The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1301: This is the spring of the mad orcs

"These, these are..." At this moment, the violent beast **** was looking at the endless mad orc in front of him, and his body was trembling.

It is hard to imagine that a **** who has reached the peak of the lower **** and is about to enter the middle **** level will actually tremble. One can imagine the excitement of this guy at this time.

Chi Nan also knew that the tribe of the violent beast gods were basically loaded with these in his kingdom, and the number of mobilized by Chi Nan was no less than that of the mad orcs in his kingdom, which was equivalent to directly arranging the numbers. Doubled.

"These are all wild orcs, I don't know if they are exactly the same race as yours, so let you take a look. These are just a part of them. In fact, I have a lot of them, too many to imagine."

Chi Nan couldn't help it. Mad Orcs were indeed good materials for battle. In many cases, they were better than their own plant weapons when fighting on land. So every time they attack other planes, there will be a lot of mad orcs to cooperate with each other.

As long as the mad orcs have food, they have no other needs. Food has never been a headache for Chi Nan. As a result, with the reproductive ability of the wild orcs, these wild orcs have taken root in different planes, and their numbers are increasing. He didn't have many elves, but the number of wild orcs gradually became a little bloated.

Chi Nan also thought about letting these mad orcs go to the battlefield and consume more. But because of the coordination with plant weapons, the consumption rate is far less than their own reproduction speed, just like rabbits on the prairie, more and more.

Changing to other gods, I am afraid that there is no way to maintain this huge number of big stomach kings. Even Chi Nan can sometimes think about whether to plan the family planning of the wild orcs in some planes.

The violent beast **** rushed up quickly, grabbed a mad orc, and regardless of the opponent's struggle, the divine power invaded. With the power of the gods, directly check the opponent's bloodline. As a racial god, I have a profound understanding of the people of my own race.

After a while, the violent beast **** actually burst into tears: "Really, it's our people, that's great, that's great. Thank you, if it weren't for you, I really don't know there are so many more. People are here."

Chi Nan said strangely: "You are the racial **** of the wild orcs, why don't you know their existence?"

The mad beast **** said embarrassedly: "Well, our race is a little stupid. If we forget our gods and haven't sacrificed for a long time, I won't know where they are." Well, it's still about faith. The problem, these simple-minded guys have never known what beliefs they have, and beliefs are not as useful as eating.

"Actually, when there was still a part of our tribe, life at that time was more difficult than it is now. At first, I had just become a god. In order to expand my race, I sent many tribesmen to other planes at random."

"Because they didn't know what plane they were, they didn't contact me later. If they can survive, maybe they can contact me. If they can't, hey... I just didn't expect that there would be such a result."

Chi Nan was indifferent in his heart. For a weak race, even the racial gods had a headache for development. Such a conscientious god, although a bit stupid, really makes people feel reliable.

Chi Nan coughed lightly: "Ahem, um, you don't need to worry about it in the future. Let me tell you, the biggest feature of these wild orcs is their ability to reproduce, and their ability to reproduce is about the same as that of rabbits. These years, with me I have no way to calculate the number of these wild orcs in the occupied plane, at least a thousand times the number of these wild orcs in your kingdom of God."

Thousands of times? Times! The eyes of the violent beast **** suddenly widened, and even the gods with the godhead were a little down. With so many people, this was something he had never dared to imagine before.

Because of this mental problem, there is also the question of whether or not there is a talent for spells, it is difficult to survive even on a normal plane.

In fact, the original mad orcs were the same, they could only live in that barren place in the north. Speaking of it, if it weren't for the huge number of themselves and the deserted place, the mad orcs would have been annihilated long ago.

These wild orcs, because they have mutated their ability to reproduce, they used their numbers abruptly to gain a firm foothold in the north. But later, the invasion of the reality beetle **** caused them heavy losses. When I went south, I was blocked by several kingdoms, even a few kingdoms were difficult to deal with, until I finally met myself.

When the wild orcs were about to be annihilated, they surrendered to themselves and became their leaders. Then, with enough ground and food, the period of great development of the mad orcs finally arrived.

Chi Nan didn't talk about the consumption policy of the wild orcs over the years, otherwise the **** of this race still doesn't know what will happen.

The violent beast god's mouth trembled, as if he wanted to say something. Chi Nan thought for a while, and said directly, "Since you are the racial **** of wild orcs, these wild orcs will be handed over to you in the future. But you need to restrain them, and you know their minds. It's easy for them to be careless. What trouble will it cause."

"Definitely, under the crown of the god, I swear again, as long as I breathe, I will never betray the god."

A wave of power descended on the two Chi Nan's mouth twitched slightly, and the **** swears that it is not as ordinary as an ordinary wizard. Every move of the gods has attracted the attention of the will of the heavens.

This oath has been approved by the will of the heavens. As long as the violent beast **** violates it, even if he becomes the main god, he will definitely be destroyed by the will of the heavens. Because this oath is too serious and too direct.

Even if the general gods want to use the oath, they will add many clauses and restrictions to it, trying to make it contain many loopholes. However, such simple oaths are often the most direct and the least possible to violate.

"I have seen your sincerity, don't worry, I will not treat you badly. Let's first understand the number and distribution of wild orcs, and then let them build temples, and in the temples, we will worship you as the **** of the race. ."

There are still a lot of berserkers, but because their minds are too simple, they don't provide a lot of faith. In comparison, Chi Nanning can absorb human beliefs and then use the tree of life for purification, which is more cost-effective.

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