He Zhiyingji came quickly.

Looking at the reporters who gathered outside the car with a roar, he couldn't help but frown deeply and cursed.

"This Geng Liangchen is really a master at using public opinion!"

"Section Chief, do you want me to drive them away?" Deputy Kameda Ichiro, who was guest driver, asked with a fierce look in his eyes.

"No," He Zhiyinger tidied up his clothes, "Everything today must be done according to Geng Liangchen's wishes. We want to make him very proud and happy, and think that we are nothing more than that."

"I understand, the art of war!" Kameda Ichiro suddenly said.

Kazuchi Takaji looked at his admiring partner, smiled, and got out of the car in the flash of spotlights.

"Hello, are you here to negotiate with Mr. Geng on behalf of the Zhepeng garrison? What is your name and position?"

"Hello everyone, my name is He Zhi Ying Er. I was entrusted by the Commander of the Garrison Nakamura to represent Zhe Peng North China Garrison. I came to discuss with Mr. Geng Liangchen the suspected violation of laws and disciplines by the porters. The purpose is to adhere to the principle of humanitarianism. , reach a consensus and properly handle this matter..."

Kazuchi Takaji spoke to the reporters without any stage fright.

He answered several questions from reporters, his words were neither condescending nor arrogant. He neither took the opportunity to belittle Su Yi nor showed a condescending attitude. He left a good impression on the reporters of being humble, polite and logical.

The most important thing is that when answering some sensitive and sharp questions, he was well versed in Tai Chi and avoided the important and ignored the light. Not only did he bypass the essence of the problem, but he shamelessly promoted the "humaneness" of the garrison's treatment of the arrested persons.

In the end, He Zhiyinger "exited" gracefully. Before entering, he glanced at the second floor of the villa, and there seemed to be a smile in his eyes.

Su Yi was standing behind the window on the second floor at the moment, but He Zhiyinger couldn't see him.

"This guy is pretty awesome." Liu Haiqing said with emotion, "He looks like a smiling tiger. This kind of person is the most sinister and sinister. What do you call him? Pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger!"

"He can pretend to be a pig here, but he will never have the chance to eat a tiger." Su Yi smiled, "Let's go and meet our guests."

In this negotiation with the Zhepeng people, the reason why Su Yi took Liu Haiqing with him was not just to use the tiger skin as a banner, but because of the word "rules".

He met with Zhepeng's military personnel as a mere traveler. If no official person was present to endorse it, who knows what you were talking about behind the scenes?

In order to avoid future troubles, he directly invited official figures to be present. In the future, people from Zhe Peng would have to think carefully if they wanted to do something bad and throw dirty water on him.

In addition to Liu Haiqing, Su Yi also invited representatives from the French Concession, the British Concession and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau, as well as representatives from the Tianjin Trade Union.

These people jointly witnessed the negotiation between Su Yi and Zhe Peng, which completely eliminated the possibility of Zhe Peng's regret or denial in the future.

Of course, this possibility is very small, and Su Yi is cautious, just in case.

Like most Zhepeng people, Hezhiyinger was very polite. He bowed slightly to Su Yi and greeted politely: "Geng Sang, I have admired your name for a long time. It is really rude to visit you rashly today! This is the first time! When we meet, please take good care of me!"

Kameda Ichiro on the side also bowed and saluted.

Su Yi smiled and hugged his fists: "Mr. Hezhi, there is no need to be polite. Please come inside."

Entering the living room, Su Yi first introduced everyone present to him. He Zhiyinger was not surprised. He had already learned through other channels that Su Yi had invited these people.

After a brief greeting, everyone sat down. Su Yi did not beat around the bush and said straight to the point: "Mr. Hezhi, the fact that you are here today shows that you are here with sincerity to solve the problem. I hope that in the following conversation , you can turn this sincerity into practical actions.”

"I am very touched that Geng Sang can see my sincerity." He Zhiyinger looked flattered. "I thought Geng Sang would not understand our difficulties and would be full of rejection and resistance to us. It seems that It’s my villain’s heart.”

"Everyone has difficulties, but whether they can accept them is another matter." Su Yi smiled lightly, "Mr. Hezhi, Tianjin is an tolerant and open city, but being tolerant and open does not mean that everyone can do whatever they want here. Don't worry, the prosperity of Tianjin is based on good order. And good order requires us all to abide by and maintain laws and rules."

