cases must be treated as if they never happened! Do you understand now, Ping Tsai?"

I've said too much, I hope it's okay... I want Bo Zici to comfort me in my uneasy mood.

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