Su Yi still remembers his first MMA combat class. His actual opponent is coach Luo Ge.

Before going on stage, Brother Luo asked Su Yi what he had eaten for breakfast today. Su Yi remembered that he had eaten chicken rolls, and Brother Luo gloated and said, "Then you are miserable."

Because the chicken roll is spicy.

In fact, Su Yi understands why Su Yi is miserable. Ever since he started practicing MMA, Su Yi has been strict with himself in terms of diet and daily life.

What you eat at each meal, how much you eat, and how much water you drink are all important. If you eat too little, you will be exhausted quickly, making you hungry and weak easily; if you eat too much, you will vomit after a while during training.

Don't drink too much water. If you drink too much, your stomach will pound when you exercise. After practicing for a while, your stomach will cramp and the taste will become sour.

Then there’s the taste of the food, which should not be too salty, too sour, or spicy, otherwise it will affect your training status.

The Mexican chicken taco was only a little spicy. Su Yi thought it was fine. Even if Brother Luo said it, he didn't think it was a big problem.

But after taking the stage, he knew how outrageous he was.

It was the first time for Su Yi to play in the ring. Like all novices, Su Yi was soaring with adrenaline and very excited. Both his muscles and spirit were in a state of high tension. It can be said that he was fully committed.

As we all know, when a person is nervous, the instant contraction stimulation of the heart will activate countless functions of the body, resulting in a large amount of physical exertion.

Fighting is a confrontational variation combination sport. Not only do you have to complete the actions yourself, but you also have to change according to the changes of your opponent.

It does not allow individuals to control the rhythm. They must always observe the opponent's subtle movements, predict the opponent's movements, and quickly formulate their own action plans and translate them into actual actions.

On the stage, should you wait for the opponent to make a move or do a combo yourself, should you go up to the leg, should you use a swinging punch or an uppercut to break the opponent's defense, attack with a whip kick, or defend with a side kick...

These require you to make judgments and reactions in an instant!

Maybe you can't throw a single punch in ten seconds, but every second, your mind must have meticulously imagined hundreds of punches to the flesh!

And when you actually fight, your physical energy consumption is even greater. You have to do your best in every offensive and defensive move. Your endurance and explosive power are unreservedly displayed in the ring.

In the ever-changing arena, your spirit and muscles must remain highly concentrated every minute!

Two minutes!

Su Yi remembered that in his first practical class, within two minutes of taking the stage, his vest was soaked with sweat. His whole body felt as if he had been showered with water.

Due to nervousness and excitement and unable to control the rhythm, Su Yi's physical strength after intensive training was quickly exhausted.

When every breath felt like his lungs were on fire, he finally understood why Brother Luo was gloating about his misfortune.

I was so tired that I pooped all over the floor!

People who have never experienced it will not understand the despair of running out of energy on the court.

You really can't do anything you want to do. The only thing you can do is hold your head in your hands and be beaten passively.

The only thing you can think about is when you will be hit in the vital point and fall down.

Once you experience this feeling, you will never want to experience it again.

The first practical lesson that Brother Luo gave Su Yi only told Su Yi one truth - evenly distributing physical strength is a skill that every boxer must master. This skill is a prerequisite for you to get on stage. If you can't allocate physical strength, you are not qualified to take the stage.

Combat sports are definitely the most physically demanding confrontational sports. Therefore, in MMA training, there are a lot of techniques and experience exchanges to slow down the loss of physical strength.

There is also teaching about the distribution of physical energy in traditional martial arts, but it is really pitiful. The distribution of physical fitness has not received enough attention in traditional martial arts.

This is because the intensity of confrontation in traditional martial arts is not that strong, and the second reason is that there is no scientific way to solve this problem. Each martial artist can only rely on his own experience.

As the old saying goes, "Boxing is afraid of young people." In fact, it is basically a matter of physical fitness, not age.

After playing eight games in a row, although most of Su Yi won in one round, one round also consumed physical energy, not to mention the two matches with Chen Dasheng and Zhang Songnian, which consumed a lot of Su Yi. His physical reserves were absolutely More than half consumed.

Su Yi has to play two games next. Is his physical strength not enough? Su Yi must make accurate judgments.

If he is lucky and his next opponent is of a level that allows him to be knocked out with one punch, then there will be nothing to say.

But I am afraid that there will be two more opponents like Chen Dasheng and Zhang Songnian.

Even if Su Yi could handle the first one, he might not be able to handle the second one.

Licking his chapped lips, Su Yi looked around, regretting that he didn't ask his men to prepare water so that he could replenish water at any time.

