The Rise of Konoha Uzumaki Kingdom

Chapter 282 - Heroes of Konoha (2)

Chapter 282 – Heroes of Konoha (2)


“Are you dead?” A villager frowned and looked at his companion beside him, hesitated for a moment, and said, “We…”

“Is it wrong?”

“I…” The villager opened his mouth, sighed, and said, “Perhaps.”

“When I think about it now, although Master Shuomao gave up the task, it seems that we have nothing to lose!”

and so……

Why did this news appear suddenly?

Then, suddenly there was a lot of rumors?

Konoha 40 years.

Konoha White Fang, who made great achievements for Konoha, committed suicide in his room last night due to guilt, leaving only the last blood of the Hagi family…

Flag Mu Kakashi.

With reliable news, someone saw Sakumo Hagi met Shimura Danzo, a notorious high-level consultant of Logleaf, who was dismissed by the village because he made a mistake, offended the name and spied on the little girl. Up!


When all families heard this news, their hearts immediately condensed.

This incident… definitely has something to do with Shimura Danzo!

Naruto Building.

“Oh!” Sarutobi Rischi heard the news this morning, took a breath, sighed, and murmured, “It’s a pity.”

It seems that he and Danzo are still doing too much.

Obviously he just wanted to give a warning to those families whose minds were starting to think again, and by the way let the ninjas in the village carry out their tasks seriously.

after all……

The first rule of a ninja is to perform tasks!

But I didn’t expect…

Suicide even at a young age.

“Danzo…” Sarutobi Rizen looked at the complaints from the people below, “It seems that everyone is dissatisfied with Danzo’s behavior now.”

Although Sakumo Hagi finally…

But the ending was good, and these families began to feel scared again.

“The Will of Fire.” Sarutobi Rizen stood up, walked outside, and murmured, “This is all for the peace of the village.”

It’s time to go to the meeting now.

Appease the other ninjas by the way.

Yanyin Village.

“Sarutobi Rishang.” Ohnoki said with a sneer from the corner of his mouth, “It’s really ridiculous!”

You know Konoha White Fang…

This is the strong man recognized by the entire ninja world!

Even a strong man who was loyal to his village was forced to death, the high-level Konoha really…

A bunch of idiots!


“Cut it, continue to cut it.” Onoki muttered, narrowing his eyes, “If this goes on, Iwanyin Village may become the strongest forbearance village.”

and so……


The country of vortex.

Madara Uchiha closed his eyes and lay on the recliner.

He returned to the house that A Fei bought. Although the health care products of Uzumaki Kingdom are quite useful, but…

He is old after all, and it is time to retire.


He has to wait for Jue to come…

After listening to Uzumaki’s words that day, he was finally sure…


Ninja God…’s opponent was actually deceived.

“Otsuki Kaguya.” Madara opened his eyes and murmured, “Unlimited Moon Reading.”


“Bai Jue…”

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a sneer, and said, “I didn’t expect to be someone who has lived for a thousand years!”(Read more @

As for whether Uzumaki is right…

His Uchiha Madara was just bewitched, and he is not stupid. He has calmed down over the past few years, and he has also discovered that it seems…

Everything I did before was the absolute suggestion.

Then, he thought that since it was definitely his own will, it must be what he thought, so he agreed.

Thinking about it now, everything is indeed full of weirdness!

What Uchiha Madara wanted was true peace, letting Zhuma know that what he was doing was right, instead of letting all humans perish.



Madara looked out the window with confused eyes, touched the mask on her chest, and muttered, “between the pillars…”

After so many years, I should also go to see you.

I wonder if you are surprised to see me live longer than you?

and also……

Uchiha Mikoto…

“Granddaughter.” Uchiha Madara’s mouth raised slightly, a smile flashed, and he shook his head, and said, “It’s really interesting.”

After a while, it should be Uchiha Mikoto who got married. He had participated in the inter-column mixing, but he did not expect that the blond girl is now so big now, and he…

Still a bachelor.


