The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1070: This is a gift from the world

The changes in the plane of the undead are really too great, it has been reached, as long as you are still observing this plane, it is absolutely impossible not to see it. Chi Nan was fortunate now, but fortunately, he did not agree to the demands of other forces.

People from other forces wanted to enter the plane of the dead, but Chi Nantong refused. At most, I often take out some things obtained from the plane of the undead and share them with them. Because the entrance is in one's own territory, and only one can control it, although these forces are depressed, they can't help it.

After all, in their eyes, a plane with little value is not worth offending a legendary master. Not to mention, this legendary master is still a powerful leader.

Now that the whole world owes Chi Nan's favor, they will not be troubled by Chi Nan because of this matter.

The only Undead Plain that may have an idea about the plane of the undead is now about to be flattened by the elves. The elves are doing their best to restore the plains of the undead, and at the same time plant trees here, intending to make this a second elven forest.

After this period of siege, the Cthulhu Empire has also lost most of its territory, and the remaining part is believed to be defeated in less time. Even though the resistance of the Cthulhu Empire is very fierce, it is only a matter of time before a single tree is difficult to support without a master.

This time, the war that spread to the entire world brought tremendous military merits to countless nobles and members of the military. Throughout the war, countless well-known figures emerged, and many benefited.

Everyone was happy, and no one paid attention to the plane of the undead.

If they see the changes in the plane of the undead at this time, they will regret their death. "The Undead World is much stronger than our original plane. Regardless of the land area or the origin, the benefits here will be even greater."

Chi Nan knew that the minerals and magic crystals on the plane of the undead must be more advanced than the original plane. If it weren't eroded by the forces of the undead all the year round, I am afraid that biological resources and various other resources would be exaggerated.

Now? It depends on your own. The morning sun is no longer completely cold and cold, it is somewhat warmer. When the first ray of normal sunlight in the center of the sun shone, everyone felt warm. And all the undead felt uncomfortable for a while. At this moment, countless undeads on the entire plane began to agitate.

Many high-level undead, because of the uncomfortable feeling, began to attack other undead around frantically. As a result, the undead on the other continents began to become confused, and scuffles were carried out in various places.

The sun fell on the ground, and the grass on the ground was smeared with a golden halo. "Hey, no, this is not the light reflected by the sun, this has actually become like this." Suddenly, Chi Nan found a problem.

Because the grass in front of me has really turned into golden color, which is not what I thought just now.

Walking forward, Chi Nan felt it silently. "Chi Nan, is there anything special about this grass?" Seeing Chi Nan's attention focused on the grass, Hermilla said lazily, lying on the back of Chi Nan.

Since Hemila and Sophia came back, Chi Nan has used two disobedient reasons to keep them from getting out of bed for several days. Wei Wei, who suffered from the disaster of the pond fish, is still sleeping in the back, sleeping sweetly.

What makes the two people depressed is that even if they have reached the legendary level and their physique has improved several times, they still have no resistance in front of Chi Nan. Only now did they know that Chi Nan had always been considerate of them before.

The three people were very exhausted, and their hearts were full of helplessness. This guy is simply a beast.

Chi Nan nodded lightly, and he was the only one who was full of energy and was completely exhausted. "Yes, this little grass has changed. I didn't make it, but it was produced as the world recovered. This is a gift from the world."

After a pause, Chi Nan continued: "This grass is like an advanced species of sunflower. It has a better effect on making holy water. It is full of strong light power, is very gentle, and has a strong purifying effect. It can heal wounds very well, and it can also dispel toxins and various evil forces. It is especially effective for the breath of death."

"That said, it should be regarded as the counterattack of the world. After all, this world was originally occupied by the undead."

Chi Nan nodded and said, "Yes, this is also a counterattack, but it is also a gift from the world that appears in front of me. If this thing can be used well, I think the effect is definitely not easy."

The Holy Light Empire can rely on some holy water to suppress the Heretic God Empire and keep pressing the opponent. He can also spread his beliefs more widely through holy water. It can be said that holy water has played a big role.

Now this kind of grass is more powerful and purer than sunflowers, no wonder Chi Nan values ​​it.

"So what's the name of this kind of grass?" Hemila said interestingly, she knew Chi Nan's talent for naming.

Chi Nan didn't notice Hemila's ridiculous eyes, but seriously thought about it: "Since it appeared with Chuyang, it should be called Chuyangcao." Sure enough, this is a similar naming method. .

But the name "Chuyangcao" sounds really good and very flavorful.

"Then call it this name, how do you plan to use it and integrate it into your plant weapon."

Chi Nan said without hesitation: "Of I can only think of this method for the time being. However, Chuyang grass has the ability to condense and store the light attribute power, and it may be modified and made into other things. Things to use. But these all need to be studied and can only replace Sunflower's work for the time being."

Sunflower lost its status with a single sentence by Chi Nan, but everyone didn't care. The first sun grass is obviously more suitable than the sun flower. With this thing, the strength of the plant army on the plane of the undead will be improved by 30% in disguise.

I believe that soon, the entire world of the undead will be completely taken into his hands. "Next, what's the strategic goal of the Undead Plane." Sophia asked when he didn't know when he came in.

"Abandoning the Central Continent for the time being, the Central Continent is too big, and the dead are the most. We start from the four continents next to it. First, we will occupy all the four continents, and then directly surround the middle in four directions. At that time, it will be easier to clean up. There should be more legendary undead in the Central Continent, which is more troublesome." Chi Nan frowned. ...


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