The old man killed by Su Yi was obviously not Xi Yiyi, because the real Xi Yiyi was having a meeting downstairs.

This old man is an old servant who has served Xi Yiyi all his life. He is also the person Xi Yiyi trusts most. No matter where he goes, he will take this old man with him.

Is he a bad person?

Is he a good person?

None of this has anything to do with Su Yi, because Su Yi will kill him anyway. If you want to blame him, it's because he shouldn't be in this small building.

After killing the old man, Su Yi did not stay in this room longer.

After quickly checking the room, he immediately exited and continued to check the last room on the second floor. Then he left with confidence and walked towards the spiraling stairs.

His steps were light and quick, like a cat, making no sound.

When we got here, the voices of people talking downstairs could be heard very clearly in Su Yi's ears.

They didn't seem to be in a meeting, but rather like a party. The atmosphere was very relaxed and happy, and they would burst into happy laughter from time to time.

Su Yi walked down the stairs against the wall, stopped in the middle of the second floor and the first floor, and carefully leaned down.

From this angle, you can see most of the lobby on the first floor.

The lobby was filled with officers in military uniforms, each with a happy smile on their face.

On the gorgeous European-style sofa to the left of the stairs, some more senior officers were sitting, talking loudly.

But from Su Yi's perspective, he couldn't see the person sitting on the main seat.

"Xi Yisang, although Tang Yulin did not escape as we expected, this man himself is nothing to be afraid of. It is only a matter of time that the summer resort city changes hands. The middle road that our eighth division is responsible for will definitely become a hot spot." Be the first to complete all strategic tasks in the battle for the river! You will definitely receive the most solemn commendation from Commander-in-Chief Muto!"

"Not only Commander-in-Chief Muto, I think Nishi Yoshitsune is likely to be awarded a medal by the Emperor this time!"

"Those of us are truly lucky to be able to follow the wise and powerful Nishi Yi-san!"


Amid the joyful and flattering laughter, a magnetic voice sounded.

"Haha, everyone, I, Nishi Yiichi, am just following the footsteps of the Emperor. I believe that our Yamato nation will sooner or later stand at the top of the world and become the most noble nation in the world! In order to achieve this goal, we must also All of you and I need to work together and work hard together!”

"The capture of Rehe is just a small step in our great historical process. It is insignificant. The personal honor and disgrace of Xi Yiyi is nothing. Our goal is to conquer this land! The weak and stupid Zhina people are not worthy at all. Occupy this vast and fertile country! For this goal, we must continue to win one victory after another, kill more Zhenna people, and kill them all!"

Nishi Yiichi's words full of bewitching and passion made all the officers present cheer loudly, and the atmosphere was extremely enthusiastic.

"Kill them all!"

"Occupy all of China!"

"Everything here belongs to our Zhepeng Empire! Hahaha!"

"Draw your sword, draw your sword, draw your sword, and kill all the enemies!"

I don't know who suddenly started singing a song, which immediately triggered a chorus.

"The wind of the empire is the samurai's body, and the soul is protected, the restoration is the waste, the Japanese sword is now updated, the world is out and the enemy is praised, the body is square, and all the people are together, the blade is under the sword, and the sword is dead." The soul of Yamato is the soul..."

This song is called "Song of Drawing the Sword". It is a product of the period when radical terrorism in Zhe Peng was at its peak, and it is also a favorite song of the most fanatical terrorists.

Under the command of Nishi Yiichi, a radical genocide who has always advocated killing all Chinese people, there is no shortage of such radical and inhumane radicals.

In fact, the Eighth Division did commit various horrific crimes in the subsequent war.

These officers were waving their fists and singing songs, and the atmosphere was reaching its peak.

However, the excitement only belonged to them. As a Chinese, Su Yi felt only indescribable awkwardness and indescribable depression.

But he still had no distracting thoughts, and his eyes glanced around like a hawk. Finally, his eyes passed through the crowd and locked on the door diagonally opposite the stairs.

The door is not locked from the inside!

This is good news. Yixiantian doesn't need to waste any time and can cooperate with Su Yi to rush in from the main entrance as soon as possible.

Su Yi's mind was racing, and he quickly formulated the real plan for the assassination based on what he saw in front of him.

There were thirty-two people in his sight, but due to the viewing angle, he couldn't see the left and right sides of the stairs. Maybe there were others on these two sides.

