In the pre-Qin period, long before Jing Ke, people from the Six Kingdoms secretly bribed the palace maids to assassinate the king of Qin. The palace maid walked to Ying Zheng's dragon bed in the middle of the night, and when she was about to stab him with a knife, she was knocked to the ground by Ying Zheng who woke up and killed him.

The reason why she failed was because she did not close the door in time after entering, causing the cool breeze to blow in and wake up Ying Zheng.

If she closes the door, perhaps the outcome of one emperor through the ages and even the entire history of China will be rewritten.

Wang Yaqiao assassinated Chiang Kai-shek in Lushan Mountain two years ago. The plan alone took more than half a year to plan, and he spent a lot of energy. Finally, he successfully broke through the numerous guards and reached the hinterland of Lushan Mountain, only one step away from Chang Kaishen.

As a result, before they were about to take action, Chang Kaishen's security forces noticed their whereabouts and strengthened the protection of Chang Kaishen. As a result, a carefully planned assassination failed, and the martyrs who went to assassinate were shot to death on the spot.

Why does this happen?

The reason was that Walker and others who were acting at that time brought their firearms into Lushan Mountain hidden in hams. After taking out the guns, they randomly threw the hams on the roadside, and were discovered by patrolling guards.

The guard first wondered why there was ham discarded on the roadside, and secondly found that the ham was hollow, so he immediately became vigilant and sent an emergency signal.

Just like that, a shocking assassination failed because of littering.

There are many such examples. For example, just over a month ago, a righteous man pretended to be an officer Zhe Peng and assassinated the traitor Zhang Jinghui, who was the "Commander-in-Chief of the Manchukuo War-seeking Army" this time. The righteous man finally managed to sneak into Zhang Jinghui's side. He was about to take action, but because his shoes and clothes didn't match, he was spotted and caught on the spot.

There are too many precedents in history where success has failed due to small flaws, so the problem of too much odor must not be underestimated and must be solved.

Su Yi previously thought that just changing clothes would be enough, but now it seems that even if he changes clothes, the odor on his body, hands, face, and even hair cannot be eliminated.

"We must think of a quick way to deodorize." Su Yi's mind was racing and he was thinking hard.

Finally, his eyes fell on the bare trees on one side, and he gradually came up with an idea.

"Burn charcoal! Twist the charcoal into fine powder." Su Yi said, "The charcoal powder can absorb odors and play a deodorizing role."

"Is there such a thing?" Everyone looked at each other, obviously they had never heard of this "common sense in life".

"Of course, this is not enough." Su Yi said, "When we go in later, we have to put a bag of snow in a cloth bag. Before we get out of the well, we have to take off all our clothes and rub ourselves with snow from head to toe. After washing it, rub it again with toner. If you rub it with snow and toner a few more times, the odor on your body should be gone."

"Then after you get out of the well, put on clean clothes and shoes, and you'll be safe."

Everyone was a little moved. Walker said: "It's freezing and snowing. You take off your clothes and rub snow on your body? Master Geng, you will freeze to death!"

"People who practice martial arts have warm blood, so it's okay." Su Yi smiled.

"Luo Yu, Feng Ming, you two grab some firewood and walk as far away as possible. Try to get to a ravine where you can't see the light of the fire. Light a fire. Burn a bunch of extra charcoal and twist it into carbon powder. Time is urgent. Go now. !”


The two of them did not dare to neglect and hurriedly took the order and left.

"The rest of you, bring all your things and follow me!" Su Yi greeted them.

Soon, Su Yi walked around to the opposite side of the adjacent wall. The terrain here was higher and commanding.

Su Yi gestured with the wall in the distance for a while, then walked in and out from time to time, and even picked up the explosive pack to cushion the weight.

Yixiantian and Chen Chutai looked puzzled.

"Master Geng, what are you doing?" Chen Chutai asked in surprise.

"Artillery range measurement!" Walker said with a surprised expression, "I have been in an artillery camp before, and I have seen experienced artillerymen use this method to test the distance, angle, and accuracy of artillery before firing. This is It's a unique skill that you can't learn unless you have to work hard in the artillery camp for several years. I remember Master Geng... he never fought in a war, right? How could he do this? "

"Master Geng hasn't been to Zhepeng yet. Can't he still speak Japanese better than the Zhepeng people?" Xianxiantian said with a cut, as if you have never seen the world, "Master Geng has been learning martial arts for less than a year. , now even I, who have been studying for more than ten years, are no match for him. Some people are born with good brains and can understand everything at a glance. Don’t you agree..."

