The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1247: 1 time is 4

Divine transformation of the magic array, this is to be used in conjunction with the kingdom of God, this kind of magic array Chi Nan has long been figured out, in the normal inheritance of the gods. Moreover, only the gods who possess the kingdom of God are qualified to be chosen by God.

Cthulhu can have it, but Demon God has never. Because the abyss demon **** is attached to the abyss and has no own kingdom of God.

However, his own demon incarnation has his own kingdom of God, so I don't know if he can collect the gods. The gods are the most trusted subordinates of the gods, and they are also the most powerful cadres. Even in some gods, a large part of the power is in the gods.

Chi Nan would hesitate to let his wife belong to a god, but if he let his subordinates or the elves made by himself become a god, Chi Nan would not hesitate to use it as long as he needed it.

"Well, I have time to let the demon incarnation have a good experiment. Perhaps, I can also form a powerful demon **** system. The power of the demon is much more dangerous than the gods of ordinary gods. If there are more, the effect will be also It's very interesting." Yes, the power of the devil is in the divine power, and it also has a certain advantage.

After all, the power of the devil itself comes from the abyss, but the abyss is a powerful collection.

According to the intelligence of other gods, only by reaching the level of the main god, can one's own divine power be able to pass the power of the abyss demon of the same level. Not only will they not be restrained, but on the contrary they will restrain the other side.

However, there are only a few that can reach the level of the main god. And those abyss demon gods at the main **** level are not easy to provoke. At this level, even if they restrain each other, the actual effect is not so obvious.

The Abyss Demon God without the Kingdom of God, the strength that can be wielded outside the Kingdom of God, is much stronger than the ordinary gods. Moreover, the style of fighting death is not something ordinary gods can hold.

A few days later, the transformation of the magic circle was completed, and Hemila and others stood in their positions one by one.

"You can think about it, once the magic circle is turned on, you can't look back." Chi Nan said with some worry. Speaking of which, Chi Nan still doesn't want Hermilla and others to use this transformation.

In Chi Nan's view, if you want to go, take the best path, and the same goes for your wives. And the best, of course, is to become a god. No potential, no talent, it doesn't matter, just use resources to accumulate.

"We are ready to start." Hemilla said firmly, and the others nodded.

Chi Nan sighed, there is no way, since they like it, let's start. Chi Nan's heart moved, and the circle unfolded. The emerald green light exploded throughout the kingdom of God, covering the four people in it.

Later, the people in the kingdom of God put aside their own affairs and watched from a distance. This is a major event for the entire Kingdom of God, and even the celebration banquet is already prepared. Once the transformation is successful, all territories under Chinan will begin to celebrate.

There are some people who are taking notes at any time with books and notes, their eyes are fixed on this side. Looking at the style of their robes, these are all clergy under Chi Nan. These are all selected from a large number of believers, the group with the most talent and potential, and the type of people who can fool people the most.

These stay in the kingdom of God and specifically record everything in the kingdom of God. Even small things will be recorded one by one. In the end, after the high-level arrangement of the Holy Tree, the Holy See, it becomes something on the gods.

Chi Nan has also seen that many small stories or fables have been changed by them. Even sometimes Chi Nan didn't even know if he really did these things.

Looking at these records, Chi Nan felt that this thing was so strange. So after one time, Chi Nan never looked at these things again. I don't know how they will adapt this time.

Sighing, Chi Nan looked forward. As a divine transformation, there is actually no possibility of failure at all. Since the emergence of this method, there has not been a single failure case.

Coupled with the powerful power of Chinan Divine Kingdom and sufficient divine power to crystallize, there is no need to worry about anything.

Only less than two hours later, four people were converted almost at the same time. The aura on his body is much stronger than before. Everyone has his own breath, which is a characteristic of God.

Chi Nan felt it a little, and found that a few people were already close to the peak of the demigod, how long it took. No wonder there are always many people who have to join other gods for strength. It is too slow to practice by yourself.

As long as there is enough divine power to crystallize, Chi Nan can make his wives become true gods, that is, the lower true gods.

The appearance of a few people hasn't changed much, but their own strength is stronger. At the center of his eyebrows, an emerald green leaf appeared from the original smoothness, which was exactly the leaf of the holy tree in his body.

This is very similar to the Holy Tree Elf, but the lines on it are clearer, as if it were real. The veins of the leaves are not normal emerald green, but have their own colors. Hermilla was blue when he arrived, and Sophia's was red. The microsilk is pure gold, and the silky night is the color of gold and green intertwined.

Just looking at this color Chi Nan, it is clear that this is a manifestation of their own attributes. The leaves flickered slightly, then disappeared. This is their own emblem.

Every deity has its own emblem. Only the gods will use the emblem of the gods as their chassis. The emblems of those nobles seem to resemble this in many ways, and I don't know if they are imitated.

However, there is a big difference between Chi Nan and a few people. His own **** emblem Chi Nan is very familiar with, and it is his holy tree. As the sacred tree grows, there will be changes. It is not just a leaf like them.

Speaking of even after he became a god, he felt that many places were completely different from normal gods, and he himself didn't know what was going on. Forget it, I still want to do so much, so I don't even think about it.

"How are you feeling? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Chi Nan said to several people.

Hemila shook her head: "It feels good. I feel that you are closer to you now. It's so comfortable." Hemila stepped forward and gently leaned in Chi Nan's arms. Several other people also walked over and surrounded Chi Nan in the middle. Chi Nan felt that he was really happy at this moment.

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