The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1053: Turns out this is supernatural power


After a whole day, the four talents who had escaped finally merged with the mage who responded to them, and ran out in a hurry. It's just that there are a lot of dangers along the way, and there are bugs blocking them everywhere.

When they finally returned to the front line of Cangming Mountain, there were only three people left. The young mage looked very old at this time, this was caused by the use of magic that overdrawn vitality.

It is conceivable that they have experienced something along the way. The remaining two fighters were also exhausted. One of the abdomen was pierced by a worm limb, and the worm limb was still on his body at this time. I'm afraid he was worried that after pulling out the worm limbs, it would cause a lot of blood to flow and could not stop the bleeding, so he persisted to this place.

"Who? Hurry, save people." The three of them were discovered immediately after they returned here.

Fortunately, the people here know these people. After they set off, when they estimated that they had reached their destination, the high-level officials did not continue to keep the matter secret, but directly let everyone know.

Even portraits have long been popularized. This is the real reason why they were recognized as soon as they came here.

It didn't take long for several people to be picked up. The therapist was already waiting by the side and immediately treated the severely injured soldier. As soon as this person returned here, he immediately passed out in a coma.

The other soldier was not much better to go, and fell asleep deeply as soon as he sat down.

Only the mage was awake, and said loudly to the people around him: "Quickly, tell the above, we have destroyed the temple, and the image of the **** is shattered. After Lord Chinan broke it for us, I don't know if he has come back, and immediately investigate. "

After saying this, the panting mage also felt that his strength was almost exhausted. This news has spread throughout the entire alliance in the shortest possible time, and has spread among the alliance.

As soon as he received the news, someone set off and ran towards the territory city of Chinan.

After the high-level arrived, Chi Nan controlled the avatar he had just created and walked out. The walking process was still a bit uncoordinated. However, in the eyes of others, Chi Nan showed injuries on his body after he escaped from life and death.

"Great, you are back alive." Seeing Chi Nan, several senior leaders of the Alliance breathed a sigh of relief with a look of joy. If something goes wrong with Chi Nan, God knows whether these plant weapons will be useful, and what the people behind it will think. If there is a little accident, it will be a big loss for the entire league.

Chi Nan waved his hand: "Fortunately, the idol was successfully destroyed by us. Now the beetles in front should have been messed up. These days, we must hurry up and drive the beetles back some distance."

"Don't worry, we are all ready, this time it's really hard for you. The Alliance will never let you give it in vain. Just say what you need. As long as the Alliance has it, you can prepare everything for you."

Chi Nan almost couldn't help rolling his eyelids, just listen. However, taking advantage of this opportunity, some special things can indeed be obtained by myself. If it is normal, I am afraid that there is really no such opportunity.

"If the Alliance has a better plant, then give me a sample. I need this thing."

Several people looked at each other, as if relieved. "We know. I know that there is still a legendary-level plant in the league. We will send it to you this time when we go back. We will help you pay attention to other plants in the future."

Sure enough, the Alliance really has legendary plants. They used to collect them for themselves, but they didn't give them to themselves. Now it's just taking advantage of this opportunity to get it. If they don't want it today, after a few days the gratitude in their hearts fades, I'm afraid they will want to suppress themselves again. At that time, this thing was not available.

The only difference between high-level people and civilians is that high-level people hold power, and they will never let go of those who may pose a threat to themselves. They are more rational.

After chatting with these people for a while, Chi Nan chased them away on the grounds that he was unwell.

"This new avatar will take a while to get used to it. It really doesn't work if you blindly spawn it quickly. It seems that you need to adjust it. During this time, the avatar is not suitable for going out, so just stay here.

The next war basically did not require Chi Nan to come forward, as long as a large army of plants was advancing. After this period of development, the number of plant troops in Chi Nan's hands has changed.

Even if it is the army of plants in the hands of other people, there are definitely a lot of them. Of course, they don’t know that the highest commander of these plants is themselves, otherwise these people would never be so and Chi Nan himself, He dug out the six red crystals that were originally buried underground in Hongsha City. "Unexpectedly, this thing is actually a divine power, so I already had it. No wonder the divine power that Arthur and I talked about at the time felt so familiar. If this is the case, then I can train at least six legendary masters. Up."

Thinking of this, Chi Nan was in a good mood. Originally, he was only a legend, and he was still a half-hearted man. It really made him a little uneasy. If you increase by six, even if you are all fighters, your territory will be more stable.

So, just like that, Chi Nan immediately secretly arranged a purification circle in his own territory, and then placed the crystal of divine power in it. This purification takes time and can be used at least one month later.

"It is said that all divine powers have their own characteristics, so it is inevitable that there will be some weird colors and impurities in these things. This can only be used when the divine power is completely transparent."

Although Chi Nan didn't know the use of this transparent divine power for the gods, since the gods have given this method one after another, it must be useful. The pure crystallization of divine power, for himself, is more of a breakthrough in the bottleneck. It is a pity that this thing is of no use to oneself and cannot help oneself improve.

Even if it is a god, it is impossible to train too many masters casually. Their supernatural powers can help people break through to the realm of legends, it is already very difficult. If one's own strength is not enough, even if there is a crystal of divine power, it will not work.

So next, I have to choose some people who have reached the golden peak, who are the kind of masters who are only one step away from breaking through the war. "It's a pity, the legendary mage is stronger, but I don't have a suitable golden pinnacle mage in my hand." Chi Nan felt helpless.

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