The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 854 The war resumes

Regarding Su Yi's first condition, Qin Yumo thought about it and felt that he had nothing to object to. He smiled sweetly at Su Yi and said, "Okay, Teacher Liangchen, I will listen to you."

"The second condition," Su Yi curled up a finger, "After this article is published, this matter will end here. Whatever happens in the future, it has nothing to do with me, no matter what kind of controversy it causes, or If you have any ideas, please do not contact me about this matter. In other words, I don’t want to get into any trouble, even the slightest bit, because of this manuscript.”

"Don't worry, Teacher Liangchen, you helped me, why should I bother you again in the future?" Qin Yumo agreed with a smile, "Don't worry, I'll serve four!"

Send a four...hehe, you serve a six...

Su Yi smiled and curled up a finger: "The last condition is that if we have a chance to meet again in the future, you must stand by me unconditionally."

Qin Yumo was startled: "Teacher Liangchen, I... don't understand what you mean."

"You don't need to understand." Su Yi said with a smile, "As long as you agree to my condition, the agreement between us will be considered reached."

Qin Yumo was puzzled and couldn't figure out what Su Yi's last condition meant.

Simply don't think about it.

"Okay! I agree!" Qin Yumo said with a smile.

Su Yi smiled at her, stood up and said: "This is a gentleman's agreement between us. We won't sign any contract. Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you. So, farewell!"

He waved his hand to Qin Yumo, turned around and left.

Qin Yumo was a little stunned. He didn't expect Su Yi to leave immediately.

Seeing that Su Yi had already reached the door, she realized what she was doing, stood up in a hurry and shouted: "Teacher Liangchen, how do you calculate the reward?"

"Free!" Su Yi waved his hand without looking back.

"Ah?" Qin Yumo was stunned, is there such a good thing?

But why?

Is this teacher Liangchen willing to help others?

Seeing that Su Yi was about to open the door and go out, Qin Yumo hurriedly called out again: "Hey, Teacher Liangchen, how should I contact you?"

Su Yi turned around and said with a meaningful smile: "We will meet again."

After that, he pushed open the door and walked out.

Qin Yumo stared at the swinging door for a long time, then shrugged and pursed his lips.

"Well, this teacher Liangchen... is quite mysterious."

She watched Su Yi leave from the floor-to-ceiling window. She saw Su Yi crossing the sidewalk and walking to the opposite side.

"Does he also live in the love apartment?" Qin Yumo thought secretly, "He has met me? So we will meet again?"

"By the way, he hasn't said yet, where can I see the article he wrote!" Qin Yumo suddenly widened his eyes and thought of a very critical question.

"And after he has written the article, shouldn't he show it to me as the client first? But he didn't even leave me his contact information..."

"But if he knows that I also live in the love apartment, then he will most likely find out which room I live in, and maybe he will come to me directly...could this be what he said before he left that we would see each other again? s reason?"

Qin Yumo thought about it secretly for a while before leaving the coffee shop.

What Qin Yumo didn't expect was that she didn't see Teacher Liangchen in the love apartment, but instead saw her impersonation of Hu Yifei.

The two met unexpectedly in the elevator.

"Yu Mo?"


"Why is it you!"

"What a coincidence, Yifei!"

They are not only classmates, but also best friends.

Although we haven't seen each other for nearly half a year, we have always kept in touch.

Now they met by chance in the elevator, and both of them were very surprised.

Qin Yumo's surprise was also mixed with a little guilt.

Because she had just impersonated Hu Yifei in the coffee shop.

The reason why she pretended to be was because she wanted to tell Su Yi the story of "her friend Qin Yumo", so she had to have a different identity, right?

She has the best relationship with Hu Yifei, and she slips out easily.

"Yu Mo, do you live here too?" Hu Yifei said in surprise.

"Yes, I live upstairs. I just moved here a few days ago." Qin Yumo said with a smile.

"Yourself?" Hu Yifei's eyes widened.

"Yeah!" Qin Yumo nodded.

"Then why don't you move in with me? I'm looking for a roommate!" Hu Yifei said in surprise.

"Of course!" Qin Yumo was also very happy, "If I had known earlier, I would have called you first."

"It's not too late!" Hu Yifei clapped her hands and smiled, "I'll introduce you to my roommate later..."

At this point, she raised her eyebrows and her eyes lit up: "But before you come, help me give them a meeting gift! Hehe!"

Seeing Hu Yifei's malicious smile, Qin Yumo, who knew her well, immediately guessed what happened and asked curiously: "What happened? Who provoked you?"

"Four bitches!" Hu Yifei sneered, "They played a prank on me, huh, I want them to know why the flowers are so red!"

