The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1004: Cracks began to occur

With Chi Nan's warning or threat, it really worked. At least on the face of it, no one has any idea about how to make a totem warrior. But Chi Nan also discovered that many people secretly made small movements.

Although totem warriors are constantly making them, they are basically not their own leaders, some fighters on the front line, or the guards around other high-levels, or even the high-levels themselves.

However, with the appearance of so many totem warriors, not many folks are talking about it. Chi Nan knows roughly, this must be the Alliance and some people secretly targeting him, not wanting to expand his influence.

"Hmph, it is so easy to suppress me. With so many totem warriors appearing, no matter how you suppress them, the news will spread." Chi Nan didn't care about it at all. As long as they came, he would let him People make totems for them. Gradually, some apprentices were brought out by the enchanter, and they could also make totems.

"It seems that low-level totems are still good, at least it is not troublesome to make, even the little magic power of the apprentice is enough." Chi Nan once again discovered a benefit of the black rabbit.

With the emergence of the black-skinned rabbit totem warrior, the black-skinned rabbit breeding industry began to rise in the territory of Chinan. Not only was Chi Nan raising farms himself, he also found the leaders in the town and started raising farms.

A small town that has been evacuated has become a large-scale farm, where all the black rabbits are raised. Usually black rabbits can be eaten, and the taste is very good. A really good black rabbit is very valuable, because everyone wants to make their totem more powerful.

Everyone who came to make a totem would basically go to a nearby farm to pick a strong black rabbit.

Even though Chi Nan has repeatedly assured that the strength of these black-skinned rabbits will not affect the quality of the totem, but Chi Nan still has no way to stop the enthusiasm of those people, and the value of strong black-skinned rabbits is getting higher and higher.

As the number of people who know the Totem Warrior increases in the future, Chi Nan believes that this situation will become more and more serious. Sure enough, no matter where it goes, metaphysics has a big market.

Later, as time passed, Chi Nan didn't bother to take care of it. Although, even his own leaders believed in this.

What Chi Nan didn't expect was that some people actually chose to use poisonous pythons to depict totems. Of course, there is no breeding of poisonous pythons in Chinan, because breeding is too troublesome and cost-effective.

But as far as those big forces are concerned, they don't care, as long as they go out and arrest them. It's true that there are no Warcraft in many places, but they also know where there are Warcraft. This kind of poisonous python is not particularly difficult to find for those big forces. Although the success rate is not high, there are still some people who choose.

After all, this is a very poisonous fighting spirit, and it has a very powerful effect on both insects and individuals. Even if the opponent's strength is stronger than his own, he will be restrained in the face of poisonous vindictiveness.

The only thing I don't know is whether these highly poisonous warriors are used to deal with bugs or people. Of course, with the emergence of totem warriors, the strength of human soldiers on the front line is getting stronger and stronger.

Those high-level security issues have gradually been resolved. And before, finally began to truly enter the stage of regaining lost ground. To this end, Chi Nan produced a plant that can burrow into the ground.

Now, no matter whether it is in the air or on land, or even under the ground, the bugs have no absolute advantage.

As the team continued to advance, pieces of land were liberated. The civilians did not enter in the first time, but the logistics force began to carry out a comprehensive transformation of these places.

Perhaps it won't take long for these places to become the habitat of new humans and orcs.

However, what made Chi Nan annoyed was that these guys promised their own things, but they didn't do it at all.

"Hmph, actually gave me this set. It seems that I usually hold them very well." Chi Nan looked at the report in his hand.

"Lord Lord, do we need to protest." A guard next to him said with a cold expression. It was said at the beginning that part of the land that was smashed belonged to Chinan.

But now that the land was recovered, the people like Chi Nan didn't take out part of the land that was shot down to themselves. On the contrary, the excuse is that all the places you want to give yourself should be concentrated in one area.

"As a result, Chi Nan discovered that the land allocated to them by these people is actually on the west side of the mainland, which is the west side of this world. Although the land is huge, these places are basically the base camps of insects.

Unless all the beetles are wiped out one day, these places in Chinan will only be able to watch it is impossible to get them in their own hands. And even if you get it in your hands, those places have been completely ravaged by the beetles, what else can there be. Just think about it, what the beetle did in the north of its own plane.

After the beetle was driven away, apart from the bug's carcass, all that was left on the whole land was strips of barren and gravel. Those bugs ate everything that could be eaten.

If it weren't for his very special plants, Chi Nan wouldn't be sure when he would be able to include those places under his command. I am afraid that it is not impossible to become a desert in a short time.

These people's actions are a bit perfidy. It seems that it is really because of their rapid development that some people can't understand themselves. The external pressure has just diminished a little, and these people actually did it.

"Very well, since these people are like this, then we have to fight back. Let our army pay attention to the next battle, we will not work hard, give them all dangerous battles to fight. Anyway. It’s no good for us to come down, why should we waste our own plants."

After a pause, Chi Nan said again: "In addition, we should increase the price of the plant weapons and materials we sell. If the other part is stronger, it should be banned for sale, so it is too much trouble to manufacture."

Chi Nan said coldly, he knew that after he gave this order, I am afraid that there will be no way to ease the relationship with the high-level alliance. But Chi Nan still made such a decision.

Coming into this world, what Chi Nan wants is a feeling of comfort. Before, he needed to compromise because of his lack of strength. But now, as long as those legendary masters don't come out, is there anything I need to fear.

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