Although Jigoro Kano is seventy-three years old, he looks like a man in his forties, with strong muscles and good spirits, and does not look old at all.

"Young man, do you want to learn Jiu-Jitsu?" He looked at Su Yi carefully, looking very serious.

"Mr. Gardner, my name is Geng Liangchen. I'm sorry to ask you to be my teacher in this way." Su Yi said respectfully.

"You should indeed be sorry." Jigoro Kano said expressionlessly, "Because you changed my judo so much that I felt very humiliated."

Su Yi raised his head in surprise.

"Haha, I scared you!" Kano Jigoro suddenly laughed, like a child who had succeeded in a prank, his eyes full of pride, "When I was in Aurous Hill, I saw the video of your martial arts competition. You have learned jujitsu. Right? But you simplified the original moves, making them faster and more effective. Is this what you changed?"

"...Yes, because I want to integrate it into my fighting system." Su Yi followed Jigoro Kano's thinking.

"You mentioned the fighting system?" Jigoro Kano's eyes suddenly lit up, "Then we can talk about it. Hey, have you eaten? I know there is a very good place in Jinmen, why don't we go There, let’s chat while eating?”


Sometimes the fate between people is really strange. Su Yi has never met Jigoro Kano, and Jigoro Kano is over seventy years old, but the two of them chatted very speculatively.

There is even a feeling that it is too late to meet each other.

From the first day until the evening, Su Yi and Kano Jigoro basically discussed martial arts, talking about martial arts systems and innovations. The two chatted happily, but they also argued. When Su Yi insisted on his own ideas, he and Jia Na When Najigoro had different ideas, the old man would jump in anger.

But he soon gets better on his own, and if he realizes that he was wrong or is convinced by Su Yi, he will immediately apologize.

"Okay, it seems I was wrong. I'm sorry for wasting our time. Then, let's talk about the next topic."

In fact, to a certain extent, Su Yi can be considered an old man.

So there is no age gap issue between the two.

As a modern person, many common sense and concepts that Su Yi is familiar with are shocking or thought-provoking in this era. Every time Su Yi makes something surprising, Kano Jigoro is very happy.

Jigoro Kano combined and unified dozens of jujutsu schools in Tetsuro and created judo, making judo not only a cultural treasure that every Tetsuten person is proud of, but also one of the martial arts schools popular all over the world.

He did what countless Chinese martial artists only dreamed of doing.

Of course, the difficulty of unifying hundreds of Chinese martial arts and unifying dozens of Jiu-Jitsu schools with the same origin and origin is certainly not the same.

But this is already amazing. Su Yi is very curious about his successful experience.

"Young man, let me ask you a question." Jigoro Kano said with a smile, "If you are the owner of a sushi restaurant, and there are more than a dozen sushi restaurants on the same street as you. How can you convince them? , let them give up their various sushi recipes and switch to yours? And let them recognize that only the sushi made by you according to your recipe is the most authentic sushi? "

Su Yi frowned and thought for a while, then said: "If I want to convince them, I must first have the ability and status to make them listen to me. My sushi is much better than theirs, and my business is better than theirs." Much more, and the money I make is something they can’t make anyway. Only in this way can I be more authoritative about opening a sushi restaurant.”

"Continue." Kano Jigoro looked at Su Yi with encouraging eyes and motioned for him to continue.

"If I do this, I will try to convince them like this." Su Yi continued, "I will tell them that only by following my method and making flavors like mine can we attract more customers. I The method is cheaper and allows them to make more money. And I am willing to share my sushi recipe selflessly. I think in this way, most people will try my method.”

"They will definitely taste the sweetness of this. At this time, I will stand up again and tell them that the sushi restaurant on the street next to it is overpriced and tastes bad. Why don't we use our high-quality sushi to expand our business to the street next door? What? I will invite them to cooperate with me and jointly invest in opening a big sushi restaurant. I tell them that I will bear the risk, and they only need to follow me to invest and make money."

