The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 1004: Ingeniously attract cattle, brother benevolent brother filial piety

Shen Ganba seems to...seem to be relieved? ? ?

These people seem to understand, but they seem to be arguing. You yell at me and I spray you with a blush and a thick neck. Shen Ganba will lose his temper?

"In these years, I have been in control of Lujiazhuang, and I have spent most of my time collecting resources to recharge, and have not made any major moves against the court. For example, to annihilate Liujiazhuang and other crimes, I will let Jian Yi and the others report them to the emperor. Punishment." Lu Tingyi said to the emperor immediately.

Shen Ganba was a little hesitant to speak.

"Okay, I will let the three companies review together... But the main responsibility is to seize the soul. It is not appropriate to publicize the restrictions of Lujiazhuang. A small punishment to Lujiazhuang is enough. But Liujiazhuang and other victims, you must do your best. Compensation." The emperor answered.

The emperor's words are unfair to Liujiazhuang and other victims... But what the emperor has to do is to balance the forces and maintain the stability of the country. If the secret of Liujiazhuang's destruction is publicized, the prestige of Liuqin King and the court will be greatly affected. Once the martial arts cause turmoil, it is difficult to calm down. Since Lujiazhuang was not the mastermind and Liujiazhuang had already been destroyed, it would be useless to investigate Lujiazhuang.

Shen Ganba seemed to breathe a sigh of relief at this moment and calmed down completely... Those who winked can be sure that Shen Ganba just wanted to say good things to Lu Tingyi, but it was difficult to say it from his position.

"There is also the matter of the blood wolf general's concubine. Although we traded privately, we did not violate the rules of consort selection. We hope the emperor will see it clearly." General Wolf helped us, and we Lujiazhuang are still in dire straits. This antidote was obtained from a fair deal between us and him. Brother, if you are so unreasonable, what if he regrets you and let me do? Can you bear the consequences? ?"

"This... I'm not right about this." Shen Ganba was a little reluctant, and raised his teacup towards Xuelang, "General Xuelang guards the northern border and protects one side of the water and soil, and has done a lot of hard work. The old man slandered and slandered, so I will apologize to you here. No matter in martial arts, intelligence or strategy, the blood wolf general is superior in the concubine competition, and the old man highly recognizes it! I hope that the blood wolf general will not be so good that the old man cares about the words just now, and the old man owes you a favor!"

"Okay, old senior please pay attention next time." Shen Ganba apologized to others, which is a huge face, but the blood wolf still held a little attitude, and drank the tea warmly.

This can be regarded as a gain of prestige, so that the people of King Liu Qin dare not underestimate one point.

"And the leader of the demon sect... Big brother, you..." Lu Ting changed his words and continued to domineering to Shen Gan like a preaching.

"What does it have to do with him?" Shen Ganba now has an opinion.

"The prescription was cracked by him. He and I are willing to intervene without grace and virtue. The merits are boundless... I'm afraid I won't have a chance to thank him. If you see it, eldest brother..." Lu Ting said helplessly.

"Xing Xing Xing, after all, it is an evil demon. If there is a chance to meet him, I promise to let him go." Shen Ganba waved his hand in an angry voice.

Hey, this Lu Ting is considered a conscientious one, and he supported his identity as a blood wolf, and also asked for favors for his identity as the leader of the demon sect.

But this scene is getting weirder as you look at it... Why does Shen Ganba seem to be led by Lu Tingyi's nose gradually?

The blood wolf whispered to Li Changrong, who was close.

"If you ask me about this, I can't tell... But I heard that Senior Shen has always been protective of his shortcomings, and often intercedes without reasoning... If Senior Lu is a comrade-in-arms who will live and die together, That's a brother who died, I should be willing to apologize for pulling down my face for my brother..." Li Changrong explained in a low voice.

Damn, this old man is also childish!

It means that this guy was angry with Lu Ting just now that he didn't ask him for help, which means he didn't think he was a brother, so he took out his anger at himself... Then Lu Ting made a bitter plan and added a love scene, and he was eaten to death right away... Did he know? Knowing that the calamity of King Liu Qin and the royal family almost broke out for no reason just now!

It's not easy, this kind of person is too difficult to deal with!

No wonder Lu Tingyi didn't dare to ask Shen Ganba for help, this man would definitely not listen to the persuasion and go up and cut his soul into eight pieces, and then the descendants of the Lu family had no choice but to perish together... Finally, he came to regret his impulsiveness, and everyone else's persuasion along the way. When the wind blows.

If I can beat him in the future, I have to find a chance to slap him a few times, it's too annoying!

"Okay, three days after the wedding date has been set, you don't have to wait to talk to each other." The two of them secretly talked for a while and then everyone paid attention, the emperor joked.

