The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1124: The sea is still rich

Although Slinka night may be back soon, the war is not so easy to end after all. At this moment, the large-scale war on the Plains of the Undead has ended, and the Necromancers have completely failed.

However, some local conflicts and the work of pursuing the remnants of the Necromancer is still unfolding. There is no way to end it in a short time. At this time, manpower was needed, and Silka Ye did not come back.

Even Silinka also informed Chi Nan that more plant weapons were mobilized from here to support. In other words, Chi Nan directly packaged some eliminated plant weapons and gave them to the elves. The elves also packaged some useless artworks and threw them directly to Chi Nan as a reward.

Something that both parties look down on can be regarded as a kind of transaction. After all, this is something that both parties need very much, and the value is not low. This kind of transaction cannot be seen in other places.

Here, the sea plane is constantly exploring. With the emergence of more and more new submarines, the war slowly tilted towards Chinan. Although those sea beasts can unite together, it is also an instinct.

When a certain sea beast in a place encounters a powerful enemy or a huge temptation, the sea beasts in this place will unite and attack their target. Then the low-level will obey the high-level existence.

However, they are only partially united, and they do not have a unified plan, and they cannot be integrated like the army. This made it easy for Chinan to break down each and every area, and these areas were all based and standard on floating islands. When these places are destroyed, they will be occupied by plants.

Chinan left some cubs and tortoise eggs that were not destroyed, but slowly spawned in the future, as if they were a factory. It's like raising pigs. When these monsters grow up, they are all produced by the territory, whether they are dead or alive.

With the opening of these islands, gradually some of the seafood on the above was also mined, and began to appear in a large number of local planes and alchemy alliances. The things that are produced in the sea are all rare and the price is good. Many people even felt jealous about Chi Nan's ability to open the sea.

But Chi Nan didn't care, anyway, besides himself, no one else could open this place so easily. Those people are reluctant to open it at a huge price.

And those big people actually look down on this thing. Therefore, there is really no other way around this place except Chinan. Just as Chi Nan thought, this sea is indeed very rich.

"It's a pity that there are fewer space channels, otherwise, even if seafood is farmed, a staged industrial chain can be formed. In the future, we will see if we can open a larger portal, which may solve this problem."

The use of portals to solve the bottom-end seafood, this kind of thing I am afraid Chi Nan can think of. Speaking of which, apart from Chinan, no one can use such a cheap and unnecessary space channel.

And on this day, new news suddenly came from the bottom of the sea. For a long time, those special submarines under the sea have been constantly exploring. Only because of the small number, the degree of exploration is relatively slow. But yesterday, the submarines discovered an undersea mountain range, and then began to explore, and today there was good news unexpectedly.

"What's the matter, what the **** is happening, even you are so excited." Looking at Miria who was bouncing around, Chi Nan said angrily. This little girl is the least obedient, even now.

He has grown to be a country and city, and looks like an elf, but this character is still like a child who hasn't grown up.

Miria stopped, pointed to the screen and said, "Look, we found something good, it's a magic crystal mine, and it's a medium-quality magic crystal mine, do you think it's a good thing."

"What, medium quality, how big is the reserve." Chi Nan also became serious now.

"The specific situation is not clear, but the reserves should be large. No one has ever mined this place. Perhaps, it's all in the half of the mountains below." Miria is purely the kind of gratification to find good things.

But Chi Nan is different from the others, everyone knows the true value of this magic crystal mine. In fact, this medium magic crystal mine does not refer to reserves, but quality. This shows that most of the magic crystals produced in this magic crystal mine are medium-quality magic crystals. This quality is a standard given by the Alchemy Alliance.

According to this label, the magic crystal mines on the main plane are of low quality. Only a few medium-quality magic crystals can appear in large veins. They are now in the treasure house of the major forces as precious gems.

And inside this huge vein, there are magic crystals of this quality. There is only one high-quality magic crystal mine, even if it is the main plane of the Alchemy Alliance, and it is not too big. It was opened a long time ago.

"It must be kept secret. If we let the Alliance know about this matter, we may not be able to keep this aspect."

Chi Nan said with a serious face: "If the Alliance learns about a medium-quality magic crystal mine, even those demigods will be unable to sit still. I have not reached the level of a demigod now, and there is no way to protect this benefit. Wait until I have something. It’s time to make a breakthrough, and it’s time to take it out." This kind of quality magic crystal mine is too profitable.

For many high-level puppets, there is no way to provide power without a medium magic crystal. If there are enough magic crystals, even the alchemy alliance has the idea of ​​hitting the opposite side, this is the value of magic crystals.

No way, who makes the resources of the current Alchemy Alliance too Miria nodded vigorously: "I know, I'm not a child, how can this kind of thing be said nonsense. But except for the magic There are also many associated mineral veins in the crystal ore, there are many gems in it, and there are two low-level magic crystal ore nearby. There are also many metal mines such as iron ore and copper ore on the seabed nearby."

Chi Nan said with satisfaction: "Very good, very good, it is indeed the sea, it is rich. These ordinary mineral veins can already be opened, and the things will be transported directly to the main plane through the sea."

"After screening on our side, and then sending the appropriate things to the Alchemy Alliance, the more sensitive accompanying mineral veins are ignored. If someone speculates from it, it will be troublesome." Chi Nan thought for a while and said.

"By the way, has our submarine space channel test succeeded." Chi Nan is responsible for this matter. ...


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