"In this case, I think many people are willing to follow me and make more money, because this is a very good business. When my sushi business gets bigger and bigger, I don't need to say it deliberately, those who follow me will They will spontaneously think that only the sushi made by my method is the most authentic and best sushi, because it is also related to their own interests."

"What if someone chooses not to follow you?" Kano Jigoro asked.

"Don't force it," Su Yi said, "I don't want to monopolize the sushi industry, so I should allow sushi with different flavors to exist so that customers can choose and compare. This is also good for my long-term development."

"Yeah." Jigoro Kano nodded with satisfaction, "Then what if a considerable number of people not only don't follow you, but they also unite to boycott your sushi?"

Su Yi thought for a while and said: "These are enemies. We must disperse them and defeat them. I will not show mercy."

"So what if when you expand, the streets next door also unite to stop you?" Jigoro Kano asked again.

"Divide and win over them with sincerity. I can even selflessly share my lower-cost and better-tasting sushi recipe, as long as they are willing to stand by me." Su Yi said, "Businessmen are all profit-seeking. With enough benefits and benefits, their obstruction is actually meaningless."

Kano Jigoro said with a smile: "You are really a very smart person. In fact, this is what I did when I founded Judo."

"When they found that they could fight better and gain more disciples using my methods, I took the initiative and selflessly taught them my methods."

"When they all used my method, I told them that the jujitsu I created can be called judo. By this time, they had become my supporters, and they would naturally agree with what I said. . Gradually, I became an authority in judo."

"Of course, there are also people who don't want to follow my path and want to be their own. Not only will I not stop them, I will always encourage them and fully support them."

"Why should I do this?"

"Because I think judo must have opponents, and they must be strong opponents, in order to maintain its tenacious vitality. Otherwise, if one company becomes the only one, it will become a stagnant water and eventually decline and dissolve."

"Ryotatsu-kun, this is my successful experience, but it is for reference only." Kano Jigoro said with a smile, "Zhepeng is a small country, and it only spreads different branches of jujutsu. But there are too many types of martial arts in China. Well, Tai Chi alone can be divided into dozens of branches. I think it is an impossible task to unify the Chinese martial arts."

"It's indeed impossible." Su Yi smiled and followed his words.

Jigoro Kano's attainments in Jiu-Jitsu are definitely at the master level. He has the power to turn decay into magic. With a simple move of the cross stick, he can continue to play all kinds of tricks.

"Fixed moves are created just to teach future generations, because they don't understand many things about their own bodies, the methods and principles of exerting force. Therefore, the movements must be standardized so that they will not hurt when they use the moves. Himself." Jigoro Kano said.

"But real martial arts practitioners will never stick to the fixed moves, because they know their own bodies very well, and they also know the methods and principles of exerting force. In this case, why do they use fixed moves in a rigid manner? Haha, then Aren’t you a fool?”

"So the things I type may seem ever-changing to you, but to me they are actually just different expressions of the same method."

"Just like you, I call you young man, young man, Mr. Geng, kid, hello, Liangchen, Liangchenjun... I can use dozens of names, but aren't they all calling you?"

Su Yi seemed to understand.

He could understand the realm and height that Jigoro Kano was talking about.

But he didn't understand how to reach such heights.

"You need to understand this yourself. Others can't help you." Jigoro Kano said, "You have to remember that a real master can stab you to death even with a stick of cooked soba noodles. Don’t underestimate anyone who is called a master, their understanding of power is far beyond your imagination.”

"I understand what you mean, but with all due respect, there is an old Chinese saying that boxing is afraid of the young." Su Yi said, "Mr. Garner, do you think it will happen that a young man defeats a highly respected grandmaster?"

