The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1027: This is the first battle that determines the national fortune

"Is that guy a war demon? Why is it so strange, and the aura on his body seems to be weird." Chi Nan was a little unclear, so he didn't communicate with them just after breaking through, and he didn't understand the circle of Chi Nan.

Gallon whispered: "The war demon was originally a powerful fighter in the Cthulhu Empire, not a legendary master. But his faith is very fanatical, and this kind of person is the favorite of the gods."

"Later, the gods of the Cthulhu Empire gave him divine power and transformed him into a legendary master. But this kind of transformation is very crude. Even if it becomes a legend, the road will be broken in the future. Unless the Cthulhu continues to help him improve, rely on himself, There is no possibility of going further. In our eyes, he is not a legend at all."

"The power of the gods is so powerful? You can transform a person into a legend at will." Chi Nan was surprised.

Gallon lightly paused the cane in his hand: "What do you think, the gods are very powerful and magical, but it is not so easy to transform the legend, and the conditions must be met."

Gallon had a good impression of Chi Nan, and he explained directly: "First, you must believe in piousness. The more pious a believer, the easier it is to absorb divine power and reduce the consumption of transformation. The fanatic of the war demon. , The consumption is not much. Even if it is a god, it is not so easy for the divine power to be projected onto our plane."

Chi Nan knew that this was the case. It is not easy to want an absolutely pious believer. Moreover, the gods themselves are not willing to waste their divine power casually, and it is not easy to transform one.

Of course, if the gods occupy this world, I am afraid it will be much easier to transform it. But after occupying it, will the Heretic God still reform? At least Chi Nan wouldn't believe it.

Just think about the world of the undead and you will know what it has become now. If the Cthulhu is really that great, then the words will count, and that plane won't be so lifeless until now.

"I heard that there is another way to purify the gods' own things in the divine power, leaving only the purest power. This power can make the people of the golden peak break through, and there are no side effects. It's just this method. I don't know. Maybe, the Holy Light Empire will have this method."

Then Gallon shook his head: "But even if there is this method, it is useless. The people of the Holy Light Empire will not waste divine power casually. They will definitely find the most devout believers. Other people can't get divine power at all."

"There is this method. I would like to see this method."

At this time, the saint suddenly spoke, and the soft voice seemed to be able to flow into people's hearts: "The method of purifying divine power is not a secret among the gods, and it is useless for ordinary people to get it. If you want, I will tell you later."

Unexpectedly, these people took the initiative to tell themselves before they waited for a solution. Perhaps, in their eyes, it is impossible for them to get supernatural power. Yes, how can oneself who don't believe in gods get divine power. And people who believe in gods can't use this method to waste the power inside if they get divine power.

No matter how you look at it, this thing is a puzzling deadlock, so there is no need for the gods to keep it secret.

"Then thank you very much." Chi Nan slightly bowed his hand, anyway, learn a little more, who knows when you can use it.

At this moment, a figure appeared again in the distance. The person who came was a knight. Sitting down was something that looked like a horse, but it had no body, as if it were composed of illusory energy.

The whole body is red, it seems to be burning, the figure of the person on his body is also a little erratic, holding a knight sword in his right hand and a shield in his left. This dress, if it weren't for the weird color, looked really decent.

"Nightmare Knight King, the second master of the Cthulhu Empire, this guy will be handed over to me. You don't want to intervene for the time being. Just watch them and don't let them run away." Elf Elder Moras stepped forward.

"The three of them have all come out. It seems that there is nothing wrong with us." Gallon didn't care. Originally, he came here this time just to prevent the battle.

In the blood mist, a very ordinary-looking old man slowly emerged. It seemed that this should be the high priest of the Cthulhu Empire. Wherever the blood mist passes, neither the airship nor the airship can hold it. It was completely corroded in the first place, and there was no chance to get closer. This kind of self-explosive airship, I am afraid there is no way to directly affect him.

There are veteran and legendary masters who are inherited, it is really not that easy to deal with, even if Chi Nan wants to sneak attack, there is no way. The high priest looked at the person in front of him and slowly said, "You are here to destroy the Heretic God Empire."

"Hmph, your Cthulhu Empire wants to sacrifice this plane, of course we will not let you succeed."

"It is not a sacrifice, it is a transformation, turning our world into a great kingdom of God on earth, and all people will be the people of the gods."

"I am afraid that after the transformation, we will become undead, or nothing will exist. The evil gods are evil, and if their words can be believed, there won't be so many tragedies."

The high priest looked sad and compassionate: "Those are the world's incomprehensible, the gods are selfless and great, we must believe in him, we must serve him wholeheartedly, so that we can get the blessing of the gods."

This guy looks hopeless. Chi Nan has the urge to cover his head. Every time he sees these fanatical believers, Chi Nan has a very strange sense of sight, as if he sees those guys who forcibly lead people to believe in gods. The same It is useless to say more, what you do, we will definitely not let you succeed, then fight. "

The high priest nodded slightly: "Yes, it is to fight. This is a battle related to the fortune of the country. We win, the kingdom of God will last forever, and we lose, that is a shame. For the great god, let us fight to the end." The high priest's words were plain and unpretentious, but instantly all the people in the Cthulhu Empire became enthusiastic.

"It seems that there are not a few normal people in the entire Cthulhu Empire. They are all mad believers. Even if they are given to me, I dare not accept such people." Chi Nan, a person who is in great need of the population, is all at this time. Kind of feeling.

Carter's Ancient Dragon was impatient for a long time, and he rushed into the air without waiting for others to take action. His stature quickly expanded, and Carter disappeared in an instant, replaced by a huge khaki dragon in the sky. ...


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