The Rise of Malfoy at Hogwarts

Vol 4 Chapter 195: Fu Zhi Monologue

I am Voldemort.

Today was originally a great day for my rebirth.

In other words, this is actually not the first time I have been born again.

I was born in an orphanage in London. My name is the English name Tom Riddle with a strong rustic flavor. It sounds no different from other orphans. Everything is so ordinary.

However, from a very young age, I have noticed my own uniqueness. I have some magical abilities. Whenever my emotions are intense, I can use an invisible force to influence reality. .

I have never talked about my magical ability to anyone, and I carefully conceal it so that no one can discover it. At that time, I thought I was a superhero in the comics, or more accurately, a supernatural person who was born with extraordinary abilities.

I thought I was unique in this world until the day that **** old man appeared--

The old man named Dumbledore burned my wardrobe and told me that I was not as special as I thought. I was just a wizard, an ordinary wizard, and there are many more in this world. Many people like me even have a school dedicated to educating humans like us. By the way, his purpose of visiting me was to invite me to the school called "Hogwarts".

I am not reconciled, really not reconciled.

It was the fault of this smelly old man, who shattered my dream of being a unique existence.

Fortunately, things are not without turning points. In that dirty old shop, the old man named Ollivander said that the magic wand chooses the wizard, and I was chosen by the yew wand, and I was destined to do something big. Then, after entering Hogwarts, I discovered the secret rooms and treasures left by a powerful dark wizard, and also revealed the mystery of my life experience.

It turns out that my instincts have always been right. My identity is not ordinary, I am one of the greatest wizards in history-the descendant of Salazar Slytherin, and the descendant of the Slytherin Chamber!

At that moment, I decided that I would inherit the will of my ancestors, let the glory of pure blood return to the world, and let Slytherin's ideas become the truth!

However, the old man Dumbledore didn't seem to like me very much. From the first day I enrolled in school, he kept monitoring me. After I learned all the black magic books in the secret room, I faintly became the leading figure in Slytherin College, and Dumbledore's surveillance of me became even stricter.

No matter, although I finally succeeded in using the basilisk in the secret room to kill a lowly mudblood ugly, and successfully blamed Hagrid for that big fool, I knew that I had to stop.

Under the hateful surveillance of Old Man Deng, I knew-my wild nature, my dream, could not be achieved in Hogwarts, and I had to wait until I left school to have a party.

At the end of the 7th grade, I took the chairman of the student council and left Hogwarts with the best exam results.

I traveled around the world, learned all kinds of powerful black magic, experienced countless dangerous magic transformations, and collected several legendary artifacts to make a kind of magic called "horcrux".

When I returned to Great Britain, I had been born again.

I am no longer Tom Riddle, the name that disgusting Muggle father gave me. I want to choose a name that can make the whole world remember me, a name that can make people feel the horror and darkness, so that it can match my incomparable identity.

Now, my name is--

Lord Voldemort!

I assembled a group of people in the pure-blood family who recognized my ideas and began to clean up the magical world of Great Britain. It's a pity that I died in the hands of a 1-year-old baby because of my miscalculation.

This sounds absurd and ridiculous, but it is a cold reality.

I survived for 13 years, and finally let me wait until today-the day I return from the perfect resurrection.

This day was supposed to be the day I was looking forward to, and for this reason, I also prepared to kill the little kid named Potter severely in front of my disciples, as proof that I have recovered to the peak of the past. , Even more than a sacred ceremony in the past.

But what is going on now?

More than half of my disciples were absent.

Not only did Potter not die, but he escaped in front of everyone intact.

Then there was this **** with a hypocritical smile in front of me.

He is the second son of Lucius, one of my most important servants. He came from a pure-blood family, he should have belonged to a fierce general under my command, but he chose to oppose me.

This is not the biggest problem. After all, I haven’t seen a child of a pure-blooded clan who was successfully sucked by Dumbledore and had a crooked buttocks. If you kill it, you’ll die. The problem is—

I can't beat him! !

Of course, this does not mean that I am afraid of him.

