The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1327: The restarted aristocracy

"Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that these people think that they deserve more, do they all think that they should be masters? They also want to oppress other people. Everyone actually has this idea, not just the former nobles. ."

Looking at more and more investigation reports, Chi Nan was filled with suppressed anger. I want to gradually make everyone in my territory equal, but these people have never thought of being equal.

The civilians want to climb up, thinking that they have the ability, they must go up. People with certain strength or status think that other people are inferior to them and should listen to their orders. Those who do not mix well are constantly complaining, complaining about the unfairness of the world, and not giving them a chance to make them mix better than others.

Except at the beginning, because days are getting better every day, the people at that time will still be grateful, and over time, people will be full of resentment. This is especially true when there are no external pressures and threats.

Even through some special investigations, Chi Nan found that many people have great resentment towards themselves, complaining that they have cancelled the aristocracy system, so that even if they have the ability, they can't improve their status.

Unless those who are more devout believers, most of the leaders are more or less dissatisfied with themselves.

Well, it seems that people are really good at being deceived, and there is no way to suppress the anger in Chi Nan's heart.

"My lord, don't be too angry, but just ordinary people. Even people under other gods will be dissatisfied with the gods. This is normal. If you are unhappy, let sister Sophia Send someone to dispose of those caught by some people on the spot, and see who else dares to complain." Hermilla looked at Chi Nan with a distressed look.

"That is, the people in the intelligence department under me have been exploring other new planes, and it's time for the people in the territory to see their existence again." The controllers of these departments are still Sophia's direct reports. subordinate.

Chi Nan waved his hand: "No, it doesn't need to be so troublesome or so direct. It is very correct to use the system to control the world order, but the system I use is a bit wrong. Our productivity is there, but the people's consciousness is not. Not enough. Moreover, the social pattern must not change too much, as this will make people unbearable."

Several people didn't understand what Chi Nan was talking about, but it seemed that Chi Nan had his own ideas.

Sure enough, Chi Nan went on to say: "No matter how the social form changes, humans are always a complex creature. Except for a few creatures such as elves, most intelligent creatures or beasts and beasts are divided into different levels. It’s by nature."

"If this is the case, then divide your nature. Since you want a level, then I will give you a level. I decided to restart the noble system." The sharp light in Chi Nan's eyes flashed.

That's right, Chi Nan wants to re-open the noble system. These people want to rank and climb up, so give them this opportunity. As for the new complaints, Chi Nan no longer cares. If you have the ability, you can go up, and if you don't have the ability, you will stay below. New complaints will go toward the oppressive class, not toward yourself.

There is only so much Chi Nan can do, and these are all they want. Even if they regret it later and feel uncomfortable later, it has nothing to do with them. Who made them choose this way.

Several people looked at each other, and in desperation, Chi Nan came. Who makes him the head of the family, Chi Nan is the lord of the entire territory. So soon, the new system was passed down to the lower parliaments.

Although the elves everywhere don’t like this system with obvious hierarchy, they are all planted in Chinan, and any orders from Chinan are strictly enforced. Anyway, this system will not be implemented in the holy tree elves. .

And the people of all major planes began to cheer that day. Because the new system is issued, it means that they have further possibilities. Except for some people who made mistakes, Chi Nan classified all of them as civilians.

Only civilians can enjoy the basic food and have their own wealth. Only the civilian class can get a certain amount of free supply of flour and other things produced by the jujube trees, instead of the same as before.

Those who make mistakes are untouchables and slaves. Although the untouchables also have enough food supplies, they are not allowed to have their own wealth, and they are concentrated in some specialized venues. A certain amount of work must be done every day, this is decided by the local council through consultation. Chi Nan only specifies the general policy, and the others let the people below go busy.

The lowest class are slaves, yes, slaves that were not stipulated before are now finally written into the law and the Scriptures.

Regarding how big a mistake you make, you will become a slave. This will be resolved by the various levels of parliament. Moreover, the slaves and untouchables now have no chance to improve their status.

Enough contributions must be made, and after discussions with the local government, their status can be allowed to rise. And the slave must be allowed by the master. The masters of the slaves were the nobles and the local council.

Above the common people, that is the citizen. Citizens are just people, not nobles, but they are different from ordinary civilians. Only a person with a certain social status and a certain contribution can be a citizen. Citizens are divided into three levels. The social welfare of each level is different, and the right to speak is also At the level of citizenship, even the nobles cannot swear at will without crime.

And ordinary civilians have become the same as before. Although nobles can't kill, they can bully.

But now all places are full of joy, because everyone thinks that they have enough ability to become a nobleman, even if they can't become a citizen, there is no problem. No one thought about the situation that he could not get up.

Because life is so good now, everyone feels that they are much stronger than before. But they overlooked one thing, that is, other people are just like themselves, they are improving, and other people have not stayed still.

He used to be an ordinary person, but now he can be better than others. When they start to work hard, they will find that others can do what they can do, but they may not do what others can do.

But all of this will have to be experienced by them in the future. Now, Chi Nan is satisfied with their desire to become a master. As for whether they can truly become a master, it depends on themselves.

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