"Seventy innocent lives cannot be lost in vain! Don't tell me what kind of anti-Japanese elements they are. I know their identities better than anyone else. They are just ordinary civilians. You are just trying to force me, Geng Liangchen, to submit. That’s why they threatened me with their lives. They are just miserable victims!”

Kazuchi Takashi's expression changed. He didn't expect Su Yi to be so direct and ruthless.

His eyes quickly passed over the faces of everyone present, and then he said: "Geng Sang, the charges of the seventy anti-Japanese elements are conclusive and cannot be defended. We execute them according to the laws related to the concession. It is legal and legal. I hope you can understand, This is the basis for our negotiations today. Without this basis, today's negotiations will be meaningless."

Su Yi said coldly: "Then I also tell you, for the seventy innocent victims, someone must pay the price of their death with blood! You Zhepeng people must make compensation and explanation for this matter, and promise not to do so in the future. Something similar will happen! This is also the basis for today’s negotiations!”

"If this problem is not solved, the foot traffic will never enter the Japanese Concession! Any employees who belong to the Tianjin Transportation Association will never cooperate with any Zhepeng businessmen!"

He Zhiyinger shook his head and sighed: "Geng Sang, this is not the attitude of negotiation."

"Mr. Hezhi, this is not the correct way to express sincerity!" Su Yi said.

"How about we each take a step back." He Zhiying said, "I can apologize to Geng Sang privately and am willing to make certain financial compensation for the deceased. But Geng Sang must immediately restore the normal cargo transportation status in the Japanese Concession and lift the Blockade transportation in the Japanese Concession. And guarantee that this situation will never happen again in the future. If Geng Sang can do this, I guarantee that you will win the friendship of the Great Zhe Peng Empire."

"Apology, compensation, and someone to take responsibility for this matter, none of these three conditions can be missing!" Su Yi said, "And you must guarantee that in the future, in the Japanese Concession, all employees of the Tianjin Transportation Association will be guaranteed the most basic human rights. , to ensure that they will not be arrested innocently, let alone shoot them privately without a public trial!"

"I'll take another step back." He Zhiyinger sighed, "On behalf of the garrison, I apologize to Geng Sang in private and am willing to make financial compensation for the deceased. At the same time, there will be heavyweights in the Zhepeng garrison." The officer is responsible for this matter. And Geng Sang, you just need to fulfill the conditions I just mentioned."

Su Yi asked: "Who is the heavyweight officer Mr. He Zhi mentioned?"

He Zhiyinger stared at Su Yi's eyes and said word by word: "North China Garrison Army Senior Colonel Matsushiro Xiaoliang."

As soon as these words came out, the scene was in an uproar, and everyone looked shocked.

They thought that He Zhiying Er would just introduce a scapegoat to get rid of the problem, but they did not expect that such a high-ranking officer would be responsible for the matter.

If Takaharu Matsumuro was still alive, Zhe Pengren's concession could definitely be regarded as sincerity.

But only Su Yi and Liu Haiqing knew that Matsushita Takaharu had already "taken responsibility" for this matter, and Chi Tingji's so-called concession was actually made lonely.

However, Su Yi could only assume that he had indeed given in. Otherwise, it would be equivalent to admitting to Wachi Takaji that he had killed Matsumuro Takaharu.

Su Yi pretended to be surprised, and after a slight silence he asked: "Matsumuro Xiaoliang, I know this person, how do you plan to hold him responsible? Will you shoot him according to military law?"

He Zhiyingji shook his head: "Sorry, Geng Sang, for the sake of the reputation of the great Zhepeng Empire, we will not do this, and we will not publicly admit any faults, but we will secretly execute Matsushiro Xiaoliang, you can see him with your own eyes corpse."

"It's not enough!" Su Yi took a deep breath, "There is one person you must leave to me! And this person must also bear public responsibility for the deaths of these seventy people!"

"What Geng Sang said, could it be Wu Zantong, Wu Sang?" He Zhiyinger guessed what Su Yi was thinking.

"That's right." Su Yi nodded, "I believe you received great assistance from this person when you arrested him. Wu Zantong, you must hand him over!"

"As long as you execute Matsushi Takayoshi, hand over Wu Zantong, make a private apology, and pay compensation for 70 lives, I will immediately lift the sanctions against the Japanese concession."

"Believe me, Mr. Hezhi, the Japanese Concession is by no means a forbidden area for hikers. There are more things I can do, but I don't want to do it completely, so I don't do it..."

He Zhi Ying Er said quietly: "Geng Sang, Wu Sang is the most loyal friend of our Great Zhe Peng Empire. It is impossible for me to hand him over to you. Otherwise, who will dare to make friends with the Great Zhe Peng Empire in the future?"

