"That's what you should do!" Su Yi's suggestion suited Hu Yifei's taste, "You have to be tough when dealing with people like this!"

"It's too late today. How about I go to the property management company to respond tomorrow?" Zeng Xiaoxian also stopped.

"Forget it, I'll go tomorrow." Su Yi took the initiative to take over the job.

Let Zeng Xiaoxian do it?

A ruthless person who can destroy his own deputy director, what do you dare to let him do?

"Okay, okay, brother Xiaoyi is here, everyone can rest assured!" Qin Yumo said with a smile, "The Internet is disconnected at home, and we don't know what to do. Yifei, do you have any good ideas?"

Lu Ziqiao suddenly became energetic and suggested: "Why don't we have an exciting game..."

"No flying chess!" everyone shouted in unison.


Lu Ziqiao spread her hands and shut up decisively.

"Do you want to watch the disc?" Zhang Wei took out a disc.

"A spy movie?" Zeng Xiaoxian said "Ah", "I've seen this movie before. It's stinky and long!"

"I won't watch it!" Hu Yifei was the first to express her opinion, "These days, movie reviews are better than movies."

"Then you always drag brother Xiao Yi to watch movies?" Qin Yumo pouted, "I know you are not interested in drinking!"

"But there is no Internet, what else can we do if we don't watch movies?" Zhang Wei stood up and played the disc, "You can do whatever you want, I want to watch it anyway."

Two hours later...

Eight people crowded on the sofa and watched an entire long and smelly spy movie.

"It's finally over!"

All eight people breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is really the most boring thing I have ever done!" Lu Ziqiao complained.

"Me too!"

"And I!"

Everyone agreed.

"I don't understand. Isn't it just to kill a traitor? How big a deal is it?" Hu Yifei rolled her eyes and said, "If you ask me, it can be done in half an hour!"

"That's easy to say, do you want to try?" Zeng Xiaoxian sneered.

"Don't believe it!" Hu Yifei said seriously, "My great-grandmother was once a progressive young man. The story she told us is not like this at all!"

"I'm bored anyway, why don't you tell us?" Tang Youyou suggested.

"Okay, just tell me!" Hu Yifei also became interested, so she told everyone a story about her great-grandmother Hu Xiaofei and her lover Su Xiaoyi working together to kill everyone and destroy the enemy's headquarters.

Su Xiaoyi is Su Yi’s grandfather.

Any gun fighting skills in the story are trivial, and the bullet time has been worked out. Anyway, it is just too fierce.

"Is this a spy movie? This is obviously a science fiction movie!"

After Hu Yifei finished speaking, everyone protested.

So Tang Youyou continued the story just now, told Hu Yifei to death, made Su Yi captured, and her grandmother Tang Xiaoyou made a brilliant appearance.

Tang Xiaoyou is a student during the day, but is the top singer in the dance hall at night. She successfully attracted the villain Mr. Yi and decided to complete the assassination of Mr. Yi through seduction. Just as she appears on Mr. Yi's bed wearing a cool sling, her story is interrupted by Guan Gu's magic.

Guan Guqinqi didn't want his girlfriend to become an agent who seduced others, even in the story. So, in his story, Lu Ziqiao's grandfather Lu Xiaoqiao became Mr. Yi. The purpose of inviting Tang Xiaoyou here was to let Tang Xiaoyou and a The blind date of Zhe Peng people called Guangu Miracle.

This miracle of Guan Gu is naturally his magical grandfather of Guan Gu. He is a Zhepeng painter and peace-loving.

After a romantic story, Zhang Wei's grandfather Zhang Xiaowei appeared on the stage. He was a killer sent by Lu Xiaoqiao. Lu Xiaoqiao discovered that his aunt Tang Xiaoyou was an underground member, so he decided to kill her. He sent Zhang Xiaowei to try to kill her. End Tang Xiaoyou's life.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaowei did not kill Tang Xiaoyou, but instead injured Guangu Miracle.

Tang Xiaoyou was deeply moved by this, and decided to ignore the disputes in the world with Guangu Miracle and grow old together from then on.

Sekiya's magical story ends here, but the villain still goes unpunished.

Zeng Xiaoxian took up the story.

In his story, his grandfather Zeng Xian'er was a warrior who lived in prison and was also a passionate patriotic young man. He found Su Xiaoyi who was being tortured in prison. The two cherished each other, so Zeng Xian'er decisively took action. , showing the prison map tattoo on his back, and led Su Xiaoyi to escape from prison.

His story was interrupted by Qin Yumo.

