The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 733 The sound and appearance are still there

Maybe the world is like this, I am still on the road, and no one can tell me.

Maybe I can only remain silent, with tears moistening my eyes, but I am not willing to be a coward...

In fact, Su Yi is not a young man who is sad about spring and autumn.

But when he was kneeling on the ring with his head raised and hissing, the image of himself standing on the stage and singing loudly in "Sewing Machine Band" came to his mind.

At that time, he was still full of passion and carefree, but he couldn't actually sing the weight and pain in these two lines.

If possible, he hoped he would never understand.

But why, at this moment, his heart hurt more than a torn wound?

But he quickly struggled to get up and went to see Zheng Shanao under the ring.

Unexpectedly, this movement made him dizzy, and he almost fell to the ground again.

Fortunately, Xianxiantian, who came on stage again, held him up and prevented him from falling.

Su Yi gasped and looked towards Yixiantian. There were complex emotions such as fear, intolerance, doubt, etc. in his eyes.

Xianxian Tian said with a heavy face: "The person has left..."

Su Yi's eyes darkened completely.

Luo Yu also ran onto the stage, holding silver needles and medicinal powder in her hands.

"Master Geng, please bear with me..."

Su Yi was like a puppet at the mercy of others.

On the other side, the referee looked at Tokusaburo Ota's body and was about to find someone to cover it and take it away.

Gong Baosen stopped him.

"Have someone carry him to the hospital!" He stared at the referee with sharp eyes. "Remember, this man from Zhepeng died on the way to the hospital for rescue. Do you understand?"

"Ming, I understand!" The referee was shocked and replied hurriedly.


Suddenly there was a gunshot, but someone suddenly rushed to the stage and shot Su Yi.

But only one shot was fired, and Gong Er, who came on stage at some point, kicked the gunman away.

The agents and pistol team members of the Three Youth League reacted and quickly controlled the man.

"It's Chen Qing! Mader, this traitor!" The captain of the pistol team recognized that this was one of his men, and couldn't help but yelled in shock and anger.

"Who was shot? Was anyone shot?"

Yixiantian, who was protecting Su Yi, asked loudly.

Everyone looked at each other and no one answered.

"Move Master Geng and leave first!" Luo Yu shouted.

No one noticed that Gong Er, who kicked the gunman away, immediately stepped down.

Lao Jiang stepped forward and supported her. Looking at the marks on her waist soaked in blood, his expression changed greatly: "Girl, you..."

"Don't make any noise, Uncle Jiang!" Gong Er gritted his teeth and said, "I don't want him to know, let's go! Go quickly!"

Lao Jiang was frightened and angry, but he did not dare to go against Gong Er's wishes. He stamped his feet and hurriedly helped Gong Er away.

In the crowd, Gong Baosen looked at his daughter's leaving figure, his face full of shock, anger and worry.

He wanted to chase after him, but at this time the whole scene became noisy and chaotic. Some people were shouting and some were trying to run out. It was a chaotic mess.

If it is not controlled and guided, I am afraid that the last tragedy will happen again.

Gong Baosen was taken aback, and hurriedly suppressed all worries and thoughts, and began to organize people to try to maintain order and control the situation.

Fortunately, nothing worse happened again and the situation was quickly brought under control.

Seeing the crowd evacuating in an orderly manner, Gong Baosen grabbed the person on the side and said, "Do you have a car? Arrange a car for me!"

"Gong Monkey! Gong Monkey!" Ma Liang shouted and squeezed through the crowd.

"Look, look! How much trouble this Geng Liangchen has caused, it's him again, it's him again!" Ma Liang shouted dissatisfied, "The afternoon game is the last one. If Geng Liangchen doesn't come, we will count him as abstaining!"

"The game will be postponed!" Gong Baosen glared at him.

"Impossible!" Ma Liang shouted, "The game must not be postponed, it must be held normally! Oh, you said it would be postponed, why?"

"Because of the shooting incident, our event organizer needs to conduct self-examination and self-correction..." Gong Baosen said.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ma Liang: "Don't talk nonsense, who doesn't know that you are such a frivolous person? Don't you just want to delay time for Geng Liangchen? Why, your future son-in-law can't win first place in this competition. It’s not time to compete, is it?”

"Ma Liang! You old man, try talking nonsense again!" Gong Baosen got angry, pointed at Ma Liang's nose and yelled angrily.

"Did I say something wrong?" Ma Liang sneered, "What did your daughter do when she first came to power? So desperate to save her husband? How could I remember that your daughter was not promised Geng Liangchen?"

"I'll tear your mouth off!" Gong Baosen was completely angry.

But he was immediately stopped by other masters who came over.