Qin Yumo immediately expressed his position: "Don't worry Yifei, sisters after so many years, I will definitely help you, tell me what you want me to do!"

"You go first..." Hu Yifei's eyes lit up and she couldn't wait to start making arrangements.

In her plan, Zeng Xiaoxian and Zhang Wei were handed over to Qin Yumo, while she dealt with Lu Ziqiao and Su Yi personally.

Hu Yifei knew that Lu Ziqiao often chatted up beautiful women in the lonely corner bar, so she planned to quietly lurk in the bar, waiting for opportunities to cause damage.

Once Lu Ziqiao successfully struck up a conversation, she immediately looked for an opportunity to reveal Lu Ziqiao's true face as a playboy to the girl and ruin Lu Ziqiao's good deeds!

As for Su Yi, it was the same method she had told Tang Youyou in the morning. She would make Su Yi unable to hold his head high in front of everyone in the community.

For Zhang Wei, Hu Yifei prepared a box of special chewing gum. Once someone eats this box of chewing gum, the teeth in their mouth will be stained red and cannot be washed off.

She planned to ask Qin Yumo to give this box of chewing gum to Zhang Wei.

And Zeng Xiaoxian...

Hu Yifei knew that Zeng Xiaoxian had the habit of singing while bathing, so she planned to ask Qin Yumo to quietly put the recorder into 3602's bedroom and record Zeng Xiaoxian's singing voice to make fun of him.

As for why Hu Yifei, a person who could freely enter and leave anywhere in 3602, did not put the recorder in, but asked Qin Yumo to find a way to sneak in and put the recorder in. The brain circuit involved... is unknown.

That afternoon, Hu Yifei's plan was officially implemented.

The first one to take action was Qin Yumo, who came to Zeng Xiaoxian to borrow the bathroom to take a bath, wrapped in a bathrobe.

Qin Yumo was already tall and handsome, and Zeng Xiaoxian was immediately fascinated and lost his mind. How could he refuse?

Qin Yumo successfully sneaked into the bathroom of 3602!

But just when she was about to hide the recorder somewhere in the bathroom, she discovered that she had forgotten to install the battery in the recorder.

She had an idea and thought of asking Zeng Xiaoxian to borrow a razor.

She wanted to put the battery from the electric razor into the voice recorder.

But she didn't expect that all the razors Zeng Xiaoxian gave her were disposable manual ones.

The plan failed, and Qin Yumo could only return in vain.

The plan to trick Zeng Xiaoxian failed!

Qin Yumo and Hu Yifei were not discouraged by the defeat and shifted their targets to Zhang Wei.

The two followed Zhang Wei to the convenience store. Hu Yifei hid, and Qin Yumo stepped in and successfully delivered the box of tricky gum to Zhang Wei.

The plan to trick Zhang Wei was successful!

The two were greatly encouraged, and Hu Yifei didn't bother Qin Yumo anymore. She quietly came to the bar and saw Lu Ziqiao chatting up a beautiful woman.

So he took advantage of Lu Ziqiao's time to go to the toilet or when the two of them were separated to start causing havoc.

As soon as Lu Ziqiao left, she went to tell the girl being accosted what kind of scumbag Lu Ziqiao was.

Then what awaited Lu Ziqiao was either a loud slap in the face or a drink thrown in the face.

Lu Ziqiao struck up a conversation with five girls, and all five girls ended up like this.

This made him, who had always been unfavorable, almost doubt his life.

Finally, when the sixth girl was about to slap him, he couldn't bear it anymore and directly raised the topic and asked the girl if she had heard someone say something.

Hu Yifei, who was watching the show while gloating about the misfortune, felt something was wrong when he saw this, hurriedly put on his cap and slipped away quietly.

But he was still discovered by Lu Ziqiao.

Lu Ziqiao chased her all the way out, but how could she outrun Hu Yifei?

Hu Yifei met Qin Yumo who was wandering around in the community, and hurriedly handed her coat and hat to Qin Yumo, asking her to run away first, and then pretended to be walking, planning to pretend to deal with Lu Ziqiao.

Lu Ziqiao was indeed fooled, but he caught Qin Yumo and mistakenly thought that Qin Yumo was the person who ruined his good deeds.

He just let him ask Qin Yumo, but Qin Yumo wouldn't talk to him, so he had to give up.

"Yu Mo, thanks to you today, otherwise I would have been discovered by Lu Ziqiao." While lying on the bed at night, Hu Yifei called Qin Yumo to thank him.

"Do we still need to see each other outside?" Qin Yumo said with a smile, "But this way, it will be impossible for you to tease him again. He is already on guard."