If there are really people whom Su Yi cannot see, then these people are a great threat to Su Yi. His actions must take these invisible people into full consideration and take precautions.

Logically speaking, these officers would never wear guns when they came to Nishi Yiichi's residence, but they came to "escort" them, so they most likely had guns on them this time.

In other words, as long as Su Yi gives them some reaction time, they will have a chance to pull out their guns.

Once the gunshot fired, regardless of whether it hit Su Yi or not, the sound of the gunshot would definitely alert the guards on the high wall outside.

At that time, the guards on the high wall only need to shine the searchlight into the courtyard, and then direct all their firepower at the small building. Su Yi will not be able to escape even if he has wings.

Therefore, if possible, Su Yi should try not to give these people a chance to shoot.

This is of course difficult to do, so Su Yi must also be prepared for the sound of gunfire to alert the guards.

Officer Zhe Peng downstairs was still singing an excited song, unaware that the god of death was approaching them and was about to show his cruel fangs.

Su Yi checked his four crossbows one last time, holding two in his hands and two on his waist.

Then he wrapped the flying knife around his clothes, and inserted the two eight-zhan knives into places where he could pull them out easily.

After doing all this, Su Yi took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

He opened it again, his eyes now full of murderous intent!

He stood up suddenly, raised his crossbows with both hands, and resolutely pulled the trigger!

The killing begins!


Two crossbow arrows accurately penetrated into the heads of the two officers on the left who were singing loudly. Blood spattered out. The arrowheads emerged from the back of their heads, stained with red and white.

Killed on the spot!

Why kill these two officers first?

Because they had bulging bags on their waists, they were obviously armed.

This is an obvious threat. If we don’t clear it up now, when will we wait?

"The time of death is the same as the current one, the queen of the people (おく) is the shame of the enemy, the enemy is dead, the husband is the last, the enemy is the enemy..."

The song doesn't stop, the blood is flying!

Swish swish swish!

Deadly crossbow arrows shot out one after another. Officer Zhe Peng was hit by arrows from all directions and fell to the ground instantly!

Of course, Su Yi still couldn't hit the target with all his shots. This was not his strong point. There were also Japanese officers who were hit by arrows but were not fatal, and immediately let out a shrill wail.

There were also Japanese soldiers who were splashed all over their body and face with the blood splashed by their companions who were close at hand before they died. There were even Japanese soldiers who saw their companions being taken away by fatal crossbow arrows with their own eyes.

So, the Japs who were singing finally realized something was wrong, stopped one after another, and dispersed in panic!

The lobby that was full of singing and laughing just now has become a mess!


Su Yi on the second floor let out a loud shout with thunder in his tongue!

At this time, all the arrows in the two crossbows in his hands were empty.

His crossbow is a ten-shot crossbow, which can theoretically kill twenty enemies!

This wave alone can take away most of the Japanese officers!

But this is only an ideal state. In fact, apart from the three arrows that missed the target and the nine people that did not hit their vital points, Su Yi only took away eight Japanese officers in this wave!

But almost all of the Japanese officers taken away in the first wave were those whom Su Yi had confirmed had guns.

While the crossbow in his hand was empty of arrows, Su Yi let go of his hand and the crossbow machine in his hand slid down to the ground.

Before these two crossbows landed, Su Yi had already taken the other two crossbows in his hands and pointed them at the panicked crowd downstairs.

Puff puff puff...

The next moment, the deadly silver light shot out quickly again!

Su Yi only fired one arrow at each target. Whether he killed the target in one hit, missed the target, or simply missed, he would not stop. He would immediately aim the crossbow at the next target without stopping.

The enemy is dozens of times greater than himself, and he has no time to pursue the kill rate.

He must now attack the enemy's vital forces in the shortest possible time and strive to cause more casualties!

But despite this, the Japanese still reacted, some took out their guns, and some hid out of Su Yi's sight.


Just at this moment, the door burst open and a figure flew in. Who could it be if it wasn't Xianxian Tian?

The two guns with silencers in his hands started to burst into flames from the moment he entered the door.

Puff puff……

The two black muzzles equipped with silencers kept spitting bullets. At such a close distance, there was almost no chance of missing the target. Almost every shot would make a Japanese officer fall to the ground, just like cutting leeks, one after another. Throw it down.