"Ma Liang, you talk about being virtuous!" Zhang Zimin angrily scolded, "You are old enough to talk about a girl who has not yet left the government. Old man, don't you want to give up your old face? Do you think it is appropriate?"

"Okay, I apologize for this!" Ma Liang quickly compromised and sang, "I'm sorry Gong Hou, just think I fart! I slap myself in the mouth, and I take back what I just said!" "

"But, everyone, Gong Hou wants to postpone the game again. He sounds grand, but who doesn't know that he is doing it for Geng Liangchen? Brothers, what do you say? If you still follow his wishes this time, haha, Then don’t blame me for being so merciless!”

Faced with Ma Liang's unabashed threat, everyone was disgusted.

Who doesn't know his thoughts?

He just wants his apprentice Xiao Xizhi to win the championship.

Everyone has selfish intentions, but a villain who puts his selfishness in the open but looks like a dignified and righteous person, who is not ashamed but proud instead, is really disgusting.

But whether the game will be delayed or not, even without Ma Liang, everyone still has everyone's considerations.

"I don't think it's time to delay." Sun Lutang was the first to express his opinion. "Since the schedule and regulations have been set, what's going on if we still follow the rules and change them day by day?"

"I agree." Ma Liang responded immediately, "Besides, what's the reason to postpone the game? Gong Monkey, you just said that if there is a problem, you need to self-examine and correct yourself. What went wrong? There was no problem at all! Right? You are just trying to make up for it with your strong words, trying to find time for Geng Liangchen. Last time we compromised for your sake, but this time, we won’t agree! Time and time again, you can’t let it go on forever!”

"I feel like what Ma Liang said is fart!" Ma Yingtu interrupted Ma Liang, making Ma Liang glare at him.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Yingtu changed the subject: "But I also think that the game cannot be postponed! If Geng Liangchen cannot participate due to injury, then he will be third. There will only be one game in the afternoon. Just one game. , is there any need to delay?”

"I also think it should be held on time." Shang Yunxiang looked at Gong Baosen, "Uncle Master, if it doesn't change, it's best if it doesn't change."

Shang Yunxiang is nearly seventy years old this year. The reason why he is called Uncle Gong Baosen is because he has become his disciples successively, Li Cunyi and Guo Yunshen, and he is next to Gong Baosen in seniority.

"Let's hold it on time." Yang Chengpu said.

"I also think it will be held on time." Chuck looked at Gong Baosen, "Haneda, this matter..."

"I understand..." Gong Baosen laughed at himself, "It's because I want to keep it simple, and it's because I'm selfish for this kid Geng Liangchen. It's better... let's hold it on time!"

"Look, what did I say?" Ma Liang pointed at Gong Baosen and laughed, "I said he did it for Geng Liangchen, right? He even admitted it himself!"

No one paid attention to him, which made him feel bored.

Li Shuwen patted Gong Baosen on the shoulder and said, "Actually, whether Geng Liangchen will be able to return to the stage in the short term due to his injury are two different things."

Gong Baosen sighed and hugged everyone: "Everyone, I have to take a step in advance, so I'm sorry."

On the other side, Su Yi was sent directly to the French Concession Hospital. The same doctor Hendry checked Su Yi's injuries and became furious.

"You are committing suicide!" He angrily yelled at Su Yi, "Your wound has completely collapsed and has to be re-sutured! Let me tell you, this greatly increases the risk of infection. Even with sulfa, you are at risk of infection. Very big too!”

"Doctor, please save him, as long as we can save him, we are willing to do anything!" Yi Xiantian begged.

"I can only do my best!" Hendry shook his head, "Get ready for surgery!"

"Wait!" Su Yi suddenly said, "Doctor, I have decided to stitch up the wound tonight. Please give me two doses of sulfonamide. The rest will be discussed tonight. If anything happens, I will bear the consequences."

"Master Geng!" Xianxiantian and others were surprised.

Su Yi stretched out his hand to stop him from talking.

"Okay, your life is yours, you make the decision!" Hendry spread his hands helplessly, shook his head and sighed before going out.

"Xiao Luo," Su Yi looked at Luo Yu, "I haven't used the medicine you brought me. I haven't taken the pills yet. If I take it now, can you keep me going for an entire afternoon?"

"Oh, Master Geng! I wonder why your wound collapsed so completely. Why didn't you use medicine?" Luo Yu blamed, "If you had used my medicine earlier, your injury wouldn't be so serious today!"

"I have my own reasons." Su Yi said, "Go and get the medicine. Zhao Dezhu knows where it is. But don't make it public. This matter is only known to the three of us. If outsiders ask, they will say that I took the medicine three days ago!" "

Luo Yu wanted to speak, but Xianxiantian interrupted him: "Go get the medicine quickly, don't waste time!"

