The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 810 The first day of competition

The third match was between a Siamese boxer and a Zhe Peng warrior.

Siam has always been proud of the fact that it has never been a colony in history and has maintained its independent national sovereignty. However, in fact, it is just a grassroots, trying to survive in the cracks.

This Siamese boxer looked quite capable, but he only fought a few token rounds before giving in immediately.

The Zhepeng warriors accepted his surrender as a matter of course.

The fourth game was a "civil war" between Chinese people. Both players were from the north, and one of them was Tai Chi master Ma Chengzhi.

The northern boxer who was fighting against him smiled bitterly and cupped his hands: "Master Ma, don't say I can't beat you. Even if I was lucky enough to win you this time, I know in my heart that in terms of strength, I am not as good as you. Why don't I do it?" Don't waste your energy and expose your martial arts skills. I surrender!"

Ma Chengzhi said hurriedly: "What did Master Zhao say? You and I are second to none in martial arts. I never dare to underestimate you."

"Haha, let's wait until the World Championships are over and then compete on our own. Master Ma, don't shirk it then!" Master Zhao laughed and then raised his hand to signal to the referee. "I surrender!"

Ma Chengzhi bowed deeply to Master Zhao.

The Chinese people in the audience burst into warm applause and cheers, but this time it was not for the winner, but for Master Zhao.

Who can say that Master Zhao has no real ability if he can pass five tests and defeat six players in the trial to enter the main competition?

But he made it to the main match with such difficulty, but he would rather admit defeat without a fight, and end the World Fighting Championship journey without even making a formal appearance. Who can be willing to accept this?

Master Zhao understood the righteousness of this move, took the overall situation into consideration and sacrificed himself, winning the respect of all people in the country.

Both southern warriors and northern warriors applauded and paid tribute to him.

Master Zhao's eyes were a little moist, he laughed in embarrassment, and ran away embarrassedly.

Obviously he didn't expect that he would be treated like this.

The referee directly ruled that Ma Chengzhi won and advanced to the next round.

Su Yi pondered slightly, called someone and said: "There are still six games in which our own people will fight our own people. You go find these twelve masters and let them meet their opponents in advance. If they want to fight, they should be off the court in advance." To determine the winner, just admit defeat when you get to the stage.”

When the man agreed and was about to leave, Su Yi stopped him again: "I'll report this suggestion to Master Gong and the others first. If they agree, I'll inform the twelve masters."

"I know, Master Geng!"

The next fifth game is also the last game this morning. The two sides are a Belarusian strongman and a Korean.

The White Russians practice wrestling and simple military fighting skills, and they obviously have military experience.

The Koreans practice Taekwondo.

Taekwondo belongs to the ancient Korean martial arts. Its original name was Hwarangdo. It was created by a soldier named Hwarang in the Goryeo-Silla Dynasty and combined with Chinese martial arts. It has been passed down from ancient times to this day and is regarded as the traditional martial arts of the Korean people.

In modern times, after the peninsula was occupied by Zhe Peng, all cultural and entertainment activities were banned on the peninsula. Naturally, Taekwondo practitioners were also in trouble. In order to avoid being arrested by the authorities, they disappeared on the peninsula.

Some people who were unwilling to be lonely or were forced by life left their country and came to China to make a living or engage in anti-Japanese activities. The Korean on stage now is one of them.

As for later Taekwondo, it was founded by Cui Hongxi around the 1950s based on karate. He only borrowed Taekwondo routines. Strictly speaking, Taekwondo is not the same martial arts lineage.

The Korean fought hard. He kept attacking the Belarusian almost as if he was committing suicide. However, whether it was strength, speed, or even skill, he was far from the Belarusian strongman. In the end, he persisted until the second round. , defeated with blood all over his body, leaving a tragic impression on people.

The morning game ended just like that.

During lunch, Su Yi ate with several masters. He proposed that he be the "on-the-spot coach" and explained the necessity of doing so, which was unanimously approved by the masters.

There is no such thing as an on-site coach, but the effect of the first two games guided by Su Yi is obvious to all, and the masters are willing to let Su Yi try it.

The reason why Su Yi was willing to take on this job was because of his own selfish motives.

He needs to cultivate his own team in the martial arts world, establish his own prestige, and watch the battle at close range and guide tactics. This is an opportunity for him to promote his skills and fighting thinking.

