Yixiantian's rescue operation went smoothly, and the match on Su Yi's side also went very smoothly.

Although Benny Leonard really wanted to make money from Tokusaburo Ohta and cause some harm to Su Yi, he couldn't do it.

In fact, with his strength, being able to enter the third round is already a matter of luck. He can't ask for more.

Facing a boxer with a very classical fighting style, Su Yi easily won this round. He didn't even realize that Benny Leonard wanted to go against him because he didn't give the black man a chance at all.

He just felt that this black man was a little excited today.

Amid the cheers and din of the audience, Su Yi quietly left the venue and went straight to Zheng Shanao's house.

After the second day's game, the qualifying situation for Group B was further clarified.

Su Yi scored four points with four wins from four games, and Tokusaburo Ohta also scored four points with four wins from four games. The emergence of Group B will be born between the two.

The duel between the two tomorrow morning will be the final result.

Among the remaining three players in Group B, Zhu Guofu lost the morning match against Tokusaburo Ohta. He only accumulated two points with two wins and two losses in four games. He had completely lost hope of promotion.

Benny Leonard has one win and three losses. Excluding Tong Zhongyi and Chang Dongsheng who retired due to injuries, he is at the bottom of Group B.

With four games in the two-day schedule, the qualifying situation for the other two groups has also become clear.

In Group A, one of Ma Liang's other disciples, Xiao Xi, Qi Juechen, won four out of four matches. His opponents in the same group only had three wins at most. He had basically secured the victory.

Someone asked, why does Ma Liang have so many apprentices?

Ma Liang has so many disciples.

As long as Ma Liang meets someone who practices Zhaquan well, he will accept him as his disciple.

Xiao Xizhi is particularly outstanding. Based on his understanding of boxing and kicking skills, he combined Cha Quan and Shaolin Tiger Quan to create his own Ten-Road Black Tiger Cha Quan.

Strictly speaking, this is not the establishment of a sect, but more like tailoring martial arts to one's own characteristics.

If Xiao Xizhi continues along this path and digs deeper into the theory of how to integrate kung fu according to his own characteristics, instead of being obsessed with creating a false reputation for martial arts, then maybe the future of traditional martial arts will be rewritten because of this.

Not only him, but also great masters such as Gong Baosen and Li Shuwen were like this.

They all consciously combined the strengths of hundreds of schools to "create" a new martial arts, and they were proud of it.

For example, the Gong family's sixty-four moves include Xingyi Bagua sect and even Tai Chi moves.

If there were no thermal weapons, martial arts would be passed on from generation to generation and innovated. Although this road would be slow and tortuous, it would not be wrong.

But looking at the overall historical situation, they have undoubtedly taken a different path.

If they gather the experts of hundreds of schools not to create new martial arts, but just to study the methods and theories of the experts of hundreds of schools, continue to optimize and simplify this process, and create a new theoretical system of martial arts, not just a single martial arts , making Chuanwu easier to understand, learn, and more personalized. In the modern fighting arena in the future, traditional Chinese martial arts will be the most dazzling one.

Except for Group A, the qualifying situation of Group C is somewhat similar to that of Group B. There are two players who have won four out of four games, and tomorrow, these two players will directly compete against each other.

One of them is called Zhao Lianhe, who is good at the Twelve-way Tan Kou.

Another player is interesting. His name is Bill Underwood. He is a British man who is good at barton and fencing.

Speaking of this Barton technique, strictly speaking, this technique is the originator of modern mixed martial arts technology.

It is based on Zhe Peng's jujitsu and British boxing, and absorbs the essence of Swiss Wengen techniques, French Savate kicking techniques and a unique stick technique. In addition, Barton technique also includes a comprehensive and targeted body training. training system. Although this system is relatively primitive, in this era, it is definitely a cross-era concept.

Barton was very popular in Britain. At this time, a famous novelist of later generations was writing this fighting technique into his book and giving it to his own protagonist.

The novelist's name is Conan Doyle, and the name of his protagonist is Sherlock Holmes.

The final winner of Group C will be between Bill Underwood and Zhao Lianhe.

In this way, the qualifying teams from Groups A, B, and C will all have five wins and five points, and there will still be no winner. Therefore, after the group stage, the three will compete in a round-robin format until the final winner is determined. until.

When Su Yi arrived at Zheng's house, Yixiantian and the others had just rescued someone, and they were all sitting in the living room of Zheng's house, drinking tea and talking.

