The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1231: Turns out this is demonization

   Usually sacrifices to a plane, it is the fallen ones who are affected within the plane to establish a powerful force, and then various abyssal arrays are deployed in different places on the entire plane, and the power of the abyss is used to sacrifice in stages.

   Every time, only one place will be demonized, and it will gradually evolve towards the abyss. When it reaches a certain level, it will attract the abyssal demon to sneak in and continue to destroy it within the plane.

   In the final stage, the abyssal demon will enter this plane in large numbers, killing all opponents in it, and all creatures will be demonized. At this time, the will of the abyss will quickly invade this plane, assimilate the will of this plane into a part of itself, and then demonize the entire plane and drag it into the abyss.

   This method has always been a common method used by the Abyss to create new planes. Some of these steps must be done step by step, but some things do not need to be so troublesome, as long as there is a better way, it can be improved.

   Just like what Chinan is doing now, there is no one in the entire plane to resist, so there is no need for war at all, and the entire plane is sacrificed directly to do the best at one time.

   This one-time sacrifice method will not damage the power of the plane, nor will it cause too much loss of the will of the abyss. It can be said that the will of the abyss prefers this method more than the general method. Of course, the will of the abyss doesn't know what it means to like, but the benefits are great, and the benefits will definitely be more.

   It didn't take long for the second part to come. The demon incarnation directly sent some of his messengers, that is, the same demonized elves who were not too old and looked like children, and easily entered that plane.

   Next, these demonized elves set up a sacrifice circle to help other elves in this world, as well as wood elves, even a large number of plants and the tree of life, to demonize and transform little by little.

  Because no one would resist, the demonization proceeded very smoothly. And as more and more creatures and lands are demonized in the entire world, the resistance of plane consciousness is getting weaker and weaker.

   In the end, Chi Nan could even feel that the plane consciousness of this plane gradually gave up the resistance, and actually began to take the initiative to move closer to the abyss. This kind of situation is very rare, and even Chi Nan has never heard of it in the abyss consciousness. When this happens, the speed of demonization is getting faster and faster.

   Chi Nan finally understood what the sacrificial plane was all about at this time. Take a closer look, this sacrificial plane is actually similar to transforming the plane into the kingdom of God, except that one is made by the gods and the other is made by the abyss.

  The difference is that the consciousness of the abyss is now very violent, and the assimilation methods are also more violent and rough. But it is really unexpected that a confused consciousness can do this.

   Oneself assimilate the plane, is to use one's own divine power to imprint one's own divine brand into the entire plane, and gradually make this plane possess divine nature. This plane will evolve in the direction of the kingdom of God. Although it will be controlled by oneself, one's own consciousness will not be confused, will still be maintained, and even become more sober.

   On the contrary, the Demonization of Abyss is to infuse one's own magical power into this plane, form one's own brand, and finally completely suppress and assimilate consciousness, become a part of oneself, and make oneself more chaotic at the same time.

   Abyss has always used this method to expand and develop abroad. The plane after demonization is not able to grow by itself like the kingdom of God. On the contrary, because of the special power of the abyss, once these abyss planes are assimilated, their own potential will almost be exhausted. It is almost impossible to continue to grow by itself.

   Unless this plane swallows other abyss planes, it can continue to grow. On the normal plane, these abyss planes can't be swallowed. But this creature like a demon is already very violent and chaotic.

   They will not devour other abysses in order to enhance their own strength. This will only cause their power to weaken, and their own strength will also weaken. This approach is not recognized by the abyss.

   So it seems to be very similar to my own method of evolving the kingdom of God, but in fact there is an essential difference. In this way, Chi Nan doesn't even mean to learn from it. I just watched the degeneration of this plane quietly from a distance.

   Finally, after more than two months, the law of the entire plane has been completely demonized, and its own development potential has been completely lost. At this time, the plane consciousness was completely melted by the abyss and turned into chaos. Even Chi Nan couldn't communicate with this kind of chaos, because it was filled with all kinds of dark negative thoughts and messed up.

   If the original plane consciousness was a hazy child, the current plane consciousness has become a complete lunatic. Between heaven and earth, the original power began to change, and the devil's air filled the whole world.

   The creatures that hadn't been demonized were quickly demonized under this demon energy. Countless creatures couldn't bear it and burst on the spot, and many more creatures changed in shape, becoming weird Maybe a new breed of demon was formed like this. There are more demonized creatures, fighting each other and devouring each other.

   Speed ​​up the process of own demonization, and at the same time enhance one's own strength. In short, the entire plane became a mess.

   The originally clear sky turned red, the sun was blood red, and the clouds looked like blood and dirt. The earth cracked and cracks, either lava emerged from it, or filthy black gas was constantly released.

   Some flesh and blood on the ground gradually began to squirm. I don't know which day, some special big bugs appeared. These bugs are not ordinary bugs, but the abyss monsters, the starting point of all abyss demons.

   A few days later, the abyssal insects continued to swallow and evolve, and the little demon appeared. Chi Nan knew that at this time this plane had completely integrated into the abyss and became a part of the abyss.

   And the abyss consciousness finally sent the news to Chi Nan that the mission was completed. A huge force came directly from the void. Chi Nan felt his avatar, the devil's power began to boil, continue to expand, becoming stronger and stronger. The body reached the extreme mark of the abyss, and suddenly condensed towards the middle, right at the heart of the devil in the body.

   A pitch-black spherical core gradually formed, and mysterious power burst out in the middle. This power was very chaotic at first, and Chi Nan felt that he could rely on this power to break through the barrier in front of him at any time. ...


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