Just as they were talking, Su Yi was already at a location and beckoning them over.

"At this location, dig a pit that is tilted at such a large angle." Su Yi held a makeshift wooden triangular frame in his hand and pointed at one of the corners. "The diameter should be dug according to the diameter of the gasoline barrel, and it should be deep enough that two-thirds of the gasoline barrel can be inserted."

"Master Geng, are you... trying to use gasoline barrels as artillery?" Walker was dumbfounded, "Isn't this a bit... whimsical?"

"Yes, if cannons are so simple, then why do foreigners go to so much trouble to make cannons?" Chen Chutai also found it incredible.

Even Xiantiantian was a little skeptical, wondering if Master Geng was taking things for granted this time.

Of course, what Su Yi wants to do is to become a heartless gunman who will be famous in future generations.

Of course, the biggest advantage of this weapon is that it is cheap. In some specific environments and battles, it can play a role in attacking fortresses and destroying defense facilities. But it is largely ineffective against infantry in motion.

It would be too obvious to say that this thing can replace cannons. Moreover, it is very limited, highly dangerous, and has a lot of shortcomings. It is not as magical as described in some mythical dramas.

This is just a helpless method.

"Don't question it! Get to work!" Su Yi gave the order with a serious face.

He doesn't have to explain everything to his men.

Yixiantian and the other three began to dig a hole, while Su Yi modified the explosive packs and gunpowder, and made three "baffles" out of bark and branches that exactly matched the caliber of the gasoline barrel.

The three propellant packs and the three explosive packs were also changed by Su Yi into a round shape the same size as the caliber of a gasoline barrel.

When Su Yi was filling the gunpowder, he called Chen Chutai over to demonstrate and explain to him.

"First fill the launch gunpowder at the bottom, use an electric detonator, and connect the wires in advance... then put the baffle, and finally the explosive bag. I have modified the explosive bag. When you place the other two later, It must be noted that it must match the diameter of the gasoline barrel. If there are any gaps, fill them with cotton wool.”

"The explosive package is directly ignited with the fuse. Note that the delay must be accurate to twenty seconds, and the error should not exceed two seconds. Light the explosive package first, and then immediately ignite the propellant within five seconds and launch the explosive package. This will ensure The explosive package will fall in the courtyard of the headquarters..."

Chen Chutai nodded and took out a pen to write down quickly, studying very seriously.

After a while, Walker and the others dug the pit. The four of them worked together to put the filled gasoline barrels into the pit, and then filled and compacted the gap between the pit and the outer wall of the gasoline barrel. This heartless cannon was ready.

"Time is limited. Before Luo Yu and Feng Ming come back, I will explain the entire action plan first, and Kezhi will relay it to them later."

"Okay." Hua Kezhi agreed.

"We are divided into two groups, one group is responsible, and the other group goes in to assassinate. But the two groups must cooperate closely and there can't be any mistakes." Su Yi said.

"In the first step of the plan, Xiao Han and I sneaked in from the drainage pipe, reached the maintenance wellhead, used the well wall to support the suspension, quickly took off our clothes, and completed the cleaning and deodorization work. This process will be controlled from the time we start to the completion. Within fifteen minutes.”

"The second step of the plan is that in fifteen minutes, you will launch the first explosive package on time. No matter whether the explosive package falls in the yard of the headquarters or not, the huge explosion will attract the attention of the devils. My little brother and I Han would calculate the time and hit the manhole cover hard at the same time as the explosion, trying to knock the manhole cover open at once."

"Because there is a bigger explosion to cover it up and everyone will look this way after the explosion, so unless we are very lucky, no one will notice the noise we make,"

"I'm worried that we won't be able to break open the iron frame of the welding wire on the manhole cover in one go, so the second step will continue."

"After you fire the first explosive package, immediately cool the barrel with snow, and then immediately fill the second explosive package. I have just taught Chu Tai the filling method and sequence. The time for cooling the barrel and filling the ammunition I'll give you three minutes. If all goes well, the four of you can complete the refilling within two minutes if all goes well, so three minutes is definitely more than enough."

"If something goes wrong with the explosive pack or propellant when filling, don't be nervous. We have prepared three copies of these things. The third copy is reserved for you to deal with various emergencies."