Su Yi said calmly: "Mr. Hezhi, if I'm not afraid of offending you, I asked you to hand over Wu Zantong, just to give you a step down. In fact, it would be easy for me to kill this person. I don't need to go through you Zhepeng people at all." Agree!"

He Zhiying'er's eyes flashed and he couldn't help but laughed and said: "I almost forgot that Wu Sang is also a walking person in Jinmen. He is your subordinate Geng Sang. It is natural for superiors to deal with subordinates. This is something that even God cannot do. Things to prevent. Although we are friends with Wu Sang, we cannot point fingers at his mistakes at work."

"I hope you will send him here." Su Yi pointed to the ground, "When all the walking brothers who were captured by you walk out of the Japanese Concession, and when Wu Zantong stands in front of me, I will announce the full restoration of the Japanese Concession. Normal business cooperation."

"Baga..." Kameda Ichiro on the side was furious, and Su Yi's extravagance angered him.

"Mom, I'm tired!" He Zhiyinger immediately interrupted him.

Kameda Ichiro glared at Su Yi angrily, unwilling to shut up, his chest heaving violently with anger.

"I'm sorry, my subordinate is ignorant, I will teach him a lesson." He Zhiyinger bowed slightly to Su Yi.

Then the conversation changed: "I can agree to all Geng Sang's conditions, but after Wu Sang leaves, there will be no one to take charge of the work in the Japanese Concession, and I'm afraid it will fall into chaos. I hope that the successor will be someone you and I can trust. , is someone who knows the Japanese concession very well, I hope this person will be recommended by me.”

Su Yi looked at him, then nodded slowly: "Okay."

This point, he had to agree to even if he didn't agree, otherwise even if Su Yi arranged for people to come over, the Zhepeng people would not let Su Yi's people get any rights, and they might do something disgusting.

Su Yi is not yet powerful enough to plant nails in the concession in an open and honest manner, so the people of Zhe Peng must still take charge of the management of the concession.

Some people may ask, in this case, why did the Zhepeng people ask Su Yi?

It would be better for Zhe Peng to just go independent, declare his separation from Su Yi, collect the money himself, recruit people and do the work himself.

Su Yi didn't dare to enter the Japanese Concession anyway, so why did he insist on being affiliated to Su Yi's name and giving a large portion of his income to Su Yi in vain every month?

This is the power of Jinmen's underground forces. These conventional rules are, to some extent, more effective than the law.

What would happen if the Zhepeng people really dared to do this?

The Lipahui in Jinmen fled the Japanese Concession one after another, and there was no one left to move goods for the Zhepeng people. Unless the Zhepeng people catch their own young men and force others to help them carry their goods.

But even so, a series of things such as overt and covert obedience, perfunctory work, cheating, and other things will appear, which will make the Zhepeng people very anxious. In the end, they find that it is better to spend some money to let the feet do these things.

The walking skills may not be able to help the Zhepeng people, but they are definitely very experienced in how to deal with the disobedient Liba and Baotou. If independence is really possible, Wu Zantong and others would have achieved independence long ago. Why wait until now?

What Wu Zantong is afraid of is not Bayanqing and Su Yi, what he is afraid of is the customary rules that have been practiced for nearly a hundred years!

"You can appoint the person, but after this person is selected, he must come to my place and sign a formal contract." Su Yi looked at He Zhiyinger, "The salary and benefits of the Japanese Concession Foot Tours must also be the same as ours from now on. To be unified, workers’ wages can no longer be deducted for any reason.”

"I can also agree to this request." He Zhiying said.

"Very good, we can discuss the details." Su Yi's expression also softened.

If everything negotiated can be implemented, then this matter can be considered to be resolved satisfactorily.

Once the important things have been discussed, the remaining details will be easy to deal with, but they are more complicated.

An hour later, both parties had negotiated all the details, and the matter was finally resolved.

Su Yi thanked those who came here to witness the negotiations and presented them with generous gifts.

Representatives from the various concessions and the government also expressed satisfaction with the result. They also got the information they wanted from this negotiation.

Even the Zhepeng people, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, succumbed to Su Yi, and their evaluation of Su Yi undoubtedly improved a bit.

After all the witnesses left, only Su Yi, Wazhi Takaji, Liu Haiqing and Kameda Ichiro were left in the field.

Kazuchi Takaji suddenly laughed and said something.

"Geng Sang, have you ever heard of the name Longchuan Feiyuan?"

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