The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1107: Are your planes really weak?

Chi Nan's attitude made Francis very satisfied. You must know that some people who came from low-level planes before came here and thought that the second and third is the eldest son, that is an arrogant one.

In the end, there was no way to deal with those people. The alliance could only send masters to directly suppress them, and wait until they were completely honest. And this kind of person is very unpopular in the league.

If you can't pinpoint your position in a short time, I'm afraid it won't be long before you will be disgusted by other alliance members. In the end, these people are inexplicably sent to some dangerous places, and they will not end well anyway. Although there are not many legendary masters in the league, there are definitely many, and there is no shortage of such a half.

Chi Nan brought a lot of masters this time, and once the trouble really started, it would be a lot of trouble.

In order to appease so many legendary masters, the alliance must either give him some good conditions, or let the demigod masters suppress it. Regardless of the method, his last benefit for Franci will disappear, and he may still be punished.

But seeing what Chi Nan looks like now, Franci is relieved. Sure enough, it was a plane that had fought against bugs for so long, and he was always able to maintain absolute respect for powerful forces.

He didn't know. In fact, Chi Nan knew more about the existence of demigods than he himself.

Because of the information given by a plane, and the plane of the undead seemed to have had a semi-god existence before, Chi Nan would understand it. That kind of existence, with the legendary realm in front of him, is no different from a little white rabbit.

Franci satisfactorily led the people to the middle tower. The upper and lower towers were actually connected by something similar to an elevator made by a short-distance transmission array. Soon the group came to the top level.

There are many counters in this place, and many people are busy around. There are three offices behind.

Francis pulled the people directly into the middle office and shouted before opening the door: "Lulu, hurry up, register these friends. They are from a new plane."

In the office, a woman is busy behind the desk. With a pair of thick eyes, this woman blocked most of her beautiful face. I was wearing a loose coat, and I couldn't tell what my figure was. There were still some stains on the coat. It seemed that I hadn't washed it for a long time. It is also rare for a girl to be so sloppy.

The large amount of information on the table almost drowned the woman in it.

And through induction, Chi Nan found that this woman named Lulu was actually a legendary existence.

"Wait, that's not right, how is this kind of power aura similar to the breakthrough of using the divine power crystal." Chi Nan didn't say it, but I could feel that although this woman had reached the legendary level, there was actually a problem with her strength.

The breakthrough must have been made with the help of external forces, and a lot of hidden dangers have appeared in itself. And this hidden danger is probably even more obvious than the use of divine power crystals. Don't talk about breakthroughs in the future, it would be nice if there are no problems.

He seems to be a master of the law system, but the combat effectiveness may not be as strong as the fighters around him. These fighters use divine power crystals, and divine power crystals are also a superior external force breakthrough treasure. Although there are some side effects, it has no effect on its own strength. The combat power spurred is no different from the one that relies on one's own breakthrough.

Seeing Franci, Lulu gave a tired smile: "It's Sir Franci, why are you here."

Franci indifferently pointed to Chi Nan and said, "These people have just come to our side from an alien plane, and they came to register specially. Although their plane is not large and the population is not large, they are masters. There are still quite a few."

Lulu looked over here, her eyes flashed. At this moment, Chi Nan felt as if there was some power to see through him. For an instant, Horn and a few people stood in front of him.

Lulu opened her cute mouth and looked at them dullly: "This, so many legends, what is going on that plane, it's not that big." How strong a plane can be cultivated How many masters.

This is common sense, and Lulu, a clerk who is already a legend, certainly knows. "Furthermore, and this is actually an incarnation. Why didn't your deity come here? It is impossible to be successful without the deity. Forget it, let me register for others first." Lulu took a few deep breaths, and then recovered. normal.

In any case, he is also a person accustomed to big scenes. Although he is a little surprised by these few legends, he is only surprised at their planes, not at the strength of these people.

Franci smiled bitterly: "Their plane is really not very big, but it is very special. Because their plane was attacked by the Beetle God before, they were able to train many masters in the battle. Recently, the Beetle God was driven out. Go, they got a lot of divine power crystallization from the beetle **** idol. That's how these people came out."

"The beetle god? Ah, I remember, it was that evil guy, how did he come across the plane that was attacked again. The last plane that was attacked by the beetle **** was driven away by us shooting people to help."

This beetle **** is really famous, this off-line girl named Lulu remembered it after a while.

"This is their collar, the collar in the true sense. This time it is only to verify the ownership of that plane, not to verify its own strength, so there is no problem with the incarnation here."

The deity does not come, there is no way to test the true strength, but the incarnation has its own soul aura, and there is no problem in authenticating its identity. No matter how many people there are, the soul of each person will never change and it is unique. Lulu nodded lightly, and then began to get busy.

Some weird equipment was taken out, the energy crystal on it, this should be used to test the strength. Such a precious thing, to be thrown aside so casually, is really great.

"Okay, come here to test your strength, and then write down your name and professional information here. This is related to your status and treatment. And you, after recording the soul information, record that plane. Your plane is called what."

After finally realizing his existence, Chi Nan said helplessly: "Just call it the Holy Tree Plane." It has the same name as his own empire and territory, and the same name as the sapling in his body.

"Holy Tree Plane, number 59, yes, this is your proof. If you lose it, you have to come back and reissue it." With that, Lulu handed Chi Nan a badge with a weird gleam. ...


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