I am Voldemort, the most powerful dark lord of this era, I am immortal, and I am going farther than anyone else on the road to immortality.

In fact, I also discovered that this kid is still much inferior to me in terms of magical power alone. The reason I couldn't beat him fiercely was because he seemed to know something from the moment he appeared on the stage, and I was worried that he had discovered the secret of my Horcrux.

It is also because I am too worried about the safety of my Horcruxes. After all, this is my biggest trump card. It is the root of my immortality. No mistake is allowed, so-

I completely lost the determination to fight him head-on, which also caused my many magical powers to be unable to fully display. I just want to get out as soon as possible and check the location of all my Horcruxes...

So I summoned the special corpse I buried here. This is a corpse that will explode when attacked. It is a hole card specially made by me. Surrounded by this kind of corpse, even if I am myself, I can only escape here first, and then make plans-this was originally my plan, I want to push him back first, and then with my only remaining servant People shift their positions, and then consider the long-term plan.

The top priority is to retrieve my Horcrux one by one. I have six Horcruxes, one of which is in my hand. As for the others-the diary I handed over to Lucius for the collection should be dead, and the golden cup I handed over to Bella Trix seems to be gone. a bit dangerious……

There are only three pieces left: Ravenclaw's crown, Gunter family ring, and Slytherin pendant box.

After all, the place where I hide the crown is not easy to find, the kid should not be so powerful...Uh, I hope so...I have released all kinds of powerful curses where the ring is. It is not so easy to crack those curses...Pendant box I have the most confidence. Apart from that the place is hidden and difficult to find, I want to crack the numerous mechanisms and take out the pendant box, not to mention the extremely high magic requirements of the intruder, and it also requires a victim...

But before I laughed because of the trick, what happened to him pressing down the corpses and the Death Eaters all at once? When can magic do this?

The most ridiculous thing is that he actually bluntly said that this is a Levitating Curse! Fuck him mmd floating curse!

Huh? However, listening to his explanation seems to make sense... The spell itself can be derived from other ways of using it. I actually know this truth, but it seems that I haven't been interested in delving into magic for a long time. Why is this happening? I obviously like studying magic the most-let me think about it, my mentality changed, when did this start? Well, it seems to be—

It should have started when I made my first Horcrux. I lost my interest in studying ordinary magic. I only like power. What I pursue and yearn for is the powerful black magic, not those that make things float. Let the wand shine with stupid magic...

Alas, don’t think that some of these are gone-let’s deal with the immediate troubles first!

I decided to confront him directly with Bo——

The most powerful killing spell can be used, but the magic power left by the wand must be connected before it leaves the wand. This is the so-called "magic wand-to-wave" phenomenon.

Once the two wands produce a counter wave, he can't transfer the spell to another place. There is only one way to tell the winner-

The outcome will depend on the level of magic and willpower of the two!

I have confidence, my magic is definitely stronger than him! And I chose the Avada Sutra Mantra because my heart is filled with the desire to kill. This spell can raise my will to the highest point!

I don't believe it anymore. My dignified Dark Lord Huibo lost to an underage kid.

Hmph, even if there is an accident that causes the wave to be I have another trick——

At the moment when the wave is disconnected, I can use the magic power remaining on the wand to instantly cast Apparition to leave here.

This is a unique spelling technique that I developed when I was researching the non-gap linking spelling technique. I dare say that no one in this world understands it anymore except me. Wait a minute, um, it seems-except for a few years ago I wanted to attract that The fool named Quirrell taught it to him when he fell, but it doesn’t matter, that trash is already dead...

By the way, I am not running away, but strategically shifting. The two are not the same. How could my dignified Dark Lord be scared to escape by a minor boy, and no one would believe it, right?

I can only say that there are too many weird things about this kid, and I still need to collect more information in order to judge how to deal with him. After I know enough information, hum, let's see how I concoct him.

As for my servants, it can only be based on their personal luck and good fortune-if they know how to seize the opportunity to escape, at least half of the people can escape, I guess, they should...

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