The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 712 Visit from Zhepeng people

Until Su Yi was pushed into the operating room, Liu Haiqing was still standing by the window blankly, unable to calm down for a long time.

Su Yi's words shocked him too much. Compared to outsiders, he and Yixiantian could understand better what Su Yi had paid and what he had given up for his dream of national martial arts.

How far can a person go for his ideals?

Liu Haiqing felt that there was no one more worthy of the word ideal than Su Yi.

After Su Yi said those words, Liu Haiqing could no longer say a word of persuasion.

He knew very well that no one could persuade Su Yi to make the decision.

"Hai Qing, do you really want Master Geng to fight for his life?" Yi Xiantian asked with a heavy face, "As long as he gets on the ring again, the wound will definitely burst. The risk of infection is too great. He is really going to die!"

Liu Haiqing sighed: "You don't know what kind of person he is? As long as he can accomplish something, is he afraid of death?"

"If you're not afraid of death, you can't seek death, right?" Yixiantian said, "Keep the green hills here, and you won't be afraid of not having firewood."

"Chao Wendao, it's easy to die at night. I can understand him, but..." Liu Haiqing shook his head.

"How about we force him?" Yixiantian suggested.

"Is he a person who can be forced?" Liu Haiqing waved his hand, "Forget it, instead of thinking about these unrealistic things, it is better to think about how to help him and make him survive."

Liu Haiqing and Yixiantian frowned at the same time, thinking hard.

At this time, Luo Yu on the side quietly raised her hand and said tentatively: "What? Although I heard it in confusion, I can still do something about Master Geng's injury."

The eyes of Liu Haiqing and Yixiantian fell on him.

"Our Taihe Sect is a Taoist sect, not an ordinary martial arts sect. The Taoist sect pays attention to hanging pots to help the world, so the ancestors of all generations are masters of the apricot forest." Luo Yu scratched his head, "I am not good at martial arts, and my interest is more in martial arts, but my master is academic Heavenly beings have superb medical skills. A few years ago, when the warlords were fighting, a group of broken soldiers fled to our Taoist temple. Each of these soldiers was injured, and several of them were carried up the mountain with only one breath left."

"Master had a kind heart, took them in, and treated them. Wang Zhanyuan was the governor of Hubei Province at that time, and these deserters were dispersed because they rebelled against his tyranny. In order to hunt them down, Wang Zhanyuan sent hundreds of people to search the mountain. Master was trying to find a way to fight with them. Go around, hold them back, heal their injuries, and quietly let them go."

"Your Majesty is so righteous, he is truly a strange man!" Liu Haiqing praised.

Luo Yu smiled and continued: "The situation was very critical at that time, and those injuries had to be transferred as soon as possible, but many of them had gunshot wounds, but they were much more serious than Mr. Geng now, and they couldn't even walk normally."

"But after Master's treatment, they were able to go to the ground in seven or eight days. The last group of people all left on their own."

Liu Haiqing and Yixiantian's eyes lit up.

"Then do you have this Yaoluo brother on you?" Xiantiantian asked anxiously.

Luo Yu shook her head and said regretfully: "I brought you with me, but I gave them away a long time ago...I am a person who can't keep anything outside of me..."

"..." Both of them had the urge to beat him to death.

"And this medicine is only for emergency use," Luo Yu explained. "It only temporarily stabilizes the injury and allows people to move freely. The cost is to overdraw the body and treat the symptoms but not the root cause. After the crisis is over, more energy and time will be spent on cultivation. , in order to make up for the shortfall.”

"That's reasonable." Liu Haiqing nodded, but he wasn't too disappointed. "Otherwise, if there is a magical medicine that can bring life to human flesh and bones, little Geng will not be able to enjoy it."

If it were a particularly precious miracle medicine, Liu Haiqing would not dare to believe it. It would only be normal if it had flaws.

"I'm thinking, if Master Geng really wants to compete, then I'll just go back to Wudang Mountain." Luo Yu said, "I'll go to the master to ask for some medicine, and by the way, I'll ask him if he has any updates on Master Geng's injury." Good idea."


Liu Haiqing and Yixiantian were both moved.

"Brother Luo, why do you have the nerve to bother you with all this trouble? Besides, this medicine must be very precious." Liu Haiqing said hurriedly.

"Master Geng already regards me as one of his own, so what's the point of making a trip for him?" Luo Yu said matter-of-factly, "Besides, I haven't made any achievements in my first career, so I can use this as a testimonial."

Xian Xiantian held his hands in awe: "Brother Luo, I admire you for your righteousness."

"Hehe, just so so." Luo Yu said with a smile on her face, raising her eyebrows and speaking modestly.

