The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 698 First Victory

Since ancient times, there has been no first in literature and no second in martial arts.

In fact, this statement not only means that in martial arts, who is superior and inferior can be understood through a comparison, but also that people who practice martial arts are always inferior to others in terms of skills and do not know how to be humble in their bones.

They say "concession", but no one really makes a move.

When they got into the ring, everyone was working hard to win.

In the eight-meter-square arena, as long as a martial artist leaves the arena with both feet and lands on the ground, whether active or passive, he will be declared a loser.

There is a five-minute time limit, and if the game is still undecided, the referee will judge the active attacker as the winner based on the warrior's performance in the game.

The rest of the criteria for determining victory or defeat basically copy the rules of MMA.

For example, a KO victory or stunning the opponent is called a complete victory here;

TKO victory, the strength of the two sides is very different, one side loses the ability to resist, the referee on the field determines that if the competition continues, the inferior martial artist will be in danger of being knocked unconscious, the referee will terminate the competition and award his opponent the victory. Here, it's called winning.

It doesn't matter how you win because there are no extra points.

The important thing is that in a limited space and within a very short time, the rules require both sides to determine their advantages and determine the winner, which undoubtedly makes this grand event more intense and passionate than ever before.

Those who play it find it exciting, and those who watch it also find it exciting. This is definitely an unparalleled feast for the visual senses.

Even if it was just the first round of "audition", many people realized that this was destined to be a grand martial arts event that would go down in history!

There are eight competition areas, each of which has five or six arenas for competition at the same time, and each arena is surrounded by people watching the competition.

All the arenas are crowded and noisy, with cheers and applause coming from time to time, making the atmosphere here extremely lively.

"In Arena No. 4, Zhang Qilin of Jingwu Tan Leg Sect wins completely!"

"In the second arena, Iron Sand Palm Han Qingtang wins!"

"On the fifth stage, Lu Di's four-way boxing check and Zhang Benyuan win!"

The referee would roll call from time to time until his voice became hoarse.

After each winner receives the cheers and cheers from the audience, the referee will remind him that he must fight at least twice a day. Should he fight in a row or take a break before fighting again?

Those who win easily will basically choose to continue fighting, while those who barely win the first game, or those who don't have much confidence in themselves, will probably be cautious and say that they will step down to rest first.

If you win the second game, the referee will tell the consecutive winner that today's basic battle rounds have been completed. The winner can choose to fight again tomorrow or continue fighting today. If you win one more game, you will be qualified as the champion.

Many warriors were attracted by the title of "Challenger", and then were cheered and stimulated by the audience, so they chose to continue fighting.

Then there is no more.

If you have to fight two games in a row, you have to fight again, unless you are really capable or lucky, but most people will be affected by their physical fitness and lose.

The first champion was born soon, and it happened to be in the Su Yi competition area. He was a Bajiquan master named Li Yuanzhi, who was born in Cangzhou, the hometown of martial arts. None of his three opponents were his equal, and he won with ease.

Li Yuanzhi's name spread throughout the audience instantly, causing everyone to chant his name. This made everyone present feel excited and wished they could replace him.

If you can enjoy such a beautiful scene, your life will really be worth it.

Not far away, a group of old men were watching this scene, and Gong Baosen was among them.

He was accompanying a dignified middle-aged man, introducing him to the competition system.

At this time, the whole audience chanted Li Yuanzhi's name, and the group of old men couldn't help but look over. Seeing Li Yuanzhi on the ring with his hands in high spirits, he couldn't help but feel a little lost.

"That's great." The majestic middle-aged man sighed, "We held two martial arts exams, but the two competitions combined were not as good as one ten thousandth of this competition. Haneda, you did it and none of us did it. For what you have accomplished, I will be able to see such a great state of national martial arts in my lifetime. I should thank you on behalf of the martial arts people across the country and on behalf of our descendants."

As soon as these words came out, Gong Baosen's expression immediately changed, and he hurriedly raised his hands and said: "Director, in front of so many old buddies, you can't praise me to death. Aren't you putting me on the fire? Baosen just did what he could, but he doesn't deserve such praise."

This majestic middle-aged man is Zhang Zimin, the director of the Chinese Martial Arts Museum and the lieutenant general of the Guo Army.

This person has a very high status in the martial arts world. The reason why martial arts is called a national martial art is because he initiated it.

It can be said that the prosperity of the martial arts world today was created by him, and he also founded the Chinese Martial Arts Academy. It can be said that he is the founder of martial arts in the Republic of China. Without Zhang Zimin, the status of warriors today would never be as high as it is today.

