The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1227: Interplanetary relocation process

How about the outside world, Chi Nan is too lazy to bother about it. When the strength reaches a certain level, no matter what ordinary people do, no matter how many conspiracies and tricks, it is useless. This is the absolute coercion brought by strength.

The only thing Chi Nan has been busy recently is the relocation work. First of all, the officials and high-level military officials under his staff have moved to their own kingdom of God, and even came to this place with Hermira and others.

Then there is selection. Except for their absolute confidants, everyone else has to go through selection, and only some talented people will enter the upper-level council of the Kingdom of God. Others, some who have already been branded with their own brand by using the sacred blood potion, can absolutely believe it. Even if the ability is short, it will be delegated to the past.

At least, as long as every plane controlled by itself is valuable, it will leave a seat for the local lower-level council branch president to control the affairs of the entire plane, as well as communicate with itself when encountering some major events.

The elves that he spawned left two of them and sent them to the main plane, after taking a seat as a kind of deterrence. In addition, Chi Nan directly released the authority to these elves, allowing these elves to use the magic of life to study various plants. The plants found on each plane will be sent to the kingdom of God after the initial screening on each plane in the future.

Then these **** elves will conduct another research and screening, and finally leave some valuable things to themselves. In this way, one's own work can be said to be greatly reduced.

Within my entire kingdom of God, there is a huge plantation. Planting any plant here is equivalent to having one's own power to give birth all the time. And the entire kingdom of God is a huge energy pool.

The Kingdom of God can freely absorb some of the power in the void, and then synthesize life magic. These life magic levels are a bit worse than their own, but they can be used to supplement their own consumption, which can be regarded as a kind of energy reserve.

It seems that I don't need to be like other gods, get a lot of faith crystals to temper the divine power crystals, and use them as my own power reserve. I have a more suitable one, these life magic powers can be absorbed directly, and there will be no burdens and side effects. If other gods knew about it, I'm afraid they would be envious to death.

After Chinan has built the central city, many other things need to be moved in. In addition, various processing plants and other things also need to be established. There are also some raw materials that need to be sent into the kingdom of God through other channels.

After all, not everything can be replaced by plants. Those ordinary people need other things to help.

Chi Nan did not leave only his petitioners in the kingdom of God, but raised a city where at least many humans and half-elves would live here. So many things are still needed.

As far as the decoration of this city is concerned, I am afraid there is no way to complete it in less than half a year.

However, the selection of officials from all levels, with the plant brain network as a platform, is still very fast. Chi Nan's approach is to select a few candidates first, and then let people vote online.

Anyway, no matter who it is, Chi Nan can use it with confidence. In this way, the spirit and cohesion of the entire territory can be improved. It may not be of great use to myself now, but it is in line with my own mind.

"Will you stay here forever in the future? That's not boring." Miria stared at Chi Nan helplessly.

All people are very happy. It is a supreme glory to be able to live with the gods. But these have been growing up with Chi Nan, so their attitude is more casual, especially those who are closer.

Chi Nan rolled his eyes: "Well, when do you become interested in other planes, you can go when you are sure of safety. How safe to stay in the kingdom of God, you have to run around."

"Great, long live the patriarch." Miria, who had looked unlovable, jumped up all of a sudden. Olna next to her has an urge to cover her face. This friend of herself is really uncomfortable.

Seeing other people still busy, a smile flashed across Chi Nan's face. No matter how high you stand, isn't this picture what you want to see. If you become a lonely person after becoming a god, that would be too boring. Even after becoming a god, Chi Nan still hopes to retain his original character, just that way.

"Chi Nan, what should we do with other major planes in the future? If we are all in the kingdom of God, will there be any problems?" Sophia suddenly raised her head and asked when she was checking the information.

Chi Nan thought for a while, Sophia was right, she didn't really think so much before. If too many people are opened on the kingdom of God, it will inevitably affect the strength of the kingdom of God. Even if there are twelve special sacred trees of life to protect, it can easily become a loophole for other gods to deal with themselves. Therefore, this portal cannot be opened casually.

Thinking of this, Chi Nan said: "I understand, we will only have two on the kingdom of God in the future. One leads to the main plane, which is usually closed, and when passing through, it is enough to use the interplanetary teleportation array."

"The other one is opened on the sacred tree plane 1. From now on, the sacred tree plane 1 will be our regular portal plane. Here is a regular space door that can be closed at any time. I will set it here. A lot of plant army and holy tree elves."

Hearing this Sophia nodded slightly, indicating that there is nothing wrong. But Hermilla suddenly said: "My lord, the entire kingdom of God is very large. It requires full management of the entire range. It is not enough to rely on so few people. My idea is that our high-level wood elves make more , Whether you are a servant or a resident."

Chi Nan thought for a while and nodded and said: "That's right, but it's not a normal creature after all, and there are some brain problems. You should use it as a worker and a servant, and let the spirit of the gods manage it."

There are not many **** elves now, and even not many in the future, but there is no problem in managing these wood elves.

Next, questions were raised one after another, and Chi Nan gave solutions one after another. After becoming a god, the thinking speed of his mind is too fast, and all problems can be solved in an instant.

"By the way, the potion is almost finished, and you can't wait any longer."

Wei Wei Si shook her head and said, "No, it's a bit short, it's always incomplete, and I don't know how long it will take."

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