The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1122: Sound the horn of counterattack

The visibility in the water is very low, so the attack distance of creatures is often limited. Even if it is a tortoise with long-range attack talent, in fact, their attack distance is definitely not too far.

This Chinan has already had information about it. The tortoise that has reached its golden peak has a long-range attack distance of only a little over one kilometer at most. Even at this distance, the tortoises would basically not attack.

Because it was too far away, the eyes of the tortoises could not see in the dark environment. These creatures in the water, because they have been in this water environment for a long time, their eyes have been degraded, and they are basically relying on other sensory organs to feel the surrounding movement.

But how can other sensory organs be so sensitive and so remote as vision? This gives Chinan the best opportunity. Chinan's underwater perception is not as powerful as other underwater creatures, but it can choose light for its own plant weapons. As long as there is a faint light, the sensory organs of plant weapons can see far away.

As a result, a new batch of submarines were launched in a few days with the help of Chi Nan. Now Chinan has a large 6-site base on the sea level, and there are many docks for the production of submarines.

"Look, here, here." A group of soldier commanders looked at their screens with excitement.

With the opening of the sea plane, it is impossible for this plane to still rely on Miria alone. Therefore, a team was brought over by Miria. Of course, these people are not in the castle in Chinan.

It's just through the crystal board to communicate, although everyone is thousands of miles away, but in fact it is no different from what is in front of you. Miria can easily control everything in the entire legion, like an arm and a finger.

Millia squinted at them, and said nothing, because she was also looking at the screen. After the new submarine was launched into the water, it was the first time to engage the enemy. This must be tested carefully.

The black shadow in front was quickly restored by the plant brain. It was a group of tortoises. Before, this was the last enemy they wanted to encounter. Because of the ice cannons and compressed water bombs on the ship, neither of them can cause effective damage to the shell of the turtle.

"It's close to the range. Do you need to attack now." A soldier said.

"No, wait, this distance is still very safe, let them get closer, and then come directly to annihilation. After all, in the water, they are more flexible than us." Miria ordered.

That's right, it's flexibility, not speed. Straightness, these aquatic creatures are inferior to submarines with propellers. However, flexibility is not comparable to submarines. Especially when it comes to corners and changes in some details, it is hardly a level, and there is no alternative.

After such a long battle, they also knew that if the aquatic creatures attacked and wanted to escape, they would not be able to catch up after a certain distance. It's not because of the degree.

As long as the aquatic organisms disperse and go around a few more times, there will be no alternative. Those aquatic creatures are not idiots either. For so long, even knowing the defects of submarines, they have thought of many tactics for this defect.

This time, as usual, the tortoises quietly dispersed, preparing to approach from all directions. They also know that once a submarine

&1t;isty1e=‘co1or:#4876ff‘>-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--&1t;/i>

Novel netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

&1t;isty1e=‘co1or:#4876ff‘>----This is a gorgeous dividing line---&1t;/i>

They are also likely to be killed if they set fire to attack.

But as long as you avoid concentrated attacks, there is no problem. Sneak attack and then run. This is the tactics of these tortoises.

Even if they are spotted by the enemy, they are not afraid, and whoever lets them is scattered. But this time, it was obviously completely different from before. The enemy still spotted them first, but did not attack.

The tortoises thought that these things did not show themselves, so they continued to approach. "It's all within the range of fire, request an attack." A soldier immediately shouted at the crystal board next to him.

Miria nodded: "Allow attacks, don't let go of any of them. Try to let these aquariums discover our new weapons later." Upon receiving the attack order, the soldiers immediately issued the order.

The submarine in the water also opened fire immediately. This time, it was not an ice cannon, nor a compressed water bomb. On both sides of the submarine, two things that looked like lanterns suddenly lit up with purple light.

The purple light flew out towards the distance instantly, as if it was completely harmless, because when it passed by the sea, the sea did not change at all. It's as if these two purple lights are just the light from two flashlights.

But the light of this sword suddenly passed the tortoises, and after just a few slides, the tortoises were all swept past. When the light passed the tortoise, it was not blocked, but penetrated directly.

"The attack is over." There was a voice from the opposite side, but there was still nothing in the picture.

Just as the tortoises continued to move forward, gently moving their bodies to move forward, this activity broke the balance. A tortoise suddenly split from the middle and turned into two halves. The blood was sprayed around with great force.

As the first tortoise appeared in this situation, more and more tortoises showed fine cracks. Some tortoises have only one, and some have several, but without exception, they separate the tortoise from the middle. In just a moment, the scene completely changed, and all the tortoises lost their breath of life.

Maybe some can still struggle in the water, but that's it. "Very good, the battle is over, the result of the battle is perfect. The subsequent submarine salvaged the tortoise carcass and brought it up."

Chi Nan smiled with satisfaction, this result is really unpleasant. From now on, the water battle can start to The days when we were crushed and beaten by two races are gone forever.

Now even if there are legendary creatures, Chi Nan is absolutely not afraid, the big deal is to waste more submarines. And those tortoises and shells are great products. Whether in the main plane or in the Alchemy Alliance, it can be sold at a good price.

"The next battle will be left to you. If there is no way to control this plane like this, you will be the only one to ask at that time."

"Don't worry, the patriarch, with this weapon, as long as it's not a demigod, I won't have a problem." Miria is also very confident about this, so she can't win, so she just don't do this business in the future. Up.

"By the way, the undead plain is about to be cleared out. Sister Slinka Ye will be here soon, patriarch, don't you prepare for your house." Suddenly, Miria said, causing Chi Nan to fall into a wave of depression. . ...


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