The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1091: This restraint is too strong

Five minutes is not long, but at this time, everyone feels that time has been extended indefinitely. For the first time against such a powerful existence, everyone felt there was no bottom in their hearts.

"After a while, I will launch the first attack, and then the others will attack again. If it doesn't work, it will be procrastination. When the two masters of the elves arrive, we will get rid of the bone dragon together."

Chi Nan's face is also a little nervous and solemn. Speaking of it, it has been a long time since I fought with my own hands. Although it is true to use avatars to fight, the mentality is different after all. The avatar death will not be affected by himself, but if his true body dies, it is really dead.

Ahead, can already feel a powerful force swept in. At this moment, the doors around the airship were completely opened, and even the top was completely opened. The airship is no longer like an airship, but a good platform.

This is how Chi Nan instantly transformed this airship into this way. They are all legendary masters, and they will only limit their performance in the airship. Legend level masters are actually able to fly.

It's just that the flight cost is relatively large, and it can't stay in the air for a long time. Therefore, if there is no wings, the average legendary master will not fly in the air at all, at most, it will stay in the air for a short time.

The magic power radiated from Chi Nan's body, the airships under his feet quickly dispersed, and the surrounding aerial platforms were created one after another. At this moment, they have reached the interception position in advance. When the black spot in the distance can be seen, countless floating platforms have appeared in the sky.

These platforms are temporary places for them to shelter and settle down. The platforms are not all flat, but from a height of 100 meters to more than 5,000 meters from the ground, everywhere.

Chi Nan didn't manufacture the general weapon either, because this kind of thing had no effect on his opponent this time. At this moment, there are such platforms all around, as long as they can provide them to play.

A group of people jumped and appeared in different positions. Hermira and Sophia drew their staffs, and the power in their bodies began to condense. A hint of apology flashed in Chi Nan's eyes, because he did not find the staff and other magic items used by the legendary level, so Hermira and Sophia could only use the golden level.

Chi Nan secretly made up his mind to find suitable equipment for the two people in the future.

Of course, even Chi Nan himself was actually unequipped. The longbow in his hand was just casually urged by himself. The real use is still his own magic power, without the magic blessing, his bow and arrow will not be effective.

Horn also drew out his long sword, the whole person was like a tin can, blocking the front. The vindictiveness on his body is ignited, like an active volcano that may erupt at any time.

Once it bursts out, that force will destroy everything. Just the weapon on his body is also a failure in Chi Nan's eyes. Really, it's right to collect some legendary weapons.

Not to mention anything else, the machete left by the dead orc in the plane of the bug is a good thing. It's a pity that this thing was used as a souvenir by their natives, so I can only put it in the museum. The museum was built by Chi Nan himself, but there is no reason to use the contents casually, which would also affect his own prestige.

Even if Chi Nan doesn't have to worry about anything now, he still doesn't want to lose his principles in doing things by himself. Those who have power and do whatever they want will eventually fall into the magic way, which is not what Chi Nan wants.

"Here." Chi Nan stared straight ahead. "Let you see, my archery improvement during this period of time, three consecutive shots." Chi Nan's three insights were sandwiched between his fingers with a special technique, and the bowstring was slowly pulled apart.

During the whole process, there was no power to release, only a little green light on the arrow.

The bone dragon in the distance didn't realize anything at all. Although there was a huge gathering of black shadows in front of it, the bone dragon still didn't feel any threat. But just a few legendary level masters who just broke through.

If it weren't for fear of being overtaken by the two people behind, Bone Dragon felt that he could easily kill them. Now, all you have to do is to rush over with your own hard bones. As for the strength of Chi Nan, the bone dragon didn't feel it at all. According to the level, Chi Nan is even higher than that of the Bone Dragon, and his strength is extremely concentrated.

Finally, when the bone dragon appeared within the range of Chi Nan, in the eyes of others, the bone dragon was still a small black spot. Chi Nan moved, and his hands flickered like a phantom, and three arrows flew out almost at the same time.

If you look closely, you can see a brilliant green meteor in the sky piercing straight ahead. At the very front is an arrow, and the other two insights are hidden in the streamer of the arrow ahead, and they are not visible at all. I don't know, I thought it was just an arrow. This is not as simple as shooting three arrows.

This is the special arrow technique of the elves. Although there are three arrows, the power of the three arrows can be superimposed on each other. The superimposed burst of power is equivalent to more than twice that of a normal attack.

Vaguely The Bone Dragon also felt a threat, and almost instinctively turned his head sideways. The arrow that was supposed to hit the eye socket fell on the bone dragon's forehead in an instant.

"Bang" the green light exploded, and the bone dragon's head suddenly had several cracks. Being able to leave a crack on the bone dragon's hardest skull, Chi Nan's attack was already very powerful this time.

"It's a pity, my strength is not good at fighting. If someone who is good at fighting has strength at my level, it will be no problem to sling this bone dragon directly, even the strength of this dragon emperor before his death is about the same." Chi Nan said to himself. Suddenly, Chi Nan's expression changed: "What is going on, this restraint force is too strong."

Chi Nan suddenly discovered that the green light on the bone dragon's head was constantly eroding. The originally white bones quickly turned gray, then turned into powder and fell off. The huge bone dragon also stopped, making a screaming sound.

The bone dragon was struggling and rolling in the air, as if suffering from great pain, and everyone could see that something was wrong.

"It's weird, isn't the bone dragon undead, and the undead will feel pain?" Hermilla said strangely, but no one gave Hermilla an answer at this time. Reading Net

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