The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1279: Distribution of 2 disaster cores

"The best candidates, of course, are Olna and Miria. Tell them both to try."

Hearing Sophia's words, Chi Nan immediately contacted two people who were still in charge of the development of the central plane. After explaining the situation, the two people refused without hesitation. Yes, they refused.

Olna’s reason is simple: "I already have my own way to go. The two attributes of wind and fire. The core of this disaster dragon does not match my own path. Using this thing will destroy my foundation."

Well, I didn't consider the foundation when I used the divine power crystal to force a breakthrough. But Chi Nan also knew that Olna was very persistent about her own attributes, and there was a higher pursuit, Chi Nan was not reluctant.

Miria’s reason is even simpler: "People don't like to do damage. Disasters are not good things."

Well, it's useless how Chi Nan explained it. Milia decided that she didn't like it, so there was no way. At this age, Miria is still like a little girl, full of innocence.

These two best candidates seem to be useless. "What about Horn, he has a good talent and savvy, and he is very loyal."

Chi Nan shook his head: "No, Horn's talent lies in the warrior side. Besides, he is my guard leader after all, and he has already determined the person who belongs to the gods. If he changes rashly, Kong Po is not very good."

Chi Nan, the strange leader, had to consider the ideas of his subordinates when he did things, and perhaps only he would do it himself. It is precisely for this reason that the guards have been very supportive of Chinan, and even most of the officials' subordinates in the territory show no sign of betrayal. Except for a few unfamiliar white-eyed wolves, Chinan's territory can be said to be the territory with the least probability of betrayal.

"If you say that, then the two of the bald-headed father and Holm will definitely not work."

Chi Nan nodded in embarrassment. The talents of the two of them are a little bit worse, and their loyalty is no problem.

So Chi Nan had thought about it a long time ago. These two old courtiers who initially followed him are also his own **** candidates. If it weren't for the two people's current strength, Chi Nan would have accepted them now.

When you choose to belong to God, sometimes it is really caused by your temperament. But Chi Nan didn't care. For these old courtiers, it didn't matter to waste one or two godly positions.

"Well, the list is here. Let's discuss all the suitable people."

A few people were idle, and started discussing with the list. Whether it's the officials in the territory, the high-level leaders in the kingdom of God, or the leaders at all levels of the military, as well as the people in Chi Nan's family. Even the guards, the servants of the house, the elves of the gods, and even some famous people and nobles in the territory, all discussed them.

Of course, most people just pass by and are directly abandoned.

Hemila and the others also didn't care about the passage of time. Chi Nan has always been very busy. How could a few people object to having such a good opportunity to talk together. So this discussion went on for ten days at once.

That's right, for ten days of non-sleeping, non-stop, non-eating or drinking discussions, it is absolutely impossible to replace it with a normal person, but who makes the other person a god?

After ten days of discussion, the final result is still there. Several of the users of the core of the storm finally settled on the little girl Romilia. No, I can't talk about the little girl now, Romilia is a well-known beautiful girl in the domain.

But I don't know if it is because of the long time to live here in Chinan. The current Romelia is still like a child sometimes, most of the time is very gentle, but often has a little temper.

In terms of loyalty, no one would doubt that Chi Nan and Romilia were not much different from their brothers and sisters.

Romelia herself is a wind attribute mage, which fits very well with the core of the storm. It not only enhances the wind, but also increases the rules of rain and thunder and lightning, and further develops the power level. The priesthood of storm is at least the priesthood of a middle god. For the gods, the clergy level is very important, which means the height to which they can grow in the future.

Once you reach the limit, you can only think of ways to transform the godhead and improve your own priesthood level.

With Lava Core, it is not so easy to find a suitable user. Either it is someone who has a good talent and has his own way. Either the talent is too bad, the waste is used, or people with different degrees of closeness.

At the end, Hermilla suddenly said: "How about Numis, she has agreed, and she is also a very good candidate."

"Numisi?" Chi Nan was silent suddenly. Chi Nan is also very fond of this woman who has expressed a good impression of herself. It was just these years that Numis had been evading himself, and later it rarely appeared.

But Chi Nan knew that Numis was always by Hermilla's side, still looking at herself in secret.

Speaking of it, the two of them were originally able to reach everything. If it hadn't been for Numis's father to have a problem, which caused a psychological bump, it wouldn't be the case until now.

Numisi has been paying silently, and will definitely not betray, Chi Nan knows this. After a long time, Chi Nan said, "It's okay to let her open up a subsidiary kingdom of God outside and have a space under her own control."

Numisi didn't figure it out for a day, and Chi Nan didn't know what to do with the relationship between the two people. Simply give Numis more time. After becoming a god, there is no accident. This time is unlimited.

A mysterious smile flashed at the corner of Hermilla's mouth and then disappeared, as if she had never appeared before.

"Then I will thank you for Numis, and our sisters can stay together in the future."

Beside, Sophia also breathed a sigh of relief. Compared with Hermilla, Sophia and Numis had a better relationship. After all, the two were originally aristocratic. At the time, Hermilla was just a territorial consul.

Such a good woman is hard to find, and it is a pity to miss it, even if the object is their husband. Silinka Ye and Weiwei also knew something, closed their mouths, just looked at a few people, and didn't speak.

Now that the core of the disaster dragon has a place to go, there is no need to continue discussing this issue. Next, we have to return to development again. Chi Nan raised his head: "The big beetle has become more and more arrogant recently. It's time to show him a little bit of color."

Hemira and Sophia looked at each other, instead of continuing the previous topic, they moved on to the big beetle. That big beetle, even a few of them felt a little bored.

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