The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1146: Finally the transformation was successful

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I don't know what the sacred tree in my body is. It is obviously only at the demi-god level, but it can deprive it of even the god-level aura. Although this breath is not stripped at once, it is terrible to be able to do this.

Chi Nan wasn't the one who didn't understand anything before, and the true power of a **** and the power of a demigod were completely different things. Even though he had killed the beetle **** statue twice, Chi Nan would not really underestimate the opponent's power. In essence, even the current self is very different from the opponent.

At least, it is impossible for one's own power to create a legendary level master, even no matter how hard he tries.

On this day, the last bit of strength of this sapling in his hand finally ushered in the last moment. Under Chi Nan's movements, this little power was stripped little by little and controlled little by little.

As if he knew his own destiny, this little power was constantly struggling and trembling, but in Chi Nan's hands, it could only be like an earthworm, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from the control of his power.

However, this strength of strength also shocked Chi Nan again. Because even if there is only this little power left, you can still make yourself feel slippery. Even a carelessness may allow this force to escape.

"True gods are worthy of being true gods. Only when you really face their power can you discover the power of this kind of power. This is how many generations and how many years have passed the power and breath is still so troublesome. If it is a true god, Maybe I don’t even have the qualifications to get close now."

Chi Nan will not be arrogant, but he will not be blindly arrogant. When he felt the power of the gods, Chi Nan was even more sure that he still had a long way to go. Fortunately, on the road to becoming a god, I already have a look.

I just don't know if the Alchemy Alliance can find some information next. After all, there are many demigods over there, and none of them don't want to become gods. When you are done with everything here, go there and look for it.

While thinking, the movements in Chi Nan's hands did not relax at all. The green light diffused, and the huge power wrapped the last bit of spirit aura bit by bit, and finally completed the final capture.

"Very good, that's it." Chi Nan grinned, and suddenly pulled this power aura away completely. There is no need to be cautious now. Under the power fluctuations, this aura quickly dissipated completely under Chi Nan's power.

At this moment, the sky and the earth suddenly changed from a sunny day to darkness. Thunder and lightning flashed in the air, and then a lot of lightning fell from the sky, smashing many buildings in the area where Chi Nan was located. An angry mood exuded from the sky, venting towards the sky and the earth. The nearby flowers and trees withered instantly.

You know, these flowers, plants, and trees are all born of Chi Nan's power, and they all have Chi Nan's mark. It would wither because of other people's power fluctuations, which had to shock Chi Nan.

"Fortunately, this power is only unconsciously radiated, and the anger has no purpose. Even their owner may not even know what happened. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome." Chi Nan felt it for a while and finally felt relieved. .

The previous situation had a lot to do with clearing away the spirit of the gods. Although the spirit of the spirit does not have its own consciousness, it has the will left by the spirit. Being so cleaned up by a mortal, this will naturally exudes anger.

But because the owner of the spirit breath is not dead, it is impossible for the spirit breath to produce his own consciousness. So this is unconscious, a kind of demonstration. If your strength is not strong enough, you may even die under such anger catharsis. The lightning did not fall on him, but also because the surrounding plants have their own breath.

This power does not have its own consciousness, so it is not clear which one is his true body.

Of course, if you don't have a strong force, you don't have the ability to do this. "Hehe, from now on, you are completely my tree of life, and also the first generation of mother tree."

After a long time, Chi Nan bared his teeth and smiled happily. Don't worry about what happens to those gods, even if you know Chi Nan, you don't care, isn't it just a tree. With the help of this tree, I was able to do many things that I could not do before.

At least, a race that belongs entirely to oneself is about to appear. This race will definitely be more useful to it in the future than the humans under its command. After all, from the aspect of absolute loyalty, a race with its own brand is almost impossible to betray than its own followers. Followers rely on oaths, and these existences rely on branding.

Without further ado, hurry up and put your own brand on it. Chi Nan didn't think too much, and directly mixed his soul aura with the magic of life, and directly branded it on the entire tree of life.

Then it took a few days to continuously expand this brand, allowing one's own breath to spread throughout the whole body of the tree of life, every cell, every magic pattern, and even potential spirituality and possible souls.

With the help of the small tree in his body, Chi Nan's control of plants is not comparable to those of the so-called Those gods can only rely on their own instincts to keep the breath, but Chi Nan is forcing it. Stay, and very detailed. After everything is done, it is absolutely impossible for other gods to clear their marks.

If you want to clean up, you can only destroy the entire tree of life. The offspring of this tree of life, including derivative creatures, no matter how long in the past, this imprint will not fade. This is the ability that only oneself possess.

This was a peculiar situation that occurred after the divine transformation, and Chi Nan was even sure that other gods could not do this. When the branding is all over, the next step is to transform.

In the past, I didn't change it, not because I couldn't do it, but to eliminate the aura left by other gods. Now that the transformation has begun, Chi Nan can be said to be handy with the transformation of plants.

Manipulate the magic pattern bit by bit, add some special things to it, remove some inappropriate things, and then stimulate them. A whole set of processes can be said to be familiar and can no longer be familiar. After all this is done, this tree of life is completely different from the previous tree of life. Not only the inside but also the appearance is different. This is the tree of life that belongs to oneself.

(=Remember in one second)

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