In addition, Su Yi's proposal in the morning about the "civil war" among the Chinese people to determine the winner or reach consensus in advance in the audience was also well received by the masters. Everyone felt that Su Yi was thorough and meticulous in his work. This not only avoided the promotion of the martial arts Exposing the route to the opponent also prevents those players who do not want to give up the game from being criticized by the audience for "ignoring the general knowledge".

After all, not everyone is the same Master Zhao from before, with such a high level of consciousness. They all worked so hard to reach the finals, why should they give up so easily?

When the game was about to start in the afternoon, Ip Man found Su Yi.

"Junior Brother Geng, I heard that you want to be an on-the-spot coach? I wonder if there is anything I can do to help?" Ye Wen was wearing a robe and looked very elegant.

Ip Man's life is not easy these days. He has high hopes as a representative of the southern martial arts world, but he failed to survive three rounds in the hands of Su Yi.

Although Grandmaster and Su Yi respectively came forward to publicly promise that Ip Man did not engage in match-fixing, there was no way to stop the spread of rumors, and there was no way to prevent the southern martial arts people from feeling bad about Ip Man.

Maybe it's not that they don't believe Ip Man, but they just need to find a channel to vent their failures.

Ip Man unfortunately fell into this role.

Before, Ip Man always looked high-spirited, confident and mature.

But now, his whole person has become a little gloomier, and his emotions seem to be more restrained. The look in Gujing Wubo's eyes makes it difficult to tell what is going on in his heart.

"Actually, it's nothing," Su Yi said with a smile, "But one person is short-witted and the other two are wise. I would like to have a senior brother to help me check and fill in the gaps. Besides, we can have a good chat about martial arts issues."

Ip Man bowed his hand to Su Yi and said, "Thank you."

The first scene in the afternoon was still the "Civil War" in China. This time it was a southern warrior and a northern warrior.

The two had a private fight at noon, and the warrior from the south won.

This southern martial artist is Zhang Xiaocai of Confucian boxing. In the early selection competition, he appeared as one of the first batch of "seed players" in the southern martial arts world and had high hopes. However, he was defeated by Chen Sufeng, the successor of Eagle Claw Kung Fu.

Afterwards, he learned from the painful experience, won five games and won five games, and qualified directly.

His own strength is beyond doubt, and Su Yi expected to stand out again.

After the two came to power, the northern warrior simply gave up.

The audience cheered again, cheering for the loser.

"What's that guy doing?" On the other side, some Zhepeng people were unhappy, "If you're going to give up without even fighting, why do you still sign up for the competition? These damn fools!"

"I guess this is the so-called modesty and face of Zhina people. Haha, this hypocritical and cowardly nation always finds some high-sounding excuses for its own weaknesses. It's ridiculous!"

Maeda Mitsuyo and Funakoshi Yoshihao, who led the team from Teppon, were also talking, but they obviously knew more inside information.

"As far as I know, the Chinese let all their own people beat their own combinations, and decided the winner off the court in advance, or negotiated the results, so they would admit defeat directly after getting on stage." Mitsuyo Maeda, "It's very smart of them to do this, and it was Geng Sang's idea."

"Sneaky, sneaky, these people can only do this kind of cleverness." Funakoshi Yoshihao didn't see it that way, and sneered, "But in front of the truly strong, they will only show their true colors!"

Maeda Mitsuyo did not answer, but said with a smile: "Yihao-kun, your apprentice Bogu Zhenyang will appear in the next game, right? I heard that he inherited 70% of your martial arts and is your most proud disciple, right? ?”

Funakoshi Yoshihao said proudly: "Yes, Shinyo is indeed my most outstanding disciple. He has studied karate for ten years and has achieved what he is today. Even my father is full of praise for his talent."

"Oh? Even your father-in-law praises Bogu Zhenyang? Then it seems that he is indeed a genius?" Maeda Mitsuyo chuckled and said, "Jun Yihao, Bogu Zhenyang's opponent is Jiang Tieshan, and he happens to be Geng Sang's first disciple. , according to Chinese people, is called the founding disciple."

"A semi-finished product after teaching for half a year?" Funakoshi Yihao dismissed it, "I admit that Geng Liangchen's mixed martial arts has merits, but I have deep doubts about his apprentice's martial arts. The most stupid thing about that person is that they They always like to push their relatives or friends to a level that they should not reach, thinking that this is helping their relatives and friends, but in fact, this is harming others!"

