The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 946 The golden cicada escapes from its shell

Ferry Station.

When it gets dark, Shangguan Yun gets up.

He first went to the first floor of the inn and asked the waiter to boil hot water. Then he ordered the chef to make a few breakfast dishes, and then went to the stable to feed the horses himself.

As the master of the White Tiger Hall of the Sun and Moon God Sect, Shangguan Yun can be regarded as a waiter like a cloud on weekdays, and is extremely honorable.

The things he does are also important things in the teaching, the kind of important things that can affect the lives and deaths of hundreds of people.

But now, he is like a slave, doing the job of serving others.

When a person is willing to put down his dignity and do some humble things, then what this person wants to get must be of great importance, at least it can make up for the dignity he has lost.

Although Shangguan Yun has become the master of the White Tiger Hall, he also wants to go further and obtain higher authority and benefits.

He has an extraordinary desire for power and status, so he can endure what others cannot.

When Shangguan Yun went to feed the horses, he heard the stable boy talking to the inn steward, and two vague words of conversation drifted over -

"Manager Liu, the two guests in Room No. 2 of Tianzi left at midnight. I thought they had paid for the room, so I let them take away their horses. How did I know that they ran away without paying the money? That’s it…”

"Li Laizi, Li Laizi, why do you think so? How did I tell you before? Before the customer leaves, he must ask the counter to find out if the bill has been paid. It's better for you. You don't even ask and let others know. Riding away! Now, whose loss is it, yours or mine?"

Tianzi No. 2...

The figures of two middle-aged men appeared in Shangguan Yun's mind.

These two people were members of the horse racing gang. They drank some wine in the lobby on the first floor last night and made rude remarks to the Eastern leader.

Shangguan Yun wanted to kill these two blind guys, but was stopped by Manager Yang.

He still felt strange at the time. Manager Yang was not a man of faith, so how could he tolerate this?

Did these two people run away overnight without paying the bill at the inn?

Shangguan Yun was despised in his heart. He even had to pay for the inn, so why did he run into the world?

After feeding the horse, Shangguan Yun returned to the inn, only to find that the leader and the chief steward had not left the room yet.

He had some doubts in his heart, and he thought dirtyly, maybe he worked too hard last night and couldn't get up?

He sat on the first floor and waited for almost half an hour, but Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi still didn't come down, and he suddenly started to murmur in his heart.

The breakfast I prepared has been reheated three times.

Seeing that the sun was already rising and that any delay would inevitably delay his journey, Shangguan Yun had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to the room where Su Yi and the others were staying and knock on the door.

"Dang-dang" sounded twice, and the door opened a crack!

The door is ajar!

Shangguan Yun was so surprised that he hurriedly pushed the door open and saw two naked people sitting on the ground with their backs leaning on the bed, looking at him in horror.

Aren't these two the same two guys who lived in Tianzi No. 2 room as mentioned by the horse feeder Li Laizi, who escaped from the bill?

Shangguan Yun saw at a glance that the two men's acupuncture points had been tapped and could not move. With a quick thought, he stepped in and closed the door.

His eyes quickly fell on the table, where there was a note.

He took two quick steps and picked up the note and read it quickly, his expression gradually becoming serious.

Of course the note was left by Su Yi.

Su Yi told Shangguan Yun in the note, asking Shangguan Yun to pretend that the two unlucky guys were Dongfang Bubai and him, and drive the carriage towards Mount Tai. But before leaving, they must contact the local branch of the Sun Moon God Sect and ask them to pay attention to whether there are any strangers who are inquiring about the whereabouts of the three of them.

If so, it means that someone in Heimuya has leaked their whereabouts to the outside world and is preparing to harm Dongfang Bubai and him.

Su Yi told Shangguan Yun in the note and asked him to contact Tong Baixiong immediately. The two of them, from inside and outside, quietly uncovered the traitor on Heimu Cliff and found out who was behind the scenes.

He also told Shangguan Yun not to go any further when the carriage reached Jinan Mansion. If he saw something was wrong, let Shangguan Yun put his own safety first and find a way to escape immediately.

Shangguan Yun read the contents of the note back and forth three times, so carefully that he had to write down every word.

Then he put the note into his arms and put it away, with a gloomy expression on his face and began to think carefully.

He originally thought that he would travel with Dongfang Bubai and Su Yi, traveling around various places for a long time, and he would be able to take this opportunity to get closer to the leader and the general manager.

Unexpectedly, not long after setting off, he parted ways with the person he wanted to curry favor with.

Shangguan Yun never expected this change.

