The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1048: The offensive of Tiaohulishan

After the discussion, that night, Chi Nan joined the others towards the team. Because it was temporarily unable to find too many powerful masters, the elite team only had twenty-five people, plus Chi Nan was twenty-six.

The breath of all the people is very condensed, and the weakest ones also have the strength of the golden mid-level. Looking at the scars on their bodies and the murderous aura on their bodies, it is enough to prove that these people are not embroidered straw bags.

The arrival of Chi Nan also attracted the attention of others. Although these people expressed their appreciation and alarm for Chi Nan's initiative to join, they did not agree with Chi Nan's approach. Because they think that a respectable high lord in Chinan, even if he has the strength, he can't wield much, and it is too reluctant to participate in this kind of battle.

Chi Nan didn't speak much either, and directly expressed his ability with his fists. After being knocked down by Chi Nan's three fighters, these people finally believed that Chi Nan wasn't just making trouble with his blood.

And that night, the attack to divert the beetle officially began. No soldiers even participated, it was the wood elves and the airship that went to the target location. In order to obtain the certificate, Chi Nan also mobilized a batch of previously hidden plant weapons.

Although it has not reached the current improved plant weapon strength, this batch of plants is also of the previous generation. All airships are blue and white porcelain airships, and advanced bat missiles are also carried.

Because it is about to be eliminated now, Chi Nan simply used it directly. Anyway, after another upgrade, the army of plants in this world will rise to this level.

"This is the place, start the attack and destroy all the beetles in this piece."

A wooden elf shouted to the front, but his movements were a little stiff. With the texture of the wood on his body, he didn't look like a normal person at all, but rather like a puppet. Perhaps this is a puppet.

The thinking ability of the plant brain is still good, plus some characteristics that imitate the wood spirit, so that the wood spirit has a little spirituality. In other words, wood elves have a little more creativity than ordinary vegetable brains.

With the order, the ground forces began to move, and the airship formation was faster in the air. The airships released wind cannons one after another, releasing countless hummingbird fighters. A large number of hummingbird fighters flew back and forth on the battlefield, and directly wiped out any beetles. The first to be destroyed are those flying beetles that will fly in the air.

The beetles were a little uncomfortable with this new type of airship formation, so they were torn to pieces in the first place. Perhaps it is said that the beetles have no battlefield, after being torn apart the overall formation, the next thing is a mess.

The ground army is not mainly attacking, but digging holes. While opening a hole toward the underground, it releases some underground plants and some seeds of underground plants toward the inside. In the rear, the seeding vehicle followed closely behind.

A large number of seeds were sprayed out, followed by fertilizer from fertilizer manufacturers. When an airship mother ship fully opened the mother tree structure of its homeland, a large number of ground plants began to be born.

These forcibly spawned, vitality will not exist for long, but before they die, their combat effectiveness is not worse than those normally spawned by plant weapons, and may even be stronger.

The beetle man who was suddenly attacked was beaten on the spot, and when he realized that he had been attacked, he found that his army was in a mess. "Damn, these **** plants, why are they attacking here at this time, are the people in front eating shit? Damn, damn, damn, how can they suddenly appear here."

While the beetle man yelled, the two tentacles on his head were shaking quickly at the same time. Even because the shaking was too fast, the two tentacles kept making small sounds, as if the electricity was leaking.

Chi Nan had known for a long time that this was a form of communication for the beetle people. Although the way of spreading Xu was not far away, it could also be known to the beetle people nearby. It spread out one by one, and soon the entire beetle people will know.

This method of sub-communication is very similar to my earliest plant network communication method. It's just a little more free, after all, this is an organ that grows on one's own body.

"Damn it, the reinforcements still have two hours to arrive. What these **** **** are doing. There is also a temple transfer, I yeah, does the temple transfer require so many troops. Come here quickly, I will be unable to stand it anymore. If I lose here, the temple will be exposed to the eyes of the Alliance." The beetle man roared loudly while communicating.

When the communication was over, the Beetleman turned around and wanted to find a place to hide. But suddenly, a figure flashed out, and a sword fiercely pierced the beetle man's heart.

The anger that burst out instantly smashed all the internal organs of the beetle man. A figure also appeared behind the beetle man, holding the long sword in both hands, the vindictiveness exploded from this.

"Thank you so much. If it weren't for you to ask for help, we would really have failed the mission. But now, you are of no use." As he said, with a wave of the long sword in his hand, the beetle man's body was directly affected. Shattered. That's right, it didn't become two halves, but it was completely crushed, and no bigger pieces of meat were found.

This person is wearing a guard armor, obviously a guard under Chi Nan's. "Here should have been completed, then the next place is next." After speaking, the guard's figure flashed and disappeared without a trace.

Chi Nan also didn't want the guards on the battlefield, but his own wood elves couldn't achieve the golden level of combat effectiveness, and he couldn't help it.

However, the guards' thoughts are completely different from Chi Nan. They are fortunate ~ that no plant weapon can replace their ability. At least, now they still have a chance to go to the battlefield and have a chance to realize their value.

If one day the territory really doesn't need real humans to fight, they will definitely feel confused.

The height of the station is different, the scene you see is also completely different. At this moment, in Chi Nan's perception, different places were constantly attacking the bugs, causing the beetles to constantly adjust and leave, and his plan was obviously successful.

Even the senior leaders of the alliance never expected that Chi Nan would complete the task so smoothly, so easily transfer a large number of beetles away. I don't know if it is the brain problems of those beetles or Chi Nan is really clever.

But it has to be certain that their plan is indeed a success. In the early morning of the same day, Chi Nan followed the same team and quietly went deep into the battlefield, lurking towards the back of the battlefield. ...


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