"This is called nepotism." Mitsuyo Maeda said with a smile, "But Geng Sang shouldn't be this kind of person, otherwise Master and I wouldn't have such high regard for him."

"Hmph!" Funakoshi Yoshihao sneered twice, "You'll see the result soon, right? I bet that Shinyo can win this victory within ten moves!"

Jiang Tieshan, Su Yi's founding disciple, was born in Jixing. His father was a top subordinate of Su Yi. He himself learned Baguazhang from Zheng Shanao's martial arts school since he was a child.

Jiang Tieshan's own martial arts is very good. He has mastered Baguazhang and is highly regarded by Zheng Shanao.

Because of the relationship between his father and Su Yi, Jiang Tieshan himself also respected Su Yi very much. After Zheng Shanao's death, he offered to become Su Yi's teacher and learn mixed martial arts from Su Yi.

After considering his ability and character several times, Su Yi decided to make Jiang Tieshan his first disciple.

At this time, Jiang Tieshan was standing in front of Su Yi, listening to Su Yi tell him about the characteristics of karate.

Ye Wen was also listening, listening very carefully.

"According to the information I have obtained, your opponent, Bogu Zhenyang, is very famous in Zhepeng and has considerable strength, so you must not be careless." Su Yi told Jiang Tieshan, "After taking the stage, calm down and treat yourself as usual. If you apply 80% of what you have learned, this game will be absolutely foolproof, do you understand?"

"I understand, Master!" Jiang Tieshan said respectfully, "Don't worry, if I lose, I'll come to you with my head raised!"

"Why do I want your big head?" Su Yi said angrily, "Go and fight!"


After Jiang Tieshan walked away, Ye Wen suddenly asked: "Junior Brother Geng, did you just say that to encourage him and give him confidence, or do you really think so?"

"Both." Su Yi said with a smile, "I am using a fact to encourage him and let him know that he is very strong, but he can't be careless and take the game seriously."

Ye asked: "It seems that he is older than you, but he really respects you."

Su Yi said quietly: "This guy is only eighteen years old. He just looks a little anxious."

Ye Wen laughed "poof".

This joke, which would be considered bad in the future, was very new to Ip Man. It made him laugh. He was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't help but laugh.

"Junior Brother Geng, you...haha, you are very humorous." Ye Wen blushed a little and smiled sheepishly.

Su Yi smiled and said: "This is the first time I have seen Senior Brother Ye smile in the past few days. I always thought that Senior Brother you were resenting me."

Ye Wen's expression changed, and he looked at Su Yi and said sincerely: "Junior brother Geng, I have no resentment towards you. The rumors these days have only made me realize the harshness of the world, but I am convinced of my defeat at your hands. These days I have also figured it out, with the dirty Wing Chun, your realm is far beyond me, and I am not as good as you now, this is a fact."

"But the future may not be certain." Ye Wen added immediately.

Su Yi said: "Brother, you have to work hard."

Changing the topic, he pointed to a pair of opponents who were already bowing to each other on the stage, and asked Ye: "The Zhepeng people are ambitious, from the official to the private sector, they all want to conquer our land and people, and they will have a hand in every aspect. , this time they came to the martial arts world."

"Senior Brother Ye, can you imagine what the consequences will be if we Chinese people are overwhelmed by the Zhepeng people in this fighting competition?"

Ye Wen frowned and thought for a while, and said doubtfully: "This time we failed because our skills are inferior to others, so let's try harder next time. What will be the consequences?"

"Senior Brother Ye, you have lived in a quiet corner of Foshan for a long time, and it is understandable that you cannot see through the sinister intentions of the Zhe Peng people..." Su Yi sighed, "Let me tell you the answer, Senior Brother Ye."

"If the Zhepeng people beat us this time, they will definitely publicize it, exaggerate their martial arts, and discredit our national martial arts. They will even reduce our national martial arts to worthless and further question the quality of our nation. They They will use the topic to make all walks of life disappointed in our Chinese martial arts and think that our Chinese martial arts are vulnerable!"

"They will take the opportunity to open Zhepeng martial arts gyms everywhere to promote their martial arts and culture. When our national martial arts is attacked and becomes notorious, maybe they will persecute us martial artists and turn the martial arts passed down by our ancestors into Become theirs, but this is just the beginning..."

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