"It doesn't matter, those slaps today were loud enough!" Hu Yifei said happily, "Besides, this is not my only trick. Haha, they will wait and see!"

"It's a pity that Zeng Xiaoxian failed." Qin Yumo said regretfully.

"It's okay, isn't it easy to deal with Zeng Xiaoxian?" Hu Yifei said disdainfully, "Teach him a lesson in minutes! As for Zhang Wei, haha, let's wait and see his red teeth tomorrow! Haha, I can't help but think of that scene Want to laugh.”

"Isn't there another Su?" Qin Yumo asked.

"Su Yi!" Hu Yifei sneered, "This man is different from those three losers and needs special treatment! I have found a way to deal with him. I have prepared everything today and will start implementing it early tomorrow morning!"

"Tomorrow morning? I have an appointment with a client tomorrow morning. I don't have time for Yifei." Qin Yumo said.

She is a beauty consultant for a high-end cosmetics company. She targets the company's most high-end customers and has a very high annual salary. She is considered a standard little rich woman.

"No, I'll handle it myself!" Hu Yifei said, "Don't worry, you can move here tomorrow afternoon."


A night of silence.

The next day, Su Yi was awakened by Tang Youyou's knock on the door. She made breakfast again and called Su Yi to eat.

Although he was reluctant to come out to meet anyone, especially Hu Yifei, he had no choice but to refuse.

To Su Yi's surprise, Su Yi didn't see Hu Yifei when he arrived in the living room.

"Isn't today Saturday? Where is the Filipino?" Su Yi asked Tang Youyou.

"She..." Tang Youyou rolled her eyes, suddenly looked around nervously, then ran to Su Yi, suppressing her excitement and said: "I'm telling you, can you not tell others?"


( ̄▽ ̄)“

Su Yi said quietly: "Do you think it is necessary for me to tell others what you are going to tell me?"

Tang Youyou was startled: "That's right... no! Do you know what I'm going to tell you?"

"Tell me, how Yifei plans to deal with me." Su Yi said.

"You really guessed it!" Tang Youyou's eyes widened in surprise.

"Is it difficult to guess?" Su Yi asked.

Tang Youyou gave Su Yi a thumbs up: "That's great, Xiao Yi, but you can't tell Yifei that I told you."


Su Yi smiled at her: "I won't tell you even if you kill me!"

"Hehe, then I'm relieved!" Tang Youyou suddenly beamed, and then revealed Hu Yifei's plan to Su Yi in an emotional voice.

"You mean, she's out handing out flyers and promoting it for me now?" Su Yi said speechlessly, "She is also a university teacher after all. Is this boring enough?"

"This thing is very interesting, how can it be considered boring?" Tang Youyou said with a smile, "If I didn't want to stay and tell you this news, I would have distributed flyers with Sister Yifei! How about it, am I interesting? "

Su Yi chuckled: "Why do I think you just want to gossip and can't keep secrets?"

"No!" Tang Youyou stuck out her tongue.

"By the way, now that you know Yifei's plan, what do you think? If you don't tell me, I will give you some advice?" Tang Youyou asked curiously, "Don't worry, I promise not to tell anyone!"


Su Yi sighed: "Okay, I plan to avoid the edge for now, because I think Hu Yifei will either deceive me or bring people here. In short, she wants me to embarrass myself in public, so I plan to hide. stand up."

"Where to hide?" Tang Youyou asked curiously.

"A place you will never find." Su Yi said.

Before Tang Youyou could ask, Su Yi hurriedly changed the subject: "Do you know how I would fight back against Hu Yifei?"

"How to fight back?" Tang Youyou's eyes suddenly lit up.

Su Yi smiled and held out three fingers: "Yuyou, don't go out today, otherwise you will miss Yifei's third scream."

Without waiting for Tang Youyou to ask questions, Su Yi picked up the milk and toast on the dining table and left decisively.

"I'm going to recharge my batteries first. The battle is about to start. Comrade Youyou, you will keep it a secret for me, right?" Su Yi had already walked to the door of the bedroom, turned back to Tang Youyou and raised his chin with a questioning expression.

"Of course, I will keep it a secret, I'll give you four!" Tang Youyou hurriedly raised five fingers, and under Su Yi's half-smiling gaze, she curled up her thumbs with a smile.

Su Yi smiled, walked into the bedroom and closed the door.

"Hey..." Tang Youyou wanted to stop Su Yi, but Su Yi had already gone in.

"I haven't asked you where you plan to hide yet..." Tang Youyou muttered twice.

She rolled her eyes and suddenly tiptoed towards the door, opened the door with the smallest noise, and slipped out quietly.

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