The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1344: God's Choice Quota

The establishment of the diplomatic department was successful, and the kingdom of God was finally not as chaotic as before. One's own kingdom of gods cannot let other gods enter casually, and of course other gods will not enter the kingdom of other gods casually.

Therefore, Chi Nan directly bought an abandoned kingdom of God, placed it next to his own kingdom, and transformed it. This unowned kingdom of God has also become a place to receive other gods. This method of using the Lord God Kingdom as a reception area is generally used only by upper gods. Only a few middle gods are qualified to use this method.

Before Chi Nan broke through, he was not qualified. This was the influence of the backer.

Now that it is different, you can do it yourself. "Finally, I don't have to let other people enter my kingdom of God."

Chi Nan himself also breathed a sigh of relief, in order to prevent other gods from discovering the companion artifact of his kingdom. Some time ago, Chi Nan directly suspended the production of twelve special trees of life and temporarily sealed them.

On the surface, this is a pillar used to support the kingdom of God, and this kind of pillar is very common in the kingdom of God.

If their special tree of life is discovered by the orc gods, God knows what will happen to them. Now they don't need to enter their own kingdom of God, and their **** spirit can finally continue to produce.

That's right, in the eyes of others, the elves of the gods are all the sacred tree elves evolved from the enlightenment of the gods. But only Chi Nan knew that his background was not that deep, and he didn't have that much time to become a god. The elves of his gods were all directly bred from the special tree of life, and his accumulation was really appalling.

The selection was completed in the second week after the establishment of the diplomatic service. In the end, his subordinates chose two of the most outstanding spirits of the gods and became their own gods. This was the first time that gods appeared in the spirits of gods.

The spirits of the gods who have always regarded themselves as the highest faith, but recently they have been celebrating and very happy.

The third place was surprised by Chi Nan himself, because this place was actually obtained by Arthur.

In the past, Arthurine was the saint of the Holy Light Empire. She was able to be selected, and she could reach the legendary level with her own strength. It can be said that she was very good in all aspects. Later, the faith collapsed, and Arthur directly rebelled and joined herself.

Chi Nan kept Arthur in the temple on the other side of the home plane, and didn't pay attention. Unexpectedly, Arthurine was able to completely transform herself within a few years, completely adapting to the power of nature.

In this selection, Arthurlin was able to stand out and become her own divine candidate, which is really unexpected. Arthurine's comprehension of the Holy Light, coupled with the comprehension of nature, actually directly comprehended the fur of the two laws. The natural element plus the light element is very similar to Slinka Yee.

The reason why Arthurine was able to get this place in the end was also because of Slinka's recommendation. I don't know how this woman got in touch with Slinka Yee. But Chi Nan didn't care.

Since it is suitable, I agree directly. Arthurine’s choice was also different from others. Arthurine actually chose to open up a subsidiary kingdom of God around her, not in her own kingdom of God where she lived like everyone else.

With the affiliated kingdom of God, it can be regarded as a territory of her own, and Arthurine intends to cultivate some special priests and knights in it as a kind of combat power supplement under her **** system.

Looking at this application, Chi Nan's mouth ticked, not knowing what step the saint could do. I have to say that Arthurine's ability is really the strongest among the women she has ever seen, so just take a look.

Chi Nan directly approved, this kind of thing does no harm to him. But Arthurine has just become a god, so she needs more time to become a lower god-level existence, and then be stable.

In order to open up the affiliated kingdom of God to the most perfect level at one time, Chi Nan asked Arthur not to worry, and waited to become the pinnacle of the lower god. The things used to support the kingdom of God were also the pillars made by Chi Nan himself and refined from supporting cloud wood. Before this support cloud wood was refined, it was really impossible to support a stronger kingdom of God.

Chi Nan gave up the kingdom of God built with the power of faith, and never even thought about it.

With two places left, Chi Nan recklessly chose his subordinates directly. One of them is Romi Gala, Romilia's sister. This is also for the convenience of Romi Gala to take care of Romilia.

And this woman, who has always been very powerful, did not choose to open up her own subsidiary kingdom of God, but directly lived in her sister's kingdom of God. This is really willful, Chi Nan shook his head speechlessly.

It was just the task chosen by Romigara that made Chi Nan very depressed, and he still had to train a battle maid.

Fortunately, as Romi Gala improved his cultivation method, the previous situation where the maid was trained to become a muscular girl would not appear. Otherwise, Chi Nan would really reject this woman's idea.

The selection of the maid had changed from a human to a holy tree spirit. His own **** elves have their own set of management modes, which can be completed without the hands of Romigara.

For the last place, Chi Nan gave Moylu, the first half-elf assassin who followed him.

For a long time, Moiru has been following the old bald head in battles on all major planes, either in command or by himself. It can be said to be very hardworking and very loyal in terms of loyalty.

This was originally intended for Miria, but Miria and Olna had agreed that they must rely on their own strength to become a real god, so Chi Nan could only give up and give this place to Moi instead. Lu Unexpectedly, Moylu also chose to open up a subsidiary God Kingdom, attached to the Chinan God Kingdom.

Moylu meant that Chi Nan was moved a little. The reason is actually because the battle command department has always been placed in the kingdom of God, which makes Moiru feel very inappropriate and wants to be independent.

The battle command department will be Moylu's subsidiary kingdom of God from now on, so just rebuild it and take out a place. For the rest, Moiru is ready to turn it into a large barracks, ready to fight at any time.

If Chi Nan's own kingdom of God is always prepared for troops to come out at any time, it will create a hidden danger, and it will be easy for other gods to find opportunities to lock in Chi Nan's kingdom of God. There has been no accident, because Chi Nan has never used this function. But in Moiru's view, this hidden danger must be eliminated, and this is the reason he opened up the kingdom of God. ...


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