The Rise Of Otaku

Chapter 41 - Robbery

Chapter 41 Robbery

The owner of the supermarket was also a villager from Luhua Village. There were several factories in the nearby industrial area. The daily People Flow Rate was quite impressive. So opening a supermarket here, the business would not be bad.

It was not rush hour yet. There weren't many customers in the supermarket. So the staff could relax for a while and prepare for the next rush hour.

Suddenly, the sound of neat footsteps appeared outside the shop, and just when the staff inside the shop wondered that people might finish their shifts early today, a group of little naughty kids rushed into the shop.

The one who led the way was the village chief's grandchild - Little Rat. He was cheering loudly while pushing the shipping cart and running inside the shop. All other kids also copied what he was doing. Everyone grabbed one shopping cart and began to run inside the shop. One of those kids was even the shop owner's son.

'Those little monkeys are courting ass-whooping, causing troubles in my shop!'

The shop owner was not the one to be easily trifled with. Rolling up his sleeves, he was ready to catch those kids and whoop their asses one by one. Then he saw Zhou Yu followed those kids into the shop.

The owner Zhou Fu and Zhou Yu’s father Zhou Hong had the same seniority in the village. They used to play together a lot as kids. It was only after Zhou Hong moved to the city that the relationship between them gradually drift apart.

Last year when Zhou Yu returned to the village, Zhou Hong had also asked him to look after his son. However, after Zhou Yu settled down, he barely came out of his house. And because he was also busy with his work, so he did not get to see him many times in a year.

But it was said that this kid was doing very well in the village. He even had a small outdoor cinema. It made his(the shop owner) naughty kid do his homework alone every weekend. Recently, his wife had always been saying that it would be great if the outdoor cinema can play movies every day. In that way, she would no longer need to worry about his kid any more.

"Boy Yu, take a seat. Let me discipline those kids first, I'll talk to you later. How dare they come to my shop and play with my shopping cart!"

When the shop was just opened, the children of Luhua village liked to play around in the shop a lot.

With one kid sitting in the shopping cart and the other pushing the cart behind, they usually play "shopping cart drift" while singing "deja vu" in the shop. This gave Zhou Fu a lot of headaches for a while. Later on, when Zhou Yu returned to the village, it got slightly better.

"Uncle Fu, they are not here to cause trouble. I'll pay for them," then he turned around and said to those kids, "remember, one cart per person, take as many as you can."

Since he couldn't spend any money in the game, he just spent money on those kids. What Zhou Yu thought was very simple. But to Zhou Fu, who heard what he said, it was not normal at all.

'He must be joking. There are, at least, 20 kids here. And those kids will not know when to stop. They will really stuff their carts full. Although things in the shop are not expensive. But with this many kids, it will not be cheap either. Besides, elder Hong said that boy Yu doesn't want to find a job. Where did he get money from?' Zhou Fu was dubious.

Looking at Zhou Fu's dubious expression, Zhou Yu scratched the back of his head while smiling modestly, "uncle Fu, do you still remember last time I asked the old village chief to tell you, that I have used those kids as models to make a game with some online friends. Now that I have received the payment from that game, I think I need to pay those kids back."

Hearing what he said, Zhou Fu instantly remembered that the old village chief had indeed told him about this before.

At that time, he even found it very strange. It was just a game, why would the old village chief use the village's broadcasting system to inform all the villagers. But apart from the village had some military background, there wasn't anything special about the village, so no one really cared that much.

But he didn't expect that Zhou Yu would be able to make money from that game. And it seemed like he made quite a lot. Otherwise, how was he able to spend several thousand Chinese Yuan on those kids.

This also made Zhou Fu very curious. Therefore, he pulled Zhou Yu aside to chat about his daily life. In terms of those kids that were busy grabbing goods, he just asked his employees to pay attention to them and make sure that they don't bump into any shelves.

With dozens of kids pushing their carts running recklessly everywhere inside the shop, the employees that were following behind those kids felt like they were on an uphill battle.

The kids that were slightly quiet and gentle were actually alright. They were slowly pushing their carts in the shop. Whenever they saw some time they liked, they would ask the staff to help them to get it.

The kids that were slightly naughtier than others just grabbed everything they could see as if they were a group of robbers.

After an hour, this "robbery" was finally over. The group of "little robbers" came to the counter fully loaded while their faces were red with excitement.

While they were in the queue waiting to be checked out, they were talking to each other, discussing what they took excitedly.

The area that suffered the most losses was the snacks section. As if it had been hit by Typhoon, many places were completely empty. Some kids even grabbed the whole row of snacks away. Kids were also very scary once they became crazy.

The other area that also suffered heavy losses was the toys section. If it weren't for the fact that toy cars were too big to be able to fit into the cart, they would have probably also taken that away as well.

In the end, the subtotal of all the things that were taken by those kids was added up to ten thousand Chinese Yuan.

It was very rare for the employees of the shop to see someone spending this amount of money in this kind of shop. Especially it was just for kids. So while checking out, all of them were curiously looking at the young man who was talking to their boss and guessing what kind of secret identity this young man had.

Almost all of them thought that Zhou Yu was some kind of rich second generation. However, no one would expect that he was just an otaku.

Seeing Zhou Yu took out his card and paid the bill without any hesitation, Zhou Fu finally believed what he said. He couldn't help but say to Zhou Yu, "boy Yu, why don't you tell your father? He is still thinking that the reason why you wanted to come to the village was to avoid them."

Zhou Fu mistook that the reason that Zhou Yu came back to the village was to make games. But he didn't know that Zhou Yu indeed came back to avoid having arguments with his parents. If it weren't for the eyes of the ACG world, he would've probably been an otaku for the rest of his life.

Now that he had money. His parents wouldn't worry that much.

All the kids had fun taking the things they liked. However, when they wanted to leave the shop, they encountered a problem. None of them was able to move the things from cart.

Fortunately, there were Zhou Fu's employees to help them. So when they left, there were a group of adults following them with many bags in their hands.

Whenever the group arrived at a kid's house, the group would need to stop for a while, because Zhou Yu needed to spend some time to explain what happened to the kid's family. After he sent all the kids home, Zhou Yu felt that his voice was slightly hoarse.

This time, Zhou Yu's reputation in the village was completely improved. All the people in the village now know the reason why he didn't leave his house for a year. It was because he was making a game. And this game was sold a lot of money. With many bags of snacks and the stuffed toys that girls had, it was definitely over 10k Chinese Yuan.

Zhou Yu didn't care about reputations. He was an otaku. He didn't need those things. However, his parents cared about this a lot. So this could be considered as a way to repay them.

That night was also the night to play another movie. Many families showed up in Zhou Yu's yard with their kids. They also brought some gifts as well.

Seeing their kids have animation movies to watch and snacks to eat here, many parents finally understood why their kids wanted to come here all the time.

The movie played today was called "Fuzai". It was adapted from the game - "The war of Luhua village". It could be considered as a rural fantasy animation movie.

As the movie began to play, the beginning of the movie was the bird's-eye view of the entire Luhua village. At first, no one could recognize the view. However, as the camera panned closer, someone in the crowd couldn't help but blurt out, "Hey, isn't this my house?"

That village view, that roads, that landscape, it was indeed Luhua village.

What originally the familiar scenes suddenly became so strange after they were shown in the animation movies. One of the reasons was that it was too beautiful.

The ordinary countryside scenes suddenly became vigorous. It made those adults, who didn't like animations, also began to pay attention to the movie.

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