"Old man, have the Zhepeng people treated you well?" Su Yi said hello after entering the door, and then looked Zheng Shanao up and down and asked seriously.

Zheng Shanao smiled and looked at Su Yi, shaking his head and saying, "You rescued me so quickly. Even if they tried to do anything to me, it would be too late."

"That's good, that's good." Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but there was a trace of doubt in his heart that always lingered.

"Old man, when you went there, did you eat the food they gave you and drink the water they gave you?" Su Yi thought about it for a while, but still asked worriedly.

"No," Zheng Shanao shook his head, "They tied us up and stuffed us into the car. When we arrived, they threw us into an iron cage. Then they ate and drank by themselves, and no one cared about us."

After a pause, Zheng Shanao looked at Su Yi: "What, are you afraid they will poison me?"

"It's possible." Su Yi frowned, "I always feel that this matter is a little strange. I can now confirm that the person behind your kidnapping must be Tokusaburo Ota. This person came to me specifically today and said He said a very strange thing."

"What are you talking about?" Luo Yu asked curiously.

"He said that time is life." Su Yi looked at Zheng Shan'ao doubtfully, "I thought about it on the way here. After thinking about it, I wonder if this sentence implies that he has placed some kind of statute of limitations on you, old man. Poison? Otherwise, what else could he mean by saying this?"

Zheng Shanao shook his head and said: "It was not poisoned. From the time we were kidnapped to the time we were rescued, we stayed awake the whole time. If it was really poisoned, how could I not know about it? You are overthinking, Liangchen."

"Could it be poisonous gas?" Luo Yu's mind was wide open. "There is a colorless and odorless poisonous gas that you, old man, could inhale without even realizing it."

"If this is really the case, then I really can't guard against it." Zheng Shan smiled proudly, "But you think too highly of the little devils, they don't have this ability."

"Time is life..." Yixiantian also frowned and thought about this sentence, "Master Geng, is it possible that Tokusaburo Ota is urging you to reply to him early and make a decision? The little devil is not good at speaking Chinese. Maybe he didn’t mean anything else at all?”

"I think it should be like this." Zheng Shanao nodded, "Good times, in fact, the little devil is basically a poor man. Tokusaburo Ota has long been notorious in Jinmen, especially in the martial arts. This man used to deceive and kidnap people. He defrauded several martial arts schools of their martial arts skills, but he was exposed and made a huge mess. He used to claim that he was the best swordsman of Zhe Peng, but in the end, we didn’t do anything, and he was taught a lesson by their own people. "

"This man is a robber. He has some sneaky skills and is good at self-promotion. Don't be fooled by him. His purpose is to make you suspicious."

"I think what the old man said makes sense." Yixiantian nodded and looked at Su Yi, "Master Geng, you asked us to be careful about ambushes and traps. In fact, nothing happened."

"Mr. Geng, what you call caring leads to chaos." Lao Jiang said with a smile, "Actually, there is no need to think about it. If the Japanese really did something, and they really want you to know about it, why would they hide it and not tell you? He wouldn't say anything. How can I threaten you, right? It doesn’t make sense.”

Su Yi's face softened slightly, and he was somewhat convinced.

"The Japs are so despicable and shameless, we can't just let this matter go." Luo Yu said bitterly, "Master Geng, we need to publicize this matter with reporters so that people all over the world know what the Japs have done! The old man’s grievance cannot be in vain!”

Su Yi was about to nod, but Zheng Shanao objected: "No, this matter should not be publicized."

"What's wrong, old man?" Su Yi was a little surprised.

He thought it was good to let reporters expose it. If Tokusaburo Ohta really had any other conspiracy, he might be able to force it out in this way.

"I was kidnapped by a group of gangsters, and I don't want to keep my reputation for the rest of my life?" Zheng Shanao said angrily, "You teach this Zhepeng man a lesson on stage. Even if you take revenge on me, don't let anything else get involved. "

"That's fine." Zheng Shanao's reason made Su Yi give up the idea of ​​exposure.

"Good time, this national martial arts competition is unprecedentedly large in scale and has an unprecedented level of attention." Zheng Shanao looked at Su Yi deeply, "People outside can regard this event as a grand gathering of martial artists and a national martial arts competition." Spring, but you can’t.”

"You have to always remember why this tournament is held. And why you participate in this tournament."

"A person who travels a hundred miles is half a mile. If you fail to win the final championship in the end, I guarantee you will regret it for the rest of your life."