"Okay!" Luo Yu turned around and ran out.

"Master Geng, you still want to fight?" Yixiantian looked at Su Yi, "You will die on the stage in two tough battles!"

"They can make me use eight points of my strength, so I lose!" Su Yi said.

"But your injury can only use three points of strength at most!" Yi Xiantian said.

"That's enough." Su Yi gritted his teeth and said, "We have come this far. Even if I die, I have to grit my teeth and hold on!"

"I can't let the old man die in vain!"

As soon as these words came out, Yixiantian immediately stopped trying to persuade him.

But he thought of another way: "How about calling Hai Qing and asking him to find Commander Yu to find a reason to postpone the game for a while?"

"This is a crooked way, it will arouse criticism, and will not convince the public!" Su Yi shook his head, "Besides, although there were shootings today, no one was killed or injured, and Commander Yu had no excuse to stop the game."

"What's more, the game has been stopped once because of me. Nothing can happen again. This time, even the masters will not be willing to show favoritism because of me again."

Xiantiantian let out a long sigh and stopped talking.

After a moment of silence, Su Yi suddenly said: "I miss the old man, take me to see him."

Zheng Shanao's body was sent to Zheng's house.

The old man’s wife died young and he has a son and a daughter. The daughter married a wealthy local businessman and the son went to study in the West and has not returned yet.

There are quite a few apprentices, but there are three true ones. One is Yu Xuezhong's adjutant Lin Xiwen. Su Yi has dealt with this person before. Just like the character in the original plot, he has a cold nature.

There is another person who looks after the martial arts gym for Zheng Shan Ao, who is dedicated to his work and is a responsible person.

The last one is Su Yi.

It's just that Su Yi occupied the spot of the true disciple, but was not officially accepted as a disciple by the old man. The two of them were each other's master and disciple.

Logically speaking, the most important thing Su Yi should do now is to stay in the hospital without going anywhere, recuperate, and wait for Luo Yu to come and apply medicine for him.

But Xiantian hesitated slightly, and finally couldn't bear to reject Su Yi.

"I'll make arrangements, but you have to go in a wheelchair and can't run around." Yinxian Tiandao said.


When we arrived at Zheng's house, the house was already full of people.

The mourning hall has been set up, and Zheng Shanao's body has been placed in the coffin.

The originally empty martial arts hall was now densely packed with people.

There were cries one after another, and the scene was filled with a sad atmosphere.

"Go in?"

At the entrance of the martial arts hall, Xiantian pushed Su Yi and asked.

Su Yi stared blankly at the coffin directly opposite.

I don't know who actually wrote the elegiac couplet on the coffin.

The first couplet is, "The virtues of the teeth are respected and respected, there are comments on the first day of the month, and the kindness is always praised by the public; the second couplet is, Doushan is in peace now, the romance will last forever, and the example can be used as a teacher for future generations."

Hengbiao - the sound and appearance are still there.

The sound and appearance of these four words struck Su Yi and made him burst into tears.

"Go back!" Su Yi closed his eyes.


Xianxian Tian pushed Su Yi to turn around and walked away.

"Who is that?"

In the mourning hall, Lin Xiwen, whose head was wrapped in white cloth and dressed in military uniform, looked at the retreating figure with some confusion.

But he quickly withdrew his gaze and glanced around, with a hint of greed and excitement in his eyes.

He looked at the woman who was kneeling in front of the soul and crying her heart out, and then at the honest man who was crying loudly, with a little disdain in his eyes.

The woman is Zheng Shanao's daughter, and this honest man is Lin Xiwen's elder brother.

He looked around, and finally his eyes locked on the butler on the side.

He pulled the housekeeper aside and said in a low voice: "Uncle District, Master has recently lost his life. His only son, Jingxuan, is far away across the ocean. His daughter has married and become a woman with a foreign surname. Master worked hard all his life to save this money. As his disciple, I have to look after the side business for him!"

The housekeeper wiped away his tears and said, "Master Xiwen, the old man left a suicide note long ago. All his belongings will be given to Master Liangchen."

"Who?" Lin Xiwen raised his voice in surprise.

"Master Liangchen, Geng Liangchen." The butler said with a cry, "The old man's suicide note is here with me. When Master Liangchen arrives, I will hand it to him personally."

Lin Xiwen was shocked and angry, with a hint of resentment and ferocity in his eyes.

He lowered his voice and asked: "How come I haven't heard anything about such a big thing? Uncle District, who else have you told about this?"

"No, I didn't tell anyone." The butler shook his head sadly, "You're the only one who asked."

Lin Xiwen looked at the housekeeper who was crying constantly, and his eyes gradually burst into shocking murderous intent.

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