But that’s not a bad thing!

Shangguan Yun felt faintly excited.

It turns out that the leader and the general manager went to Heimu Cliff this time to use their bodies as bait to investigate the traitor.

Shangguan Yun personally participated in such a confidential and important matter and became an important part of it. What does this mean?

It shows that he has gained the trust of the leader and the general manager!

This is an opportunity!

He secretly made up his mind to seize this opportunity, cooperate with the leader and the chief manager, and put on a good show!

He was not surprised that there was a traitor in Heimuya.

In fact, the General Manager has been acting in the opposite direction over the years. From the elders to the lower church members, everyone is panicked and has different thoughts. Isn't it normal for a few traitors to appear in this situation?

Thinking of this, Shangguan Yun's eyes fell on those two unlucky guys again.

With a cruel smile on his lips, he took out a small bottle from his arms and poured out two extremely smelly pills from the bottle. Then he pinched the mouths of these two people respectively and fed them, and then unlocked their acupuncture points.

Before the two men could beg for mercy, Shangguan Yun calmly crushed a porcelain cup to pieces, immediately shocking the two of them.

"From now on, you two will do whatever I say. If you don't obey at all...hehe..."

Half an hour later, everyone in the inn saw Master Yang and Mrs. Yang, who was wearing a bright red dress, going downstairs with the help of their servants. After leaving the inn, the carriage rumbled and continued to the southwest.

Not long after, two homing pigeons were released from a place not far from the inn, one heading south and one heading north.

In the narrow alley opposite the inn, a man in black gave a serious order: "Hurry up and catch up with the master of Shangguan Hall and tell him that there are indeed two groups of people inquiring about Master Yang's whereabouts!"


More than thirty miles east from Dukouyi, there is a town called Linqing. The town is adjacent to the Lu Canal Wharf and is one of the important water transport towns.

At three o'clock, two fast horses, one behind the other, galloped to the edge of the pier. The two men on the horse were two men with sallow faces. Although they looked ordinary, their demeanor was extraordinary.

The green-skinned gangsters who were digging for food on the dock were all discerning. Seeing the posture of these two people, they all stayed away and did not dare to provoke them.

One of the burly yellow-faced men dismounted and went straight to the edge of the pier. He quickly bought a small boat with a lot of money and then disposed of the two fast horses on the spot.

He spent a lot of money and purchased a lot of dry food and supplies on the spot, which made the merchants sitting on the dock make a small fortune.

While the burly man was doing these things, another taciturn man kept his eyes locked on him, his eyes lingering, but he had no intention of stepping forward to help, and just watched the burly man busy.

After the burly man finished everything, he waved to the silent man not far away.

The two of them got on the boat with their luggage, and soon left the dock and sailed towards the depths of the canal.

These two people are naturally Su Yi and Dongfang Bubai.

The sudden change to the water route was a temporary decision made by Su Yi just last night.

However, the plan to lure the snake out of the cave to find the traitor was made before he went down to Blackwood Cliff, but now he has changed the plan.

Su Yi's original plan was to use Dongfang Bubai and himself as bait to lure potential enemies into taking the bait, and then rely on Dongfang Bubai's extraordinary force to defeat several of them.

When you are outside and inside, you need to be strong with both hands.

He felt that what he did should not be regarded as "malicious fishing", but a reasonable use of the rules.

First of all, going to Jiangnan to seek the star-absorbing technique was not proposed by me, but by Dongfang Bubai. He just wanted to follow along.

Su Yi was anxious to practice martial arts early, so he went to Jiangnan with Dongfang Bubai. Is this reasonable?

He and Dongfang Bubai have both left, leaving Blackwood Cliff without a leader, so he holds a meeting to tell the leadership of the Sun Moon Sect to settle everything. Is this reasonable?

In order to avoid the suspicion of malicious fishing, Su Yi not only limited the insiders to the level of elders and hall masters, but also specifically asked them to keep it secret. If he could do this, it couldn't be considered fishing, right?

He has made it this far and the news is still leaked. Does this have nothing to do with him, Su Yi?

Originally, Su Yi thought that with his own ability, if his group was being watched or followed, he would definitely notice it.

But he didn't expect that after two days of walking, everything was calm and no one was following him and Dongfang Bubai.

Su Yi didn't believe that no one really cared about the whereabouts of him and Dongfang Bubai. After thinking about it, he guessed what the other party might do.

The other party was so cautious that Su Yi's idea of ​​using someone else's strength and taking advantage of the situation was not easy to use. Once used, it would be suspected of "malicious fishing".