Su Yi nodded slowly: "I took note of it, old man."

Zheng Shanao smiled happily: "So don't be affected by anything anymore, prepare well and compete well. That Tokusaburo Ota is just a clown. If he says anything, just treat it as fart and don't listen. Wait until tomorrow morning to be fair and aboveboard in the ring Once you defeat him, nothing will be a problem."

"Sure." Su Yi reflected for a moment and felt whether he was being overly cautious and suspicious.

He glanced at Zheng Shanao and said, "The old man doesn't look very good. Please take some rest these days and don't go out. By the way, why didn't you see the housekeeper?"

Luo Yu interrupted: "Mr. Zheng asked the housekeeper to rest. After all, the housekeeper is an ordinary person. How can he be so fearless in the face of danger? He was frightened and kept wiping tears."

Zheng Shan said with an arrogant smile: "He is just timid. At the end of his life, he has experienced this battle for the first time."

Speaking of this, Zheng Shanao suddenly stood up and bowed to the four people including Yixiantian: "Four of you, I dare not forget the grace of saving my life. Zheng Shanao is here to say thank you!"

"Old man, this can't be done..." Xianxiantian had quick eyesight and quick hands, and hurriedly supported him, "Aren't you going to shorten our lives?"

"Senior Brother Zheng, we are from the same sect, why should we be so different?" Gong Er said, who had been silent.

"Okay, then I'm welcome." Zheng Shanao straightened up.

He looked tired and seemed to be in low spirits. He yawned loudly and laughed at himself: "I am still old after all."

"Old man, please rest. Let's take our leave first." Su Yi said immediately upon seeing this, "I'll see you another day."

"Okay, let's go." Zheng Shanao nodded.

Su Yi took Yixiantian and Luo Yuxiang and said goodbye to Zheng Shanao. He also said hello to Gong Er and Lao Jiang before going out.

Immediately afterwards, Gong Er and Lao Jiang also left.

When Zheng Shan'ao was the only one left in the living room, his body suddenly swayed, as if he couldn't support himself, and he hurriedly held on to the table on one side.

The housekeeper suddenly rushed out from the back hall and supported Zheng Shanao.

"Master!" he shouted, tears streaming down his face.

"Why are you crying!" Zheng Shanao gasped, "Let no one hear you again."

"Master, it's not that big of a deal, it's really not that big of a deal!" the butler cried bitterly, "It depends on whether you win or lose a game. No matter how big it is, can it be bigger than your life? Why are you doing this!"

"You don't understand, you are too short-sighted." Zheng Shanao slowly sat down with the help of the housekeeper, "You can't lose this game at a good time. If you lose, you will be eliminated, all your previous efforts will be wasted, and everything will be in vain. And I can see that this kid has the aura to win at all costs. It’s okay if I can’t help him, how can I hold him back?”

"But, what should you do? You can't just do it, just like this..." The housekeeper burst into tears.

Zheng Shanao smiled and patted the butler on the shoulder, feeling a little lost in thought.

After a long silence, he said: "When I was young, like Master Gong, I wanted to find a way out for martial arts. I also traveled around and slept in the open. At that time, my blood was still warm."

"But this road is too hard and difficult. Seeing that I can't beat a bullet in martial arts for the rest of my life, I was thinking, is kung fu really necessary to exist?"

"I used to practice martial arts. With my martial arts skills, I could join the army, work as a bodyguard, or even look after people's homes and nursing homes. No matter what, I could make a career. But what about now?"

"Now that we have guns, we use them whether we are fighting, being bodyguards, or looking after homes and homes. Now that airplanes, artillery, and tanks have come out, guns are nothing compared to these big things, let alone the flesh and blood of warriors?"

"What else can a martial artist do? It's useless! I couldn't see any hope. I thought at that time that the only purpose of my martial arts was to make money and bring me fame and fortune. So I worked hard to make money and get riches. You will be famous for a lifetime."

"Later, when I got old, I began to think about my posthumous reputation and felt that I had to leave something behind. After thinking about it, the only thing I could do was to pass on this martial arts to future generations. If more martial artists could master their martial arts, If I pass it on, I feel at ease."

"Actually, this is laziness and irresponsibility. Things that our generation cannot complete will be passed on to the next generation. The situation faced by the next generation is worse than ours now, how can they complete it? Alas, from this point of view To put it bluntly, I am not as good as Master Gong and the others, they are responsible and righteous..."

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