"Of course there will be." When talking about this issue, Kano Jigoro's expression became serious, "As people get older, their reactions will slow down, both in the body and in the brain. At this time, no matter how much you understand, , no matter how much martial arts you have, your body and reaction cannot match your knowledge. It may be a punch that is full of flaws. You have hundreds of ways to fight back, but in the end you can only watch it hit. On you..."

"A person's biggest opponent is always time... Alas, this is really a heavy topic. Mr. Liangchen, please tell me a joke to dispel the fear in my heart."

"You also have fears?" Su Yi smiled.

"Of course, I'm afraid of death." Jigoro Kano winked at him, "When you get older, you will find that it is so comfortable when people respect you and are afraid of making you angry. Such days , it will definitely be a loss if you don’t live for a few more decades..."

An old man and a young man talk about martial arts and boxing every day and get along very harmoniously and comfortably.

Jigoro Kano had no reservations and really taught Su Yi his understanding of jujitsu.

Ten days may seem like a long time, but in reality it only takes a blink of an eye.

On this day, a middle-aged man and a young and beautiful girl came to the door of Geng Mansion.

This young and beautiful girl is Ma Jue, who had a relationship with Su Yi before. And this middle-aged man has a mustache, a long gown, and a pipe in his hand. He looked very thin, as if he was recovering from a serious illness, but his eyes were bright.

"Sir, this is it." Ma Jue pointed to the door in front.

The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed: "A gangster leader lives in a more luxurious place than a university professor. He is really morally corrupt and the world is in decline..."

His voice was loud, and when the guard at the door heard this, he immediately glared over fiercely.

Ma Jue was a little embarrassed and hurriedly explained: "Sir, Mr. Geng is not a gangster. He is a hero in Jinmen. And because of him, the income of coolies in Jinmen has tripled. Many people in Jinmen praise him as the hero of the Wanjia family." Living Buddha..."

"A deformed organization like the Foot Walk that exists specifically for exploitation should not exist at all." The middle-aged man shook his head, "But he did a good job in this matter, at least I admire it. Jue'er, exit Please send me a message."

"Okay sir." Ma Jue was very respectful to this man. He hurriedly took out the greeting card and was about to hand it to the guard at the door.

But before he could say anything, the guard stretched out his hand to stop her and said first, "Master Geng is not here, please come back!"

Ma Jue was stunned for a moment and said, "We are not here to find Mr. Geng."

"That's weird." The guard sneered, "If you didn't come to Geng's Mansion to see Master Geng, then what are you doing here? Are you teasing me?"

"I didn't. We are here to find Mr. Garner." Ma Jue said hurriedly.

"You can't see anything! Let's go, let's go!" The guard began to coax impatiently.

"Hey you..." Ma Jue suddenly became anxious.

But the middle-aged man stood in front of him, looked the guard up and down, and said, "You deliberately made things difficult for us because you heard me say bad things about your master, right?"

"Who made things difficult on purpose? Why did I make things difficult for you?" The guard refused to admit it.

"Whether your master is here or not, please send the invitation to the person inside who can take care of things." The middle-aged man said to the guard, "If you send it now, I can guarantee that when your master comes to greet me at the door, , I won’t complain to him about you.”

The guard was shocked and confused.

The middle-aged man laughed and said, "Jue'er, give him the greeting card."

The guard took the invitation this time, said "wait" and hurried into the house.

Ma Jue looked at the middle-aged man with admiration and said: "Sir, you still have a way. Hum, Mr. Geng is actually a very easy-going person. This guard is ruining Mr. Geng's reputation by doing this."

"Hard-dogs are often stricter than their owners." The middle-aged man smiled, "Don't blame him, he is called conscientious."

Su Yi was practicing jujitsu with Jigoro Kano. He asked the guard to bring the greeting card and took a look at it, and his eyes suddenly widened.

"Where are they?" The tone of his voice changed.

"Right, right at the door." When the guard saw Su Yi's reaction, he felt a wave of fear in his heart.

Guaguai, you are such a big shot. Fortunately, you didn’t talk nonsense before...

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