And Su Yi also discovered that his plan had a big flaw, that was - passive!

He couldn't predict when the enemy would come, so he could only wait passively.

Although he was willing to take risks in order to weaken the enemy, if the risk was too great, Su Yi would have to consider whether it was worth it.

not worth it!

After Su Yi weighed the pros and cons, he decisively changed and improved the plan.

He changed the plan of using himself as bait to use Shangguan Yun as bait, and then played Li Dai Tao Zang to hide the truth.

Shangguan Yun and Tong Baixiong echo each other. As long as they work hard, they will definitely achieve something in the matter of "An Nei".

He and Dongfang Bubai took the canal waterway and went all the way down the river to the south of the Yangtze River.

But Su Yi's purpose is not just to allow him to successfully obtain the Star Absorbing Technique. He believes that his smart enemies will definitely find out the whereabouts of him and Dongfang Bubai.

By that time, he would have some inner strength, which would at least make him safer than now.

Su Yi did not elaborate on these matters to Dongfang Bubai. He didn't seem to care about them and just let Su Yi do whatever he wanted.

But when Su Yi showed off his god-level imitation makeup skills, Dongfang Bubai was quite surprised.

The water flow in the canal is gentle, much smoother than that of a horse-drawn carriage.

Su Yi and Dongfang Bubai took a boat all the way south, and the markets and docks on both sides of the strait gradually became more prosperous.

When the boat arrived in Huai'an, they encountered a group of water thieves. Without Su Yi taking action, Dongfang Bubai defeated them with flying needles from a long distance away.

Other than that, the journey was uneventful.

Su Yi did not contact the secret branches of the Sun Moon God Sect in various places, so he had no idea what happened to Shangguan Yun as a decoy or the progress of the investigation into the traitor on Blackwood Cliff.

He and Dongfang Bubai enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the southern country together, feeling comfortable and comfortable.

Compared with their leisure, the decent masters at the foot of Mount Tai are not so comfortable.

Shangguan Yun drove the carriage leisurely to Jinan Mansion, and then stopped.

His whereabouts were continuously sent to Mount Tai by Zuo Lengchan's men, and were placed in front of Zuo Lengchan.

At this time, the righteous masters had different opinions.

They are here to help the Taishan sect. If Dongfang Bubai really comes to attack the Taishan sect, there is nothing to say, we can just go shoulder to shoulder.

But they took a leisurely journey to Jinan Prefecture and then stopped leaving. They could not advance or retreat. How can I say this?

According to Zuo Lengchan's idea, since they have come, they might as well stop doing nothing and go to Jinan Mansion together to destroy Dongfang Bubai and eliminate demons to defend the way.

He has reason to do this. If he can lead all the masters of the sect to surround and kill Dongfang Bubai, Zuo Lengchan's reputation and status will definitely rise to the next level, especially this time even Shaolin Master Fang Zheng will obey him. Take command.

But the other members of the Wuyue Sword Sect were not willing.

It's not that they don't want to kill Dongfang Bubai, but because they feel that this matter is a bit strange and they should wait and see what happens instead of being impulsive.

Yue Buqun believed that the reason why "Eastern Invincible" stopped in Jinan Prefecture was probably because he had learned that so many masters of the righteous path had gathered in Mount Tai, so he hesitated to move forward. If everyone goes there rashly at this time, it is very likely that they will fall into someone else's trick of trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

Yue Buqun's idea was supported by Taoist Tianmen, but Master Mo and Master Dingxian's idea was to stay still rather than move. They should first figure out what the Demon Sect is going to do before taking action.

Master Fang Zheng, on the other hand, did not support anyone and remained on the same page.

He positioned himself as a thug who came to help and didn't say anything.

To be honest, Su Yi's operation really confused Zuo Lengchan and the others. Sometimes the biggest problem of smart people is thinking too much.

After thinking too much, I didn't dare to move, so the situation that was originally on the verge of breaking out turned into a strange stalemate.

More than ten days later, Su Yi and Dongfang Bubai arrived in Qiantang one afternoon.

Entering the city, pedestrians are walking shoulder to shoulder, and music and singing are everywhere.

The two of them first went into the city to find an inn to rest for a while, restored their true colors, and then went to the edge of the West Lake together.

Although Dongfang Bubai is revisiting an old place, he hasn't been there for more than ten years and has taken the wrong route several times.

After walking for more than an hour, we found a place deep in a plum forest.

This is a large mansion with a red door and white walls. The two characters "Meizhuang" are written outside the gate.

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