Although the task of ten consecutive victories was announced after he entered the ring, this embarrassment can be avoided if he thinks carefully.

Su Yi tried his best to let his breathing be long and slow, relax the muscles in his body, and seize the time to recover.

But the time was short-lived, and the referee took one minute to draw out Su Yi's ninth opponent.

"Jining Chaquan, Zhang Yingzhen!"

After a brief silence, the scene erupted into amazing cheers.

The audience is just watching the fun, they don’t understand anything.

But the warriors present all looked surprised, because Zhang Yingzhen and Zhang Songnian were both from the same sect, and both were Ma Liang's apprentices!

In terms of fame, Zhang Yingzhen is even more famous than Zhang Songnian.

What is the probability of drawing two brothers before and after the lottery?

However, it was drawn by the referee.

If Su Yi hadn't watched the referee draw the lots with his own eyes, he would have doubted whether there was something fishy going on.

The audience was in an uproar. Although there was no expression on Su Yi's face on the stage, he felt helpless in his heart.

He has also heard Zhang Yingzhen's name. This is a more difficult opponent than Zhang Songnian.

The key is that this Zhang Yingzhen watched the whole fight just now. I am afraid he will be more prepared for Su Yi's sleeping skills, and I am afraid he will be more experienced in dealing with Su Yi.

This is indeed the case. Zhang Yingzhen is a tall and burly man with dark skin.

He is about 1.9 meters tall, ten centimeters taller than Su Yi. The muscles on his body are also very well-proportioned and strong. He has a fierce expression. You can tell at a glance that this person is difficult to deal with.

Su Yi especially noticed this man's palms.

His arms are inherently longer than ordinary people, which can be considered a gift.

As for his hands, starting from the wrists, they were a sickly ginger color. The palms were wide and thick, the joints were bulging, and the veins were bulging, making them look very scary.

Iron Palm!

Although Zhang Yingzhen was Ma Liang's apprentice, he was a "midway monk".

This person has been practicing the ancestral Iron Sand Palm and Shaolin Thirty-two Styles Changquan since he was a child. He became famous at a young age, so he was valued by Ma Liang and accepted him as his disciple, and taught him Zhaquan.

This is also a man who has been practicing Changquan since he was a child. The scary thing is that he also practices Iron Sand Palm, which directly doubles the lethality of his martial arts.

Maybe when you hear the word "iron sand palm", you will think of an iron pot with iron sand, a fire underneath, and then inserting your hand into it and inserting it in and out.

If anyone practices Iron Sand Palm like this, even a centipede master will not be able to do it.

How big of a brain do you have to put your hands into hot iron sand?

This is not practice, it is torture.

There are two methods for real iron palm training.

The first method is to fill a sand tray with coarse sand, put your hands into the sand, and rub it vigorously until you are exhausted. When you knead the sand into flour, it will be considered a success.

While crushing the sand, you also need to put the iron sand into a strong cloth bag, and then beat it like a sandbag for more than two hours a day. After beating, you also soak your hands with special potion, and practice every day.

When you practice your palms to the point where you feel no pain at all when you pierce your palms with a needle, you will have mastered this skill.

The second method is to select ten pounds of yellow mud with few impurities and put it into the jar, stir-fry two and a half pounds of coarse salt grains, then add ten pounds of iron sand and mix it into the yellow mud, and stir evenly.

This method is not rubbing, but inserting. The insertion lasts for two hours every morning and evening, and you have to soak your hands with a special medicine after the insertion.

The iron sand palm produced by this method is more powerful and is called the cloud-piercing hand. It is said that some masters have directly pierced the belly of others with their swords, which is very cruel.

Don't think that Iron Sand Palm is a popular product. In fact, it is a popular product.

But those who can master Iron Sand Palm are definitely rare.

First of all, this martial art requires a lot of training time. There is no shortcut, it can only be achieved by practicing continuously for decades. If the fire is not enough, the power will definitely be greatly reduced, and it cannot be considered an iron sand palm at all.

Secondly, it is too painful. Injuries to the palms of the hands are almost commonplace, and if you are not careful, there is a risk of becoming disabled or dying.

Third, strictly speaking, Iron Sand Palm cannot be regarded as a kind of martial arts, it can only be regarded as - enchantment?

It's almost the effect of enchantment.

Real martial arts is a comprehensive skill that includes attack, defense, footwork, tactics, etc.

But Iron Sand Palm only uses iron sand to make the bones of the palm stronger, and the skin and flesh fibers are congested and expanded, making the bones and skin of the palm stronger. While the chance of injury is reduced, the blow damage caused to the opponent is greater.

