The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1157: Layout towards the abyss

   There is no objection. The existence of the legendary level is not only to protect safety, but more importantly, to deal with emergencies. After all, a legend is a legend, and it can be dealt with with plant weapons on the front, but in many cases it is not enough.

  Especially the encounter or sneak attack that appeared suddenly, there is no way for those.

   Just now, it seems that the number of legends under his hand seems to be insufficient. Simply, I will leave a legendary incarnation here. If you really have something, you can also contact your avatar.

   It will take a while for other people to reach this place, so next, let's set up in this place by yourself. Chi Nan is not a base airship, but he is much stronger than a base airship.

   "Unfortunately, this is not a real plane, otherwise it might be useful to plant a tree of life here and cultivate some elves." Shaking his head, Chi Nan opened his arms, and the powerful force spread out.

  The realm of the gods then spread. With the help of the realm, Chi Nan found that he could plant plants more easily. The growth rate is faster, the quality is better, and it saves more energy.

Within the field of   , one by one base airships were created one after another to replenish the strength of the body, and then flew towards the surroundings. In some open spaces, the airship quickly unfolded after it fell, and under the control of Chi Nan, continuous development and production, and soon a large number of bush fighters were produced. These bush warriors are used to deal with low-level demons.

   Chi Nan is in charge, and the speed of development in all aspects is very fast. The tall figures around him slowly appeared. After a while, huge trees came out. Each of these big trees was the peak of golden combat power.

   These are Treant warriors used by the elves, but these are grown by themselves. Even in terms of strength, even if a legendary master hits him, he may be injured if he is not careful.

   Then, a lot of war fortresses on the suspended ground were also created, and walked towards the surrounding intersections one by one. These things are all active fortresses, but the soldiers and ammunition inside need to be replenished by themselves.

   These, just a few days are enough. Chi Nan's actions quickly attracted the attention of the local defenders. Seeing Chi Nan's actions, everyone was stunned. This is a powerful deterrent for one person to become an army. Just Chi Nan alone, countless troops, while shocked, they also have joy.

   It seems that at this time, there are finally masters who can restrain those abyss demons.

   After they knew the identity of Chi Nan, that kind of reverence was even more difficult to conceal. Many people bowed to Chi Nan from a distance, and it seemed that some indigenous believers would appear in this world before long.

   Chi Nan shook his head, concentrated his attention, and continued to make. Wherever I walked, one by one, the wooden elf mother trees appeared. A large number of wood elves will be produced later, and these are all used as grassroots commanders.

   At the same time, I can also relieve the boredom of the few soldiers on my side. Although they are all wood, there is no problem in general chatting. The tree of life couldn't be planted here, so Chi Nan didn't take it out. Who knows if other demigods see their own tree of life, will they discover the ability to purify faith?

   In the air, the most powerful combat team appeared after more than half an hour, and quickly formed a legion.

   Needless to say, these are the latest generation of airships, equipped with powerful forces, and the whole is of golden level. An airship can even fight against several gold masters undefeated, and its combat power surpasses the aircraft of the Alchemy Alliance.

   You know, these aircraft are the most powerful in the Alchemy Alliance in regular battles. But Chinan's large-scale holy war plants can surpass it, and it won't take long for these things to attract a lot of people's attention.

   In order to protect this plane, Chi Nan didn't care about exposing something. Fortunately, he had already broken through the demigod level. If he was still at the previous legendary level and exposed these things, he would have to welcome other people's calculations.

   Then, various special airships and spider tanks equipped with purple grass structure also appeared. These things are not for regular battles, but specifically for use against legendary creatures. Once legendary creatures appear, they will surround them, and then set fire to attack. In this way, it is very possible to kill the opponent.

   But if the opponent is prepared, it will be very troublesome to kill the legendary creature. But at least when his own line of defense is large, let the opponent's legendary creatures dare not approach casually, this is Chi Nan's purpose.

   Finally, a huge floating city appeared in the sky, finally shocking all the defenders. Floating city plus a satellite system in the sky. The vegetative brain and neural brain present the entire earth.

   On the map of activity, countless troops are ready at any time. If this kind of battle is still lost, Chi Nan doesn't know what to say. These changes were so fast, they were gradually completed in less than a day. The speed was so fast that the defenders were not ready to evacuate, let alone the demons on the opposite They didn’t even know. what's happening.

   "Hey, is it demonized, let me try it." Suddenly, Chi Nan discovered that a plant weapon had been demonized because it had been on the opposite side for a long time and was relatively weak.

   Only Chi Nan discovered that even if it was demonized, his plants were still under his own control. It's just that this new plant is more violent and more aggressive. However, he absolutely obeyed his orders.

"It turns out that my plants can also be demonized, but after being demonized, they can be completely controlled by me. If so, then I can lay out on the abyss." After Chi Nan discovered this, his eyes lit up. .

   In silence, some plants began to spread toward the abyss. As long as the plants in the past will be eroded by the breath of the abyss, their types will change. Chi Nan didn't care about these, all he cared about was being able to let the plants go deep into the abyss, and then let himself know what happened on the other side.

   After his fold ear grass is planted in the abyss, he will be able to know everything on the other side.

   And this kind of change, I believe that the abyss consciousness will not care at all, after all, it is just some plants. With this layout, Chi Nan would not tell anyone that the abyss is a very large whole. I can get some benefits over there, and maybe it will be more effective for myself than I get in the Alchemy Alliance. ...


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