Zhang Zimin pointed at Gong Baosen with a smile and said: "Hey, you palace monkey, you used to do your job, but now you are imitating other people's false modesty? What's good is good, what's bad is bad, why are you still afraid of us? The old brother is jealous of his talents, so why should he give you little shoes to wear?"

"That's right, Baosen, we are not villains who don't like other people's kindness." Another white-bearded old man said.

All the old people started to tease him, and Gong Baosen hurriedly smiled and apologized: "Brothers, Baosen said something wrong, can you let me go once?"

"Let's talk and laugh." A spirited old man said, "Baosen, the rules of this arena are really refreshing. All martial arts schools are tested under one rule, and everyone is in the same frame. Competition here, isn’t this the unification we have always pursued?”

"What Brother Fuquan said is," another tall and thin old man said, "We have always advocated abandoning sectarian opinions, exchanging and integrating martial arts from various schools, and promoting the development of national martial arts. I feel that Haneda is ahead of us this time. In this competition If it succeeds, it will allow Chinese martial arts to take off for at least twenty years!"

"Hey, brother Tongchen, that's not a small compliment." The white-bearded old man next to him said, "You can't be the younger generation of your Bajiquan standing in the stands, so you deliberately flatter the palace monkey's stinky feet, right?"

"Ma Liang, if you can't speak, just shut up. No one will treat you as a mute!" Before the tall and thin old man could say anything, the short and fat old man on his side couldn't help shouting and scolding, "Who is the sharpshooter Li Shuwen? You don't care." I don’t know, but I should have heard it. Are you saying that he is flattering? You are blind! Besides, Haneda has done good things that will benefit the future. What’s wrong with us praising him? Is this called flattering? "

"Yang Chengpu, I'm just joking, why are you so anxious?" Ma Liang couldn't help but said with a black face.

"I don't know what kind of jokes I can make and what kinds of jokes I can't make at my age. Is it like a dog?" said the old man with a sinister look on his face.

"Chuck, it's none of your business!" Ma Liang yelled.

"Okay, please stop saying a few words. Ma Liang just has a bad mouth and a good heart. It's not like you don't know. Why bother with him?" said a relatively young old man.

"Ma Yingtu, you can't just ignore them just because you are both Hui people..."

All the old people are making a fuss.

Gong Baosen smiled bitterly and did not stop him.

They were all martial arts practitioners with hot tempers. It was normal for them to get together and have a few quarrels. It was good if they didn't start fighting. He was used to it.

Zhang Zimin was obviously used to this scene. He called to Gong Baosen and said, "Haneda, let's go over there and tell me more about this competition."

"The curator has an order, how dare Haneda disobey it?" Gong Baosen said with a smile.

Just as he was about to explain, the referee in the second ring suddenly shouted: "The champion of the second ring, Li Yuanzhi chooses to continue to defend the ring. Does anyone want to challenge him?"

The referee asked three times, but no one came to the stage.

Li Yuanzhi had won three games easily just now. He was obviously a master and didn't use up much physical energy. Naturally, no one would want to go on stage and get into trouble in this situation.

Moreover, this person is from a well-known family, and many people recognize him, so fellow martial arts practitioners who can fight with him on the spot will give him face and will not take the initiative to smash his stage.

"Since no one has taken the initiative to challenge, we have randomly drawn lots over there!" The host waved to his assistant to hold the box on the stage, reached out and mixed it randomly, and took out a paper ball.

After looking at the name, he was startled and read loudly: "Challenger, Geng Liangchen!"

As soon as this statement came out, the scene fell silent, and the next moment, there was an uproar!

Geng Liangchen?

This name is definitely famous all over the country. Who here is not familiar with it?

Is this good time the same as that good time?

Everyone was surprised and excited.

Soon, a burst of cheers erupted from Dongbei's kick. Wherever there was a crowd of people, they automatically made way for a burly young man in a Chinese tunic suit to walk toward the ring. The man smiled and held his hands in all directions as he walked towards the stage. Wherever he passed, people rushed to greet him.

Who is it if it’s not Su Yi?

"Jinmen hero Geng Liangchen! Jinmen hero Geng Liangchen..." Someone stood up, and everyone shouted. After a while, the sound of the chorus overwhelmed everything, and only this one was left in the audience. The sound is shocking and moving.