Su Yi and Yixiantian had a tacit understanding. From the beginning, Yixiantian fired, and he aimed at places outside Su Yi's sight. All he hit were the Japanese officers hiding on both sides of the stairs, as well as those who had already pulled out their guns. An officer with his gun ready to fight back.

In less than ten seconds, Yixiantian emptied the magazines in both guns!

While Xian Tian was killing everyone, Su Yi quickly sprang out from the stairwell, swooping and rolling like a cheetah to the hall. Without looking, he pulled the crossbow trigger at the figure shaking not far away.

Puff puff!

Soon someone screamed and fell to the ground.

Su Yi's movements coincided with the moment when the bullets of Yixian Tian were empty. Yixian Tian took the opportunity to quickly change the magazine.

When Su Yi fired two crossbow arrows into the air, the gunshots from the sky rang out again!

Su Yi was not idle either. The flying knife from his waist kept coming out and throwing it at the Japanese officers.

At this time, Su Yi and Yixiantian were standing at an angle to each other. The two of them had almost a panoramic view of all the Japanese in the hall. No one could escape their sight. The Japanese had no way to hide or escape!

This was a massacre, and it was a long story, but in fact, from the time Su Yi killed the first person to now, only more than ten seconds had passed at most.

In this short period of time, there are only five or six Japs left standing. The rest are either lying on the ground without making a sound, or rolling on the ground and wailing!

These standing Japanese officers stood in front of a middle-aged man with a mustache and drew their guns in fear to fight back.

Although Su Yi and Yixiantian were already very fast, after all, there were too many opponents, so they still had time to counterattack.

Bang bang bang!

The next moment, there were two standing Japanese soldiers shouting and shooting at Yixiantian and Su Yi.

Su Yi and Yixiantian reacted very quickly, running out to the left and right almost the second before he fired.

The two of them dodged without forgetting to fight back. One turned around and fired, and the other turned around and threw out two flying knives.

After all, the Japs fired hastily in panic, and their accuracy was greatly reduced. They fired five or six shots, but none of them hit. Instead, Yixiantian and Su Yi teamed up to kill three more!

Now, there were only two officers surrounding the middle-aged man with a mustache. The two escorted the panic-stricken middle-aged man with a mustache to retreat to the kitchen, while shouting and firing back.

Although the Japs inevitably fired, it was foreseeable that the Japs on the periphery must have been alerted, but Su Yi and Yixiantian were not affected in the slightest.


Xiantian calmly fired two shots, and the two escorting Japanese soldiers were shot and fell to the ground.

The middle-aged man with a mustache in the middle froze, quickly raised his hands, and shouted in horror: "Don't shoot!"

He speaks Chinese!

Puff puff!

Yixiantian ignored him and quickly began to shoot at the Japanese who fell to the ground but were only injured.

Su Yi, on the other hand, jumped out, reached the middle-aged man with a mustache in twos and twos, and kicked him away with a flying kick.


The middle-aged man with a mustache screamed and hit the wall, falling heavily to the ground.

He was still falling to the ground and wailing, when Su Yi grabbed his collar and pulled him up, placing an Eight-Zhan Sword on his neck.

"Don't..." The middle-aged man with a mustache screamed in horror.

Su Yi's expression was as stable as a rock, unmoved at all. He turned and pushed his wrist——


Half of the neck of the middle-aged man with a mustache was cut off, his head drooped directly from his back, and waves of blood rose into the sky from the broken neck!

This Zhepeng demon Nishi Yiichi, whose hands were stained with blood, was beheaded like this!

Of course Su Yi guessed who this person was, but when he killed Xi Yiyi, he was like killing an ordinary Zhe Peng officer. He had no reaction at all and immediately joined the ranks of finishing the kills with Yixiantian.

Bang bang bang...

Occasionally, injured officers drew their guns and fought back, and sporadic gunfire erupted from the small building again.

However, these no longer pose any threat to Su Yi and Yixiantian, who have always been nervous and alert at all times.

Tens of seconds later, except for Su Yi and Yixian Tian, ​​no one was breathing in the entire lobby on the first floor.

Everyone, no one was left out, was killed by Su Yi and Yixiantian!

The two of them stood panting in the bloody lobby, looking at the corpses scattered on the ground, like two Shura demons.

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