Cheers and applause were like a mountain and a tsunami. Everyone on the two floors above gathered around the patio fence, as if they were vying to see Su Yi's true appearance.

The red lights were hung high in the Dengying Tower, the aroma of wine overflowed, and there was a buzz of people.

Such a grand occasion, people who didn't know better thought that Su Yi had already succeeded in playing in the gym.

But in fact, it was only Su Yi who won the first martial arts gym.

As the flashing lights flashed, Su Yi walked to the middle of the lobby on the first floor.

Zou Rong and seventeen martial arts masters stood in front of him to greet him, and they all bowed to him.

"The Jinmen Samurai Association would like to congratulate Mr. Geng on his successful victory. I would like to congratulate all the guests at the Yinglou banquet today. Mr. Geng, please come!" Zou Rong said with a hearty laugh.

"Mr. Geng, please!" the seventeen museum owners clasped their fists and shouted loudly.

The sound is like thunder.

Su Yi looked flattered and hurriedly raised his hands and said: "How dare you, seniors, to come to greet you? It's really embarrassing for the juniors! I don't dare, I don't dare!"

"Mr. Geng has realized the realm of the unity of man and sword at such a young age. It has spanned 5,000 years in China and he is the only martial arts master in his twenties who is more than 20 years old! It can be said that he is unprecedented and unprecedented." Zou Rong said loudly, " This is a blessing for Jinmen martial arts and a blessing for the Chinese martial arts community. Mr. Geng, Grandmaster Geng, you deserve such courtesy!"

As soon as these words came out, cheers and applause burst out again.


The camera on the side captured the scene of Zou Rong and the masters of seventeen martial arts schools saluting Su Yi.

Su Yi's face was full of joy, and he hurriedly clasped his fists around, but his heart was extremely vigilant.


Definitely a hit!

Su Yi just kicked a martial arts gym and defeated the true disciple of the director of Yinghua Martial Arts Gym. At worst, he showed off a unique skill.

Is it worth the Jinmen Martial Arts to stage such a big battle and invite so many prominent people to celebrate Su Yi?

What about the only young master in five thousand years, a blessing to the Chinese martial arts world?

Su Yi blushed when he heard this.

What is the conspiracy behind this woman surnamed Zou who praises herself so highly?

The higher she was held, the harder she fell. How was she going to fall to death?

"This Geng Liangchen is such a grand event. It's worth having this experience in your life!"

"What? Are you not convinced? Young Grandmaster, do you know what a Grandmaster is? Those are immortal figures like Li Shuwen and Gong Baosen!"

"I don't know if it's true or not. Who knows if the martial arts team is bragging about it because they charge more tuition..."

There are a lot of unkind people in this world. Seeing Su Yi's glory, many people with red eyes applauded and made strange comments.

There is also a deep-tempered person who looks appreciative on the surface, but only he knows what he is thinking in his heart.

"I'm just a latecomer in martial arts. No matter my seniority or ability, I'm not worthy of such praise." Su Yi slowly spoke after the noise stopped for a while.

He knew that it was useless to try to cool down at this time, but he had to say these polite words, otherwise others would think that you, Geng Liangchen, had swallowed up all the previous compliments.

"It's because of your love that tonight's feast is possible." Su Yi said, "I, Geng Liangchen, am self-aware. How can I be worthy of such praise?"

"Mr. Geng, don't be polite." Zou Rong interrupted Su Yi and took over with a smile, "Even if it is a promotion, it is our Jinmen Martial Arts School who is willing to promote you, Geng Liangchen. Why don't we promote others? It's not because, Is it worth it to you, Mr. Geng?”

Su Yi smiled and clasped his fists, and was about to answer, but Zou Rong spoke first again: "May I ask Mr. Geng, why do you play in gyms and fights?"

She asked Su Yi in front of so many people. In full view of everyone, Su Yi had to answer.

"In order to join the martial arts, Guangmen sect." Su Yi tried to be concise and concise, and worded his words carefully.

He didn't know what kind of medicine Zou Rong was selling in his gourd, so he could only try to be careful and then take advantage of it.

"The rules of martial arts are that if you have competed in eight martial arts schools, you can open a gym in Jinmen to teach apprentices." Zou Rong said with a smile, "The rules of martial arts cannot be broken. Mr. Geng's wish to win the sect can only be achieved by yourself." The fight will continue one by one, but with Mr. Geng’s martial arts, it is not difficult to do this.”

"How dare Mr. Geng underestimate the heroes of martial arts?" Su Yi answered, "The strong will have their own strong hands. I, Geng Liangchen, am just a latecomer to the school. I respect all martial arts and seniors from all sects. There is a plus.”

"So humble." Zou Rong said with admiration, "It's rare to be so humble and polite with all your abilities. Director Chen, I just now realize that your previous proposal is so suitable!"