Qin Yumo told a story about a hero saving a beauty. Her grandmother Qin Xiaomo was caught by the evil Mr. Yi and wanted to force her to marry Mr. Yi, but she would rather die than surrender, so she was locked up.

At this time, Zeng Xianer and Su Xiaoyi dug a tunnel into Qin Xiaomo's prison, so Su Xiaoyi came to the rescue and rescued Qin Xiaomo.

But at the moment when he was about to be released from prison, he was discovered by the big devil Mr. Yi. In order to cover Qin Xiaomo's evacuation, Su Xiaoyi was unfortunately captured again, and Zeng Xian'er was also beaten to death on the spot.

At this point in the story, it seems that it can no longer go on.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ziqiao took over again. He decided to never look back on the path of villain and continued to tell the story of his grandfather Lu Xiaoqiao, also known as Mr. Yi.

Qin Xiaomo was finally caught by Mr. Yi. Mr. Yi locked up Qin Xiaomo and decided to put her...

Lu Ziqiao's story was interrupted at the beginning, and everyone expressed their opinion that it was not suitable for children.

So Zhang Wei appeared again. He said that his grandfather Zhang Xiaowei was actually an undercover agent, and finally had a final showdown with Lu Xiaoqiao on the rooftop.

At the end of the story, everyone expressed their intention to appear, resulting in a particularly absurd ending of dying together.

After the story was told, everyone was still a little unfinished.

At this moment, Su Yi received the message from the terminal.

This is actually a performance task!

A long-lost performance assignment.

"Love Apartment No. 1 World Performance Task 1: Please guide everyone to express their wishes based on the story just now."

No. 032 had already said this, so Su Yi was not surprised. In fact, he had been waiting for this sub-world journey to start.

Unexpectedly, the mission came first before the sub-world was opened.

Su Yi looked around and smiled calmly: "I think everyone's stories are good. But if we really reach that era and such a story really happened in that era, what would you wish for? Or, What kind of person do you want yourself to be?”

"Time travel?" Hu Yifei said with a smile, "Of course I hope to be a person who can bring peace to everyone and use force to stop war."

"I hope I am a lady of the Republic of China, with unparalleled charm!" Qin Yumo said with a smile.

"Where are you, Youyou?" Su Yi guided intentionally.

"Me?" Tang Youyou thought for a moment, "I also hope that everyone will fall in love with me."

"If it were me, I hope everyone would pay attention to me!" Zeng Xiaoxian said.

"I hope no one can escape my deep affection." Lu Ziqiao said with a smile.

Everyone vomited together.

"And me! And me!" Guan Gu magically joined in excitedly, "I hope that I can become the promoter of Zhe Peng culture."

"Where's Zhang Wei?" Su Yi asked.

"Me, my requirements are not high, as long as I can survive." Zhang Wei said with a smile, "In troubled times, everything is like a cloud."

"What about you, Xiao Yi? What is your wish?" Hu Yifei asked with a smile.

"Me?" Su Yi pondered slightly. He was relaxed on the surface, but very cautious in his heart.

He had a vague feeling that the wish he was making now might be related to the super powers mentioned by the director.

Then this wish cannot be made casually.

Although the director also said that no matter how powerful the superpowers are imagined, what will be obtained in the end will be distorted and greatly reduced funny special functions, but the two must be related.

Su Yi thought for a while and said: "I want to get a super power. With just one word, I can make bad guys break their necks!"

He wanted to say that his head fell to the ground, but he was afraid that it would be tragic if the twisted special function turned out to be the effect of a haircut.

You can’t open a barber shop in the future, right?

Killing people in one word is a practical and destructive super power that Su Yi fantasizes about. He hopes that the twisted special function should not be too outrageous.

"Actor Su Yi: Love Apartment No. 1 sub-world performance task 1 has been completed, and you have received the reward - the right to be awake (note: in the sub-world, you are the only sober person among all the actors)."

What does this mean?

Su Yi was a little confused.

So far, he has no idea how this sub-world will open, and now he has the right to wake up.

The only one awake?

So other actors will be confused?

Who are the other actors?

Are you referring to the protagonists in Love Apartment?

In the following time, everyone chatted endlessly.

Although Su Yi kept talking to each other, he was actually always paying attention to changes in the surrounding environment and was ready to enter the next world at any time.

But what puzzled Su Yi was that nothing happened.

But he was not disappointed, he was very patient, because he knew that the next world would definitely open.

At around one o'clock in the evening, everyone was sleepy, so they got up and went back to their rooms to rest.

Su Yi returned to the room after washing up, but there was still no movement of time travel.