After all, it was his Uchiha clan who won!

“Dad…” Kakashi looked at the tombstone in front of him, with tears in his eyes, holding a short knife tightly, and muttered, “Why is this?”

Is the task of being a ninja really more important than a partner?


That’s not how the teacher educates him!

And the Will of Fire…

Obviously Dad did nothing wrong, so why did those people force him?


Why don’t you understand.

“Kakashi.” Sarutobi patted Kakashi on the shoulder, and said apologetically, “Sorry, it’s all because I didn’t notice Shumao’s heart that caused the current situation.”

“Don’t be sad.”

“I believe your father doesn’t want to see you like this.”

“Shuo Mao He…”

“It is Konoha’s hero, sacrificed for Konoha.”

Sarutobi Hitoshi touched Kakashi’s head…

“Konoha will never let the hero shed blood and tears.”


Kakashi still didn’t answer anything, but looked at the tombstone quietly.

Sarutobi Hizen sighed, and after calling Anbu hidden in the dark to take care of Kakashi, he turned and left.


It should also be over.

“Sakumo Hagi…” Jilaiya looked at the newspaper in his hand, sighed, and murmured, “Danzo…”

Unexpectedly, he had only been out for a few years, so why did this happen?

Is Konoha all a bunch of shit?

You must know how much Shuomao has given to the village, how much he loves the village in his heart, and he actually forced people to death.

not to mention……

Isn’t it right to save your partner?

“The old man is really confused.” Jilaiya casually grabbed the wine glass next to him, looked at Senju Hidema in front of him, and said, “Really don’t plan to go back to the village?”

“Not going back.” Qianshou Xiuzhen shook his head and said with a wry smile, “Konoha is not suitable for Senju now.”

Especially the news this morning…

Even Konoha’s heroes can be pitted to death, why are they going back now?

Fill the pit?

Especially when they concealed Master Naruto and left Konoha…

You know this is tantamount to betrayal!

Going back is definitely a dead end.

“Oh!” Jiraiya sighed when he heard the words of Hidetoshi Senju, and said helplessly, “Where is Tsunade?”

She thought her people and relatives were dead!

“Princess Tsunade, I…” After hearing Jiraiya’s words, Senju Hidema was taken aback, lowered his head, and said, “I’m sorry.”

“I know.” Jilai also saw that Qianshou Xiujian looked like this, nodded, took another sip of wine, and said, “I will hide it for you.”

not going back……

Maybe it’s not bad.

In the past few years, he has also watched the Uzumaki Kingdom seriously, and the Thousand Hands Clan living here has not been treated unfairly, even…

It’s better than Konoha!

he knows……

Konoha is impossible to implement this way.

Give the military power to the daimyo…

Jilai also believes that he has just proposed it today, and he must betray the village tomorrow.

and so……

Now that you are out, don’t care about things in the village.

The group of consultants will make the decision by themselves, so he shouldn’t talk too much.


Who can be sure that the one country, one village policy of the God of Ninja is not good?

“Since it’s all right.” Senju Hidema stood up and said, “I’ll go back first. There will be important things on the team tomorrow.”

“Oh? Oh!” Hearing what Qianshou Xiu said, Jiraiya quickly wiped the corner of his mouth, put it down, and said, “Wait a minute, I’ll go to the toilet first.”

“There is one more thing I forgot to tell you.”

“You wait here first.”

Then, quickly stood up and walked towards the back…

Although Qianshou Xiu really didn’t know what was going on with Jiraiya-sama, he sat down and decided to wait for a while.

And Ji Lai also…

“That person will pay the bill later.” Jilai also pulled the bartender over, pointed vaguely at Senju Hidema who was sitting in the chair, and said seriously, “Remember, he pays.”

He walked towards the back door without turning his head…


When did the toad immortal pay for a drink with others?

“It seems I should get a job.” Ji Lai also shook his head helplessly, and said, “Otherwise, selling chakras every day would be enough for one day’s consumption.”

After all, he…

Not a ninja with a huge chakra!

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