A middle-aged man with a square face and a short beard stood behind Zou Rong. He said with a smile: "Yes, a talent like Geng Liangchen, even if he doesn't open a martial arts studio, you can't miss it."

"You may not understand what Director Chen and I are talking about. Sorry, let me make it clear to everyone." As soon as Director Chen finished speaking, Zou Rong connected the words naturally, not giving Su Yi a chance to speak. .

She looked around with a smile and said: "After consultation, our Jinmen Warriors Association has unanimously agreed to let Mr. Geng Liangchen join the martial arts as an individual first, and sincerely invites him to become a special director of our Jinmen Warriors Association. Today, too, Please be a witness, as long as Mr. Geng puts his fingerprint on this employment invitation letter, he will be a member of our martial arts practice from now on!"

Before she finished speaking, there were several people carrying the table behind her. The person carrying paper and pen quickly came forward, placed the table between her and Su Yi, and then spread out the employment invitation letter and placed it in front of Su Yi. .

Zou Rong teased, and Director Chen behind him cheered. The two of them sang together, explained the matter clearly, and presented the props, making Su Yi unable to object even if he wanted to.

"Mr. Geng, you just said that one of the reasons for your kicking out of the gym is to join the martial arts." Zou Rong looked at Su Yi with a smile, "The Jinmen Samurai Association can fulfill your wish now. I now represent Jinmen. The Samurai Association sincerely invites you to join and specially appoints you as a special director. Regardless of whether you can succeed in joining the gym in the future, you will be a member of our Jinmen Martial Arts."

"Furthermore, this has nothing to do with your participation in the gym, and it has nothing to do with it. It's just the Jinmen martial arts academy's thirst for talent, and your personal appreciation for Mr. Geng."

"Mr. Geng, you can take a closer look at this employment letter. If there is no problem, please put your thumbprint. Then we will be a family."


Su Yi kept a smile on his face, but he was extremely vigilant in his heart.

Don’t you, Geng Liangchen, want to join the martial arts?

Okay, I will let you join now. Not only will I let you join, I will also let you be the special director as soon as you come.

What reason did Su Yi give for refusing?

Are you saying that I am not talented enough to be a special director?

Okay, then don't be a director, just join the martial arts.

Say I want to join after I succeed in playing?

People have made it clear that there is no conflict between the two.

Tell me to think about it again?

What do you consider? Isn't it that you play gym just to join the martial arts? Otherwise, what club would you play in? What do you have to consider?

Su Yi had no reason to refuse at all!

Zou Rong's words completely frightened Su Yi. Now he has to sign it whether he signs it or not.

First, he praised Su Yi very highly, and then he forced Su Yi to join the martial arts. What on earth was Zou Rong going to do?

Su Yi pondered slightly, smiled brightly, and pressed the ink pad.

In this game, he could not break the game and could only passively accept it.

Seeing Su Yi pressing his fingerprints, Zou Rong's smile grew wider and he took the lead in applauding.

The next moment there was thunderous applause.

Immediately afterwards, someone brought three glasses of wine and came to Su Yi.

Zou Rong smiled and said: "You are a good friend after three glasses of wine. Mr. Geng, on behalf of Jinmen Martial Arts, I would like to greet you! Please!"

Su Yi cupped his fists and apologized: "I'm sorry, Director Zou, in order to be in the best condition to compete with my martial arts friends, I have stopped drinking recently and will not drink at all."

Su Yi would never dare to drink the wine Zou Rong served.

"Quit drinking? How can you do this? You are the protagonist today. If you don't drink, how can we have a banquet?"

"That's right, where are the men in Jinmen who don't drink? You must drink!"

"You can drink less, but you have to drink. Today is your banquet. If you don't drink, won't you look down on everyone here?"

Everyone tried to persuade him, some were kind and some were sarcastic, but Su Yi made up his mind and just smiled and said "Sorry", but he was not moved at all.

Seeing that the atmosphere was gradually becoming tense, Zou Rong raised his hand, and the curators who were trying to persuade him to drink immediately stopped.

"Change the tea." Zou Rong smiled and stared at Su Yi.

The boy carrying the wine went down, and another boy came up quickly carrying three cups of tea.

Tea has also been prepared long ago.

Zou Rong smiled half-heartedly and made a gesture of invitation: "Since Mr. Geng doesn't drink, we won't force him. It's just a matter of etiquette to replace the bar with tea."

Su Yi stared at the three cups of tea, his smile not diminishing.

Zou Rong didn't urge him and just stood aside with a smile.

Su Yi took a deep breath and stepped forward to pick up a cup of tea.

He couldn't stand still any longer. He couldn't refuse tea.