Therefore, Iron Sand Palm is by no means a martial art, it is just something to enchant martial arts.

It's like hitting someone with a wooden stick originally, but after practicing Iron Sand Palm, the wooden stick becomes an iron stick. But whether the iron rod can hurt or hit someone is another matter.

Spending four to five hours a day practicing Iron Sand Palm for more than ten or even decades, but can only achieve an enchanting effect. How many people in the world are willing to do this kind of thing? How many people can do it?

To sum up, this means that although Iron Sand Palm is a popular weapon, there are absolutely very few masters who can master it.

There are only a handful of masters who can use iron sand palms in actual combat.

Iron Sand Palm must be used in conjunction with other martial arts, so that the effect of one plus one is greater than two.

If you hear that a guy only knows Iron Palm, don't be afraid. This grandson will only be a brick splitter by the end of his training.

But if he knows other skills, then you have to be careful. Even if this person's martial arts is not high, it won't be much lower. At least you won't be able to stand it if he hits you.

Zhang Yingzhen is an iron palm master who has not yet reached his peak.

This kung fu became a sideshow and a laughing stock in later generations, and was basically eliminated. First, it is because it is difficult to practice, and the effort and reward are not proportional; second, later generations have more scientific and efficient training methods that can achieve similar or even better results; second, because later generations of fighting sports basically wear gloves, and do not use bare hands. Well, Iron Sand Palm, a useless martial art invented specifically for unarmed combat, will naturally be swept into the trash heap of history.

But no matter what, Su Yi now has to face the threat of Iron Palm.


With the referee's order, the two sides officially started.


Zhang Ying spoke loudly, shouted loudly, and took the lead in attacking Su Yi.

He raised his palm as a sword, stepped forward with a bow, and chopped it off with one palm!

Yes, chop!

This slash was powerful and majestic, creating an indomitable and heroic momentum.

This is not a palm technique, but a sword technique!

There is an equipment routine in Chaquan, called the Spring and Autumn Broadsword, which is the Qinglong Yanyue Sword. There are ninety-nine and eighty-one routines in total, and they follow a fierce path. This is the set of sword techniques that Zhang Yingzhen uses now.

Zhang Yingzhen practiced Iron Sand Palm, but the simple palm technique actually limited the power of Iron Sand Palm, so he turned his palm into a sword and used the knife technique to practice his palm.

This is not Zhang Yingzhen's invention, but his predecessors practiced this way before him and found that the effect was excellent, so he passed the method down.

By the way, the reason why there is a Spring and Autumn Sword in Cha Quan is because in this era, Cha Quan recognized Mr. Guan Er as the founder...

I don’t know what they are thinking. Mr. Guan is not a Muslim.

This slash was carried forward in an unstoppable manner, and its fierce and fierce momentum forced Su Yi to temporarily avoid the edge.


It doesn't exist. Have you ever seen someone using flesh and blood to block a knife?

Although Zhang Yingzhen's iron sand palm is not a sharp steel knife that can cut through flesh and blood, but if it is slapped firmly, it will definitely break your bones.

So Su Yi could only retreat and hide.

The sword missed, Zhang Yingzhen gained the momentum and stepped forward with another strike.

Su Yi continued to retreat, but ducked and tried to counterattack from the left.

Zhang Yingzhen exchanged his long sword for a short game, and used Zhou Cang's knife move to repel Su Yi's attack, followed by a move of Night Fighting in All Directions, forcing Su Yi to retreat again!

Three consecutive attacks showed Zhang Yingzhen's determination to forge ahead.

He played more actively than Zhang Songnian, and the connection of his moves was obviously smoother and smoother than Zhang Songnian's. His attacks came one after another without any gaps, giving Su Yi almost no chance to counterattack.

Su Yi fought and retreated, walking around the ring, waiting for opportunities to counterattack.

It seemed that he was beaten to the point of being unable to fight back, but Su Yixin calmed down.

This situation is definitely beneficial to Su Yi, because he doesn't have to expend too much energy and can be regarded as waiting for work.

Su Yi decided to use the "drag" tactic. No matter how good Zhang Yingzhen's physical strength was, he would always run out of strength. The harder and more urgent he attacked now, the sooner the counterattack moment Su Yi was waiting for would arrive.

Facing Zhang Yingzhen's offensive, Su Yi did not rush to use sleeping skills. This was also because of the deterrence of Iron Sand Palm.

Thanks to the big boss Qiqi Miao Alliance Leader for the reward. I saw the news early in the morning and I feel it bodes well for this year. I am happy. Thank you, and I wish all book lovers a happy New Year.

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