The blood wolf sneered, Li Changrong couldn't explain the gossip about Shen Ganba just now, and could only blush at the jokes of everyone.

This is the end of the secret conversation.


The dust on the position of consort has settled, and the matter of King Liuqin and others entering the capital has come to an end. Everyone walked out of the palace and said goodbye to their residence in Nanjing.

The people in Lujiazhuang were to blame for the failure of the contest for the concubine. In addition, they were getting closer to the blood wolf, and everyone looked at them in a complicated way.

But Shen Ganba is outside this list.

"Since we met in the capital, why don't you come to my place for a drink? How many years have you not seen each other? You're afraid that I'll see through your mind, so you didn't show up on purpose?" Shen Ganba said to Lu Ting.

"Alas." Lu Ting nodded, frowning and said, "Those who know me must be eldest brother. Although the prescription has been obtained, Lujiazhuang has been held by the soul all the year round, there must be many mistakes and omissions, and even a lot of his people are monitoring us. Now Lu Ge sits quietly in Lujiazhuang to hide from the sky and cross the sea. The news here has not had time to get back. I am in a hurry to go back to block Lujiazhuang and **** all the insiders... I can't drink this wine with my eldest brother for the time being, but I am afraid of staying in Zhuangzhong. You can't have the best of both worlds... Brother, what do you think I should do?"

"Come on, I'll accompany you if you don't come! What should I teach you, you shrewd brat?" , at a glance, you can see that he has been beaten by Shen Ganba, "Well, let me see who has eaten the bear's heart leopard and dared to harm Lujiazhuang!"

"Big brother is willing to take action, that would be great!"

Lu Ting smiled, and he tricked one of the most powerful laborers on the surface to come to his door... Shen Ganba was suffocated by his experience, and I am afraid that he will not need to take Shen Ganba to clean up all the people at that time. He kung fu.

The two founding bigwigs are going to hunt in Lujiazhuang, and the others will go away with their heads covered as if they can't hear... They don't dare to stand next to them. Dare to keep.

Lu Jianyi and Lu Jianer wanted to stay in the capital to attend the princess' wedding in three days, and Lu Tingyi went to explain something to them.

Lu Fujin never left, and took this opportunity to come to Shen Ganba, who was waiting, with a gloomy face, complaining about the unfair selection of the concubine.

Shen Ganba was eager to go to Lujiazhuang to vent his anger on his brother's behalf, and sent Lu Fujin with a bad face: "Why is it unfair?

"The last time he tried to collude with others, he won't win!" Lu Fujin said gloomily.

"May I ask how many of you King of Six Diligence, didn't you clearly collude to exclude dissidents at the beginning?" Shen Ganba said impatiently, "Nah, nah, you guys are arrogant and arrogant, but you still haven't been able to understand the key to the last try. "

"The key is not that there are too many people!"

"Yeah, it's just a lot of people... Then why don't you seize the opportunity to unite with Prince Enke and hold the final chance of victory firmly in your own hands?"

Lu Fujin was stunned when he heard the words, and then he faintly realized the key to the last attempt.

"The last try has nothing to do with the status of martial arts and literary talents, everyone is equal. Your water gun is a gun, and Prince Enke's water gun is also a gun! But you are arrogant and arrogant, and you didn't put Prince Enke in your eyes from the beginning. This led to the big lead being overturned. Look at the blood wolf, after secretly uniting with Lujiazhuang, he has a chance to win, but he has not given up on the point of Prince Enke, in order to be sure. Then the key players are forced to fall to the blood wolf by you. Over there, strengthen the enemy, isn't this a major mistake in your strategy?"

Lu Fujin is in a tangled He did ignore Prince Enke from the beginning, maybe the result will be different if he pays attention to it... He is rich, powerful and powerful, and it is definitely better to win Prince Enke than someone who is based in the north. Blood wolves are too easy.

"I said that the concubine chooses the best. You are the outstanding talents in my eyes. I highly recommend them... But if they compare you all, there is nothing to say. Looking back on where you failed, failure may not be a bad thing."

Shen Ganba said all that, and together with the returning Lu Ting, they used Qinggong and hurried away. The two old men seemed to recall the memory of fighting side by side, and they were so happy that they disappeared into the twilight in a blink of an eye.

Lu Fujin stayed in place for a long time before he left angrily, thinking unwillingly... What Shen Ganba said was just an afterthought. At that time, it seemed that the victory was already in his hands, so how could he have thought of winning over? Prince Enke's drag oil bottle...

Looking at the intimate conversation between Xuelang and Li Changrong just now, he had the first taste of what he could not ask for.

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