The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1183: No one can do nothing

"It's starting to fight, Commander, who will win this battle?" An officer saw this scene and instantly felt that the blood in his whole body began to burn. This kind of power is so desirable.

With Chi Nan's exhibition, there are more and more masters in the territory. The gathering of various resources makes their cultivation easier and easier, and there is a lot of knowledge and guidance from their predecessors. As long as you continue to make military merits, you can continue to improve. Just like them, there was a time when they were just ordinary people.

At that time, a black iron existence was all they needed to look up to. No matter how it is now, his strength has reached the golden level, and the combat effectiveness is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

The army under his control can even be threatened by legendary masters, and even if he is unwilling to lose his mind, he will die. In retrospect, it seemed like a dream. And now, they have a new goal, which is the power of a demigod.

They believe that one day their lords can become true gods, leading them may also become demigods.

The old bald shook his head: "I don't know, this is not our level. I can't understand the battle at the demigod level." This is not a lie, after all, the old bald really doesn't understand.

Two huge beasts fought close to the center. The giant's skin was red all over, and a **** mist spread. Seeing this blood mist, the conscious undead around turned around and ran, as if they had seen something terrible. In fact, the same is true. The corrosiveness of this blood mist is too strong.

The giant is just the surface of this creature, and the inside of the body, in fact, has no structure for a long time, and it is all blood-like things. The blood mist is urged by this kind of thing, and this is also his own ability.

Where the blood mist passed, everything was corroded, even the water element was affected and corroded. This huge figure, the power faintly restrained the power of the law of the element type.

So even though it was a bit worse than the tortoise in level, the giant did have the upper hand when fighting.

The tortoise condenses a stream of water around it, constantly attacking. The giant is waving his fists, each punch can make a blood-red fist mark. Where the red fist flies, it usually takes three streams of water to offset two. If it weren't for the tortoise's greater power, it wouldn't necessarily be the opponent of this thing.

From time to time, two monsters can attack each other, and both of these guys belong to the type of head-to-head.

The fist that hits the tortoise has basically no effect. This tortoise may not be good at fighting, but its defense is absolutely terrifying. The giant gradually appeared, and his own attacks had no effect on the tortoise.

The tortoise's attack also has no effect on the giant. The impact of the water flow can even break the giant's skin, revealing the blood red inside under the skin, like blood and flame.

But in an instant, the skin was completely restored, nothing happened. And that ice power, under the erosion of the red substance, dissolved instantly. These two guys don't have any powerful magic arts, and the previous spells have no effect on this level, so they are all methods of returning to the original battle, but the power level is high.

In this way, the destructive power produced by you and me is very powerful. Everything around you was destroyed by two existences in a moment. There was only yellow sand flying around in the sky, and nothing else existed.

The two creatures themselves may just attack at once, but for creatures that have not reached this level, their speed is too fast. They didn't reach the legendary level, and they couldn't even see their movements.

Even at the legendary level, only a few traces can be seen. Many legends looked at each other, and in front of this monster, they weren't opponents at all. Even with a punch and kick attack, they will be torn apart.

"How about the outcome of their battle." Because he couldn't see clearly, what he saw through the screen restoration was not very accurate, so he asked a legendary guard. This legendary guard has seen the battle scene of the demigod level. At this time, the person is watching slow motion while watching real-time playback.

Hearing the words of the bald father, the guard immediately said: "These two existences have no fighting skills at all, but we don't need any fighting skills. No one can resist this kind of degree and strength."

After thinking about it, the guard continued: "Looking at what they are now, there is no one who can do anything about each other. The final victory depends on who can stick to the end." The guard gave such an answer.

"Then you see who can hold on to the end." The bald father didn't expect it to be like this.

The guard spread his hands helplessly: "Who knows, but I think it should be the undead. After all, this is the other side's territory, and here he can recover very quickly. But don't worry, his attack is completely on our tortoise. No effect. If it doesn't work, just wait for the recovery after shrinking the shell. It is impossible to tell the winner in a short time."

The bald father covered his head: "I now know why in some legends, demigod battles can even last for many years. I thought it was the same as war, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

When two similar demigods have no lore, the battle becomes protracted. As long as the two sides never admit defeat, it can only be consumed forever.

The demigods cannot use the power of the plane to fight but they can use the power of the plane to recover but there is no problem. In many cases, the recovery is faster than the consumption, and the demigods are not tired, there is no time limit for this battle.

"In this situation, what should we do. If we don't get rid of the undead, we cannot occupy the plane of the undead."

Looking at the sky, two-thirds of the sun has returned to normal, and there is a red circle outside. If you want to completely restore this plane, the culprit must never be let go.

But after waiting like this, I don't know what will happen. Thinking of this, the bald father finally made up his mind. "Inform your lord, this matter is not for me." When the others heard this, they were finally relieved. Only the bald daddy has the right to disturb Chi Nan, and other people don't have this right.

When the bald father used authority, things here quickly came to Chi Nan's ears. ...


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