"Then, I will know Xiao Han to calculate the time of the second explosion and hit the manhole cover hard again!"

Chen Chutai raised his hand.

"Say." Su Yi said.

"Master Geng, do the manhole covers have to be opened? Is there any other way to do it?" Chen Chutai asked, "Didn't we buy a hacksaw blade?"

"The sawing is too slow, there is no time!" Su Yi shook his head, "And it will continue to make a sound. It is so quiet at night, the sound will be obvious, and the risk of exposure is very high."

"I carefully inspected the iron frame and lock welded on the manhole cover. It seems that no one has touched it for a long time." Su Yi further explained, "It is unrealistic to use a hacksaw. If you want to open the lock, you can't reach that far." Far away; so the only way is to force it away."

"The steel frame is fixed to the ground with steel nails and wooden wedges, and it has become somewhat loose due to its age, so it is not a big problem to knock it open. Because I was injured, I did not dare to use too much force, so I just looked at the small Han can knock it open with just one or two blows."

Chen Chutai nodded to express his understanding.

Su Yi continued: "The next step is the third step of the plan. After you launch two explosives, retreat immediately! We have prepared several plans for the retreat route. You will adapt accordingly when the time comes."

"Remember, your mission is to give Xiao Han and I a chance to sneak in. As soon as the second explosive is launched, the mission of the four of you is completed. Retreat immediately. You can't wait for more than a second!" Su Yi said When he came to this sentence, he deliberately emphasized his tone and his expression was very serious, "Zhe Peng soldiers responded very quickly. Although they can't fly planes at night, they have cars and motorcycle teams!"

"So, as soon as the second explosion occurs, you must leave immediately. Before the Japanese catch up with you, rush to Xiaoxigou and crawl into the forest. Once there, you will be temporarily safe with the help of the complex terrain. From here It's more than five miles to Xiaoxigou. It will take you at least ten minutes to get there at your fastest speed. These ten minutes are just you racing against death, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Hua Kezhi and Chen Chutai said in unison, nodding in unison with serious expressions.

Su Yi continued: "The next thing is between me and Xiao Han. After you are out of danger, rush towards Ye Baishou. The two of us will go directly to Ye Baishou to join you."

Chen Chutai raised his hand again.

"Say." Su Yi said.

"Master Geng, what should I do with this cannon? Should I destroy it and take it away?" He pointed at the heartless cannon. "If the Japanese learn about this thing, wouldn't they have more cannons?"

Su Yi laughed and shook his head: "No, the Japs will never learn this. This kind of weapon has high limitations and is very dangerous. Didn't I just tell you a lot of precautions? If you don't operate it well, you will die. .Do you think the devil would use such a dangerous thing?"

He walked forward, squatted down, patted the gasoline barrel, and said with emotion: "This thing is just a cannon for the poor workers and peasants."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Chutai's eyes suddenly shrank, and then he quickly returned to his natural state and said with a smile: "This is a bad name."

Su Yi turned around and smiled at him: "Then just think of a name for it."

"Ke Zhi, after Xiao Han and I leave, you will be the person in charge of the four of you." Su Yi said to Hua Ke.

Walker was stunned and said hurriedly: "How about letting Ronaldinho do it?"

"Luo Yu can't do it." Su Yi shook his head, "That's it."

"Okay, I will definitely live up to your expectations, Master Geng!" Hua Kezhi said seriously.

Next, Su Yi and Yixiantian prepared the things they would take with them after sneaking in, and packed clean clothes and shoes to change into.

After being busy for a while, Luo Yu and Sun Fengming also came back.

After checking the toner they had prepared and making sure it was OK, Su Yi and Hua Kezhi checked their watches, then turned and left.

The two of them still followed the original route, from the lower reaches of the glacier to the other side of the river, and then used the cotton wool removed from the quilt to sneak into the entrance of the sewer pipe.

Then Su Yi was inside and Yixiantian was outside. After passing the things he carried through the gap in the dismantled fence, Yixiantian filled a bag full of snow with a cloth bag on the spot.

The two of them had finished all their preparations, and then they each carried some things on their backs and climbed inside.

Su Yi had already cleaned the pipes on his last trip, so the journey was smooth and there were no obstacles.

But Xiantiantian really couldn't stand the stench, and almost walked a few meters without vomiting.

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