He shook his head and simply stopped thinking about it, then lay on the bed and planned to sleep.

Who knew that as soon as I closed my eyes, the whole world would suddenly change!

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was sitting in a dark and damp room.

He was sitting on a chair, wearing a decent suit, and there was a little blood on the toes of the leather shoes on his feet.

Opposite him was a torture rack with a dying man covered in blood tied to it.

Opposite the execution rack, a man stood with his back to him, holding a bloody whip in his hand. This figure from behind looked very familiar.

Zhang Wei?

As soon as Su Yi had this thought in his mind, a line of text suddenly appeared in front of his eyes——

"Zhang Xiaowei, your secretary."

! (◎_◎;)

Zhang Wei?

My secretary?

So who am I?

As he thought, the message in the terminal slowly emerged in his mind.

"Your identity - Su Xiaoyi, codenamed Mr. Yi, the head of the Secret Service Headquarters of the Wang Puppet Regime in the Magic City, a big traitor with hands stained with the blood of his compatriots, a murderer who can be punished by everyone, a loyal lackey of the Zhepeng people, cruel and ruthless The executioner, the cowardly silver devil!"


Forget about the previous ones, what the hell is this Silver Demon?

Also, how did I become a villain?

Fortunately, Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief at the following content——

"But this is just your superficial identity. You also have another identity. In fact, you are a senior ace agent of the underground party who has been involved in the military for many years. Because of your relationship with Wang Zhaoming, you were ordered by the organization to accompany Wang Zhaoming after he surrendered to the enemy and treason. Surrendered and became the spy chief of the Wang Puppet regime and a lackey of the Zhepeng people. But in fact, you are still a staunch underground party fighter!"

So it was lurking?

They are all lurking into villains. Isn’t this a bit too ridiculous?

Su Yi curled his lips and then looked down.

"The code name of your agent identity is - Passerby A. Only Ke Gong knows your identity. Even the person in charge of our party in Magic City only knows your code name and does not know who you are. Your identity is unknown to everyone. It's all a secret. For a long time, you have continuously supplied important information from Zhe Peng and Wang puppets to our party and made an indelible contribution to the war of resistance. However, no one knows your contribution. You are now You are just a big traitor who can be punished by everyone, and you are the most hated thorn in the side of many patriots!"

"Your main mission is - 1. Completely resolve the assassination attempt on you by all hostile forces, but you are not allowed to kill your seven friends; 2. You cannot reveal your identity as a passerby and continue to lurk; 3. You cannot lie, Reasonable requests cannot be refused.”

Su Yi raised his eyebrows. This task didn't seem difficult.

But it’s a light-hearted and funny plot, so it’s not difficult.

He then looked down——

"Because you made a wish to break the enemy's neck as soon as you said it, you gained special abilities..."


After seeing clearly the special power he had acquired, even though Su Yi had been mentally prepared, he was shocked on the outside and tender on the inside.

He couldn't laugh or cry, what kind of superpower is this?

You have to say it has something to do with Su Yixu's wish, it really does.

But the two are completely different things, right?

And this skill is too ridiculous, right?

It was a good wish, but why did the skill it produced look so useless?

When this useless skill is used, it will completely destroy the character...

Su Yi looked constipated.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaowei, who was standing in front of Su Yi, turned around.

Just one glance at Su Yi almost made him laugh.

This guy wore a one-eyed eyepatch, a three-quarter-length traitor's hair, and a Chinese tunic suit. He looked like a psychopath.

Zhang Xiaowei said with a serious face: "Mr. B, this guy is almost gone. He probably won't be able to give you any useful information. But he knows some of your secrets that cannot be known by Zhepeng people. The gendarmerie will definitely come to ask for you tomorrow. We should what to do?"

Su Yi didn't answer. He stared at Zhang Xiaowei for a while, but the latter still had a serious face and no reaction.

"How old are you?" Su Yi asked, staring into Zhang Xiaowei's eyes.

"27 years old, Mr. B." Zhang Xiaowei said expressionlessly.

"How long have you been with me?" Su Yi asked again.

"Four years and three months." Zhang Xiaowei said.

It doesn't look like he's just pretending. Does Zhang Wei really think he is Zhang Xiaowei? Is Mr. B’s secretary?

Recalling that after completing the first performance task before, the reward was "the right to wake up", Su Yi wrote clearly.

In this sub-world, it is possible that Zhang Wei really does not know that he is Zhang Wei, but thinks that he is Zhang Xiaowei.

What do you think Su Yi’s special power is?

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