The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1250: Void Combat and Abyssal Fire Talents

   "It's really dangerous, isn't it so dangerous in the void." After a few days of fighting, Chi Nan didn't feel anything, but the others were fortunate. This was the first time they encountered this kind of battle.

   Chi Nan waved his hand: "Who knows, but this time I encountered a lunatic evil god. I didn't expect that he would do this kind of direct battle in the void. It seems that I have to strengthen this aspect."

   This kind of void battle, Chi Nan knew about it, but he never took it seriously. Because directly using the kingdom of God to fight and fight through the void, this method can be said to be the most idiotic method. This is like a siege war between mortals, a method that harms others against oneself. The losses on both sides of the battle will be very large, and it will be consumed to the limit.

  Only one party completely exhausts its strength before it will lose, while the other party will also consume almost the same amount of strength. This is simply a loss of money and hurts people, and it is not good at all. Few people will choose this method of fighting.

   If it weren't for the anger at first, Chi Nan wouldn't be able to fight against each other like this. After three days, it consumed a lot of divine power crystals. After calming down, Chi Nan felt a little distressed.

  This kind of battle, with one's own divine power reserves, if not counted as income, at most a few months of battle will be exhausted. I have long heard that Cthulhu is a group of lunatics, but I didn't expect them to be so crazy.

   "Then what should I do, if I go to the central plane, I will encounter more things like this."

Hearing Hemila’s words, Chi Nan calmed a few people lightly: “Don’t worry, there are ways to fight in the void, but I have always felt that it’s unnecessary, so I didn’t study it. Wait for me to see if I can. Find the fighting plants in the void, or else condense some artifacts and idols used in the void."

   After thinking for a while, Chi Nan continued: "The opponent attacked us before, probably because their kingdom is higher than ours, thinking that we are just ordinary lower-level true gods who have just been promoted, otherwise they will definitely not launch an attack."

Wei Wei Si nodded: "Yes, the next step is to raise the level of the kingdom of God as soon as possible. As long as you upgrade to the middle kingdom, no one will dare to attack casually." The firmness of the middle kingdom of God and the reserve of divine power, even if you encounter a higher **** In the high-level kingdom of God, generally the other party will not take the initiative to attack, unless the two sides have deep hatred.

   It's just that the reserve of divine power is not enough, even if it depends on the transaction, there will be no way to satisfy it for a while. It seems that we must continue to sell a large number of plant weapons. Fortunately, they have time.

   From here to fly to the central plane at the current speed, it will not take a long time, but it will definitely not be short.

   On the other side, the demon incarnation also started his own experiment. There is no difference between the huge kingdom of the gods and the middle kingdom of the gods, but because of their own strength, it is temporarily not suitable to continue to devour the plane to improve oneself. Therefore, the demon incarnation is also flying toward the central plane with the kingdom of God.

   But the Abyss Demon God is different from himself, he is an orthodox god, and Chi Nan will not randomly accept some gods. The abyss demon gods often go through battles, even in their internal battles.

   During this period of time, Chi Nan received some invitations to the duel of the Abyss Demon God, but they were all invited immediately, so Chi Nan did not participate. It seems that a few more gods are indeed very helpful.

   When tempering in the abyss of the kingdom of God, it also allowed those petite demonized elves to grow. Like the elves of the gods on my side, the demonized elves have matured one by one, and many of them have evolved and become varieties similar to the elves of the gods. Chi Nan named it the Abyss Elf to distinguish it from the general demonized elves.

   I don't know if it is due to the environment. Chi Nan discovered that after the abyss elves over there matured, the female figure was much more popular than the **** elves. And men are also more burly, looking very fierce.

   On the head of every abyssal elf, there is an additional **** emblem, which is in the shape of a black lotus. I remember my demon incarnation, I chose such a thing when condensing the godhead.

   After all, I can't help it, my godhead is completely different from ordinary gods. Choosing the ten most powerful abyss elves, two males and eight females, Chi Nan began the preparations for the **** transformation ritual.

   No way, elves have always been more women than men, and they are more suitable for combat. Even after being demonized, the male elves' combat talents have been improved, but still occupy a small proportion. Of the ten places, only eight are suitable.

   Only after the transformation, Chi Nan discovered that the demon incarnation had more talents to choose from than his own body, which made Chi Nan almost didn't understand. Later I realized that this might have something to do with the power of the abyss.

   Other abilities are useless in God’s body, but the new abilities are different. The abyss, full of aggressiveness, actually recorded Chi Nan's original method of using the abyss demon fire, which became an instinctive ability of the demon incarnation. Even Chi Nan himself didn't expect that he still has this ability, or he just discovered this time The demon incarnation can not only condense magic power on his body, form armor and strengthen attacks. In the same way, it can also burn this cohesive magic power, although it is not comparable to its own magic fire, but it can be used as a conventional method.

   The attack power of this abyssal magic fire is simply terrifying. Chi Nan tried it, and if it fought against the body, even if the life magic restrained evil, there was still no way to suppress this force.

   If you deal with other goals, this power can be more powerful than your own life magic. Below the same level, his own combat power is actually not as good as his own demon incarnation, which is really depressing.

   And those abyss elves belong to the gods, nine out of ten have chosen the fighting talent, all of them are the abyss magic fire. Although you can't leapfrog the challenge, but the same level is almost invincible, this is a super powerful combat magic.

   The last one is the only one with good management talent among the abyss elves. He chose the natural avatar and prepared to create a large number of avatars to help his demon avatar manage the kingdom of God. In terms of management talent, demonic creatures are really terrible. Usually demons use powerful force to force control of other subordinates.

   After the ten gods have been promoted, the following is a long time of training and familiarity. After a period of time, perhaps the gods can be sent out to let them go to other abyss levels to experience and improve, and by the way, earn some resources for themselves. ...


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