The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1067: Alliance of 3 legendary undead

"I have seen two lord wives, it would be great if you have all arrived, let's get out early."

The two guards hurriedly saw the salute, but although they respected Olna, they did not put themselves on the lower level. Because they are guards themselves, they represent the existence of Chi Nan, and they are also legendary.

Everyone is of the same level, and if you salute Orna, it will simply drop the price for Chi Nan. Orna didn't care either. As a half-elf, Orna didn't care about these etiquettes at first.

The atmosphere is very good, a large group of legends gather together, and the formed power can almost crush the opposite side. So there is no tactical discussion, just hit it directly. There was only a piece of territory left on the opposite side, and the surrounding area was completely surrounded by an army of plants. Outside, they won't have any reinforcements.

After all, as the undead, there is no intersection between everyone. On the contrary, these undead creatures will also regard each other as food, as long as they kill each other and eat each other's souls, they can improve their own strength.

Therefore, every undead is full of hostility towards other undead different from itself.

But this time the situation is very strange. Three legendary undead who were obviously not the same race, actually stood together.

"This situation is no longer something we can fight against."

Hearing this, the mouth of the skeleton next to him rang out, but the meaning he wanted to express was spread out through his own spirit. "How can it not be something we can deal with. There are only two legends on the opposite side. After killing them, the three of us re-divide the territory. Each of us can get more."

The zombie nodded blankly: "Yeah, this is fine."

The skeletons and zombies here look like the most ordinary undead, but the aura on their body is exceptionally powerful. This is enough to explain the difference between the two existences, that strength is not simple.

The other existence, not even as good as an ordinary zombie, looked very thin. This is the weird zombie mud monster. Obviously, this mud zombie is more intelligent than the other two.

"That's why I invited you two alliances at the beginning. Have you forgotten? They didn't have two legends at the beginning. They can kill three of us with the same strength just by relying on those weird things."

"If we don't unite, we will definitely be defeated by them, and then die here."

"So what? We have the upper hand now. We just need to eliminate them. Killing so many creatures will definitely increase my strength."

There was a flash of disdain in the eyes of these two brainless idiots. Speaking of it, he is not a normal undead himself, but a variant. It has been very difficult to grow to this day. If it wasn't for my own talents, this one would be my own world, how could I divide it up with these idiots.

"Those creatures, they are definitely not that simple behind them. There are only two, who knows how many are behind them. This matter is no longer something we can solve. Either we have to ask other big six strong people to help, or just I can only escape."

"You are too alarmist, why should we run away. For so many years, I have no existing existence that can allow me to escape." Now, even the zombie started to catch fire.

The mud zombie looked helpless, how could he be with such two idiots.

Just when he wanted to say something, two familiar forces suddenly appeared outside. "Listen to the undead inside, come out and die immediately, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

This familiar breath is obviously the two legendary fighters before. The mud zombies knew that it was a race called human, because many of their undead were from this race before. But aren't human beings dead and clean? Why do they reappear during this period, and their territory often produces a force that makes them feel strange.

Then these humans will have more, will they still hide more powerful forces. These are all mud zombies that need to be considered. Without thinking clearly, he really doesn't want to confront those humans head-on.

It's just that he didn't expect that he thought too much, but the other two allies didn't have any ideas. After feeling the power of the two defeated men, the skeletons and zombies couldn't stand it anymore, and they burst out of their own power.

"Don't be impulsive." The mud zombies were just about to stop, but it was too late.

"You two bastards, you dare to come to make trouble. I won't let you run away this time. I will use your soul and blood as my further tools." The zombie roared and shattered the roof. .

The same goes for the skeletons. Instead of two more holes on the roof, the entire palace was shattered by two undead.

Seeing the ordinary skeletons and zombies rushing out, but the powerful power entangled in the body, everyone instantly knew that this thing was not simple. The zombie looks almost like an ordinary person, except that it has no clothes and its skin is metallic.

But zombies can speak directly, which is different from ordinary zombies. The bones on the side of the skeleton are snow white, as if they were carved from white jade, and looked very exquisite carefully. Although he can't speak, he can express his own meaning with strong mental power. This is not what ordinary undead can do, even the golden level.

"Yeah, these two undead are really not easy, let's leave it to us." Sophia and Hemila stepped forward, and each selected one. Sophia was dealing with the The skeleton was handed over to Hermilla.

"You two, be careful not to get hurt, or Chi Nan won't let you out in the future." Orna said blankly. Although the two were a little embarrassed, they nodded vigorously.

As the lord's wife, you can't be willful, this time it's not easy. I want to continue next time, but I don't know when to wait. Didn't you see that Chi Nan rarely does it himself? This is determined by his identity.

You know, as the two of them, even if they receive a small injury, it is a very serious event. This time, if it weren't for knowing that it's safer here, the two undead were definitely not their opponents, and Chi Nan would not agree to let them come over. As for the reason why Chi Nan couldn't come, no one knew.

Because Chi Nan was worried about being exposed to his level, he made up his mind to take as few shots as possible and prevent others from discovering problems. ...


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