"Brother Luo, if you really want to make this trip for Xiao Geng, I can help you." Liu Haiqing said, "I can arrange a military plane to take you to Jinling. From Jinling, take a train to Shiyan, which is not far from Wudang Mountain. "

"Plane?" Luo Yu was shocked, "Then I won't take it!"

"But it only takes one day to fly to Jinling, but it takes a long time to take the train." Liu Haiqing said, "If you really want to help Xiao Geng, the sooner the better."

"Brother Luo, are you afraid of flying?" Xiantiantian asked doubtfully.

"How is that possible!" Luo Yu suddenly raised her voice, "Luo has traveled around the world and never knows how to write the word fear! I just can't get used to flying..."

He was embarrassed when he talked about it later. These days, there are many people who can fly, but Luo Yu is definitely not included.

Neither Liu Haiqing nor Yixiantian exposed him.

"Brother Luo, even if you take a plane, it will take at least eight or nine days for you to go to Wudang Mountain and back, right?" Liu Haiqing said.

"It's about the same." Luo Yu said, "It can take eight days at a faster time, and it may take more than ten days if it's slow."

"If Brother Luo is willing, then hurry up and rush to the airport now without further ado?" Liu Haiqing asked, "There will be a military plane taking off for Jinling in forty minutes. If you miss this flight, you will have to wait until tomorrow."

"Okay, then I'll leave now!" Luo Yu gritted his teeth.

"I'll see you off." Liu Haiqing said immediately, "Xiao Han, you stay and wait for Xiao Geng to come out."


When Liu Haiqing sent Luo Yu to the airport, Zheng Shanao and Chen Shi arrived one after another.

Chen Shi had difficulty moving and was still sitting in a wheelchair, so he was pushed here by Zhao Guohui.

They were all worried about Su Yi's injury. Su Yi was about to leave the operating room, so they all stayed at the door waiting.

"Xiao Han, who wants to kill Liangchen?" Chen Shi asked.

In fact, Liu Haiqing had already found out Zhao Lijun's identity and confirmed that it was the Zheng family who was paying for revenge.

But it was definitely not appropriate to publicize it at this time. Liu Haiqing only planned to handle the matter quietly.

"They should be from Zhepeng." Xianxiantian said vaguely.

The Zhepeng people have always been ill-intentioned towards Su Yi, so it's not wrong to let them take the blame.

"The ghost is still here!" Zhao Guohui said bitterly, "What happened to them in the good time? Are they going to kill them all like this?"

"Liangchen has a strong temper and will never stop being the enemy of his country and family." Chen Shi said in a deep voice.

"If this continues, there is no other way..." Zheng Shanao said worriedly.

At this time, outside the hospital, a group of reporters were also waiting for news. They didn't know the condition of Su Yi's injury, they only knew that he had been shot.

On the streets of Jinmen, major newspapers published headlines. Some wrote, "Geng Liangchen won ten consecutive victories." Some wrote, "Magic skills are no match for bullets." Some wrote, "Geng Liangchen's life is in danger, and he is afraid of walking again." Falling into chaos"...

Su Yi's news once again became a hot headline in Tianjin. Everyone was talking about his ten consecutive victories and his final assassination in public.

Public opinion was raging on the street, and the people's understanding was very unified. They all believed that the Zhepeng people wanted to kill Su Yi.

The news reached the ears of Kazuchi Takaji, which shocked the veteran spy leader.

"Did we do it?" The first thing he wanted to confirm was this.

He was not sure if any of his subordinates took it upon themselves to assassinate Geng Liangchen.

"I'll check it out!" Kameda Ichiro said immediately.

"Ask Yuan Wenhui if he did it." He Zhiying said.

Yuan Wenhui is Li Dasen's apprentice. After Li Dasen died, he became the most competitive candidate to be the leader of the Jinmen Youth Gang.

However, everyone blamed Su Yi for Li Dasen's death. Now some people in the Green Gang who don't want Yuan Wenhui to take over have shouted the slogan "Avenge Li Dasen", implying that if they don't kill Su Yi, they are not qualified to do so. The leader of the Green Gang in Jinmen actually wanted to trick Yuan Wenhui and Su Yidou into killing people with borrowed knives.

Although Zhao Lijun's body was quickly taken over by Liu Haiqing's people, it had been in the hands of the French Concession patrol until now.

The patrol room in the French Concession had no secrets at all for the Zhepeng people. Kameda Ichiro soon found out Zhao Lijun's identity.

"People from the Fuxing Society? Xixi..." He Zhiyinger became interested, "Why did the people from the Fuxing Society kill Geng Liangchen? After the Fuxing Society was disbanded, weren't all the organization and manpower taken over by Liu Haiqing's Three Youth League? ?”

Kameda Ichiro looked confused.

He didn't know that.

He Zhiyingji did not ask further questions. With the power of Zhepeng's agent network, he would know the cause of this matter sooner or later, so he was not in a hurry.

