The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 73 If you don’t go crazy, you won’t survive.

A person cannot be an animal or a machine.

Therefore, it is impossible for 99% of people in this world to do nothing but eat, drink, poop, and sleep. They can just play the dumb drum mat "ta-ta-ta-ta-ta" every day, mechanically maintaining the same rhythm. The intensity, boring practice all day long, day after day.

And even if a person can stand it, his muscles can't. Sixteen hours a day will really break him.

Da Liuer quickly thought of this problem and took the initiative to reduce the practice time to ten hours a day, divided into three times.

Although this was cruel, Su Yi refused.

He told Da Liuer that it would still be sixteen hours a day, but every four hours of playing, he would rest for two hours.

Da Liuer didn't believe that Su Yi could do it at all. He smiled and said, "Okay, okay," but in fact, he was holding back and preparing to see Su Yi's jokes, waiting for Su Yi to take the initiative to give in.

So, Da Liuer saw for the first time in his life what a ruthless person is.

Su Yi really did it!

The anxiety and depression accumulated on the last set urgently needed a platform to clear my mind to continue to release.

Because of the mental trauma caused by self-doubt and denial, he urgently needed to achieve catharsis and balance through physical torture.

Playing drums does not require the use of brains, and can be boring and self-torture. It is simply a "healing elixir" tailor-made for Su Yi.

The most important thing is that Su Yi is born with a fierce energy.

Be ruthless to yourself and be ruthless to others.

And he has no worries - any damage to this body will be repaired as long as he survives and leaves the set.

So, make it!

On the first day, Su Yi broke a pair of drum hammers. His arms were swollen from the beating, and his eyes were blind and confused.

But he persisted.

Da da da da, da da da da, da da da da…

The dull muffled sound lingered in Su Yi's ears, even when he fell asleep.

Da Liu'er was very surprised, and felt a hint of admiration in his heart. He said that no matter what happened in the future, just for this day's persistence, Su Yi was worthy of his thumbs up and saying he was awesome.

The next day, while Da Liuer was still sleeping, he heard Su Yi starting to play the drums again.

Then, under Liu'er's disbelieving gaze, Su Yi broke another pair of drum sticks, smashed the dumb drum pad, and persisted for sixteen hours again!

Every four hours, Su Yi would stop, drink water, go to the toilet, pick up food, wolf down it, and then fall asleep.

Two hours later, when the alarm rang, he jumped up, slapped cold water on his face, sat on the drum bench and started again.

So back and forth.

On the third day, Su Yi broke two pairs of drum sticks and smashed a dumb drum pad, persisting for sixteen hours.

Day four, same as above...

The fifth day...

Day six...

Then, the seventh day!

Da Liuer was completely shocked!

Although Su Yi seven days later described him as withered mugwort, unkempt beard, messy hair, and the clothes on his body were like a rag that had just been wiped on the table, sour and smelly, at this moment, Da Liuer looked at Su Yi as if he were a god. !

To be honest, Da Liu'er couldn't imagine that a person could really be so cruel to him!

He was really shocked!

He couldn't imagine what would happen if such a person failed!

Seven days!

Seven whole days!

The swelling in Su Yi's arms never went away!

The two forearms turned green and transparent, and Da Liu'er felt pain just looking at them, but Su Yi didn't seem to feel anything.

On the fifth day, Da Liuer couldn't stand it anymore and went to the drugstore to buy safflower oil. Before Su Yi had time to rest, he quickly applied medicine to Su Yi, massaged it, and applied it with a hot towel.

Su Yi's food has also changed from the simplest fried cakes and rice bowls to nutritious meals such as various meats, fruits, eggs, etc.

He didn't feel sorry for Su Yi, he just wanted to see how far Su Yi, a ruthless person, could go.

On the eighth day, Da Liuer still didn't let Su Yi touch the real drum, and still asked Su Yi to play the dumb drum pad. This time he adjusted the metronome speed to 80 and asked Su Yi to perform a single jump, which was 1234, left and right.

Still a week!

Su Yi persisted again!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Da Liu'er would never believe that someone could actually do such a boring thing without breaking down!

The third week, metronome speed 100, single jump, one week!

Then in the fourth week, the metronome is 60, double jump, which is 11223344, another week!

The fifth week...

Sixth week…

It wasn't until the seventh week that Da Liuer freed Su Yi from the boring dumb drum pad and let him start learning to play scratch, snare drum, and bass drum, all playing eighth notes.

It was another four weeks before we started to practice formally, move after move, move after move...

Su Yi completely lost the concept of time.

Practice for four hours, rest for two hours, practice again, rest again.

He has no concept of day and night, so he lives his life on a four-by-four basis.

What are the first eight and the last sixteen, what are the first sixteen and the last sixteen, all kinds of basics, he practiced them tirelessly over and over again.

There was absolutely nothing in his mind, only movement and movement.

In his ears, the only sound of the metronome "didi-didi-didi" kept ringing, even in his dreams.

In front of me, there is always black soundproof cotton.

He didn't know how many drum sticks he had broken and how many drum heads he had broken.

He practiced day and night, without thoughts or emotions. He was really like an animal, like a machine.

In the end, even Liu'er saw it.

Su Yi was intentionally punishing himself.

Otherwise, no one would really work so hard.

This is simply self-abuse!

Da Liuer couldn't guess what happened to Su Yi, but he began to be afraid and terrified.

He felt that Su Yi was like a devil and he didn't want to teach him any more.

So, with only the last week left until three months, Da Liuer called Su Yi, who was already in a daze, from in front of the drum set.

"Go take a shower, change your clothes, and come with me."

"Where are you going?" Su Yi's eye sockets were sunken and bloodshot.

"You have graduated. Congratulations. I have arranged a graduation performance for you tonight!"

"Performance?" Su Yi's eyes showed a trace of confusion.

Memories flooded him.

He suddenly woke up completely.

Recalling the nearly three months of hard training that was almost masochistic, Su Yi felt filled with emotion when looking at his swollen limbs.

"Okay, I'll go with you."


There was feasting and feasting, and people drank wine.

A guy with a ponytail and a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks put his hand on Da Liu'er's shoulder and said drunkenly: "Liu'er, I'll give you face, I agree to this! Since you said his job is good, I believe it You! Let him replace you later, but the money..."

"Don't worry, I don't want any money!" Da Liu'er said hurriedly, "But I have to explain one thing in advance. This buddy of mine doesn't like to play with flowers, he only plays rhythm."

In fact, it's not that Su Yi doesn't like playing with flowers, but that he doesn't know how to play with flowers yet.

He also asked Da Liuer.

Da Liuer said to him: "Brother, with the work you are doing now, when you really want to play with flowers, it is a natural thing. But don't look for trouble when you don't want to play."


The pigtail snapped his fingers: "Just move once and for all. It's just three songs. No need to play any tricks. Okay, let this buddy come on stage with me later. By the way, buddy, what's your name?" what?"


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