The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1361: The light of dying after fusion

The light of dying that began to merge in the first generation of Dragon God cemetery was finally completed at this moment. This was smelted by Chi Nan using his own strength, and he fully understood it the first time he got it.

This is an artifact that is completely exclusive to oneself. With a movement of his hand, Chi Nan drew the bowstring at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye, and released it instantly. In the next moment, a shadow appeared and disappeared as if it existed between non-existence.

The Bone Broken Beast God who was continuing to chase Chi Nan was originally disdainful in his heart, and his mouth was about to laugh. But suddenly, the Bone Broken Beast God seemed to have encountered some horrible thing, and the bone machete in his hand suddenly crossed in front of him. The next moment, a huge force exploded on the bone machete, and a lot of debris fell.

My own bone machete, but using his own bones as the main body, fused with a large number of bones that died in his own hands, the degree of firmness is not small. Except for a crisis, this is the second time I have been injured.

In the void, an arrow seemed to appear in front of the machete out of thin air. It was just this arrow's attack.

But all of a sudden, the arrows were hazy for a while, and they turned from one to ten, and they attacked their own mouths and other important positions. Upon seeing this, the Bone Broken Beast God could only retreat continuously.

The corner of Chi Nan's mouth slightly ticked: "It's really an exclusive artifact, my hidden shadow arrows can be directly improved. Ten layers of hidden shadow arrows, this power is really not to be underestimated." Even Chi Nan was shocked at once. Big jump.

The level of this artifact itself has reached the pinnacle of high-level artifacts, and it is not far from the main artifact. Just an ordinary bow and arrow, the power is also very impressive.

He didn't use any arrows, only the energy condensed. However, the explosive power of the ten-fold hidden shadow arrow made the veteran upper **** of Broken Bone Beast God unable to resist. The powerful force shook the broken bone beast **** directly. The next arrows attacked at different positions, forcing the Bonebreaker God to be in a hurry.

If it weren't for the response speed of the opponent was too fast, Chi Nan was even sure that he would be hit hard with just one move.

Even now, while the Bone Broken Beast God kept retreating, he was also hit three times by arrows. Two arrows sank into the two mouths and exploded directly, blasting the mouth to pieces.

Chi Nan could clearly feel that as his mouth was blown to pieces, the strength of the Bone Broken Beast God obviously began to decline. It seems that this mouth is actually the source of the broken bone beast gods to gather strength.

I don't know if this is some kind of divine art or some kind of divine weapon, Chi Nan doesn't have time to think about it for the time being.

As soon as he turned around, Chi Nan drew his bowstring and hit the worm **** next to him with an arrow. Just seeing the miserable appearance of the Bone Broken Beast God, the Worm God was terrified and quickly prepared a defense. Layers of silk thread wrapped up the whole body.

The dim light on the silk thread seemed dim, but the defense power was very terrifying.

After an explosion, the cocoon was blown into the air, and then pierced by ten arrows. The cocoon shattered, revealing the huge body of the worm god, and ten arrows that looked like small thorns were stuck on it.

This arrow is nothing compared to Worm God's huge size, but the injury is definitely not light. Chi Nan's power submerged into the Worm God's body, cracking the organs in the Worm God's body.

If this kind of attack was a normal creature, it would have died long ago, and the Worm God, as a god, would not suffer from this kind of injury. But the powerful natural divine power attached to the body made the Worm God very painful.

This kind of power cannot be cleared away, and the Worm God's own injuries will become more and more serious. This kind of attack was repeated twice, even if he defended with all his strength, he couldn't survive. Seeing that the Bone Broken Beast God cleared the arrows, he did not continue to attack, but quickly retreated, staring at Chi Nan vigilantly. Although, Chi Nan did not see where the Bone Broken Beast God's eyes were.

But the vigilant feeling of locking oneself still made Chi Nan feel it.

The two high-ranking gods are now very depressed. They were originally here to intercept Chi Nan. But who could have imagined that Chi Nan could burst out such a powerful and terrifying power at once, and caught off guard, the broken bone beast gods that shouldn't have been injured were all injured.

But now there are not so many other opportunities, continue to fight, the two of them are already at a disadvantage. They don't scare you to be killed here by Chi Nan, you would really be wronged if you die like that.

The cage originally used to block time and space to prevent Chi Nan from escaping, turned out to be a cage for himself. If they want to leave, even if they are the caster, it will take a certain amount of time to do so.

And Chi Nan was also watching the two people carefully, looking for opportunities. Suddenly, the attack that was almost a sneak attack did not severely injure the Bone Broken Beast God, and the strength of this guy was far above him.

If they were outside, Chi Nan would definitely not let these two guys go, but here, Chi Nan could only be more cautious. The power of the successful light of the new fusion is far beyond one's imagination.

But the consumption of bows and arrows also surpassed Chi Nan's imagination. The ten layers of hidden shadow arrows and the light of extinguishment have allowed him to exert his attacking power, which has surpassed most of the veteran high-ranking gods. But the divine power drawn every time is also very much. There is no way to restore one's divine power through plants If you want to use divine power to crystallize, digestion takes time and cannot be refilled as soon as possible. Therefore, Chi Nan's own power cannot be wasted casually. You must find the right opportunity to be able to solve the two enemies before running out of strength.

As for the idea of ​​letting go of the other party, Chi Nan never thought about it. Since they have come to ambush and assassinate themselves, how could I let them go. If you really let them leave, it will definitely be a problem after going out.

As for how they will get out after they die, just think of a solution. If it doesn't work, just plant a lot of plants here, anyway, no matter what the realm of God, the plants won't die.

The two sides stared at each other, and the atmosphere became more and more serious. When the battle was about to start, the Worm God suddenly said: "Wait a minute, all this is a misunderstanding, I think we have a chance to resolve the misunderstanding."

Chi Nan smiled disdainfully when he heard these words: "I want to ask for mercy if I can't beat them. There are so many good things." Do these guys think of themselves as idiots who just debuted? Chi Nan's arrow is faintly directed towards the worm. God’s direction is aimed towards the past. The worm **** who felt something, quickly wrapped himself up for the most part, and then carefully stepped back.

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