The other four arenas were originally full of people, but at this moment, everyone gathered here, and the area around the arena instantly became empty, leaving both the fighting parties and the referee at a loss. measures.

"Where is Geng Liangchen?"

"Is the Jinmen hero really here?"

"I saw it, I saw it, he is so strong..."

The people were very excited, and the scene was no less than that of supporting and chasing stars in later generations.

This shows how popular the name Geng Liangchen is.

Not only others, but also Su Yi himself underestimated his reputation and fame.

After finally squeezing onto the stage, another wave of mountain roars and tsunamis arose. Su Yi bowed his hands in greeting from all sides, and finally greeted the referee and opponent as well.

Li Yuanzhi's smile was a little forced. Maybe he was unhappy about being robbed of the limelight, or maybe he was feeling pressured by the heroes of Jinmen.

The referee seemed to be surrounded by Su Yi and looked at Su Yi with very hot eyes.

Several reporters in the audience loudly asked if they could be interviewed. He hesitated and actually asked Su Yi what he meant.

"Master Geng - Geng Liangchen, do you think you should be interviewed first?"

Su Yi shook his head and refused: "When I get on the ring, I'm just a competitor. Anything I do other than competing is against the rules. Mr. referee, please treat me equally."

The referee looked solemn: "Okay, as expected of Geng Liangchen!"

Li Yuanzhi, who was on the opposite side, looked a little better and gave Su Yi a fist.

"Hello actor Su Yi, the fifth act performance task of the second unit "The Grandmaster" is - ten consecutive wins.

Mission description: How can such a popular Jinmen hero live up to everyone’s expectations? If you are a man, you must not leave the ring and win ten consecutive victories! "


Su Yi smiled and nodded to the referee to indicate that he was ready, without any fluctuation in his heart.

Isn’t it just ten games in a row?

It’s a small scene, so there’s no need to panic.

On the other side, Gong Baosen watched this scene and said to Zhang Zimin: "Director, why don't we talk about other things after watching this scene?"

"Okay." Zhang Zimin followed suit, "I have long heard that Jinmen hero Geng Liangchen was a martyr who assassinated traitors and was also the leader of Jinmen's footwork. I didn't expect that he would also come to participate in this martial arts competition. Haneda, just by virtue of This fact proves the success of your event this time.”

If it weren't for him, there wouldn't be this tournament...

Gong Baosen's eyes were a little complicated as he looked towards the stage.

At this moment, both sides of the competition on the stage have already greeted each other, and with the referee's order, the competition officially begins.

Li Yuanqing took the lead in launching the attack, and he struck with thunderous force.

Bajiquan emphasizes taking every inch and hitting hard, and it takes an extremely fierce approach.

As soon as Li Yuanqing made a move, he used the three-point hand of the King of Hell to kill him. He really moved like a stretched bow and fired like thunder.

His previous opponents were unable to withstand Li Yuanqing's ultimate move in the first round and were defeated on the spot.

But this definitely does not include Su Yi.

First of all, Su Yi has always been very focused. Both of them are Bajiquan. This kind of attack is far inferior to that of Yixiantian.

No matter what meaning is given to this arena, Su Yi's purpose is very clear, which is to win, and to win while displaying and promoting "new martial arts".

Seeing Li Yuanqing rushing forward, Su Yi suddenly swayed and dived, disrupting Li Yuanqing's rhythm, and then easily blocked his move, and then launched a set of fierce combinations with lightning speed, beating Li Yuanqing completely. He fought back and staggered off the stage.

Su Yi raised his hand to the confused Li Yuanqing in the audience: "I accept."

The battle is over.

Bajiquan Li Yuanqing, who easily won three games in a row, was defeated by Su Yi.

It’s so fast that many people have an extremely unreal feeling.

As the saying goes, insiders look at the door and outsiders look at the excitement.

The warriors present all saw how fast and changeable Su Yi's combination was. Li Yuanqing had no resistance at all and was knocked off the ring directly.

But the audience present only knew that Su Yi defeated his opponent in less than ten seconds, and everyone was excited, cheering and applauding.

"On the second stage, Geng Liangchen wins!" the referee shouted excitedly.

Before he could finish his words, the sound shook the sky.

"Geng Liangchen, do you choose to continue the game, or..."

"Continue the game!" Su Yi said directly without giving the audience a chance to incite.

These words naturally caused another burst of cheers.

As for the loser Li Yuanqing, as glorious as he was a few minutes ago, he is now in despair.

After a failure, no one even took a second look at him. Everyone's focus was on Geng Liangchen.

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