He couldn't clearly say, "I'm afraid you'll poison me", right?

If he told her, and Zou Rong drank three bowls of tea without saying a word, then he would be like a villain with a heart that treats a gentleman.

This is very possible, so this tea must be drank.

Su Yi picked up the tea, tears gradually filling her eyes.

He said solemnly: "I want to thank three people for Geng Liangchen's success today! The first is my parents. They gave me my bones and blood and taught me how to be a human being. Of the three glasses of wine in today's martial arts practice, they should be the first. drink!"

After that, he threw the first cup of tea on the ground.

Then he picked up the second glass.

"Second cup of tea, I would like to pay tribute to my master. If he knew that I am today, he would definitely smile!"

Splash another glass.

Su Yi picked up the third cup of tea: "The third cup of tea is for the person I respect the most, the former Prime Minister Mr. Sun. Mr. Sun will live forever!"



I don't know who shouted loudly, and then there was thunderous applause.

I don’t know what’s good about it either…

Putting down the cup, Su Yi said to Zou Rong, whose eyes were a little straight: "Director Zou, it's getting late. Let's take a seat early and let everyone start the meal."

Zou Rong came back to his senses, took a deep look at Su Yi, and said, "Mr. Geng, please come inside."

"It's not good! It's not good!"

At this moment, someone ran in exclaiming.

Su Yi smiled and turned around, wondering what kind of trouble Zou Rong was going to do again?

It’s really an old sow wearing a bra, one set after another...

A strange face came, and it looked like he was dressed as a martial artist.

The man ran in shouting, holding a letter in his hand.

When the director of the Yinghua Martial Arts School saw this, he pretended to be surprised: "Zhang Qiang? Why is it you? What kind of behavior do you have when you are yelling?"

"Master, this is bad! You asked me to call Senior Brother Lu Zijun to attend Geng Liangchen's banquet. You also asked me to tell him that it is not shameful to lose to a young grandmaster, so that he does not need to be discouraged..."

"Is this happening? Where is the person you called?" the director of Yinghua Martial Arts School asked in a deep voice.

"Senior brother Lu Zijun and his family have gone to the building and disappeared!" The man shouted in panic, "He only left a letter with the words 'Master's father's message' written on it."

"This..." The director of the Yinghua Martial Arts School took the letter without reading it, but his first reaction was to look at Zou Rong first.

Zou Rong smiled and said: "Most young people are arrogant and cannot bear defeat. This is a private matter of your martial arts school. Let's talk about it when we get down. Let's accompany Mr. Geng upstairs first."

"Yes!" Upon hearing this, the director of the Yinghua Martial Arts School hurriedly put the letter into his pocket.

There is definitely something wrong with this letter!

Su Yi took a deep look at him, turned around and followed Zou Rong talking and laughing upstairs.

In just a few minutes, Su Yi felt that it had passed very long.

Accept him into the martial arts practice, toast him with three glasses of wine, and the letter just now.

This should be Zou Rong's three axes.

Su Yi took the first ax and dodged the second. Zou Rong didn't know why, but the third ax didn't come down.

The first round ended with Su Yi suffering a small loss.

When Su Yi went up to the third floor and took his seat, he realized that a new round of tests was waiting for him.

The people sitting at the main table were all well-known people from Jinmen, including a few familiar faces that Su Yi knew.

For example, Jia Changqing from the Qinggang Gang, Hu Desheng, the general leader of the Xikou Foot Shop, An Yufeng from the Hong Gang, and Wu Zantong from the Santonghui.

These people are all the top figures on the streets of Jinmen!

Su Yi is just playing in a gym, and this is his first time playing in a gym. Does he need to congratulate him in such a grand way?

Among these people, Su Yi was the youngest and had the least seniority, but when he approached the table, except for one Zhepeng man who was sitting there with an arrogant look, the rest of them stood up and greeted Su Yi. .

Of course, what they looked at was not Su Yi's status as a leader, let alone his achievements as a martial artist, but Su Yi's background in the Zhongyi Society and his relationship with Liu Haiqing.

Su Yi and Jia Changqing, Hu Desheng, An Yufeng and Wu Zantong greeted each other in turn, all smiling and polite, exchanging business words.

When it came to the next person, Su Yi couldn't help but look at Zou Rong.

"Director Zou, please forgive my poor eyesight. I have never met this gentleman before. Could you please introduce him to him?" Su Yi said.

"Blame me!" Zou Rong smiled apologetically and came over and said, "This gentleman is Mr. Zhai Lili from the Baijia Gang. Mr. Zhai has always been reclusive. It's understandable that you don't know him, little Geng. I I don’t think Mr. Zhai will blame you.”

Su Yi's heart trembled, seeing that this naive and fat white man was actually a ruthless character.

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