The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1324: What a grudge is this

On a high platform, a figure was talking loudly in that place, his expression was very emotional and very contagious.

"Our territory, from the beginning of its establishment, has advocated fairness and justice. But the best things are controlled by the holy tree elves, and we civilians can only be controlled by them."

The crowd below chanted slogans and desperately agreed. That fierce emotion seemed to be able to burn.

"This gives me a sense of sight." Chi Nan suddenly flashed such a strange thought in his mind. This is the situation to fan the masses through speeches.

Chi Nan didn't want to continue listening, but moved to one side. While walking, some special seeds were sprinkled at the same time.

"Hehe, the special plant native to the central plane, the invisible grass, can hide itself. It is impossible to feel it without reaching a certain strength. Do you think that shoveling plants everywhere can cut off my perception."

The area of ​​the rebel army was bare everywhere. If it weren't for the jujube trees and other producing plants, they would have to be shoveled away. Especially in those residences, there is even a stalk of grass inside and outside the house. Don't even want to see it. I don't know what method was used to achieve this in a short time.

The rebels occupied one-third of this plane, and they are still expanding.

On this one-third of the land, although some ordinary plants are usually planted, it is really not easy to be able to harm plants with such tenacious vitality into this way.

Fortunately, the adjustment ability of this plane is still possible, and the short-term scourge did not turn this place into a desert.

If it continues, it seems that it will not take long for this area to fall into crisis due to lack of food and water. At that time, I wonder if the rebels will regret it.

Of course, it is also possible that they deliberately use this difficult environment to force others to rebel with them. Look, my side is deserted, but the other side is full of water and grass. In order to eat and to survive, this was originally the basis for the outbreak of contradictions. I really don’t know who came up with this.

Such a person, if in a good plane, without being suppressed by a powerful existence like himself, might really be able to become a character, but now everything is different.

In just a few moments, with Chi Nan's ability, various invisible plants were sprinkled out and began to grow in all places on the entire plane. Even in some castles and houses, there are hidden plants growing out.

Because it is invisible, and there is no special aura radiating from it, no one can find it at all. Everywhere, invisible plants began to change, visual and auditory senses appeared, and then a lot of information was collected. This information was sent to the plant brain for analysis and summary, and then sent to Chi Nan.

Although Chi Nan is also very capable of computing, he seldom wants to do the calculations himself. That would make him feel like he is not alone, but as if he is lifting a computer, which is usually done by a plant brain.

"This kind of passionate phenomenon is everywhere. What a grudge is this, if I didn't know that those elves can't deceive me, I would think they did something angry."

Chi Nan was walking, frowning, the phenomenon of this place is really incredible, and I haven't figured it out.

As for why things became like this, there must be a reason. It seemed that he had to start with the leader of the rebel army before it was possible to figure out the situation. Originally, some methods Chi Nan didn't want to use. But since the trouble has reached this level, it won't work if you don't need it. Perhaps, I am usually too gentle.

At this moment, a person next to Chi Nan approached suddenly. As soon as he approached, Chi Nan reacted.

It's just that the person just approached and didn't mean to attack. Instead, he said loudly to Chi Nan, "Hey, why are you still here? Your strength should be good, hurry up with me."

Chi Nan was taken aback for a moment: "Come with you? Where to go and what to do?" It was really strange, I didn't know anyone here. This person is also a human, and looks pretty good.

This plane is mainly human, but there is also a demihuman race, which is slightly shorter and more flexible than humans. The entire plane is basically these two intelligent races.

"What else can I do? The leaders are about to hold a public meeting. It is said that they are discussing how to deal with the Central Assembly. All the people can go to this meeting, and of course we will also go. Then, we can also join in. As long as we If you have the strength, you will definitely be able to mix a good way out in the army."

Public meetings have to deal with the parliament. Interesting, I am going to find them.

"Okay, let's go together." Chi Nan agreed happily, and ran in one direction following this person. What Chi Nan didn't expect was that the meeting place was actually in another city.

It's no wonder that you will take yourself with you only if you are good at it. If your strength is poor, the meeting will be over long ago when you arrive.

By the time they arrived, the city became crowded. Chi Nan and the other person squeezed forward quickly, and with their strength, they were indeed able to get to the front easily.

The guy who found himself with is a golden warrior, although only just arrived. In this plane, although the golden level is not the top, it is already the most powerful existence that ordinary people can see.

"Hey, there is actually a live broadcast of this, but it is not made of plant brain crystal plates, but used alchemy crystal plates. The workmanship is rough, I don't know where I got it."

Chi Nan is not surprised, different planes are linked to each other, and it is not surprising that the alchemy crystal plates and knowledge of alchemy from other places can fall on this plane to be learned by others. It's just that they didn't expect that in order to get rid of the control of plants, they actually spent a huge price to make so many alchemy crystal plates.

Seeing that this head still has this quantity, the price will definitely not be small. It seems that there is another word proficient in alchemy in this plane. Unfortunately, as a rebel, Chi Nan would not easily use such an existence.

"Then let me see, what exactly you want to do." Chi Nan sneered in his heart, standing among the crowd and watching.

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