But are there any articles that can be done on this matter?

He Zhiyingji pondered for a moment and suddenly said: "Kameda, prepare flower baskets and fruits. I want to go to the hospital to visit Geng Liangchen."


At the French Concession Hospital, Su Yi, dripping with sweat and looking pale, was pushed out of the operating room.

A crowd of people immediately surrounded him.

"Doctor, how is Geng Liangchen's condition?"

"Spread out, all spread out! The patient needs to breathe fresh air and need ventilation!" Dr. Hendry jumped to his feet and shouted angrily.

The nurse hurriedly translated, and Zheng Shanao and others dispersed.

Hendry's expression softened slightly, he took a long breath, looked at Su Yi with complicated eyes, and began to talk in a gibbering voice.

The little nurse translated: "Dr. Hendry said that he had never seen a man like Mr. Geng. During the process of debridement and suturing, Mr. Geng did not make any sound, and his body was like a rock, without shaking. If Mr. Geng hadn't been sweating profusely because of the pain, he would have doubted whether Mr. Geng didn't feel pain..."

"The operation was successful. Now Mr. Geng needs to rest and must not move around. You'd better not disturb him too much..."

The doctor jabbered for a while, and then left. The nurses pushed Su Yi back to the ward, and then said with a straight face: "I'll give you ten minutes. If you have anything to say, hurry up and go out after you finish speaking. The patient needs to rest!"

"Okay, okay, thank you, Miss Nurse..." A group of grown men were scolded by a little girl. They all laughed and didn't dare to talk back.

After the nurse left, Su Yi smiled and spoke first: "Old man, Senior Brother Chen, are you here?"

"You little monkey has been suppressed again, how could I not come and see you?" Zheng Shanao sighed, "You, you, never give me peace of mind."

"Old man, you are paying more and more attention to me now." Su Yi teased with a smile.

Zheng Shanao blushed, knowing that Su Yi was teasing him and was being hypocritical, but weren't you the same? Brat!

"Are you thirsty on a good day? Sister-in-law, go get you a glass of water?" Zhao Guohui asked with concern, "You think you are trying to be a hero? You don't even use anesthetics, and those iron hooks are boring into the flesh and blood, so much more It hurts..."

"Actually, it's not bad." Su Yi smiled.

While debriding and suturing, his consciousness entered the stream-of-consciousness teaching space and was tortured to death by Ip Man. He could no longer tell whether the pain was real or fake.

This is also the reason why he didn't move at all, otherwise how could he not react at all?

"Liangchen, was it someone from Zhepeng who fired the gun?" Chen Shi asked, "I heard that the gunman was shot dead on the spot. Have you found out his identity?"

Su Yi pondered for a moment, and just when he was about to answer, he heard a harsh accent from outside the door: "Chen Sang, you can't talk nonsense without evidence, otherwise it will be a rumor."

Upon hearing this voice, the expressions of everyone in the room changed, and they all looked towards the door.

I saw Kazuchi Takaji walking in with a smile on his face, followed by Ichiro Kameda holding a flower basket and a fruit basket behind him.

Xiantian Tian took a step forward calmly, on guard to prevent the Zhepeng people from harming Su Yi.

The rest of the people were watching He Zhiying Er warily.

He Zhiyinger smiled and looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Su Yi. He bowed slightly and said: "Geng Sang, I was shocked to hear that you were plotted and shot. I am very worried and care about your safety, so It’s rude to come here to visit you uninvited!”

"Flowers and fruits, please accept your small kindness!"

As he spoke, he waved to Kameda Ichiro behind him. The latter stepped forward, raised his chin and sent the flower basket and fruit basket forward with an arrogant expression, waiting for others to pick them up.

But no one paid any attention to him.

Kameda Ichiro gradually lost his composure and became furious: "Baga!"

"What are you yelling about? This is a hospital!" The nurse who was passing by the door poked her head in and yelled dissatisfied.

"Kameda!" Wachi Takaji stopped Kameda Ichiro, bowed to the little nurse and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, we can't do it anymore."

The little nurse didn't expect that a grown man would suddenly bow and apologize to him. She was a little dazed and went out at a loss.

Wachi Takaji signaled Kameda Ichiro to put down his things, and then looked at Chen Shi with a smile: "Chen Sang, I want to correct your mistake just now. The person who shot was not our Zhepeng people, but the Chinese people."

"To be precise, he is from your government. The gunman's name is Zhao Lijun. He came to Jinmen from Shanghai four days ago. He is a member of your country's secret service under the control of Jinling. Geng Sang, the identity of the gunman, I shouldn’t be able to hide it from you, may I ask, am I right?”

He Zhiyinger looked at Su Yi with a smile, looking gentle.

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