The Ring That Defies The Heavens

Chapter 1001: Conscience

"Sir, Captain, we are extremely in short supply of energy. If we do not replenish the energy as soon as possible, it will be difficult for me to provide you with sufficient security!" 0542 Because it has just been generated and has not undergone any evolution, it is naturally not bound by moral indicators such as ethics and shame There is only one criterion for him, and that is to maximize Jiang Fei's interests. Alas,

"Hmm ..." Jiang Fei groaned for a while. The words in 0542 are reasonable. The temptation to squeeze the eggs of reincarnation is really great. After all, the energy of a fifth-level strong is very terrifying, which is enough to make 0542 for him. Provides a lot of help, but again, Fei's heart is quite resistant.

After all, Beowulf asked for him. The reincarnation egg was not taken by him, but was deposited with him by others. Wouldn't it be injustice to squeeze it out? Although Jiang Fei did not consider himself a good man, after joining the ranks of supernatural beings, he did not do less to kill and set fire, but he still had some moral bottom line in his heart.

"Forget it ..." Jiang Fei finally resisted the temptation of this generous energy.

"Sir Captain, you are extremely unwise!" 0542 was obviously not reconciled.

"Ah! I know that this loss is relatively large, but I don't want to be a profitable guy." Jiang Fei shook his head.

"Husband, I support you!" Isabella on the side supported Jiang Fei. Although Jiang Fei squeezed the eggs of reincarnation, she would not object, but Jiang Fei's choice was obviously more in line with his brilliant image in Bella's heart .

"That being the case, Master Captain, please look for a new source of energy as soon as possible, otherwise I will stop after 500 hours, and your big move calculation will now be suspended!" The energy shortage of 0542 is more than Jiang Fei imagined. To be serious.

"Mother! Where is that unfortunate powerhouse?" Jiang Fei's brows frowned. It was not the first time that he had been troubled by energy problems, but several recharges were a cure for the symptoms, only the powerhouse was found. Jiang Fei can completely solve the energy problem.

But looking for a power module was not something that could be accomplished overnight. Today's time is obviously not enough. After Jiang Fei pulled down the suit of Zhuge Shanzhen, he returned home with Isabella.

Although today ’s energy consumption is relatively large, Jiang Fei ’s harvest is still possible. Not only did he get a mineral laboratory, but he also succeeded in bluffing a group of top five.

Although Zhugeshan really had a great reputation before, it has not met with the fifth-class strongman. Therefore, in the circle of the fifth-class strongman, it is doubtful that Zhugeshan is really strong, but today it is different, positive and three. After the encounter of the fifth-level strongman, the name of Zhuge Shanzhen is almost equal to God!

At this time, Jiang Fei didn't know what his fictitious teacher had been passed on in the fifth-level strong circle, and the reason was that the live advertisement of Lockwood was too dedicated!

Shortly after Lockwood's escape, Qin Wuyang and Mordred found him. After all, the two were also curious about what happened between him and Zhuge Shanzhen, especially the two were more concerned about Zhugeshan's true strength.

"It's terrible ... terrible ..." When Qin Wuyang and Mordred met Lockwoods, the fifth-level mutant had a righteous thought in his mouth!

"Hey! What's wrong with you, Woods?" Mordred patted Lockwood's shoulders.

"Ah ?!" Rockwoods was taken aback. He was supposed to be a fifth-class strongman, and he wasn't caught on the shoulders until he was found to be close, but today he was really scared by Zhugeshan's really powerful and strange. Arrived, so I didn't pay attention at all!

"Woods, aren't you ill?" Mordred asked in surprise, after all, Lockwood's condition was extremely abnormal at this time.

"Huh ... how did the two of you come here?" Locke Woods stabilized his mind after seeing that it was Qin Wuyang and Mordred.

"We see that you left in a hurry, so come and see the situation." Qin Wuyang laughed. He saved face for Lockwood and did not say he fled, but said he was in a hurry.

"It's terrible ... that Zhugeshan is terrible ..." Lockwoods said with anxiety.

"What's the matter, although we didn't find any abnormalities, but it feels like you really played against Zhugeshan?" Modred asked.

"That's true ..." Lockwoods nodded, his face horrified.

"How is his strength?" Qin Wuyang asked with concern, and the purpose of his and Mordred's visit was to explore the true and false of Zhugeshan.

"I don't know ... I can only say that it is unfathomable ..." Then Lockwoods said a little bit more about the process of dealing with Zhuge Shanzhen.

After all, the way he ran away was seen by the two old acquaintances in front of him. In order to save his face, Lockwood must have exaggerated the true strength of Zhugeshan. Only in this way can we show that our army is not incompetent and the enemy is too powerful. So I was glorious despite defeat!

Therefore, Lockwoods turned his energy wave temptation into a secret fight, and then his secret strength was swallowed inexplicably, and the swallowing force followed the vine. If it were not for Zhuge Shan to take the initiative, he would have been swallowed by himself. It's up!

"What? He's so powerful ?!" All of a sudden ~ ~ Qin Wuyang and Mordred are frightened, they look at each other, and keep rejoicing in their hearts. Fortunately, they didn't rush to do it. Otherwise, the consequences are simply unthinkable ...

In order to flee for himself, Locke Woods ran into shame. He praised the true strength of Zhugeshan and spared no effort. His strengths Qin Wuyang and Mordred are clear, but they are eighty-five masters who have the power of rules. So, They did not even think that a fifth-level powerhouse would lie!

Comparing Lockwood's strength, the two almost concluded that Zhugeshan must have surpassed the fifth level and reached the sixth level impossible in the legend!

Soon, Zhugeshan was really a master of the sixth grade, and spread it out from the mouth of Qin Wuyang and Mordred. When Jiang Fei knew that he had installed such a big 13 with such a little energy, he almost did not He died for Mei, and he was anxious to pay Lockwoods an advertising endorsement fee. This guy was so powerful that he really admired Zhugeshan for a godless place!

However, so far, Jiang Fei is afraid to go out and pretend to be 13 in the true identity of Zhuge Shan. After all, 0542 is running out of energy at this time. In case of meeting an unbelieving master, he has no energy to generate a position to devour Jiang Fei. Already.

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